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*The Inspector General criticised Lynch's participation and failure to recuse an error in judgement, her explanations did not adequately address the situation, and created confusion among the public whether the justice system works.
*The Inspector General criticised Lynch's participation and failure to recuse an error in judgement, her explanations did not adequately address the situation, and created confusion among the public whether the justice system works.
*Clapper signed the “''Coordination of Clandestine Human Source and Human-Enabled Foreign Intelligence Collection and Counterintelligence Activities in the United States''”.<ref>https://www.odni.gov/files/documents/ICD/ICD%20311%20-%20Coord%20of%20Clandestine%20Human%20and%20Human-Enabled%20FI%20and%20CI%20inside%20the%20US%20%2827%20June%202016%29.pdf</ref>
*Clapper signed the “''Coordination of Clandestine Human Source and Human-Enabled Foreign Intelligence Collection and Counterintelligence Activities in the United States''”.<ref>[https://www.odni.gov/files/documents/ICD/ICD%20311%20-%20Coord%20of%20Clandestine%20Human%20and%20Human-Enabled%20FI%20and%20CI%20inside%20the%20US%20%2827%20June%202016%29.pdf Intelligence Community Directive 311: ''Coordination of Clandestine Human Source and Human-Enabled Foreign Intelligence Collection and Counterintelligence Activities in the United States'', Office of the Director of National Intelligence. </ref>
*Brennan and [[MI6]] Chief Alex Younger spoke with each other.<ref>https://www.cia.gov/news-information/speeches-testimony/2016-speeches-testimony/director-brennan-speaks-at-the-council-on-foreign-relations.html</ref>
*Brennan and [[MI6]] Chief Alex Younger spoke with each other.<ref>https://www.cia.gov/news-information/speeches-testimony/2016-speeches-testimony/director-brennan-speaks-at-the-council-on-foreign-relations.html</ref>

Revision as of 00:07, July 23, 2019

This page chronicles an ongoing event and is updated regularly;
for the current version see Muellergate;
please link back as the story unfolds.

The Obamagate timeline 2016 election year is a record of known facts about President Obama's misuse of foreign intelligence gathering for domestic political spying,[1] media manipulation, wiretaps, intimidation of journalists and critics, use of government intelligence agencies to influence domestic elections,[2] efforts to thwart the election of President Donald Trump, subversion of the new administration's personnel and agenda,[3] and to delegitimize and undermine his presidency.[4]

During and immediately after the 2016 Presidential election CIA director John Brennan, along with the Department of Justice and the FBI, targeted Donald Trump. This covert disinformation campaign became widely known in the fake news mainstream media as Trump-Russia, alleging collusion between Trump and associates with Russia. The side that actually colluded with foreign powers was that of Hillary Clinton.

After President Donald Trump took office in January 2017, seditious activity, and an unwillingness to accept the results of a democratic election by Obama holdovers in the US Intelligence Community, came to light.

Deputy Peter Strzok referred to as the Espionage Machine Party. A small group within the FBI and intelligence community conspired to prevent the election of Donald Trump through the illegal use of FISA wiretaps, and as an "insurance policy" to remove him from office after he won.

2015 progressive police state

See : Obamagate timeline 2015 progressive police state

During a period of November 2015 through April 18, 2016, Justice Department political insiders and outside political contractors, including FusionGPS, accessed the NSA and FBI database using FISA-702(17) “About Queries”. They gathered information on political opposition of candidate Hillary Clinton, including Donald Trump campaign officials and affiliates. NSA Director Mike Rogers suspected illegal abuse and instructed the NSA compliance officer to conduct a full FISA audit. The NSA began querying DOJ and FBI activity.[5]

The unlawfully obtained FISA intelligence information ended up with Fusion GPS. The key personel in FusionGPS are husband and wife Glenn Simpson and Mary Jacoby. Mary Jacoby’s relationship with the Clintons’ goes back to the Rose Law Firm.[6]

2016 election year

See also: Ukrainian collusion

A month after Donald Trump announced his intention to seek the presidency in 2015, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates blocked the Office of Inspector General (OIG) from oversight of the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD). The OIG, Michael Horowitz, requested oversight and Sally Yates responded with a lengthy 58-page legal explanation essentially denying the request. All of the DOJ was subject to oversight, except the National Security Division.[7]

Obama’s political operatives within the DOJ-NSD were conducting illegal surveillance to monitor the Trump campaign. The NSD unit was working in coordination with Peter Strzok and others of the FBI Counterintelligence Division.

Sometime in early 2016 NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers became aware of “ongoing” and “intentional” violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) - Section 702 surveillance. Specifically item #17 “About Queries” of US persons. Rogers suspected FISA 702 (#17 – email and phone calls) surveillance activity was being used for reasons he deemed unlawful. Rogers ordered the NSA compliance officer to run a full audit on 702 NSA compliance. In October 2016 Rogers told the FISA court he became aware of unlawful surveillance and collection of US persons. The FBI counterintelligence division was monitoring Trump through FISA 702(17) upstream surveillance collected by a DOJ National Security Division that had no oversight.

Ten days after the election, on November 17, 2016, Dir. Rogers traveled to Trump Tower without telling DNI James Clapper. Rogers likely informed President-elect Trump of the illegal activity by the FBI and DOJ, including the probability that all of Trump Tower’s email and phone communication were being collected. Clapper then demanded Rogers be fired. It appears Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, is complicit as well.[8]

The information the FBI collected, and the material Christopher Steele and FusionGPS manufactured, were used to create the fake news Trump-Russia conspiracy theory, and to manipulate the FISA Court into granting a FISA warrant - what Peter Strzok called “the insurance policy” against Trump's election.

January 2016

  • 1 January. Mikk Marran officially became the Director General of the Estonian Information Board.
  • 4 January. John Podesta emails Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, "Look forward to working with you to elect the first woman President of the United States,” Sandberg replies she was “thrilled” by the progress that Clinton was making.[9]
  • 7 January. NSA Inspector General, George Ellard, released a report on NSA Controls & FISA compliance:[10]
    "We identified another [redacted] queries that were performed outside the targeting authorization periods in [Executive Order] 12333 data, which is prohibited by the E.O. 12333 minimization procedures. We also identified queries performed using [United States Persons] selectors [phone numbers, emails] in [FISA Amendments Act of 2008] §702 upstream data, which is prohibited by the FAA §702 minimization procedures."
    Material FISA abuses were routinely taking place. Following IG Ellard’s report, Adm. Mike Rogers implemented a tightening of internal rules at the NSA. By law, John Carlin of the DOJ-NSD should have informed the FISA court immediately of the results of the IG’s Report, but the court was not informed until NSA Dir. Adm. Mike Rogers personally told the court on October 23, 2016, two days after the Obama DOJ hoaxed the FISA court into granting FISA Title I authority over Carter Page, which then extended throughout the Trump transition well into the first year of Trump's presidency.
  • 12 January. Christopher Steele emails Bruce Ohr:
    "I heard from Adam WALDMAN [a Deripaska lawyer/lobbyist] yesterday that OD [ Oleg Deripaska ] is applying for another official US visa ice [sic] APEC [Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation] business at the end of February."
    Steele said Deripaska was being "encouraged by the Agency guys who told Adam [Waldman] that the USG [United States Government] stance on [Deripaska] is softening." Steele concluded: "A positive development it seems." Steele also asked Ohr when he might be coming to London, or somewhere in Europe, "as I would be keen to meet up here and talk business." Ohr replied warmly the same day and said he would likely travel to Europe, but not the U.K., at least twice in February.
The fix was in from the gitgo. 5 days after the Hillary email investigation began, former Clinton campaign manager Terry McAuliffe "recruited" McCabe's wife to run for the Virginia senate. He and his PACs gave nearly $700,000. Much of the money was unspent after her loss. Mainstream media ignored the naked corruption until late October 2016.
  • 13 January. Strzok informed that he had failed his polygraph exam.[11][12]
  • 14 January. FBI inspector general notifies Senate that Hillary Clinton's servers had been flagged for classified information. Clinton servers are in New York; FBI Director James Comey runs the case out of Washington office, Deputy Dir. Andrew McCabe put in charge. McCabe's wife received $675000 from Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe's political action committee for an unsuccessful state senate bid in 2015.[13] McAuliffe. a former DNC chairman and Presidential campaign manager for Bill Clinton, later Hillary Clinton in 2008 and Clinton Foundation Board member, came under FBI investigation for illegal campaign donations from a Chinese businessman.[14][15] Despite evidence, McCabe refused to merge the McCauliffe investigation into the ongoing pay-to-play investigations of the Clinton Foundation.[16]
  • 15 January. Inspector General for the intelligence community Charles McCullough tells members of Congress that several dozen additional classified emails have been identified in Clinton’s stash, including some with a higher classification than top secret, regarding highly sensitive programs.
  • 16 January. Strzok and Lisa Page texted each other about Strzok’s imminent departure from the FBI’s Washington Field Office, which was set for two weeks time.
  • 17 January. Barack Obama announces final agreement on the Iran nuke deal. David Asher, Veteran illicit finance investigator at the Pentagon serving on the Project Cassandra task force looking into the Hezbollah criminal enterprise said that Obama administration officials expressed concerns to him about alienating Tehran before, during and after the Iran nuclear deal negotiations. This was part of an effort to “defang, defund and undermine the investigations that were involving Iran and Hezbollah. The closer we got to the [Iran deal], the more these activities went away,” Asher said. “So much of the capability, whether it was special operations, whether it was law enforcement, whether it was [Treasury] designations — even the capacity, the personnel assigned to this mission — it was assiduously drained, almost to the last drop, by the end of the Obama administration.” Within months, task force officials said, Project Cassandra was all but dead. Some of its senior officials, including Jack Kelly the veteran DEA supervisory agent who created and led the task force, were transferred to other assignments. As a result, according to Politico, the US government lost insight into not only drug trafficking and other criminal activity worldwide, but also into Hezbollah’s illicit conspiracies with top officials in the Iranian, Syrian, Venezuelan and Russian governments — all the way up to presidents Nicolas Maduro, Bashar Assad and Vladimir Putin, according to former task force members and other current and former U.S. officials. The derailment of Project Cassandra also undermined U.S. efforts to determine how much cocaine from the various Hezbollah-affiliated networks is coming into the United States, especially from Venezuela, where dozens of top civilian and military officials have been under investigation for more than a decade.[17]
  • New York Post reports former State Dept. Inspector General Howard J. Krongard regarding Clinton server says:
    “It will never get to an indictment." For one, any criminal referral to the Justice Department from the FBI “will have to go through four loyal Democrat women” — Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell, who heads the department’s criminal division; Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates; Attorney General Loretta Lynch; and top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett.[18][19]
    The NYP further reports:
    from Day One, Clinton was never assigned and never used a state.gov email address like previous secretaries. “That’s a change in the standard. It tells me that this was premeditated. And this eliminates claims by the State Department that they were unaware of her private email server until later,” Krongard said in an exclusive interview. “How else was she supposed to do business without email?”
    He also points to the unusual absence of a permanent inspector general during Clinton’s entire 2009-2013 term at the department. He said the 5½-year vacancy was unprecedented. “This is a major gap. In fact, it’s without precedent,” he said. “It’s the longest period any department has gone without an IG.”
  • 26 January. Strzok texted Lisa Page, where he expressed zero worries about Andrew McCabe being able to use his office political power to give him a permanent job working for McCabe.
  • 29 January. Comey promotes McCabe to FBI Deputy Director even though McCabe's wife has already received $700,000 from Clinton donors and Terry McAuliffe, who is also under an FBI investigation McCabe is overseeing.
  • Strzok texted Lisa Page that he enjoyed his new job.
  • January. FBI opens Clinton Foundation investigation.

February 2016

  • Early February. Papadopoulos leaves Carson campaign.[20]
  • 2 February. Christopher Steele is already on the FBI payroll, receives "admonishments," or instructions in FBI Guidelines for Confidential Human Sources (CHS).[21][22]
  • 4 February. Strzok sent an e-mail to [REDACTED] about his and four other agents’ out of scope polygraphs from January 2016 in order to send him their read-in requests.[23]
  • 8 February. Steele and Bruce Ohr exchange emails: "our old friend OD [Oleg Deripaska] apparently has been granted another official [emphasis in original] visa to come to the US later this month." Steele wrote, "As far as I'm concerned, this is good news all round although as before, it would be helpful if you could monitor it and let me know if any complications arise." Ohr replied that he knew about Deripaska's visa, and "to the extent I can I will keep an eye on the situation." Steele again asked to meet anytime Ohr was in the U.K. or Western Europe.
John Poindexter (left) shakes hands with Barack Obama (right). Justice Anton Scalia was found dead in Poindexter's home days after the Podesta "wet works" email. Poindexter is a major Democrat donor.
  • 9 February. John Podesta emails Steve Elmendorf:
    "Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard."[24]
    "Wet works" is an old Russian idiom for "murder" and "assassination."[25]
  • 11 February. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz tells CNN Superdelegates exist "really to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists.”[26] Later news breaks that Wasserman Schultz quietly rescinded a 2008 ban on donations to the DNC from corporate lobbyists and PACs. The decision paves the way for the Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee between the DNC and the Clinton campaign.[27]
  • 12-14 February. Estonian President Toomas Hendrick Ives attended the 52nd Munich Security Conference, alongside others such as James Clapper, Director Robert Hannigan, Dmitry Alperovitch (founder of CrowdStrike), John Kerry, John McCain and Robert Bertholee.
  • 13 February. Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia found dead in the home of Democrat donor John Poindexter.[28][29][30]
  • 21 February. Steele emails Bruce Ohr, headlined "Re: OVD - Visit To The US." Steele told Ohr he had talked to [Adam] Waldman and to Paul Hauser, who was Deripaska's London lawyer. Steele reported that there would be a U.S. government meeting on Deripaska that week — "an inter-agency meeting on him this week which I guess you will be attending." Steele said he was "circulating some recent sensitive Orbis [Orbis Business Intelligence, Steele's company] reporting" on Deripaska that suggested Deripaska was not a "tool" of the Kremlin. Steele said he would send the reporting to a name that is redacted in the email, "as he has asked, for legal reasons I understand, for all such reporting be filtered through him (to you at DoJ and others)." Deripaska's rehabilitation was a good thing, Steele wrote: "We reckon therefore that the forthcoming OVD [Oleg V. Deripaska] contact represents a good opportunity for the USG." Ohr responded by saying, "Thanks Chris! This is extremely interesting. I hope we can follow up in the next few weeks as you suggest."
  • 22 - 28 February. An inter-agency meeting was held by the United States Government, where they discussed the incoming visit of Oleg Deripaska.[31]
  • 26 February Michael Flynn reported to have joined Trump team.[32] Actual start date isn’t clear.
  • 29. February. Manafort first contact to Trump campaign. Manafort had not been in contact with Trump for many years.[33] According to CNN 2017/9/18, Manafort is under FISA surveillance at this time.[34]

March 2016

The FBI's illegal surveillance had been ongoing since at least November 2015 through its contractors (FusionGPS, CrowdStrike, Daniel Richman, et al) who had access to the FISA database. FBI contractors were performing massive amounts of illegal FISA 702 "About queries," i.e., entering the name of a US person in the FISA database to cull their entire history of email, text, and voice electronic communications. 702 is specifically, by law, intended for use only on non-US persons residing outside the United States, and is considered a "serious Fourth Amendment violation" when applied to American citizens.

Nellie Ohr (left) was performing illegal FISA searches beginning in late 2015; Christopher Steele (right), an agent of a foreign power, was hired in early 2016 by the FBI and Hillary Clinton to meddle in U.S. elections. The fabrications of the foreign agent is the only basis of the Mueller investigation.

NSA Dir. Adm. Mike Rogers first became aware of the Obama FBI's abuse of the FISA database on March 9 (see Lisa Page text) and ordered a review. On March 9, Carter Page was not associated with the Trump campaign yet and still listed as a paid FBI informant. On April 18 Rogers cut off FBI contractor access completely (Strzok April 30 text reveals an immediate stop gap workaround for direct surveillance) which set off a flurry of activity within the White House, the Department of Justice and FusionGPS to circumvent the ban and continue the illegal surveillance. Mary Jacoby visited the White House, along with Jim Baker ("Mr. FISA") of the FBI, and Trish Anderson of DOJ; Christopher Steele was added to the FusionGPS team with Nellie Ohr who was hired in 2015;[35][36] Nellie Ohr applied for a Ham radio license to funnel FISA data from her husband, Asst. Attn. Gen. Bruce Ohr, to Steele outside normal NSA electronic monitoring processes.

After Carter Page became associated with the Trump campaign, the Obama FBI took details of the original Russian intelligence approach to Carter Page in 2013, in which Carter Page fully assisted the FBI to build a case against Russian spies, and fraudulently represented to the FISA court that the 2013 Russian recruitment effort against Page had been successful, leaving out the facts (or "exculpatory evidence") of the case in which the DOJ publicly thanked and acknowledged Page as UCE-1 on March 11, 2016 without whom prosecution of the Russian spy network was not possible.

As March 2016 began the only anti-Trump measures in place were the illegal FISA 702 search queries on US persons (the Trump campaign) and John Brennan's network of "oconus lures." By mid June, the entire anti-Trump "Espionage Machine" (in Strzok's words) was fully operational to workaround the loss of FBI contractor access to the FISA database. Evidence points to White House consent, direction and complicity.

In March 2017, the bogus Carter Page FISA application, with the Steele allegations (Steele was a paid opposition researcher, a fact not widely known in March 2017) was leaked to the media by the Senate Intelligence Committee giving mainstream media impetus to the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory.[37]

  • Early March. Fusion GPS approached Perkins Coie—the law firm used by the Clinton campaign and the DNC—expressing interest in an “engagement.” Perkins Coie “engaged Fusion in April of 2016, to perform a variety of research services during the 2016 election cycle.” The law firm noted that “the engagement concluded prior to the November 2016 Presidential election.”[38]
  • Early March. Sources agree George Papadopoulos is head of the London Center of International Law Practice (LCILP) by this time.[39][40] Papadopoulos has been associated with the group for about two weeks; some sources say he may have been associated with the group since November 2015. LCILP appears to be a store front for Halkuyt,[41] a UK firm of retired UK intelligence officers associated with Kissinger McClarty[42] (Kissinger McClarty was formed in 1999 and dissolved in 2008 after Hillary lost to Obama).[43]
  • March. An FBI agent started to work with the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB) of Ukraine, which was funded by the US Embassy’s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.[45]
  • March. Vice President Joe Biden threatens Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin who was investigating his son, Hunter Biden, on the board of the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma Holdings.[46][47]
  • 2 March. Carter Page meets with FBI to discuss Victor Podobnyy in relation to the USA v Buryakov et al case, in which Carter Page was paid by the FBI to help secure a conviction of a Russian spy.[48]
  • Papadopoulos emails Trump campaign again, looking for role.
  • 3 March. Sam Clovis sets up interview with Papadopoulos.
  • 4 March. Strzok-Lisa Page text exchange during GOP presidential debate:
Peter Strzok (left) and Lisa Page (right), prime low level suspects in the Obama administration's efforts to influence the outcome of a US election, and later remove President Trump.

Lisa Page, a DOJ lawyer specializing in money laundering, makes more money than a Member of Congress, Senator, Cabinet Secretary or Supreme Court Justice, and only $1000 less than the Vice President.[49]

Many Obama Progressives view themselves as an enlightened self-anointed clique of anti-democratic elites in the mold of a Leninist revolutionary vanguard movement. Their self-importance confirmed by payscales above the nation's top leaders. They view their job as controlling the destiny of a nation through a corrupt and privileged bureaucracy, and to save the ignorant masses from the masses own misguided impulses.
Page - God Trump is loathsome human.

Strzok – Yet he may win.

Strzok – Good for Hillary.

Page – It is.

Strzok – Would he be a worse president than Cruz?

Page –Trump?, yes I think so

Strzok – I’m not sure.

Strzok – Omg he’s an idiot.

Page – He’s awful

Strzok – America will get what the voting public deserves.

Page – That’s what I’m afraid of.
Strzok – God Hillary should win. 100,000,000-0.

Page – I know

Page – Also did you hear him make a comment about the size of his d**k earlier? This man cannot be president.

Strzok – Yes I did. In relation to this size of his hand. All the “Lil Marco” blah blah blah... Ok I may vote for Trump.

Page – What? Poor Kasich. He’s the only sensible man up there.

Strzok – He was pretty much calling for death for Snowden. I’m a single-issue voter. ;) Espionage Machine Party
  • 6 March. Sam Clovis interviews Papadopoulos.
  • 7 March. BakerHostetler, the law firm representing the Russian-controlled firm Prevezon Holdings and its owner Denis Katsyv, makes a payment to FusionGPS. Natalia Veselnitskaya hired BakerHostetler, who the hired FusionGPS by BakerHostetler to dig up dirt on Bill Browder. Browder is the driving force behind passage of the Magnitsky Act, or Russia sanctions bill. Glenn Simpson, founding partner of Fusion GPS, compiled the research for the anti-Browder project. Simpson found dirt on Clinton donors, which he gave to Veselnitskaya, who presented it to Donald Trump, Jr. at the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting.
  • Through October 31, 2016 BakerHostetler paid FusionGPS $523,651.
  • Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's brother is an attorney at BakerHostetler.
  • 7-13 March. James Comey visited Australia and met with Attorney General George Brandis and Justice Minister Michael Keenan.

Chief FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer outlined Obama FISA abuse: "this seems to be the result of deliberate decision making".
  • 9 March. Obama FISA abuse detected. Everything after March 9, 2016 are operations from both the CIA and FBI to hide the political surveillance that was going on before March 9, 2016. The surveillance was happening through exploitation of the NSA database through unauthorized FISA search queries; and involved both the CIA and FBI.
  • DOJ auditors conducting a minimization review (minimization is the process of masking identities of US persons incidentally collected while executing a foreign surveillance warrant) of FBI FISA abuse discover that the FBI disclosed raw FISA information (the identities of US persons) to private contractors (FusionGPS and CrowdStrike).[50][51][52]
  • Lisa Page sends text referencing “HUGE f-up," evidently about the FBI caught by auditors misusing the FISA database (performing illegal 702 queries and the unmasking of real life identities of US persons to outside contractors), i.e. "serious Fourth Amendment violations" in the words of the FISA court.
  • Judge Collyer wrote, "[CIA] access to FBI systems was the subject of an interagency memorandum of understanding enter into [redacted],” presumably in 2012 as a result of another section of the report and the emphasis that Collyer is placing on the time-frame throughout her full report. Collyer also wrote: “Despite the existence of an interagency memorandum of understanding no notice of this practice was given to the FISC until 2016.”[53]
  • Coincidentally the same day Reuters reports on an "undercover FBI employee" who helped the FBI catch Russian spies. The "undercover FBI employee" is later identified as Carter Page. Page had been thoroughly vetted by the FBI for his loyalty to United States before the FBI recruited and paid him to wear a wire to help set up Russian spies:
    FBI eavesdropped on meetings involving Russian intelligence personnel in New York City, including a suspected spy posing as a trade representative, by hiding recorders in binders containing supposedly confidential information about the energy sector, U.S. prosecutors said.
    The hours of covert recordings from 2013 were disclosed in papers filed in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday in the case of Evgeny Buryakov, a Russian citizen who U.S. prosecutors say posed as a banker while participating in a Cold War-style spy ring.
    ...According to prosecutors, in April 2012, Sporyshev met an undercover FBI employee posing as an analyst at a New York energy firm at an oil and gas industry conference.
    Over the next two years, they met to discuss the industry and other economic and political issues, prosecutors said, with Sporyshev providing gifts and cash for information.
    In 2013, the FBI employee began providing Sporyshev with the binders containing purported industry analysis he wrote, supporting documents, and “covertly placed recording devices,” prosecutors wrote.[54]
Evegeny Buryakov sentenced as a spy for Russia. DOJ national security head John Carlin vetted Carter Page for his loyalty to the U.S. and publicly thanked him for helping convict Buryakov. 10 days later Carter Page joined the Trump team. 7 months later Carlin was part of a scheme to commit a fraud against the FISA court claiming Carter Page was a Russian spy, all the while Carlin oversaw and approved Nellie Ohr's abuse of the FISA database and violations of the Trump campaign's civil and constitutional rights. Nellie Ohr was paid by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, while her husband Asst. Attn. Gen. Bruce Ohr passed the ficticious lies written by Nellie and Chris Steele in the Steele dossier to Peter Strzok, who used it to commit fraud on the FISA court and secure a blanket electronic surveillance warrant on Trump and associates with the Carter Page FISA warrant.
  • 11 March. Two days after the Rueters article appears, John Carlin and Preet Bharara congratulate themselves in a DOJ press release. Honorable mention is given to an unnamed person that assisted them, UCE-1, later identified as Carter Page:
    "Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and John P. Carlin, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, announced that Evgrny Buryakov, a/k/a “Zhenya,” pled guilty today to conspiring to act in the United States as an agent of the Russian Federation, without providing prior notice to the Attorney General...The FBI obtained the recordings after Sporyshev attempted to recruit an FBI undercover employee (“UCE-1”) [Carter Page] who was posing as an analyst from a New York-based energy company. In response to requests from Sporyshev, [Carter Page] provided Sporyshev with binders containing purported industry analysis written by [Carter Page] and supporting documentation relating to [Carter Page's] reports, as well as covertly placed recording devices."[55]
    Carlin, Strzok, and others took the "attempt to recruit Carter Page," left out the exculpatory evidence Carter Page worked for the FBI, and perpetrated a fraud on the FISA court claiming the recruitment was successful. The Carter Page FISA warrant granted authority for electronic surveillance of Carter Page's entire network of contacts, i.e. voice, email, and text messages of the Trump campaign, Trump transition, and Trump administration. Despite the investigation of Carter Page being instrumental to starting the FBI and Mueller investigations, Carter Page has never been interviewed by Robert Mueller more than two years after the investigations began.

  • 12 March. Strzok-Page txt msg exchange:
    Lisa Page – What the f is wrong with people? A Texas Candidate pushes the boundary to the far right. (NYT)[56]
    Strzok – That Texas article is depressing as hell. But answers how we could end up with President trump
    Lisa Page – Wasn’t it? Seriously, how are people so incredible ignorant?
    Strzok – I have no idea, but it depresses me. Same people who drive more when they get extra daylight from daylight savings, I’m guessing.
  • 14 March. John Brennan travels to Moscow. Meets with Russia’s federal intelligence agency, the Federal Security Service.[57]
  • Papdopoulos travels to Rome as part of LCILP role. Papadopoulos claims he was introduced by Vincenzo Scotti, former Italian Minister of the Interior and Minister of Foreign Affairs, to Joseph Mifsud. Mifsud was introduced as professor for London Academy for Diplomacy, London England.
  • Trump tweeted “N.A.T.O. is obsolete and must be changed to additionally focus on terrorism as well as some of the things it is currently focused on!”[58]
  • 15 March. FusionGPS contract with the Washington Free Beacon ends after Marco Rubio drops out of the primary race. Free Beacon hired FusionGPS on 15 Oct 2015 to perform opposition research on Donald Trump and other Republican candidates. None of the research done for Free Beacon is related to Russia or the Steele dossier. Christopher Steele has not even been hired by FusionGPS yet.
  • 16 March. Strzok text: “Our guy is talking,” a possible reference to the Mifsud/Papadopoulos contact two days earlier.
  • Lisa Page texts Strzok, "I can not believe Donald Trump is likely to be an actual, serious candidate for president."
  • James Clapper arrived in Australia from New Zealand via a C-17 Globemaster.
  • 17 March. Steele wrote a brief email asking if Bruce Ohr had any update on plans to visit Europe "in the near term where we could meet up." Ohr said he did not and asked if Steele would like to set up a call. There are no emails for more than three months after March 17.
  • Papadopoulos returns to London.

  • 21 March. Carter Page and George Papadopoulos join the Trump Campaign as foreign policy advisors, according to the Daily Caller.

  • 22 March. Washington Post reports "Papadopoulos, a 2009 graduate of DePaul University, directs an international energy center at the London Center of International Law Practice;" WaPo neglects to state he held the position for a few weeks at most.
  • 24 March. Papadopoulos, Mifsud, Olga Polonskaya (introduced as "Putin's neice") and unknown fourth party (designated the “Russian Ambassador to London – who also acts as the Deputy Foreign Minister”) meet in a London cafe.
  • John Kerry, Victoria Nuland and Jonathan Finer visited Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin.
  • 25 March. Photo posted on Twitter of Papadopoulos with a group of people and the Togo ambassador in London to "discuss water management."[59]

  • Ukrainian-American operative for Democratic National Committee (DNC) Alexandra Chalupa meets with top Ukrainian officials at Ukrainian Embassy in Washington D.C. to “expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia,” according to Politico. Chalupa previously worked for the Clinton administration. Ukrainian embassy proceeds to work “directly with reporters researching Trump, Manafort and Russia to point them in the right directions,” according to an embassy official (though other officials later deny meddling in election-related activities.)
  • 28 March. Paul Manafort joins Trump Campaign as campaign convention manager.
  • Michael Kortan briefed James Comey to prepare for a counterterrorism session hosted by the Department of Homeland Security with President Obama.

  • 30 March. Bloomberg interview with Carter Page;[60] Page describes himself as having advised the state-controlled natural gas giant Gazprom and helped it attract Western investors. Julia Ioffe reported for Politico that Carter Page was a mid-level executive at Merrill Lynch in Moscow who played no role in any of the big deals he boasted about. Almost no one in Moscow remembered Carter Page. Until Trump read his name off a piece of paper handed to him during a March interview with the Washington Post, almost no one in the Washington foreign policy world had heard of Carter Page either.[61]
  • Ukraine fires top prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma Holdings under pressure from Joe Biden and the Obama administration.[62]
  • 31 March. Papadopoulos attends D.C. “national security” meeting with Trump and other foreign policy advisors. Jeff Sessions in attendance. Papadopoulos states he “had connections that could help arrange a meeting between then-candidate Trump and President Putin.” This is Papadopoulos’ only known direct visit with the Trump Campaign.

  • Ukrainian-American DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa briefs DNC staff on alleged Russia ties to Paul Manafort and Trump. With “DNC’s encouragement,” Chalupa asks Ukrainian embassy to arrange meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to discuss Manafort’s lobbying for Ukraine’s former president Viktor Yanukovych. The embassy declines to arrange meeting but becomes “helpful” in trading info and leads. Ukrainian embassy officials and Democratic operative Chalupa “coordinat[e] an investigation with the Hillary team” into Paul Manafort, according to a source in Politico. This effort reportedly includes working with U.S. media.
  • Spring. Lynch and Comey discuss notifying Trump of Carter Page's activities in the Buryakov but decide against it.[63]

April 2016

  • Spring. McClatchy reports,
    The informal, inter-agency working group began to explore possible Russian interference last spring, long before the FBI received information from a former British spy hired to develop politically damaging and unverified research about Trump.[64]
John Brennan's Inter-agency working group. The Working Group operated out of the Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters, where it worked in secrecy away from the other members of the various intelligence agencies. Agents that participated in the Working Group had to sign non-disclosure agreements to access the shared intelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency.[65]

Sundance of the conservativetreehouse.com summarizes:
April 18th through July 31st 2016: At the same time as NSA Director Mike Rogers discovered a significant and unauthorized uptick in FISA-702(16)(17) database queries, and subsequently blocked access (April 18th, 2016), candidate Donald Trump became the presumptive nominee for the presidential race.
It was within this period where Fusion-GPS was commissioned by Hillary Clinton to focus exclusively on candidate Trump. Fusion held the prior search findings, and Fusion contracted Christopher Steele who later contacted the FBI through official channels. On July 31st, 2016, FBI counterintelligence operation Crossfire Hurricane became official.
An official investigation targeting the campaign of Donald Trump now held a legal, albeit sketchy and politically motivated, justification. Under the auspices of investigating Russian involvement with George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Paul Manafort and General Michael Flynn, the FBI was now conducting full-blown surveillance on the political campaign of Donald Trump. Crossfire Hurricane was the legal cover; ‘Spygate’ begins.

The Clinton Campaign and DNC hired Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research, 'cash for trash' with a Russian emphasis. FEC records show Obama for America also paid $972,000 to Perkins Coie, the surrogate law firm for FusionGPS, beginning in April 2016.

Christopher Steele was already on the FBI payroll. Journalist Michael Isikoff published a story on Yahoo News about Paul Manafort’s business dealings with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Chalupa met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, Manafort, and Russia.

  • Early April. Papadopoulos works with Mifsud and Polonskaya to attempt to arrange a meeting between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government.

  • 1 April. FusionGPS is hired by DNC & HRC Campaign (via Perkins Coie lawfirm to mask the identity of clients by attorney/client privilege) and tasked with further "opposition research." Perkins Coie's lead attorney representing DNC & HRC Campaign is Marc E. Elias (who is also HRC's personal attorney). In addition, Perkins Coie also employs former Obama White House Chief Legal Counselor, Robert Bauer.[66][67]

  • 2 April. FBI lawyer Lisa Page texts Hillary email investigator Peter Strzok: "So look, you say we text on that phone when we talk about Hillary because it can’t be traced, you were just venting, bc you feel bad that you’re gone so much but that can’t be helped right now."
  • Email exchanges from 2009 to 2011 exist in which both Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin directly discussed or were involved in discussing Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Both denied knowledge of it to FBI investigator Peter Strzok. Neither were prosecuted for lying to the FBI despite the FBI being in possession of emails with damning evidence they lied.
Huma Abedin lied to FBI investigator Peter Strzok.
  • 5 April. Huma Abedin lies to FBI investigator Peter Strzok. "Abedin did not know that Clinton had a private server until about a year and a half ago when it became public knowledge.”[68] Abedin and Cheryl Mills were involved in an Aug. 30, 2011 exchange in which State Department official Stephen Mull mentioned that Clinton’s “email server is down.” In a Jan. 9, 2011 email exchange, Cooper told Abedin that Clinton’s server had been malfunctioning because “someone was trying to hack us.” “Had to shut down the server,” wrote Cooper, who told the FBI in his interviews that he discussed Clinton’s server with Abedin in 2009, when it was being set up.

  • James Baker (DOJ) and Michael Sussmann attend Global Privacy Summit.

  • 6-10 April. Ukrainian-American DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa and office of Rep. Mary Kaptur (D-Ohio), co-chair of Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, discuss possible congressional investigation or hearing on Paul Manafort-Russia “by September.” Chalupa begins working with investigative reporter Michael Isikoff, according to WikiLeaks and her later account.[72]
  • 7 April. Daily Kos and John Schindler both report John Podesta collusion with Russia.[73][74]
  • 8 April. Salon.com reports Clinton campaign collusion with Russia.[75][76]

Cheryl Mills lied to FBI investigator Peter Strzok.
  • 9 April. Cheryl Mills lies to Strzok. “Mills did not learn Clinton was using a private server until after Clinton’s [Department of State] tenure...Mills stated she was not even sure she knew what a server was at the time." Mills asked about it in a Feb. 27, 2010 email to Abedin and an aide to Bill Clinton who helped set up the Clinton Chappaqua server. “Ur funny. We are on the same server,” Cooper replied.
  • 10 April. Obama proposes "careless" language alternative to criminal negligence in public statement. Obama intervened in an ongoing criminal investigation when he publicly states that Hillary Clinton has shown “carelessness” in using a private e-mail server to handle classified information, but he insisted that she had not intended to endanger national security which is not an element of the criminal statutes relevant to her e-mail scandal. Obama acknowledged that classified information had been transmitted via Sec. Clinton’s server, but he suggested its importance was overstated.
Strzok texts Lisa Page that he was
“increasingly profoundly bothered by JBs [ FBI General Counsel James Baker ] call and the lack of ANY heads up. Deeply. It was wrong given what I had already been asked to do...I’m not sure if I want to be part of this.”
Lisa Page responds,
“You are part of this and that’s not going to change. But I think you have every right to be angry and frustrated about being left out of the loop on your investigation, especially when you’re going to be left holding the bag. . . . Big big case, big big problems.”

  • 11 April. Polonskaya responds to Papadopoulos' email the day prior that she “would be very pleased to support your initiatives between our two countries.” Papadopoulos then asked Polonskaya, in an email cc’ing Professor Mifsud, about setting up “a potential foreign policy trip to Russia.” Later discovered Mifsud actually writing Polonskya emails. Papadopoulos returns to London, U.K.
  • Mifsud emails Papadopoulos about his upcoming travel to Russia. Suggests meeting for following day, April 12.

  • 12 April. Deputy AG Sally Yates and Comey meet to discuss public announcement of Hillary whitewash.
  • Papadopoulos and Mifsud meet at Andaz Hotel in London, U.K. This meeting is in advance of Mifsud traveling to Russia.

  • Ukrainian parliament member Olga Bielkova and a colleague meet with McCain associate David Kramer with the McCain Institute. Bielkova also meets with Liz Zentos of Obama’s National Security Council, and State Department official Michael Kimmage.

  • 13 April. Comey appoints Dianne Upchurch to head FBI Little Rock field office.[77] Upchurch is a lieutenant of Andrew McCabe. She served as a section chief (SES) in the Counterterrorism Division for nearly three years. McCabe, who was promoted to assistant director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division by then-Director Robert S. Mueller in 2012, was Upchurch’s supervisor. Little Rock is the home of the Clinton Foundation. FBI field offices in New York, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and Little Rock have been collecting information on the charity since late 2015. The New York office did the most work on the case, with help from Little Rock. The L.A. office picked up information about the foundation in an unrelated public-corruption case.
  • Evelyn Farkas and John Carlin attend Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Washington Forum.
Mifsud (right). Stephan Roh (far left). Roh hired Mifsud as a “business-development consultant” in 2015, and is Mifsud’s “partner and best friend” and “the money behind him." Roh is a co-owner of Link Campus University, which trains intelligence officials for NATO and the FBI, where Mifsud taught. In 2017, CNN was going to do a broadcast with Mifsud hosting from Link University, but cancelled it when Mifsud dropped out of sight.

  • 14 April - 10 May. Papadopoulos leaves LCILP. Details are vague.[78]
  • 16 April. Mifsud and Stephan Roh speak at the Valdai Club.[79]
  • McClatchy reports on Clinton collusion with Russia.[80]

  • 18 April. FBI contractor (FusionGPS) access cutoff from FISA database. As a result of NSA Dir. Mike Rogers compliance review of FISA abuse queries by contractors authorized by Obama DOJ & FBI conspirators, contractor access to ongoing FISA intelligence was cut off.[81][82]
Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr and Glenn Simpson, longstanding collaborators with contractor access to the Obama intelligence community.
  • After being shut out by the FISA Compliance Audit, and contracted by the Clinton campaign, FusionGPS needed a back-door for continued access to FISA information. Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ Dep. AG Bruce Ohr, worked with Christopher Steele as a Russian expert. Nellie, a part of the CIA network, could use Bruce’s high level DOJ-NSD access to continue gathering FISA-702 data; Nellie, Bruce and Simpson collaborated on other projects in the past.[83]

Bill Clinton colluding with Stephan Roh in 2012. Roh is co-owner of Link Campus University where Prof. Mifsud taught.
  • Mifsud introduces Papadopoulos by email to Ivan Timofeev, an official at a state-sponsored think tank called Russian International Affairs Council. Timofeev tells Papadopoulos he has connections to the Russian Ministry of Affairs (MFA). Timofeev is referred to as the “Russian MFA Connection” in the October 5, 2017 unsealed Statement of Offense and Foreign Contact 2 in the July 27, 2017 Affidavit.

  • DNC alleges they were hacked.
  • Wikileaks lawyer John Jones thrown in front of train in London. The death is ruled a suicide. Coroner's inquest later overturns ruling.[84]

  • 25 April. FISA lawyers meet at White House. Two White House meetings between FBI Counsel James Baker, Trisha B Anderson (FBI), Tashina Gauhar ( DOJ), John T Lynch (DOJ), John (Brad) Wiegmann (DOJ), Alan Rozenshtein (DOJ), Norman (Christopher) Hardee (DOJ), and Iris Lan (DOJ). DOJ attorneys Guahar, Hardee, Wiegmann are FISA attorneys.[86][87][88][89]
  • Mifsud returns to London from Russia after stopover in Rome.

  • 26 April. Investigative reporter Michael Isikoff publishes story on Yahoo News about Paul Manafort’s business dealings with Oleg Deripaska.[90][91]

Joseph Mifsud with UK Prime Minister Theresa May. Mifsud worked for UK Intelligence vetting agents and for NATO training intelligence agents and diplomats. According to American mainstream media, the Obama deep state, and Robert Mueller, Mifsud is a Russian agent. Mifsud was not arrested in February 2017 when he visited Washington as an honored speaker at a State Department conference and was interviewed by the FBI. On the day Papadopoulos was sentenced to 14 DAYS for betraying his country and destroying democracy,[92] the Democratic National Committee claimed Mifsud was dead.
  • Mifsud tells Papadopoulos he’s met with high-level Russian government officials who have “dirt” on Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails”. There are only two possibilities: Mifsud was lying to Papadopoulos, in which case he was trying to set up Papadopoulos for the FBI, or the Russians actually told Mifsud this, in which case Mifsud was working for the Russians.[93] In February 2017 while in Washington as a featured speaker for the U.S. State Department's International Visitor Leadership Program - the same program Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Natalia Veselnitskaya's translator, Anatoli Samochornov is a program officer for - Mifsud told the press that he spoke to the FBI. The FBI seemed unconcerned about Mifsud. Mifsud was not arrested as a Russian spy who infiltrated the State Department, although Mueller's indictment of Papadopoulos alludes to the court that he is. Mifsud told La Repubblica magazine,
    "You know which is the only foundation I am member of? The Clinton Foundation."[94]
  • Papadopoulos will falsely tell the FBI he heard of Mifsud's information prior to joining the Trump Campaign.

  • 27 April. Trump delivers major foreign policy speech: “We desire to live peacefully and in friendship with Russia and China. We have serious differences with these two nations, and must regard them with open eyes, but we are not bound to be adversaries. We should seek common ground based on shared interests. Russia, for instance, has also seen the horror of Islamic terrorism. I believe an easing of tensions, and improved relations with Russia, from a position of strength only, is possible, absolutely possible. Common sense says this cycle, this horrible cycle of hostility must end and ideally will end soon. Good for both countries. Some say the Russians won’t be reasonable. I intend to find out. If we can’t make a deal under my administration, a deal that’s great — not good, great — for America, but also good for Russia, then we will quickly walk from the table. It’s as simple as that. We’re going to find out.”

  • 28 April. Ukrainian-American DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa is invited to discuss her research about Paul Manafort with 68 investigative journalists from Ukraine at Library of Congress for Open World Leadership Center, a U.S. congressional agency. Chalupa invites investigative reporter Michael Isikoff to “connect(s) him to the Ukrainians.” After the event, reporter Isikoff accompanies Chalupa to Ukrainian embassy reception.

  • DNC CEO Amy Dacy spoke with Michael Sussmann, a DNC lawyer and partner with Perkins Coie. Sussmann contacted Shawn Henry, CSO and President of Crowdstrike Services. Dacy “resigned” as CEO of DNC on August 2, 2016.
  • 29 April. DNC learns it's computer system has been breached. They claim to have been "tipped-off" that the hacking was by Russians.

After Adm. Rogers cut off contractor access to the FISA database (referred to here as "the Patriot Act"), Agent Strzok had to turn to other methods of spying, among other things, the NSA's codename TEMPEST, or surveillance of leaking electro-magnetic emmissions (referred to as "wire carrying current").
  • 30 April. After Adm. Rogers cuts off contractor access, Strzok texts, "And now we’ve switched from the Patriot Act to a wire carrying current.” (See Tempest (codename))
  • DNC hires CrowdStrike, a private firm, to install software that is meant to identify who gained access, when, and how. The next day, on May 1, CrowdStrike claims the "intrusion had originated in Russia."
In June 2019 the DOJ admitted that the FBI never saw the Crowdstrike report on DNC Russian hacking claims.[95] Lawyers for Roger Stone requested the full Crowdstrike report on the DNC hack. Not only did the FBI not review the DNC server, the FBI/DOJ never even saw the Crowdstrike report. The FBI and DOJ were only allowed to see a “draft” report prepared by Crowdstrike, and that report was redacted. That redacted draft is the “last version of the report produced”; meaning, there are no unredacted & final versions. The FBI and DOJ, and all claims by the intelligence community, including the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment to President Obama, the final Mueller Report, Mueller team indictments, and illegal IC fake news leaks to mainstream media were based on taking the word of a hired contractor for the Democrat party. As of 2019, there still exists no official evidence of the claim that 'Russia hacked the DNC'.
  • Papadopoulos thanks Mifsud for his “critical help” and remarked: ”It’ s history making if it happens.”

  • April. FBI and the US Embassy’s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs donated a $500,000.00 package of scanning equipment, hardware and software to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB) of Ukraine.[96]
  • Ukrainian member of parliament Olga Bielkova reportedly seeks meetings with five dozen members of U.S. Congress and reporters including former New York Time reporter Judy Miller, David Sanger of New York Times, David Ignatius of Washington Post, and Washington Post editorial page editor Fred Hiatt.
  • According to BBC's Paul Wood, CIA's John Brennan got a tape from the Baltic States about money from the Kremlin going into the US Presidential campaign in April. Note that the article DOES NOT specify the Trump campaign.

Spring 2016. John Brennan developed a false narrative:
"CIA Dir. John Brennan received information from British GCHQ intelligence as part of an allegedly "routine" intelligence sharing agreement about Trump associates' business dealings in Russia.[97] The information is said to have originated with Estonian intelligence. Estonia is requesting a missile defence system at this time,[98][99] while Trump adviser Newt Gingrich refers to the country of 1.3 million inhabitants as a 'suburb of St. Petersberg', which has 5.3 million inhabitants. Gingrich, rumoured to be on the short list for Secretary of State, says he doubts American leaders would risk nuclear war over Putin's actions in the region.
Allegedly, the information that triggered Brennan to act was a tape recorded conversation that mentioned money from the Kremlin to the Trump Campaign."
US Government document from 2010 part of the Snowden leaks and sharing agreements with the UK. The Five Eyes program of the English speaking world (United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) use social media for “propaganda,” “deception,” “mass messaging,” “pushing stories”, and "discrediting” the intelligence agencies' enemies with false information spread online.[100]
In actuality, John Brennan received nothing from UK intelligence.[101] Nonetheless Brennan shared his invented narrative with Clapper and Comey to form a Joint Counter-Intelligence Task Force (FBI, DOJ and Treasury) and the Foreign task force (CIA, ODNI and NSA). The FBI is investigating Paul Manafort's associations. This investigation led to wiretapping of at least three Trump associates, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and Roger Stone.[102]

The fake narrative is nothing new for Brennan; a decade earlier Brennan was responsible for fake narratives about US domestic spying under the Patriot Act to cover information that was gleaned from the Torture Program which Brennan oversaw.[103]

May 2016

The Inspector General found that Comey began considering the possibility of an FBI-only public statement in late April and early May 2016, well in advance of the late June tarmac meeting in which Lynch compromised herself.

Comey put out a draft statement on May 2 for FBI leadership to review and edit. Senate Homeland Security chairman Ron Johnson said, "The edits to Director Comey’s public statement,[104] made months prior to the conclusion of the FBI’s investigation of Secretary Clinton’s conduct, had a significant impact on the FBI’s public evaluation of the implications of her actions." Johnson further declared the edits to Comey’s statements “raise profound questions about the FBI’s role and possible interference in the 2016 presidential election and the role of the same agents in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of President Trump.”[105] The Homeland Security Committee found in February 2018 that

  • The FBI did not use a grand jury to compel testimony and obtain the vast majority of evidence, choosing instead to offer immunity deals and allow fact witnesses to join key interviews.
  • There were substantial edits to Dir. Comey’s public statement that served to downplay the severity of Sec. Clinton’s actions, and that the first draft of the memo was distributed for editing two months before key witnesses were interviewed.
  • Dir. Comey stated that he had not consulted with the Justice Department or White House, when text messages suggest otherwise. We have text messages in which two key investigators discuss an “insurance policy” against the “risk” of a Trump presidency, and “OUR task.”
  • Messages discuss “unfinished business,” “an investigation leading to impeachment,” and “my gut sense and concern there’s no big there there.”
  • Senior FBI officials—likely including Dep. Dir. McCabe— knew about newly discovered emails on a laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner for almost a month before Director Comey notified Congress.
  • Over the period of at least four months, the FBI did not recover five months’ worth of text messages requested by DOJ OIG and two Senate committees; however, when pressed, DOJ OIG was able to recover missing texts in less than one week.

  • 1 May. CrowdStrike determines that DNC system had an "intrusion that originated in Russia," although they would later retract.
  • 2 May. Comey initial draft citing criminal negligence. Comey writes internal memorandum saying Hillary Clinton and others guilty of gross negligence punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment;[106] Comey sends draft copies of his memo to Dep. Dir. Andrew McCabe, general counsel James Baker and chief of staff James Rybicki.[107]
  • The FBI admits it recovered thousands of State Dept. emails that originated or passed through Clinton’s private server — some which had been deleted — that were never turned over to the State Department as government records by Clinton’s team. Comey told Sen. Grassley that the FBI did investigate whether violations of Federal Records Act occurred.
  • 3 May. Ukrainian-American DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa emails Democratic National Committee (DNC) that she’ll share sensitive info about Paul Manafort “offline” including “a big Trump component…that will hit in next few weeks.”

  • 4 May. Papadopoulos gives an interview to the London Times stating then-UK Prime Minister David Cameron should apologize to Trump for negative comments.[108] It is not well-received in London or the Trump campaign.
  • Lisa Page and Peter Strzok react to Trump sealing GOP nomination:
Page – And holy sh*t Cruz just dropped out of the race. It’s going to be a Clinton Trump race. Unbelievable.

Strzok – What?!?!??

Page – You heard that right my friend

Strzok – I saw Trump won, figured it would be a bit

Strzok - Now the pressure really starts to finish MYE [ Mid Year Exam - codename for the Clinton investigation][109] ….

Page - It sure does. We need to talk about follow up call tomorrow. We still never have.
  • Mifsud tells Novosti news in Moscow, "the EU today needs Russia as a strong partner."[110]
  • 5 May. Lisa Page attends White House meeting;[111][112][113] on the same day the Washington Post carries a ‘sources say’ story about the meeting. The subject was the Hillary Clinton email investigation.[114]
  • Papadopoulos has a phone call with the Campaign Supervisor, and then forwards the May 4 MFA Email to him, adding to the top of the email: “Russia updates.”
  • 6 May. Papadopolous meets with Erika Thompson. Mueller/Weissmann report says Russia collusion information came from Erika Thompson, political aide to Alexander Downer. Papadopolous met with Erika Thompson and repeated the false information fed to him by UK intelligence asset Joseph Mifsud, who had posed as a Russian intelligence operative. Thompson passed the false information to her boss Alexander Downer, who later met with Papadopolous then passed the false allegation of Russia collusion with the Trump campaign on to the U.S. embassy in London. None of the false allegations Thompson passed to Downer were vetted by Australian intelligence. The U.S. State Department, via its Embassy in London, was used as a conduit for the false information from the Brennan/Mifsud deception operation that was passed to Comey's FBI, to justify opening an official counterintelligence against the Trump campaign. These actions contravened the official Five Eyes intelligence sharing process.[115]
  • Sundance comments, "Mueller cites the content of May 6, 2016, meeting as communicating “clinton emails” from Papadopoulos; however, Mueller conflates and falsely attributes the content material of this Erika Thompson meeting. Mueller attributes content to Ambassador Downer meeting with Papadopoulos on May 10, 2016. Conflation appears intentional."
  • Bill Priestap is in London.

  • 10 May. CrowdStrike installs its Falcon software on DNC servers, two weeks before the last dated email in WikiLeaks' DNC collection. Adam Carter noted Falcon should have prevented an outside hack, according to its product claims: "either CrowdStrike's flagship product failed miserably to deliver on its claimed capabilities or it could mean CrowdStrike withheld evidence."[116]
  • Papadopoulos meets with Australian High Commissioner Alexander Downer in a London pub. Papadopoulos was introduced to Downer through Erika Thompson, a counselor to Downer in Australia’s London embassy. Thompson reached out to Papadopoulos two days after Papadopoulos gave an interview to the London Times. Thompson said Downer wanted to meet with Papadopoulos. Thompson is the "foreign intelligence source" that the Mueller Report (pg. 89) cryptically claims the false information of Russia collusion came from. Neither the July 28, 2017 Affidavit signed by FBI Agent Robert M. Gibbs (Gibbs Version) nor the October 5, 2017 Statement of the Offense signed by Robert Mueller (Mueller Version) make mention of the May 10, 2016 Downer meeting. Downer said,
    "nothing [Papadopoulos] said in that conversation indicated Trump himself had been conspiring with the Russians to collect information on Hillary Clinton. It was just that this guy, [Papadopoulos], clearly knew that the Russians did have material on Hillary Clinton — but whether Trump knew or not?
    He didn’t say Trump knew or that Trump was in any way involved in this. He said it was about Russians and Hillary Clinton; it wasn’t about Trump.
    He didn’t say dirt; he said material that could be damaging to her. No, he said it would be damaging. He didn’t say what it was.[117]
  • Papadopoulos notes that Ambassador Downer is recording their conversation.
  • The dirt that the Russians had on Clinton related to surveillance activity Russians gathered on Clinton during her time as Secretary of State while she was in Moscow, and not to Clinton emails (Clinton had communicated with Obama via her unsecured server while she was in Russia, and the communications were intercepted by Russian intelligence. James Comey covered up Obama's knowledge of Clinton's illegal server by referring to President Obama as "another senior government official" at Comey's July 5, 2019 press conference). Neither Papadopolous nor Downer ever claimed that Clinton emails were discussed. Although Papadopoulos is not mentioned in the Steele dossier, the substance of the what Papadopoulos said to Downer appears nearly identical to information later contained in the first memo from Christopher Steele that the FBI obtained in early July 2016.
  • FBI Head of Counterintelligence Bill Priestap is in London at the same time Downer met with Papadopolous.[118] Tapes are known to have been made during Papadopolous' encounters with FBI informants.[119] Brennan later alleges he heard tapes of Trump workers with Russian officials he obtained from UK sources.
  • 11 May. Downer files notes to Australian government about the content of the conversation and the outlook of the Trump campaign foreign policy.
  • Strzok texted Lisa Page that he had a friend in the CIA.
  • Wikileaks lawyer Michael Ratner dead in New York.
  • In the fall of 2016, Ellen Ratner, a news analyst for Fox News and the White House correspondent for Talk Media News, contacted Ed Butowsky, a Texas businessman, about a meeting she had with Julian Assange. Ratner’s brother, the late Michael Ratner, was an attorney who had represented Assange. According to Ellen Ratner, she made a stop in London during a return flight from Berlin, and she met with Julian Assange for approximately six hours in the Ecuadorean embassy. Ratner said Assange told her that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron, were responsible for releasing the DNC emails to Wikileaks.[120]
  • 12 May. Prevezon Holdings settles with the U.S. government for $6 million in a Russia money-laundering suit. Natalie Veselnitskaya remains in US to lobby for repeal of Russian sanctions. She has overstayed her immigration parole status which was specially authorized by Loretta Lynch's office because the clients she represents (the Katsyv family) are on the Russian sanctions list. Veselnitskaya hires Glenn Simpson and FusionGPS to illegally lobby for repeal of sanctions (the Magnitsky Act). Neither Veselnitskaya nor FusionGPS register as Russian agents under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

  • May 13–15. Lennart Meri Conference was hosted, where it was attended by President Toomas Hendrik Ives, Ian Brzezinski, David Kramer, Kurt Volker and Michael Weiss.[121]
  • 13 May. Mifsud emails Papadopoulos an update of “recent conversations”. Last contact between Mifsud and Papadopoulos until October 1, 2016.
  • 14 May. Papadopoulos emails the High-Ranking Campaign Official and states that the ” Russian government[] ha[s] also relayed to me that they are interested in hosting Mr. Trump.”

  • 16 May. Comey spends morning at White House; "extreme carelessness" replaces "gross negligence" by afternoon. FBI Dir. James Comey meets with President Obama in the White House;[122] by afternoon Comey's revised draft memo is circulating among FBI leadership, Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bill Priestap, Peter Strzok, James Rybicki, Johnathan Moffa, James Baker, Trisha Anderson, David Bowdich and several other redacted names.[123][124]
  • Strzok changes the language of draft memo from "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless." The pre-edited statement of Comey’s May 2 memo stated that “we assess it is reasonably likely that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s private email account.” However, Comey’s July 5 public statement read, “Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account.”
  • Sen. Grassley noted that 17 witnesses including Clinton were interviewed after the decision not to prosecuted was made. “Making a conclusion before you interview key fact witnesses and the subject herself violates the very premise of good investigation. You don't lock into a theory until you have the facts." The evidence shows the FBI locked into a theory that Clinton was innocent and then edited out the facts that contradicted it.
  • Podesta Group files disclosure notice with Senate on behalf of the Gulenist organization, the Alliance for Shared Values.[125] The group’s executive director Alp Aslandogan is also a Clinton donor.
  • 17 May. Early attempt by WaPo to establish loose Russian ties to the Trump Campaign. Sater’s role as an FBI Informant is unexpectedly reminiscent of Carter Page who provided evidence and served as an informant in the Evgeny Buryakov spy case.[127]
  • 19 May. Paul Manafort promoted to campaign chairman and chief strategist for Trump Campaign.
  • 20 May. Paul Manafort, on the day after becoming Trump's Campaign Chairman & Chief Strategist, rebuffs George Papadopoulos attempts to arrange contact between Russian contacts and Trump campaign.
    Papadopoulos persisted, forwarding the same invitation to Manafort several weeks later. “Russia has been eager to meet with Mr. Trump for some time and have been reaching out to me to discuss,” Papadopoulos wrote. Manafort appears to have shrugged at the idea. He forwarded the message to his business partner, Rick Gates, saying that “We need someone to communicate that DT is not doing these trips.” Manafort’s response to Papadopoulos’ request is “concrete evidence that the Russia collusion narrative is fake news,” Manafort spokesman Jason Maloni told The Post. “Mr. Manafort’s swift action reflects the attitude of the campaign — any invitation by Russia, directly or indirectly, would be rejected outright.”[128]
  • 21 May. Gavin MacFadyen receives email transfer from Seth Rich.
  • Papadopoulos emails another high-ranking Campaign official, with the subject line “Request from Russia to meet Mr. Trump.”
  • 22 May. DNC alerted to in-house breach "industry hack"
  • 23 May. Nellie Ohr applies for HAM radio license, a communication tool that would allow Nellie Ohr and Christopher Steele the ability to communicate outside the normal risk of communication intercepts.[129] Extra caution was needed as soon as Nellie recognized that Admiral Mike Rogers (NSA) was investigating anyone with access to the database. Former Naval intelligence officer J.E. Dyer notes it significant that the cyber intrusion on the DNC email system was detected on April 29, 2016. Dyer writes, “one can obviously think of more than one reason why the use of amateur radio for communications with certain parties might have seemed like a good idea at that point, to at least some of the people involved.” Dyer says “only a fool would fail to look into it.”[130]

  • FBI probe into Virginia governor and Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe becomes public. (McCabe ultimately does not not charge McAuliffe with a crime.)
  • Justice Department Inspector General confirms it’s looking into Andrew McCabe for alleged conflicts of interest in handling of Clinton and Gov. McAuliffe probes in light of McAuliffe directing campaign donations to McCabe’s wife.
  • 24 May. Perkins Coie, the surrogate law firm acting on behalf of Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC, makes a payment of $91,500 to FusionGPS.

  • 25 May. Report from the Inspector General for the State Department finds Clinton personally violated federal records law, that there were attempts to hack into her system, that some Clinton aides also used personal email accounts exclusively for government business and did not fully cooperate with the IG investigation and that Clinton failed to turn over all of the emails she was required to turn over to investigators.[131][132]

  • Evegeny Buryakov sentenced to 30 months in prison. The conviction of the Russian spy was not possible without the help of paid FBI informant Carter Page, who wore a wire for the FBI. Buryakov is released early and deported to Russia days before the leaked Carter Page FISA warrant is widely reported in April 2017 so that reporters could not interview Buryakov.[133] John Carlin and Preet Bharara are deeply involved in the case.

  • Photo posted by Nagi Idris on Twitter of Papadopoulos among a LCILP delegation visiting Link Campus University in Italy where Mifsud is an official in charge of a three-year degree course in political science and international relations.[134] Papadopoulos has officially left the LCILP already.
  • Date of the last email in the DNC Email Archive released by Wikileaks.

  • 26 May. Trump secures the number of delegates needed to gain the Republican Party nomination.

  • May. U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph "Rudy" Contreras, a personal friend of lead FBI counterintelligence agent, Peter Strzok appointed to FISA court (FISC).
  • Christopher Steele provided information to American intelligence agencies on Mikhail Kalugin, the Head of the Russian Embassy’s Economics Section.[135]

June 2016

Julian Assange announced in a televised interview on June 12 that he was in possession of DNC emails; on June 13, 2018 (two years later) special counsel Robert Mueller alleged in an indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence officers that alleged Russian "hackers" did not contact Assange with DNC emails until June 14.

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), which includes among members two former Technical Directors of the National Security Agency, has repeatedly called attention to its conclusion that the DNC emails were leaked — not “hacked” by Russia or anyone else.[136] In analyizing the time sequence:

  • June 12, 2016: Assange announces WikiLeaks is about to publish “emails related to Hillary Clinton;”
  • June 14, 2016: DNC contractor Crowdstrike, (with a dubious professional record and multiple conflicts of interest) announces that malware has been found on the DNC server and claims there is evidence it was injected by Russians;
  • June 15, 2016: “Guccifer 2.0” affirms the DNC statement; claims responsibility for the “hack;” claims to be a WikiLeaks source; and posts a document that the forensics show was synthetically tainted with “Russian fingerprints;"
VIPS noted
"We do not think that the June 12, 14, & 15 timing was pure coincidence. Rather, it suggests the start of a pre-emptive move to associate Russia with anything WikiLeaks might have been about to publish and to “show” that it came from a Russian hack.[137]

Russian hacking claims relied entirely on a report by a private company the DNC hired called CrowdStrike of Irvine, CA. Crowdstrike was founded by Dimitry Alperovitch, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a civilian conjunct of the NATO alliance, and is partially funded by Google which led a $100M 'Series C' investment round.[138]

Neither the FBI nor the Dept. of Homeland Security ever examined the DNC servers to determine if indeed they were hacked, or attempted to identify who the hacker might have been.

The mainstream media ran with the CrowdStrike version of a hack in an attempt to delegitimize Trump. Starting in June 2016 and continuing forward the DNC, Washington Post, New York Times, and other MSM outlets have been using CrowdStrike's allegations in an attempt to delegitimize Donald Trump while providing an excuse for Hillary Clinton's loss. From there followed claims that "Russia hacked the U.S. elections."

FusionGPS hired by Veselnitskaya through BakerHostetler to do dirt digging for a Russian defendant (Prevezon) in a civil forfeiture case arising out of alleged money laundering activities uncovered by the late Sergei Magnitsky (whose name was given to the Russia sanctions bill, the Magnitsky Act). Glenn Simpson acknowledged that the Kremlin's interests in the work Simpson did for Veselnitskaya and the Katsyv's aligned with his client against the U.S. Government.
Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya hired BakerHostetler, the law firm for which Simpson was working, and that firm retained the services of Russian-American lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin, both of whom attended a meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016. During the Prevezon litigation, Veselnitskaya received, via the law firm, memoranda summarizing [redacted, likely Magnitsky Act] research. Certain topics - including the Ziff Brothers (a venture capital firm specializing in capital investment) - were the-subject of both (1) memoranda Veselnitskaya received from Simpson and (2) the presentation Veselnitskaya made to Trump campaign officials. Simpson acknowledged being with Veselnitskaya at a court hearing in New York on the morning of June 9, 2016, prior to her meeting at Trump Tower. He further recalled having drinks and dinner with her and others, including Akhmetshin, in Washington, D.C. a day or two later.[139] The Ziff Brothers were Clinton Foundation donors who Simpson dug up dirt on in his effort to discredit the Magnitsky Act for the Katsyvs.

Contrary to media, Comey FBI, and Mueller office leaks and false reporting, Veselnitskaya's "dirt" had nothing to do with Clinton emails. It was "dirt" about Clinton Foundation donors. And the "dirt" was dug up by the same outfit Hillary Clinton paid to dig up "dirt" on Donald Trump.

Bruce Ohr made his first contact with the FBI about Trump-Russia collusion evidence in late July and early August 2016. Bruce, Nellie and Christopher Steele met for breakfast at a Washington hotel. Trump had made statements about making NATO allies pay their fair share. Steele of British intelligence was desperate for Trump not to win. Bruce called McCabe at the FBI after they ate. Strzok of the FBI counterintelligence division opened an investigation on Trump the next day.[140]

  • 1 June. Mueller Version of Papadopoulos Statement of Offense becomes vague about Papadopoulos' alleged foreign contacts between now and August, with no reference to Sergei Millian. The Wall Street Journal has reported on Millian as being both Source D and E in the Steele dossier:
    Sergei Millian, a 38-year-old American citizen who has claimed he helped market Trump properties to Russian buyers, wasn’t a direct source for the 35-page dossier, this person said. Rather, his statements about the Trump-Russia relationship were relayed by at least one third party to the British ex-spy who prepared the dossier, the person said.
    Among the unverified allegations of Mr. Millian’s that an intermediary passed along, the person said: The claim that the Russians had compromising video of Mr. Trump that could be used to blackmail him, and a claim that there was a “conspiracy of cooperation” between the Trump camp and Russian leadership that involved hacking the computers of Mr. Trump’s Democratic opponents.
    In the dossier, the source believed to be Mr. Millian is referred to at various times as both Source D and Source E and is cited as somebody “speaking in confidence to a compatriot” or “speaking in confidence to a trusted associate.”[141]
    The Daily Caller New Foundation reported:
    Papadopoulos’ wife, is now drawing attention to two other encounters that Papadopoulos has had over the past two years that she considers “highly suspicious.” One of those contacts [Million] offered to pay Papadopoulos $30,000 a month while he worked inside the Trump administration, she told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
    ...Sergei Millian, a Belarus-born businessman who is alleged to be a major source for the infamous Steele dossier.....
    Mangiante, an Italian national, confirmed to TheDCNF that Millian is the individual Papadopoulos described in a July 22, 2016 Facebook message that is cited in documents the special counsel’s office released in October.
    Papadopoulos and Millian met days after the July 22, 2016 Facebook message....
    Mangiante also said that Papadopoulos and Millian met multiple times in Chicago and New York City before the election. In one encounter in Chicago, Millian offered Papadopoulos a substantial sum of money as part of an energy-related business deal.
    The catch was that Millian said Papadopoulos would have to remain in the Trump administration while carrying out the work.[142]
    By contrast, Mueller's Statement of Offense is strangely silent on Millian:
    From mid-June through mid-August 2016, PAPADOPOULOS pursued an “off the record” meeting between one or more Campaign representatives and “members of president putin’s office and the mfa [Ministry of Foreign Affairs].”

  • 7 June. Carter Page attended a private meeting with foreign policy experts at Blair House attended by Ashton Carter and Loretta Lynch.
Glenn Simpson was working for both Natalia Veselnitskaya and Hillary Clinton at the time of the Trump Tower meeting. Simpson gave the alleged "dirt" to Veselnitskaya, which she carried into the meeting; all it amounted to was "dirt" on Clinton Foundation donors.
  • 9 June. Trump Tower meeting.[143] Natalia Veselnitskaya,[144] Rinat Akhmetshin, an American citizen and lobbyist for BakerHostetler,[145] Ike Kaveladze[146] and Anatoli Samochornov meet with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort at Trump Tower.[147] Samochornov was Veselnitskaya’s translator. Samochornov also worked as a translator for Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. Samochornov also translated for Barack Obama and Joe Biden's United Nations speeches and summits.[148] Anti-Russian bigots use the Russian sounding names to sow hate and mistrust.[149]
  • Samochornov is the Program Officer for the U.S. State Department's International Visitor Leadership Program,[150] a program which later invites Prof. Joseph Mifsud as a featured speaker in Washington.
  • Veselnitskaya was hired by Denis Katsyv of the Russian Katsyv family to represent Prevezon; when in the United States, Veselnitskaya hired BakerHostetler to discredit Bill Browder, who pushed through Russian sanctions, the Magnitsky Act. Katsyv and Veselnitskaya wanted to limit sanctions and discredit Browder. Browder claimed corrupt Russian businessmen and the government stole $350 million of his money and killed his employee, Sergei Magnitsky. Veselnitskaya hired BakerHostetler to hire FusionGPS and Simpson to compile an anti-Browder dossier.
  • Browder renounced his American citizenship in 1998 to avoid U.S. taxes and returned in 2010 to lobby Sens. John McCain and Ben Cardin for passage of the Magnitsky Act, named for his employee who died in jail while serving a sentence on evasion of Russian taxes. How a person who renounced their American citizenship and didn't pay U.S. taxes has the power to move Congress to help reclaim his wealth through sanctions is anybody's guess.
  • Simpson gave four pages of the anti-Browder research to Veselnitskaya, who carried it into the meeting with Trump associates. It contained information about “financial misconduct by major contributors [the Ziff brothers, allied with Bill Browder] to the Clinton Global Initiative, a project of the Clinton Foundation."[151]
  • Browder filed a FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act) complaint against Simpson and FusionGPS with the FBI for unregistered lobbying to repeal sanctions, which Andrew McCabe never acted on.
  • Simpson obviously had a conflict of interest, working to remove sanctions for Prevezon while at the same time working to impugn Trump as a violator of sanctions with false information on behalf of his DNC and Hillary Clinton clients.
  • Robert Mueller was never contacted Veselnitskaya for an interview about the meeting.
  • Susan Rice informed attendees at a Washington Post event that peace between Russia and Ukraine could be accomplished before the end of 2017.

  • 10 June. FBI enters immunity deal with Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson that resulted in laptops with evidence being turned over to agents late in the probe. The decision to grant immunity to the Clinton advisers as well as the computer technician involved in the email deletions was made “with the idea it would be better to know all the circumstances” before the case was closed out.

  • 12 June. FusionGPS hires Christopher Steele (former British Intelligence Officer) of Orbis Business Intelligence (Steele's London-based firm) to begin compiling the Clinton-Steele dossier alleging ties between Trump and Russia. Steele discloses this and his period of employment with FusionGPS (12 Jun 2016 through 30 Oct 2016) in court filings stemming from a lawsuit against him and the dossier.[152]
  • Steele provided Fusion GPS with something that Simpson’s firm was lacking: access to individuals within the FBI and the State Department. These contacts could be traced back to at least 2010, when Steele had provided assistance in the FBI’s investigation into FIFA over concerns that Russia might have been engaging in bribery to host the 2018 World Cup.
  • Steele provided informal reports to the State Department in the latter half of 2014. “During the Ukraine crisis in 2014 and ‘15, Chris Steele had a number of commercial clients who were asking him for reports on what was going on in Russia, what was going on in Ukraine, what was going on between them,” said Victoria Nuland, assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs.
  • Steele was identified as a British spy in 1999, and head of the Russia desk when Russian assassins killed FSB defector Alexander Litvinenko in a sushi restaurant in London.

  • 13 June. Newseum hosts screening of anti-Magnitsky Act movie attended by members of Congress and journalists; Simpson lobby's journalists to push the pro-Putin propaganda.[154][155]
  • 14 June. DNC cover-up of whistleblower leak. DNC claims Trump Opposition Research stolen in alleged hack;[156][157]
Obama and one of his reliable henchmen, David Plouffe. Plouffe was urging action against Donald Trump even before Trump was nominated.
  • 15 June. First Guccifer 2.0 document created by Warren Flood at 13:38 EDT, modified by Феликс Эдмундович (Felix Edmunovich, the Russian patronymic of Felix Edmunovich Dzerzhinsky, founder of the KGB - a blatantly amatuerish attempt to create Russian fingerprints) thirty minutes later at 14:08 EDT. Warren Flood was Joe Biden's former IT director at the White House. A document that Flood authored in 2008, and that was attached to one of John Podesta's emails, was used by Guccifer 2.0 as a template into which he then copied the contents of the Trump Opposition Research, copied from this file:
    https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/fileid/26562/7365 (which is also attached to this leaked email). It is Flood's document that the "CONFIDENTIAL" text in the background derives from.
  • 16 June. Obama operative David Plouffe declares war on Trump and the Trump movement. He tweets: "It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again."
  • 19 June. Despite repeated rebuffs, Papadopoulos emails the High­-Ranking Campaign Official, with the subject line “New message from Russia” – I am willing to make the trip off the record if it’s in the interest of Mr. Trump and the campaign to meet specific people.”
  • Lisa Monaco visited the ODNI, where she met with Clapper and Tonya Ugoretz.
  • John Kerry met with newly appointed UK Prime Minister Theresa May.
  • John Brennnan participated in the Leadership Dinner at the Intelligence and National Security Alliance, where he discussed the modernisation of the CIA and the Open Source Enterprise.

  • 20 June. Christopher Steele files' first memo entitled Company Intelligence Report: “A dossier of compromising information on Hillary Clinton has been collated by the Russian Intelligence Services.” Steele sends it to Fusion GPS via enciphered mail.
  • The memo's opening summary, first page, fourth bullet point contains the following:
    "A dossier of compromising information on Hillary Clinton has been collated by the Russian Intelligence Services over many years and mainly compromises bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls.
    The memo makes no mention of emails - more similiar to the discription of information Papadopoulos mentioned to Alexander Downer.
  • The memo also alludes to Donald Trump sexual antics in the Moscow Ritz Hilton in 2013.

  • 22 June. Wikileaks documents that the DNC rigged the nomination for Hillary Clinton and obstructed Bernie Sanders campaign.[158] Sanders supporters vow lawsuits.
  • FBI held a close-up meeting of their future 10 day training course at the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB) of Ukraine.[159]

  • FBI conspirators Lisa Page & Peter Strzok exchange texts: "Page – Just leaving my meeting now. How we make law in this country is offensive and irresponsible." "Strzok – I know it is. Its why I LOATHE congress. Can’t wait to hear the story."

  • 24 June. Glenn Simpson contacts Christopher Steele to arrange to receive a copy of the Steele dossier, which was sent via courier from the UK.
Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch tarmac collusion, June 27, 2016. Phoenix airport. Lynch's long awaited announcement on the disposition of the Hillary Clinton email investigation never occurred when she compromised herself in a secret meeting with the husband of the accused. The Clintons had effectively compromised Obama, when Obama responded to emails Hillary sent from Russian territory which likely were hacked. FBI Dir. Comey surprisingly announced days later he decided against recommending prosecution, usurping the authority of the Attorney General. The Justice Dept. immediately tried to cover up the meeting and denied it had any paper trail of its existence.
  • 27 June. Tarmac collusion. Bill Clinton meets Attn. Gen. Loretta Lynch in a face-to-face meeting on board her plane at an airport hanger in Phoenix, apparently to make final arrangements for Hillary Clinton's July 3 interview.
  • The head of Clinton's Secret Service detail contacted the head of Lynch's FBI security detail before her arrival hours in advance to arrange the meeting. Clinton's private plane waited for Lynch's arrival, yet Clinton lied to Inspector General Michael Horowitz that he did not know Lynch was coming to Phoenix until her arrival, and it was a last minute, spontaneous decision to board her plane and speak with her.[160]
  • The Inspector General criticised Lynch's participation and failure to recuse an error in judgement, her explanations did not adequately address the situation, and created confusion among the public whether the justice system works.
  • Clapper signed the “Coordination of Clandestine Human Source and Human-Enabled Foreign Intelligence Collection and Counterintelligence Activities in the United States”.[161]
  • Brennan and MI6 Chief Alex Younger spoke with each other.[162]
  • 28 June. VOA: Russia Calls Former U.S. Ambassador 'Incompetent,' Complains Of FBI, CIA Harassment.[163]
  • 29 June. Justice Dept. and FBI begin efforts to kill the story about the Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting and Lynch's conflict of interest with regard to making a decision to prosecute Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information.[164][165][166]
  • FBI and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB) of Ukraine signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to work together on international money laundering asset recovery and Ukrainian high-level officials’ bribery and corruption, which was attended by Director Artem Sytnyk and Acting Deputy Assistant Director Mathew S. Moon.[167]

  • 30 June. Obama complicity whitewashed. The FBI investigation concluded that Sec. of State Clinton communicated with President Obama via email. The fact that President Obama and Hillary Clinton were emailing each other, indicates President Obama did in fact know of Clinton’s illegal email account. FBI Draft statement on Hillary's exoneration reads,
    We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal email extensively while outside the United States, including from the territory of sophisticated adversaries. That use included an email exchange with the President while Secretary Clinton was on the territory of such an adversary. [Emphasis added.] Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal email account.[168]

From the txt msg. between Strzok and Lisa Page, we see that Asst. FBI Dir. W.H. “Bill” Priestap helped create the carefully worded announcement Dir. Comey delivered in July 2016 to extricate Clinton from her illegal problems.

Strzok – K. Rybicki just sent another version.

Page – Bill [Priestap] just popped his head in, hopefully to talk to him.

Strzok – Hope so. Just left Bill [Priestap]. Talked about the speed, the [redacted; likely Obama. Hillary and Obama communicated with each other from Hillary's unsecured server while Hillary was in Russia which likely was monitored by Russian intelligence] was relating to the case, and what I told you about earlier.

Strzok – He [Priestap] changed "President" to "another senior government official".
  • Bill Priestap was Strzok’s direct boss. As head of FBI counterintelligence, Priestap would have to sign off on the use of FusionGPS (aka: Bean LLC, aka, Glenn Simpson), Crowdstrike, and/or any FBI contractor who was allowed access to, or received information from, the FBI database.[169] Priestap would have needed to authorize Strzok to engage with Christopher Steele over the Steele dosssier. Priestap would have to approve the underlying documents that were used for both FISA applications (June/July and Sept/Oct). Priestap would be the person to approve of paying, or reimbursing, Christopher Steele for the Steele dossier used in the FBI counterintelligence operation and subsequent FISA application.
  • June. Steele meets in Rome with FBI Agent Mike Gaeta from the Eurasian Joint Organized Crime Squad with whom Steele had worked on the European FIFA soccer scandal. Reports vary: The Guardian reported that “in June, Steele flew to Rome to brief the FBI contact with whom he had cooperated over FIFA.” ABC News reported that “Steele sent the FBI agent in Rome the opposition research on Trump he generated working for Fusion GPS.” Following Gaeta’s initial meeting with Steele, the FBI sought permission from the office of Victoria Nuland, who gave the go-ahead for the more formal meeting.
  • June. Sergei Skripal visited Estonia and met with intelligence officials at the time.[170]
  • Late June. Justice Dept. seeks FISA warrant to eavesdrop on Michael T. Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page and George Papadopoulos (earlier reports listed Donald Trump, Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Boris Epshteyn). FISA court denies request.[171] Ordinary procedures call for the Justice Department to ask a FISA Court for a warrant. It is improbable that Attorney General Loretta Lynch acted on her own against a presidential nominee of another party without consulting President Obama.[172]
  • FBI agent Peter Strzok has direct contact with Christopher Steele and receives preliminary draft of the Steele dossier.[173] According to Robby Mook, the partial dossier information was also given to the DNC and Clinton campaign.
  • Late June 2016: DCLeaks website begins publishing Democratic National Committee emails.
  • The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine signs evidence-sharing agreement with FBI and will later publicly release a “ledger” implicating Paul Manafort in allegedly improper payments.

July 2016

FBI counterintelligence investigations generally proceed sequentially from what is called a preliminary investigation or inquiry (PI) to a full investigation (FI). To move from a PI to an FI requires substantial information — predication — indicating investigative targets acted as agents of a foreign power. There are strict guidelines governing when the FBI can task a confidential source or a government undercover operative to collect against a U.S. citizen. Normally this is restricted to a full investigation, and normally restricted to the United States, not overseas. The FBI tasked sources to spy on the Trump campaign before an investigation was even officially opened.

The question that has yet to be answered is, who did FBI agent Mike Gaeta give the Steeele dossier to, and when. Was it transmitted to FBI leadership? If so, why did the counterintelligence team have to travel to Rome in September to get their first copy from Steele? And the biggest question: Did CIA director John Brennan receive a copy of the dossier via Gaeta—or whomever he transmitted a copy to—in the summer of 2016 following Gaeta’s return?

Oversight protocol requires the FBI Director to tell the congressional intelligence Gang of Eight (Go8) of any counterintelligence operations. The Go8 has oversight into these operations at the highest level of classification. In July 2016, at the time the Obama FBI Counterintelligence Division operation began, oversight was the responsibility of Speaker Paul Ryan, Minority leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority leader Harry Reid, House Intel chair Devin Nunes, ranking member Adam Schiff, Senate Intel chair Richard Burr, and ranking member Diane Feinstein. Comey and the Obama FBI kept hidden from the Go8 its counterintelligence operation against a presidential candidate, Donald Trump. FBI Agent Peter Strzok referred to the Obama administration's illegal counterintelligence operation as an “insurance policy”.

Throughout July, August and Sept 2016 Fusion GPS paid journalists from the New York Times, ABC, Ken Dilanian of NBC and others to listen to Christopher Steele and simultaneously shopping the fake Steele dossier to them. Court papers confirm payments.[174] The list of journalists and media outlets made aware of Steele’s tripe is extensive. Those journalists include New Yorker editor David Remnick, Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg, former New Republic editor Franklin Foer, and Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum. Reuters reported that it, too, was briefed on the dossier,[175] and while it refrained from reporting on it before the election, its national security reporter Mark Hosenball became an advocate of the dossier’s findings after Trump's victory in November 2016.[176] BBC's Paul Wood wrote in January 2017 that he was briefed on the dossier a week before the election. Newsweek’s Kurt Eichenwald likely saw Steele’s work around the same time, because he published an article days before the election based on a “Western intelligence” source (i.e., Steele) who cited names and data points that could only come from Steele's opposition research.

The Clintons effectively compromised Obama and Lynch to whitewash the email investigation. Hillary Clinton emailed President Obama from Russia using her Blackberry tied to the Chappaqua server. Obama took the bait and responded. Russian intelligence likely monitored the exchange from its point of origin in Russia. Whether Hillary deliberately set up Obama with compromising evidence to protect her email scam, or it was just stupidity on her part, is a matter of speculation.[177]

But the entire incident certainly was used by the Clinton's in an "If I go down, you go down, too" negotiation by late June 2016. Loretta Lynch had to compromise herself when she met Bill Clinton to finalize the whitewash.

James Comey, knicknamed Jimmy the Weasel for his overblown sense of self-importance couched in a Boy Scout veneer, was the perfect stooge and useful idiot who volunteered himself as the fall guy to hide Clinton and Obama corruption and carry the message to the American media and public.

  • July. Ukraine minister of internal affairs Arsen Avakov attacks Trump and Trump campaign adviser Paul Manafort on Twitter and Facebook, calling Trump “an even bigger danger to the US than terrorism.” Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk writes on Facebook that Trump has “challenged the very values of the free world.”

  • 1 July. Lynch announces that she would accept whatever recommendation Comey and career prosecutors made about charging Clinton. Strzok and Lisa Page exchange txt msg saying that Lynch knew in advance of FBI's decision to whitewash the investigation:
Strzok – Holy cow....nyt breaking [Matt] Apuzzo,[178] Lync[h] will accept whatever rec[ommendation] and career prosecutors make. No political appointee input.

Strzok – Lynch. Timing not great, but whatever. Wonder if that's why the coordination language added.

Page – No way. This is a purposeful leak following the zairplane snafu.

Strzok – Timing looks like hell. Will appear to be choreographed. All major news networks literally leading with "AG to accept FBI D[irector]'s recommendation."

Lisa Page – Yeah, that is awful timing. Nothing we can do about it.

Strzok – What I meant was, did DOJ tell us yesterday they were doing this, so D[irector] added that language.

Strzok – Yep. I told Bill [Priestap] the same thing. Delaying just makes it worse.

Lisa Page – And yes. I think we had some warning of it. I know they sent some statement to [Comey Chief of Staff James] rybicki, bc he called andy [McCabe].

Lisa Page – And yeah, it's a real profile in couragw [sic], since she [Lynch] knows no charges will be brought.
  • Lynch, having failed to recuse herself, retained authority over both the final prosecution decision and the Department’s management of the Clinton email investigation.
  • Christopher Steele emails Bruce Ohr:
    "I am seeing [redacted; likely Gaeta] in London next week to discuss ongoing business, but there is something separate I wanted to discuss with you informally and separately. It concerns our favourite business tycoon!"
    Steele said he had planned to come to the U.S. soon, but now it looked like it would not be until August. He needed to talk in the next few days and suggested getting together by Skype before he left on holiday. Ohr suggested talking on July 7. Steele agreed.
  • Shawn Lucas serves papers on DNC for lawsuit on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters alleging election fraud.[179] DNC claims they were improperly served, delaying a hearing til after the election. The subject of the rebuttal, 38 year old Shawn Lucas the process server, will be dead in a month.
  • 2 July. Hillary Clinton interview. Obama donor and "career" employee Dept. of Justice Chief of Counterintelligence David Laufman and Peter Strzok conduct long delayed personal interview with Hillary Clinton in email investigation. Two unnamed DOJ representatives as well as the two confidential FBI agents also conduct the interview. David Kendall, Katherine Turner, Cheryl Mills, and Heather Samuelson are with Clinton.[180] Mills and Samuelson are fact witnesses in the investigation who were granted immunity, and now are acting as lawyers representing Clinton. No video, transcript or oath is made. White House and Justice Department claim that the investigators are independent and nonpartisan.[181] The FBI interviewers later are referred for disciplinary action.
  • John Ashe, former President of the UN General Assembly, crushes his own throat days before slated to testify against Hillary Clinton in a corruption trial.[182]
  • 3 July. Comey and Rybicki started to rehearse the Clinton exoneration statement at FBI Headquarters.[183]
  • 4 July. Franklin Foer writes in Slate, an article enitled Putin’s Puppet, which appears to come from Christopher Steele and the Steele dossier. Foer’s piece argues the Trump campaign was overly Russia-friendly. Foer discusses Trump’s team, including campaign convention manager Paul Manafort, who worked with former Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovich, and Carter Page.[184]
  • Strzok texted Lisa Page that he was waiting for clarification on the Clinton e-mails from the Department of Justice, and whether or not they were classified, while he fact-checked Director Comey’s statement.
  • Obama offered Hillary a ride in Air Force One for her July 5th trip to Charlotte, NC.[185]
James Comey oversaw the FBI's role in a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton of criminal allegations, and frame Donald Trump for crimes he did not commit.[186]
  • 5 July. Hillary whitewash announced. Comey gives Hillary get-out-of-jail-free card. in violation of existing DOJ regulations, Dir. James Comey usurped the power of the Attorney General, and DOJ prosecutors, to publicly announce his intention not to recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton for felonious acts which the investigation determined she and her staff committed. Comey stated "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring charges, intimidating reasonable DOJ prosecutors before they ever read the report or examined evidence. Nowhere in America do the police determine who to prosecute, other than in Obama, Lynch and Comey's progressive America.
  • Comey states that Sec. Clinton and staff were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information," and "there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information…There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those with whom she was corresponding about the matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation." Comey referred the matter to the Justice Dept. for a prosecutorial decision. In the absence of prosecution, security or administrative sanctions are the norm.[187] Comey's decision to by-pass DoJ rules and take matters into his own hands may have been part of a counterintelligence operation.[188]
  • Comey violated longstanding departmental policy of the FBI not commenting on investigations in public.
  • Comey lied about colluding with Lynch: “I have not coordinated or reviewed this statement in any way with the Department of Justice or any other part of the government. They do not know what I am about to say.”[189]

  • "Steele, after consulting with Glenn Simpson, reaches out to the FBI about what he has heard," according Washington Post reporting.[190] The Schiff memo denies this fact.
  • Steele gives FBI Agent Mike Gaeta a copy of dossier at the offices of Steele’s firm, Orbis in London. Permission was given by Victoria Nuland to meet with Steele. Nuland receives a copy by mid July and passes it to FBI.[191][192]

  • Reports say FBI Little Rock office smothering the Clinton Foundation investigation.[193]

  • In the early evening, Eastern Daylight Time, someone working in the EDT time zone with a computer directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network, copied 1,976 MegaBytes of data in 87 seconds onto an external storage device. That speed is much faster than what is physically possible with a hack.[194]
  • Obama speaks with Putin by phone; no mention whatsoever of alleged "Russian hacks."[195]
  • 6 July. Loretta Lynch announces that no charges would be brought against Hillary Clinton in the email investigation. Apparently "no reasonable prosecutors" in the DOJ are willing to challenge Comey.[196]

  • ~6-7 July. First installment of the Steele dossier is shared with the State Department’s Victoria Nuland and passed on to the FBI. Both Manafort and Carter Page are referenced in an early undated Steele dossier memo (page 7). Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn and Corey Lewandowski are not referenced and only listed in later memos in the Steele dossier. George Papadopoulos is never mentioned in any Steele memo.[197] Nuland later says "when [Steele] was doing this other work and became concerned … he passed two to four pages of short points of what he was finding and our immediate reaction to that was, this is not in our purview. This needs to go to the FBI if there is any concern here that one candidate or the election as a whole might be influenced by the Russian Federation. That’s something for the FBI."
  • 7 July. Bruce Ohr's phone log notes, "Call with Chris Steele" from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. eastern time."

  • James Comey in testimony before the House Oversight Cmte. refuses to answer questions about whether the FBI was investigating the Clinton Foundation.

  • Carter Page delivers graduation commencement speech at Moscow's New Economic School. Carter Page has no role in the campaign nor has ever met or briefed Trump. Nonetheless, Obama agents eventually obtain a FISA warrant to monitor Carter Page, convincing a judge there’s probable cause to believe Carter Page is a Russian agent based on the speech which is critical of Obama's policy toward Russia. President Obama addressed graduates of the same institution in 2009.[199] Surveillance of Page allows government officials to “incidentally” collect communications of the Trump campaign if they communicate with Page.[200]

Seth Rich (1989-2016), an American hero. Rich represents the first rumblings among the Millennial generation of the WalkAway movement.
  • 8 July. House Select Committee on Beghazi votes on final version of report. Report finds "Susan Rice’s comments on the Sunday talk shows were met with shock and disbelief by State Department employees in Washington. The Senior Libya Desk Officer, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, State Department, wrote: “I think Rice was off the reservation on this one.” The Deputy Director, Office of Press and Public Diplomacy, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, State Department, responded: “Off the reservation on five networks!” The Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications, Bureau of Near East Affairs, State Department, wrote: “WH [White House] very worried about the politics. This was all their doing.” [pg. 132][201]

  • 4:19 EDT. Murder of Seth Rich. Rich was an IT staffer working in DNC headquarters disillusioned by Democrat party corruption.[202] Evidence suggests Rich leaked the Podesta emails to Gavin MacFadyen of Wikileaks.[203]

  • Strzok and Lisa Page discuss problem of getting Black Lives Matter protesters onboard the Democrat train: "Strzok – And meanwhile, we have Black Lives Matter protestors, right now, chanting “no justice no peace” around DoJ and the White House… Lisa Page – That’s awful."

  • 11 July. Stefan Halper invited Carter Page to attend a symposium held at Cambridge University in England regarding the upcoming election. The speaker list included: Madeleine Albright (former U.S. Secretary of State); Vin Weber (Republican Party strategist and former Congressman now with Mercury LLC);[204] Ambassador Peter Ammon (German Ambassador to the UK); Sir Richard Dearlove (former head of MI6); Bridget Kendall (BBC diplomatic correspondent and the next Master of Peterhouse College); Sir Malcolm Rifkind (former Defence and Foreign Secretary). Carter Page attended the symposium four days after his Moscow trip. Carter Page met with Halper during the London visit.
  • Halper stayed in contact with Carter Page for the next fourteen months. Halper stopped contact exactly as the Final FISA Warrant on Carter Page expired.

  • 12 July. Washington Times: Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu.[205]

  • 13 July. Florida Sanders supporters file suit alleging DNC’s favoritism of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders amounted to fraud, misrepresentation, unjust enrichment, breach of fiduciary duty, and negligence.[206]
  • Ties emerge between Hillary Clinton and Fethullah Gulen.[207]
  • 14 July. Lisa Page and Peter Strzok discuss blowback from Clinton whitewash:
Lisa Page – Have you read this? It’s really frightening. For Whites Sensing Decline, Donald Trump Unleashes Words of Resistance http://NYTI/ms/29WCu5!

Strzok – I have not. But I think it’s clear he’s capturing all the white, poor voters who the mainstream republicans abandoned in all but name in the quest for the almighty $$$

Lisa Page – Yeah, it’s not good.

Strzok – Poll Finds Emails Weighing on Hillary Clinton, Now Tied With Donald Trump http://nyti.ms/29RV5gf

Lisa Page – It is

  • Papadopoulos emails FBI informant Timofeev and proposed a “meeting for August or September in the UK (London) with me and my national chairman, and maybe one other foreign policy advisor and you, members of president putin’s office and the mfa.”
  • 15 July. Papadopoulos sends a private Facebook message to a Facebook account identified with FBI informant Timofeev.

  • Bill Browder's Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation and others file formal complaint with the US Justice Department against FusionGPS alleging that Fusion GPS was working as a lobbyist for Russian interests and failed to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.[208] The Obama administration ignores complaint.
  • Perkins Coie, the surrogate for Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC, makes a payment of $107,399.74 to FusionGPS.
  • Gulenist coup attempt in Turkey;[209] Fethullah Gulen and many of his followers are Clinton Foundation donors.[210] Obama administration tied directly to meddling in Turkish affairs.[211]

  • 18 July. RNC Convention platform completed. It reads,
    Repressive at home and reckless abroad, their policies imperil the nations which regained their self-determination upon the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will meet the return of Russian belligerence with the same resolve that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. We will not accept any territorial change in Eastern Europe imposed by force, in Ukraine or elsewhere, and will use all appropriate measures to bring to justice the practitioners of aggression and assassination.
    We support maintaining and, if warranted, increasing sanctions, together with our allies, against Russia unless and until Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity are fully restored. We also support providing appropriate assistance to the armed forces of Ukraine and greater coordination with NATO defense planning.
  • Mainstream fake news reporting begins kenard, based on Hillary Clinton's opposition research Steele dossier, that Donald Trump "gutted" the RNC platform on support for an independent Ukraine.
  • Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News interviews Flynn interviewed live:
    Isikoff: You flew over to Moscow to participate in the 10th anniversary—a celebration of RT—Russian television, a propaganda arm of the Russian government. And you sat next to Vladimir Putin at a celebratory dinner. Why did you attend that event?
    Flynn: Because I wanted to tell Russia to get Iran the hell out of the four proxy wars that they’re involved in in the Middle East in order for us to settle the situation down … my intent for speaking at that event—and they allowed me to do it—was to talk about Russia’s influence over Iran and to essentially tell Russia that they have got to get Iran out of the situations they are involved in in the region … Iran has got to back out of many of the things they’re doing.[212]
    Isikoff ignored Flynn’s entire response and continued his line of questioning:
    Isikoff: Were you paid for that event?
    Following the Isikoff interview, the matter was pursued further by Washington Post reporter Dana Priest, who published a combined an-person and telephone interview with Flynn in an August 15, 2016.
  • 19 July. Brennan attended a Leadership Dinner at the Intelligence and National Security Alliance, where he discussed the modernisation of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Open Source Enterprise.[213]
  • Peter Strzok texts Lisa Page during the Republican National Convention FBI investigator: "TURN IT ON, TURN IT ON!!! THE DOUCHEBAGS ARE ABOUT TO COME OUT.” Lisa Page replied: "And wow, Donald Trump is an enormous d*uche."
  • Hours later Strzok texts Lisa Page, “Hi. How was Trump, other than a douche? Melania?" Lisa Page responds, "Trump barely spoke, but the first thing out of his mouth was 'we’re going to win sooo big.' The whole thing is like living in a bad dream.”
  • Strzok & Lisa Page go on to say they hope Trump’s “disorganization comes back to bite him hard in November,” with Strzok saying he feels “Panicked” about the election.
  • Strzok and Lisa Page also trade comments on other Republican leaders, calling Ben Carson “crazy-ass grain storage pyramid Ben Carson,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell “a turtle,” and Paul Ryan “a jerky.”
  • Obama-backed Syrian rebels behead 12-year-old boy.[214][215][216][217][218][219][220] The group had been certified "moderate" by Brennan and Obama's CIA and received TOW surface-to-air heat seeking missiles.[221][222] A TOW missile can shoot down commercial aircraft, such as TWA Flight 800.
  • 20 July. Trump receives Republican nomination.
  • Susan Rice begins to show increased interest in National Security Agency (NSA) intelligence material including “unmasked” Americans’ identities around the time Trump secured the GOP nomination (July 20, 2016) and accelerated after Trump’s election in November launched a transition that continued through January 2017.[223]

  • 1MDB scandal. Justice Department announced the filing of civil asset forfeiture complaints seeking the recovery of more than $1 Billion in connection with an international conspiracy to launder funds misappropriated from the state-owned 1Malaysian Development Berhad (1MDB) fund. From 2009 through 2015, more than $3.5 Billion in funds belonging to 1MDB was allegedly misappropriated by 1MDB and associates. The US government is seeking to recover more than $1 Billion laundered through the US and traceable to the conspiracy.[224]
  • Money paid by 1MDB to DuSable Capital Management found its way into the campaigns of at least 7 Democrats in the 2013/14 election cycle.[225] DuSable is headed by Frank R. White, Jr.,[226] Obama’s chief fundraiser during the 2012 re-election campaign.
  • Bloomberg reported DuSable is one of “a small group of money managers founded by former political figures and public officials, who have sought to parlay their connections to invest in industries that rely on direct or indirect government support”.[227]
  • 1MBD and the Government of Malaysia was DuSable's only client.
  • DuSable registered as a foreign agent.
  • DuSable paid $25,000 to the campaign of Gov. Terry McAuliffe in late 2013 and $5,200 each to Democrat Senate candidates Dick Durbin, Mark Begich and Michelle Nunn in 2014. The campaigns of Ro Khanna, Don Beyer and Kevin Strouse also received money.[228]

  • 21 July. Anne Applebaum of the Washington Post writes a “Trump presidency could destabilize Europe.” The issue, she explained, was Trump’s positive attitude toward Putin. “The extent of the Trump-Russia business connection has already been laid out, by Franklin Foer at Slate,” wrote Applebaum. She named Carter Page and his “long-standing connections to Russian companies.” Applebaum repeats the kenard that the “Trump’s campaign team helped alter the Republican party platform to remove support for Ukraine” from the Republican National Committee’s platform. Maybe, she hints, that was because of Trump aide Manafort’s ties to Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovich. The Manafort-Yanukovich relationship is an important part of the Steele dossier. So is the claim that in exchange for Russia releasing the DNC emails, “the TRUMP team had agreed to sideline Russian intervention in Ukraine as a campaign issue.” For Applebaum, it was hard to understand why Trump would express skepticism about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, except to appease Putin. She referred to a recent interview in which Trump “cast doubt on the fundamental basis of transatlantic stability, NATO’s Article 5 guarantee: If Russia invades, he said, he’d have to think first before defending U.S. allies.”[229] The talking points appear to come directly from Hillary Clinton opposition research, FusionGPS and the Steele dossier.
  • Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic publishes an article entitled, It’s Official: Hillary Clinton is Running Against Vladimir Putin using the same opposition research material from the Steele dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton: “The Republican nominee for president, Donald J. Trump, has chosen this week to unmask himself as a de facto agent of Russian President Vladimir Putin.” Trump’s admiration for Putin and other “equivocating, mercenary statements are unprecedented in the history of Republican foreign policymaking.” However, insofar as Trump’s fundamental aim was to find some common ground with Putin, it’s a goal that has been a 25-year U.S. policy constant across party lines. Starting with George W.H. Bush, every American commander-in-chief since the end of the Cold War sought to “reset” relations with Russia. But Trump, according to Goldberg, was different. “Trump’s understanding of America’s role in the world aligns with Russia’s geostrategic interests.” Goldberg alleged “watered down” the RNC’s platform on Ukraine and “questioned whether the U.S., under his leadership, would keep its [NATO] commitments,” including Article 5. Thus, Goldberg concluded: “Donald Trump, should he be elected president, would bring an end to the postwar international order.”[230]
  • President Toomas Hendrik Ives tweeted “Estonia is 1 of 5 NATO allies in Europe to meet its 2% def expenditures commitment. Fought, with no caveats, in NATO’s sole Art 5 op. in Afg”.[231]
  • According to WaPo, White House officials convened a high-level security meeting, which featured people from the National Security Council, Department of Defense, FBI and Homeland Security. During the meeting, the officials discussed the reports that Russia allegedly hacked the Democratic National Committee.[232]
  • Papadopoulos sends another private Facebook message to FBI informant Timofeev.
  • Papadopoulos reported as the "director of the Center for International Energy & Natural Resources Law at the London Centre of International Law Practice" by the Cleveland Jewish News despite having left the organization some two months earlier.[233]
Shawn Lucas at the DNC, from the viral video of Lucas serving papers in the election fraud lawsuit. DNC attorney's argued the papers were not properly served. Ten days later Lucas was found dead effectively delaying a hearing until after the November election.

  • 22 July. Second WikiLeaks dump: documents and 20,000 emails (sent/received) between Jan. 2015 and May 2016 showing the collusion between the DNC and Clinton campaign to rig the nomination for Hillary Clinton and defeat the Sanders movement.[234] The DNC has never disputed the authenticity of the documents.
  • Brexit vote organizer and financier George Cottrell was arrested by the FBI when he attempted to return to London with Nigel Farage after attending the Republican National Convention.[235]
  • DNC seeks to delay election fraud lawsuit brought by Sanders supporters arguing, improper service of papers. Shawn Lucas, the process server, videotaped himself serving the papers along with an associate.
  • 23 July. Alexander Downer informed Elizabeth Dibble at the US Embassy in London about his conversation with George Papadopoulos from May 10, 2016.[236]
  • Dibble then transmitted this information to FBI headquarters.[237]
  • Strzok receives Papadopolous information from U.S. London charge d' affaires Elizabeth Dibble. This is outside normal process for intelligence sharing. According to the FBI as reported in NYT, this becomes the official Obama FBI fake news narrative used to open the counterintelligence investigation on Team Trump.[238]
  • Papadopoulos messaged FBI informant Ivan Timofeev [Foreign Contact 2 in FBI Agent Robert M. Gibbs Version, July 28, 2017 Affidavit] on Facebook to ask whether Timofeev knew a particular individual with extensive ties to Russian-based businesses and persons. Papadopoulos asked Timofeev “[i]f you know any background of him that is noteworthy before I see him, kindly send my way.” The referenced individual is Sergei Millian.[239] No reference to these and coming days events relating to Millian are made in Robert Mueller's Version, October 5, 2017 Statement of Offense.
  • ~23-25 July. Papadopoulos meets with Sergei Millian. This meeting appears nowhere in FBI investigator Gibbs Affidavit or the Mueller Statement of Offense.[240]

  • 24 July. Robby Mook of the Clinton campaign was interviewed on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, where he claimed that the DNC’s e-mails had been leaked by Russians who wanted to help Donald Trump become the next President, and cited CrowdStrike Services as his source.
  • ABC News, NPR, Rachel Maddow and other mainstream outlets report fake news that the Trump campaign "weakened the Republican platform on aid to Ukraine."[241][242][243] The fake news appears to come directly from Hillary Clinton's opposition research, the Steele dossier.
  • Late July. Undated Steele dossier memo alleges “a well developed conspiracy of cooperation” between Trump associates and the Kremlin…recent release of internal DNC emails by WikiLeaks was undertaken in exchange for Trump sidelining Ukraine as a campaign issue.”
  • 25 July. Daily Beast published fake news headline, “FBI Suspects Russia Hacked DNC; U.S. Officials Say It Was to Elect Donald Trump."[244] The FBI never investigated if or who "hacked" DNC emails.[245][246][247]
  • Fox News reporter James Rosen emails Clinton Foundation investigator Charles Ortel, "Am told Wikileaks will be doing a massive dump of HRC emails relating to the CF [Clinton Foundation] in September." Ortel forwards the email to Roger Stone.[248]
  • Peter Strzok and Lisa Page exchange messages about Strzok's personal friendship with FISA court Judge Rudy Contreras. In December 2017 Contreras accepted a guilty plea from Gen. Michael Flynn for allegedly lying to Strzok. Strzok originally reported Flynn did not lie,[249] however FBI Dep. Dir. Andrew McCabe altered the interview report to say Flynn did lie.
    Lisa Page: Rudy is on the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court]! Did you know that?

    Strzok: Just appointed two months ago

    Strzok: I did. We talked about it before and after. I need to get together with him

    Strzok: He mentioned thinking about it even though he was junior, they needed people and they especially needed minorities, and then he said he’d gotten on a month or two ago at a graduation party we were both at.

    Strzok: [Redacted] brought up a good point about being circumspect in talking to [Contreras] in terms of not placing him into a situation where he’d have to recuse himself.

    Lisa Page: I can’t imagine either one of you could talk about anything in detail meaningful enough to warranted recusal

    Strzok: Really? Rudy, I’m in charge of espionage for the FBI. Any espionage FISA comes before him, what should he do? Given his friend oversees them?

    Lisa Page: Standards for recusal are quite high. I just don’t think this poses an actual conflict. And he doesn’t know what you do?

    Strzok: Not the level or scope or area. But he’s super thoughtful and rigorous about ethics and conflicts. [redacted] suggested a social setting with others would probably be better than a one on one meeting.

After a rigged primary process, Hillary was nominated on July 26, 2018. Notably absent from her crowds were the faces of minorities and people of color.
  • Wasserman Schultz resigns DNC chair amidst WikiLeaks revelations of improprieties and election rigging to defeat Bernie Sanders. Donna Brazile appointed interim successor. Brazile later admits the Clinton machine was in control of the DNC's budget throughout the primary election process contested by Bernie Sanders.
  • 26 July. Obama signed a presidential directive to place the FBI in charge of responding to all cyber threats, and to allow the federal government an active role in investigating, preventing and mitigating attempts to hack into state election board computer networks.
  • Lisa Monaco attended the International Conference On Cyber Security.
  • Kerry met with Sergey Lavrov in Vientiane, Laos.
  • Steele dossier memo alleges extensive Russian government hacking operation.
  • Mueller report claims (pg 89, fn465) that Australia informed the U.S. government of Papadopoulos statements about Clinton emails. Both Papadopoulos and Downer deny Clinton emails were ever discussed (the reference was to "dirt," i.e. Clinton's use of a Blackberry tied to her unsecured server to communicate with President Obama from the territory of Russia which Comey claimed was likely hacked at his July 5, 2016 press conference. Comey also kept Obama's identity secret and referred to him as "another senior government official").
  • 27 July. Trump invokes Russia at press conference: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”
  • Strzok calls Bernie Sanders supporters “stupid*ass” and “idiots,” to which Lisa Page replies she “really really” likes former Vice President Joe Biden, apparently referring to Biden's convention speech attacking Trump. Strzok responds "Opened on Trump? If Hillary did, you know five field offices would…" Five field offices refer to five FBI field offices. If Hillary attacks Trump, five FBI field offices would support her.
  • 29 July. Strzok and Lisa Page texted each other about a new case and whether Page had discussed it with McCabe.
  • Perkins Coie, the surrogate law firm acting on behalf of Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC, makes a payment of $99,166.83 to FusionGPS.
  • Steele emails Bruce Ohr advising that he would "be in DC at short notice on business" later that day and Saturday. He asked if Ohr and wife Nellie were free for breakfast on Saturday morning. Steele finished installments of the dossier on July 19 and 26.[251]
  • The Obama Justice Department never acted on the formal complaint that FusionGPS itself was an unregistered Russian agent lobbying for repeal of the Magnitsky Act.

  • Gianni Pittella, leader of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S & D) in the EU Parliament, campaigns for Hillary Clinton:
    "I have taken the unprecedented step of endorsing and campaigning for Hillary Clinton because the risk of Donald Trump is too high. I believe it is in the interest of the European Union and Italy to have Hillary Clinton in office. A Trump victory could be a disaster for the relationship between the U.S.A. and Italy.”
    “This campaign is not between Democrat or Republican. It’s between democracy and no democracy in the U.S. It’s between having a relationship between the U.S. and the E.U. and the U.S. and other countries, or not. And Italian citizens, together with the world, have the duty not only to intervene, but to act, to support Hillary’s campaign.[252]
    Gianni Pittella is a very close friend and associate of Joseph Mifsud.[253]
  • 30 July. Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Christopher Steele have breakfast at the Washington Mayflower Hotel. Also present at the breakfast meeting was a fourth individual, described by Ohr as “an associate of Mr. Steele’s, another gentleman, younger fellow. I didn’t catch his name.” :*Steele relayed information from his dossier and claimed that “a former head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, the SVR, had stated to someone … that they had Donald Trump over a barrel.”[254]
  • Steele also referenced Deripaska’s business dealings with Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and foreign policy adviser Carter Page’s meetings in Moscow.
  • "Paul Hauser, who was an attorney working for Oleg Deripaska, had information about Paul Manafort, that Paul Manafort had entered into some kind of business deal with Oleg Deripaska, had stolen a large amount of money from Oleg Deripaska, and that Paul Hauser was trying to gather information that would show that, you know, or give more detail about what Paul Manafort had done with respect to Deripaska.” The money relates to a failed Ukrainian cable TV project Deripaska invested money with Manafort in.
  • Ohr also noted that Steele told him he had been in contact with the FBI but now had additional reports. “Chris Steele had provided some reports to the FBI, I think two, but that Glenn Simpson had more,” he said.
  • Steeledossier memo alleges eight-year Russian effort to cultivate Trump. Says Kremlin worried of political fallout from DNC email hack.
  • Steele emails Bruce Ohr later: "Great to see you and Nellie this morning Bruce. Let’s keep in touch on the substantive issues/s (sic). Glenn [Simpson] is happy to speak to you on this if it would help.”
  • Bruce Ohr calls Andrew McCabe. They meet in McCabe’s office with Lisa Page in early August. Ohr wanted the FBI to have the information and be aware of his meeting with Steele.
  • Strzok texted Lisa Page and wondered if he would be able to bring her to London with him.
  • 31 July. Strzok formally begins Russia investigation. Strzok may have used:
  • “EC” [Electronic Communication (possibly authored by Peter Strzok)]; or
  • information from Steele through Bruce Ohr.
  • Strzok texts Lisa Page:
    Strzok: And damn this feels momentous. Because this matters. The other one [Clinton email investigation] did, too, but that was to ensure that we didn’t F something up. This matters because this MATTERS.[255]
  • Peter Schweitzer publishes From Russia With Money about Clinton collusion with Russia over the Uranium One sale and cronyism redounding to the Podesta's benefit.[256][257]
  • July. CIA Counterintelligence Mission Center started to serve as a conduit to the FBI by using contacts developed by the CIA between Russian individuals and members of the Trump campaign.[258]
  • Late July. Democratic operative and Ukrainian-American Chalupa leaves the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to work full-time on her research into Manafort, Trump and Russia; and provides off-the-record guidance to “a lot of journalists.”

  • Summer. Robert Hannigan, head of GCHQ, flew from London to meet personally with CIA Director John Brennan.[259]

  • July to September. German newspaper Die Welt[260] reported:
    [German] Ministry for Environment transferred millions to the [Clinton] Foundation. In the third quarter of 2016, at the height of [Clinton’s] campaign, German taxpayers gave up to five million dollars to the family foundation.

    Some observers believe that German government has some explaining to do for the donation that appears under the heading “Donors and Grantors”. “Why does a Ministry supports the election campaign of a U.S. presidential candidate?” asked Vera Lengsfeld — former civil rights activist and German parliamentarian — in her blog. “It seems German taxpayers unwittingly financed Hillary Clinton’s election campaign.”
  • Late July/Early August. Brennan briefs Obama and three senior Obama advisors (Rice, Biden, Ben Rhodes?). Brennan suggests Russia is helping Trump.

August 2016

Deputy Assistant Attorney General Stu Evans was the person within the DOJ who was in charge of the entire FISA process, but the FBI chose not to tell Evans that they had opened a counterintelligence investigation. According to Lisa Page's testimony, the only DOJ official they told was George Toscas, the deputy assistant attorney general in the National Security Division. Without forewarning to the FBI, Toscas informed Stu Evans in August 2016—possibly earlier—of the FBI’s newly opened investigation.

The ongoing attempts by George Papadopoulos are similar to those made by Joseph Mifsud and Stefan Halper. Use intentionally manufactured meetings and contacts to create perceived associations with Russia.

  • First week of August. Brennan contacted Deputy National Security Advisor Avril Haines via telephone, as he had received intelligence in relation to President Vladimir Putin. An envelope which contained “eyes only” instructions was sent by courier from the Central Intelligence Agency to the White House. The contents of the envelope were shown to four people: President Barack Obama, and three of his senior aides, most likely Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, National Security Advisor Susan Rice and deputy Avril Haines. Within the envelope was a valuable source that Director Brennan had used to ascertain certain information, a source which he intentionally kept away from the Presidential Daily Brief. This was because, by 2013, the Presidential Daily Brief was being received by over 30 recipients. According to The Washington Post, "The intelligence captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objects — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump.”  Brennan created a secret task force at the Central Intelligence Agency’s Headquarters, which was composed of several dozen analysts from the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Working Group reported to two different groups:
(1) President Barack Obama and less than 14 senior United States Government officials.
(2) A team of operations specialists at the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.[261]
  • The Crossfire Hurricane investigation team, in conjunction with a number of agents at the Eastern District of Virginia (EDVA) under US Attorney Dana Boente, reported to the Working Group,[262] including the CIA. During this time, they investigated the four main targets of Crossfire Hurricane, Papadopoulos , Carter Page, Michael Flynn  Paul Manafort  and they also investigated Roger Stone as part of their expanded WikiLeaks investigation.
  • As part of the secrecy surrounding the Working Group and Crossfire Hurricane, the Crossfire Hurricane team was provided their own source of funding, and they worked in a secure area, titled the “war room”, within FBI Headquarters, which required special clearance to enter.[263]
  • Obama ordered his aides to determine ways to retaliate or deter against the Russian Government through three steps: (1) Gain a high-confidence assessment from the United States intelligence agencies on Russia’s role and intent; (2) Check vulnerabilities in state-run election systems; (3) Seek bipartisan support from Congressional leaders for a statement condemning Moscow and urging states to accept federal assistance.
  • The same week, Susan Rice, Avril Haines and Lisa Monaco convened meetings in the White House Situation Room, which would later be referred to as “Deputies Meetings”. These meetings were initially attended by Brennan, Clapper, Comey and Lynch. As time passed Vice President Joe Biden joined the Deputies Meetings.[264] At a later time, agendas were directly sent to Cabinet secretaries, including Secretary John Kerry and Secretary Ashton Carter. When an agenda was received, their subordinates were ordered never to open the envelopes. Further to this, some agendas were withheld until the participants had arrived in the Situation Room and sat down.
  • Ordinarily, a video feed from the White House Situation Room is fed into various National Security Council offices to allow senior aides to view the events with zero sound. However, during the Deputies Meetings, the video feeds were switched off.
One of these Deputies Meetings was hosted by Avril Haines, where the attendees of the meetings argued that any deliberative attempt to strike back against Russia would become a tool of propaganda for President Vladimir Putin, while another was concerned about the potential effect any action may have on Election Day 2016. Haines would later note she was “very concerned” during this time about the potential of Russians gaining influence within the Trump campaign, although she apparently remained unaware of the existence of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
  • As an aspect, or an offshoot, of one of these meetings, Susan Rice informed both Michael Daniel and Celeste Wallander (who would later gain access to the Steele dossier) to cease their planning of retaliation against Russia for their cyber attacks on companies and political campaigns and to stand down.
  • Comey also met with Obama in the Oval Office for a one-on-one meeting, where Comey suggested that he write an opinion piece for The New York Times about the potential for Russian interference in the 2016 United States presidential election. Comey planned to avoid mentioning the Crossfire Hurricane investigation in the opinion piece; "they never took me up on it. The Obama administration deliberated until the beginning of October."[265]
  • Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) warned officials and Congress that both American citizens’ and residents’ banking and financial data had been illegally searched and stored. Those breaches extended to other intelligence agencies, including the NSA, CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
This was accomplished as the Office of Intelligence and Analysis opened a back door to give access to the intelligence agencies. Another aspect was that the Treasury Dept. attempted to transfer the work of FinCEN to the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, which was fought back by employees at the FinCEN.
At the time, the Office of Intelligence and Analysis was ran by the Asst. Sec. for Intelligence and Analysis, S. Leslie Ireland, whom also simultaneously worked as the National Intelligence Manager For Threat Finance at ODNI. She started both positions in July 2010, and left both positions in November 2016.
In the summer of 2016 FinCEN inquired about reviewing the Office of Intelligence and Analysis’ guidelines[266] under Executive Order 12333,[267] but they were ultimately removed from the e-mail chain surrounding the issue.
Illustration of how the 3 hop rule works after a FISA warrant is obtained. A typical subject has 50 contacts in their phone or email. The same legal surveillance authority is applied to those 50 contacts, and then to your contacts' contacts.
  • In 2016 the NSA collected the records of 151 million American phone calls through the use of FISA Court orders to collect information from 42 individuals.[268] This involved the distribution of 3,914 reports which contained information about Americans gathered in warrantless surveillance programs.
  • Early August — presumably the first week .  Federal Bureau of Investigation agents met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, where they questioned her about a letter they had received in early March 2016 from a foreign source, supposedly written by Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Leonard Benardo of the Open Society Foundations regarding the Midyear Exam investigation. The agents offered to give Lynch a “defensive briefing”. Shortly after this, the Federal Bureau of Investigation concluded that the Benardo letter was an unreliable document.[269]
  • 1 August - 15 August. Papadopoulos continues to communicate with Trump Campaign officials regarding a potential “off the record” meeting with Russian officials.[270] There are probably foreign contacts made during this time but no details are disclosed in either the Mueller indictments or FBI releases.[271] Papadopoulos was unsuccessful in establishing any meetings between the Trump Campaign and Russian Officials.
  • August. Paul Wood of BBC News spoke with a retired spy, whom said that they had heard about the existence of potential “kompromat” on Donald Trump from the head of an East European intelligence agency.[272]
  • Estonia started to conduct intelligence gathering operations on executives from the Trump Organization whom visited Europe.
    “The Western European intelligence operations began in August, after the British government obtained information that people acting on behalf of Russia were in contact with members of the Trump campaign. Those details from the British were widely shared among the NATO allies in Europe. The Baltic nation has been gathering intelligence for at least that long, and has conducted surveillance of executives from the Trump Organization who were traveling in Europe.”[273]
  • 1 - 3 August. Strzok travels to London to interview a "key witness," Stefan Halper a foreign policy expert and Cambridge professor with connections to the CIA and its British counterpart, MI6.
  • Halper's job was to locate then dirty-up anyone he could convince: 1) to meet with him; 2) engage in his requests; and 3) engage contacts he set up. Halper provided the underlying optics needed for the Electronic Communication (EC) referral which Brennan used to trigger Comey to originate the FBI Counterintelligence Operation. The fraudulent origin, in combination with the October FISA warrant needed for surveillance gathering, would drive the insurance policy that Peter Strzok described to Lisa Page.
  • 2 August. Strzok and another agent at the Federal Bureau of Investigation met with Downer in London.[274]
  • Strzok received reading materials, which he texted about to Lisa Page.[275]
  • Corsi email to Stone from Rome.[276] Makes no reference to Podesta emails. In fact, Stone is curious if Corsi can discover what Assange has other than information on Podesta. Corsi tries but fails to get information from Assange through London sources.[277] No evidence exists of a link between Assange and Russia - the Wikileaks/Russia collusion narrative is developed later to cover up the murder of Seth Rich.
  • Shawn Lucas, 38 year-old process server for lawsuit against DNC on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters alleging election fraud, found dead.[278] The lawsuit is now effectively delayed until after the November 8 election.
  • 3 August. Brucr Ohr meets with Andrew McCabe and Lisa Page to discuss information relayed by Christopher Steele.
  • Bruce Ohr had known Lisa Page for some time as she previously had worked under his supervision at the DOJ for a period of “5-6 years.”
  • Ohr later testifies that he told McCabe that his wife, Nellie, worked for Fusion, noting, “I wanted the FBI to be aware of any possible bias.”[279]
  • Strzok and Lisa Page debate what would be shared with DOJ prosecutors when Strzok returns to Washington (investigators typically do not share information with prosecutors until an investigation is completed for fear of leaks which can compromise confidential informants. Additionally, unlike a criminal investigation, the Trump investigation is a counterintelligence investigation, which can be quite lengthy over years or decades, and rarely result in criminal indictments against the main targets. The object is to neutralize rather than convict. Hence due process requirements can be much lower than probable cause necessary in criminal inquiries):
    Strzok - I think we need to consider the lines of what we disclose to DOJ. For example, the last stipulation notes we will not disclose.
  • David Remnick writes an article in the New Yorker entitled, Trump and Putin: A Love Story. Citing the “original reporting” of Franklin Foer’s July 4, 2016 Slate article, Remnick contends “that one reason for Trump’s attitude has to do with his business ambitions.” As Remnick elaborated, “one of Trump’s foreign-policy advisers," Carter Page, "has longstanding ties to Gazprom, a pillar of Russia’s energy industry.” Remnick also worried about Trump’s lack of support for Ukraine and the fact that Trump “has declared NATO ‘obsolete’ and has suggested that he might do away with Article 5.”[280]
  • 4 August. John Brennan has regularly scheduled intelligence sharing phone call with Alexander Bortnikov, head of Russia’s FSB.
  • 5 August. Strzok and Lisa Page engage in a tense conversation which involves an imminent meeting with “agency people” — an apparent reference to the CIA. Strzok suggested that, for the new case, they should conduct Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning meetings “with [REDACTED]” just “like we did with mye” — Mid Year Exam, the Clinton probe. After some back-and-forth over who should be invited to a major meeting about the new case, a meeting was held. In the aftermath Strzok and Lisa Page have an exchange implying Obama ordered the illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign:
    Strzok: And hi. Went well, best we could have expected. Other than [REDACTED] quote: “the White House is running this.”[281] My answer, “well, maybe for you they are.” And of course, I was planning on telling this guy, thanks for coming, we’ve got an hour, but with Bill [Priestap] there, I’ve got no control….
    Lisa Page: Yeah, whatever (re the WH comment). We’ve got the emails that say otherwise.
  • Steele memo alleges growing backlash in Kremlin to DNC email hack and Trump support operation. Identifies Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as a key figure in the DNC hack.
  • Donna Brazile attends Obama birthday party at the White House. At the party she was pulled to the side by both Susan Rice (a member of the Deputies Meetings) and Eric Holder, separately. Bbth encouraged Brazile to place "Russian hacking" at the top of her priority list.
  • 6 August. Hillary Clinton tweets: “Seriously, what is going on with Trump and Russia?” with a 1 minute, 45 second video attached.[282]
  • Lisa Page sends Peter Strzok an article about Khizr Khan who spoke against Trump at the Democratic National Convention.
Page – Jesus. You should read this. And Trump should go f himself. Moment in Convention Glare Shakes Up Khans American Life http://nyti.ms/2aHulE0

Strzok – God that’s a great article. Thanks for sharing. And F TRUMP.

Page – And maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace. To that end comma, read this:

Page – Trump Enablers Will Finally Have to Take A Stand http://nyti.ms/2aFakry

Strzok – Thanks. It’s absolutely true that we’re both very fortunate. And of course I’ll try and approach it that way. I just know it will be tough at times. I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps
  • 8 August. Strzok texted Lisa Page about a joint intelligence piece for Comey to prepare for him to brief Denis McDonough on August 10, 2016.
    Strzok - Internal joint cyber cd intel piece for D [Director Comey], scenesetter for McDonough brief, Trainor [head of FBI cyber division] directed all cyber info be pulled. I’d let Bill [Priestap] and Jim [Baker (DOJ)] hammer it out first, though it would be best for D [Comey] to have it before the Wed WH [White House] session.”[283]
  • 9 August.
    Lisa Page – He’s not ever going to become president, right? Right?!

    Strzok - No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.
The Inspector General found Strzok's statement "antithetical to the core values of the FBI and the Department of Justice."
  • Wikileaks offers a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction for the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.
  • Brennan prepares for White House and Gang of Eight (Go8) briefings on Steele dossier.

  • 10 August. Brennan briefs White House on Christopher Steele reporting.
  • As paraphrased by a congressional investigator in July 2018, a message between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok read:
    “I remember what it was, Toscas already told Stu Evans everything. Sally [Yates] called to set up a meeting.”
    The congressional investigator asked Lisa Page, “What you’re saying is when the director [Brennan, in this case] briefed the White House 2 days prior to that, on August the 8th, or prepared for it, actually briefed him on the 10th, that it had nothing to do with any campaign. Even though George Toscas and Stu Evans knew about it.” Lisa Page responded, “Sir, I would be shocked. I would truly be stunned to discover that the director [again, Brennan] had briefed the president on the substance of our investigation or even the existence of our investigation. I would be—I can’t say it didn’t happen, I wasn’t there, but I would be stunned to discover that.”
    From Brennan’s congressional testimony, it is known that he had briefed the White House at some point in early August 2016, prior to Aug. 11. Brennan testified in 2017, “In consultation with the White House, I personally briefed [the Gang of Eight] between 11 August and 6 September."[284]
  • Go8 members were Sens. Richard Burr, Dianne Feinstein, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, Speaker Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Reps. Devin Nunes and Adam Schiff.
  • Pelosi makes public statement saying that the hacking of the Democratic National Committee was a modern version of the Watergate scandal, conducted by the Russians.
  • Comey briefed McDonough.
  • Steele memo claims Putin is generally satisfied with anti-Clinton efforts to date, notes Kremlin support for General Flynn and Green Party Candidate Jill Stein:
    "Kremlin engaging with several high profile US players, including STEIN, PAGE and (former DIA Director Michael Flynn) and funding their recent visits to Moscow.
    Speaking separately, also in early August 2016, a Kremlin official involved in US relations commented on aspects of the Russian operation to date … This had involved the Kremlin supporting various US political figures, including funding indirectly their recent visits to Moscow. S/he named a delegation from Lyndon LAROUCHE; presidential candidate JILL STEIN of the Green Party; TRUMP foreign policy advisor Carter PAGE; and former DIA Director Michael Flynn.”
All other names are capitalized, in the manner of intelligence briefings. Flynn’s name isn’t capitalized and in one case, appears within parentheses. It’s almost as if his name was suddenly added at the last minute—and by someone other than Steele.[285]
  • Separate Steele memo says DNC email leaks aimed at switching Sanders voters to Trump.
  • Shane Harris published the article Is It Okay for Spies to Elect a President in The Daily Beast.[286]
The New York Times has persistently printed fake news CYA leaks by FBI insiders to mislead Congress and the public about the origins of the Trump investigation contradicted by the evidence. There was no legal basis to begin the Trump investigation, which was taken over by Robert Mueller.
  • 11 August. Strzok texts Lisa Page:
  • James Clapper visited Estonia.[288]
  • 12 August. McCabe receives stand down order from DOJ’s Principal Assistant Attorney General (PADAG) on the Clinton Foundation investigation.[289]
  • 14 August. Deripaska's revenge: New York Times publishes Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief” two weeks after Bruce Ohr’s meeting with Steele. The article states: “Mr. Deripaska would later say he invested $18.9 million in Pericles [Manafort's company] in 2008 to complete the acquisition of Black Sea Cable. But the planned purchase—including the question of who ended up with the Black Sea assets—has since become the subject of a dispute between Mr. Deripaska and Mr. Manafort.”[290]
  • 15 August. John Brennan briefs Harry Reid on Christopher Steele and Spygate material. Reid asked Brennan if he could include the information they discussed on Russia in a letter to Comey to ask for investigation of Trump.[291]
  • Bruce Ohr talks directly with Strzok. Within a month of Bruce Ohr passing along Steele’s dirt, the FBI scheduled a follow-up meeting with Steele. The path was laid for the Steele dossier to support a FISA warrant to surveil the Trump campaign aide Carter Page.
  • Peter Strzok texts Lisa Page:
    "I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy [McCabe]'s office that there's no way he gets elected -- but I'm afraid we can't take that risk. It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40..."[292]
  • Dana Priest of WaPo publishes follow up on Isikoff's July 18 interview with Flynn:
    Priest: Tell me about the RT [state-run Russian Television] relationship?
    Flynn: I was asked by my speaker’s bureau, LAI [Leading Authorities, Inc.]. I do public speaking. It was in Russia. It was a paid speaking opportunity. I get paid so much, the speaker’s bureau got paid so much, based on our contract. The gig was to do an interview with [RT correspondent] Sophie Shevardnadze. It was an interview in front of the forum, probably 200 people in the audience. My purpose there was I was asked to talk about radical Islam in the Middle East. They asked me to talk about what was going on in the situation unfolding in the Middle East.
    Priest: Have you appeared on RT regularly?
    Flynn: I appear on Al Jazeera, Sky News Arabia, RT. I don’t get paid a dime. I have no media contracts. … [I am interviewed] on CNN, Fox …
    Priest: Why would you go on RT, they’re state-run?
    Flynn: Well, what’s CNN?

  • 1MDB scandal. Frank White, Obama chief fundraiser in 2012, under investigation for embezzling $3 Billion from the Government of Malaysia. The U.S. Justice Department is investigating officials at the Malaysian state-owned 1Malaysian Development Berhad (1MDB) and their associates for misappropriating $3.5 billion between 2009 and 2015. The U.S. government is seeking to recover $1 billion that was laundered through the United States and connected to the scandal.[293] White's firm partnered with 1MDB and profited $69 million on an investment that the firm had no money in, according to Malaysian investigators. 1MDB was White's only client, and some of the funds ended up in the campaigns of several Democratic party candidates.[294] White currently is fundraising for Hillary Clinton.

  • 17 August. Trump, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and Gov. Chris Christie attended their first classified briefing held by intelligence officials — the officials were from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and it was held at the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s New York Field Office.[295][296][297]

  • 19 August. Ukrainian parliament member Sergii Leshchenko holds news conference to draw attention to Paul Manafort and Trump’s “pro-Russia” ties.
  • Manafort resigns.
  • Randy Credico texts Roger Stone: “I’m going to have Julian Assange on my show next Thursday. Kunstler wife is his lawyer or at least one of them.” “I’m best friends with [Assange’s] lawyer and leave it at that and leave it alone.”
  • 21 August. Roger Stone tweets, "it will soon the Podesta’s time in the barrel."
  • 22 August. Bruce Ohr received an email from Glenn Simpson with the subject line "Can u ring." There was no message beyond a phone number.
  • Bruce Ohr meets with Glenn Simpson. “I don’t know exactly what Chris Steele was thinking, of course, but I knew that Chris Steele was working for Glenn Simpson, and that Glenn might have additional information that Chris either didn’t have or was not authorized to present, give me, or whatever.”
  • Ohr also testified that Simpson mentioned Sergei Millian, Michael Cohen, Carter Page, and Paul Manafort during their meeting. Carter Page and Manafort had been previously mentioned by Steele during the July 30, 2016, breakfast meeting.
  • Bruce Ohr admits he knew Simpson and his wife were working for Hillary Clinton and the DNC at this point.[298]
  • Simpson later lies under oath to Congress claiming he did not collude with the DOJ until after the election.[299]
  • Christopher Steele finishes another installment of the dossier. The memo details payments to Manafort from former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
  • Steele had produced eight reports from June 20, 2016, through the end of August 2016 (there is also one undated report included in the dossier). No further reports were generated by Steele until Sept. 14, 2016.

  • 23 August. Turkish authorities issue arrest warrant and begin massive manhunt for Clinton donor Adil Oksuz, whom they accuse of coordinating the July 2016 coup attempt against the government.[300]
  • 24 August. The Office of Net Assessment, which paid Stefan Halper $250,000 as part of Brennan's network of informant's, comes under attack for wasting money on "research projects."[301]
  • 25 August. Brennan briefs Reid; Reid asks Comey to investigate Trump. John Brennan gives an unusual private briefing to Democrat Minority Leader Harry Reid in which he told Reid the FBI should take the lead in an investigation of the Trump campaign because the FBI is the federal agency in charge of domestic intelligence and, unlike the CIA, can spy on U.S. citizens.
    Brennan managed Obama's 'kill list' and created a false narrative of 'warrantless wiretaps' to mask information from the Torture program which he oversaw. When investigated, he hacked into the investigators' computers. The Guardian says over 1100 were killed targeting 41 individuals on the kill list.[302] He also oversaw the Obama administration's censorship program targeting journalists.[303] Brennan authored the ICA memo which was widely circulated with unmasked names in the closing days of the Obama administration alleging President-elect Trump was a KGB agent and Putin-stooge. Brennan later admitted to Rachel Maddow he never had any evidence of Russian collusion with Trump.
  • Lisa Page and Peter Strzok have message exchange: “What are you doing after the CH [Crossfire Hurricane] brief?”

  • Assange interview with Megyn Kelly.
  • Assange interview with Randy Credico on WBAI radio.[304]

  • 26 August. Strzok texts Lisa Page about a trip to a Walmart in southern Virginia and he could “SMELL the Trump support.…” Page responds she is out to lunch with [redacted] and said they both “hate everyone and everything.” Strzok responds “I want to be there and hate with you, or charm you back to happy.” Page says, “Just riffing on the hot mess that is our country.”

  • 27 August. Two days after Brennan’s special briefing, Reid sent a letter to Comey stating, “evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s campaign continues to mount.”
  • Reid’s letter was leaked within days to the New York Times.[305]
  • Documents obtained by Congress revealed senior bureau officials were already expecting Reid’s letter even before the senator wrote it.[306] This evidence of Brennan, Comey, and FBI's direct meddling in the election remained stonewalled and hidden for the next two years, until August of 2018.
  • The letter demands an investigation targeting “individuals tied to Trump” to determine if they coordinated with the Russian government “to influence our election.” “The Trump campaign has employed a number of individuals with significant and disturbing ties to Russia and the Kremlin."[307]
  • Reid alludes to Carter Page and repeats an unproven charge from Hillary Clinton's dossier that Page met with two Kremlin officials in Moscow in July 2016 to discuss removing U.S. sanctions on Russia. “Any such meetings should be investigated,” Reid asserted. Brennan is known to have given more than one briefing.[308]
  • Brennan briefs Majority Leader McConnell three days after Reid was briefed and sent letter to Comey.[309]
  • Hillary Clinton then received her first classified briefing — alone, for 2 hours — from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence at a Federal Bureau of Investigation facility in White Plains, NY.
  • Randy Credico tells Roger Stone, "Julian Assange has kryptonite on Hillary."

  • 28 August. Serhiy Leshchenko, a member of the Ukrainian parliament, tells the the Financial Times of London that “a Trump presidency would change the pro-Ukrainian agenda in American foreign policy.” Leshchenko gave the Black Ledger file of the Ukrainian Party of Regions to Alexandra Chalupa and Glenn Simpson; Chalupa gave it to Mike Isiskoff and Simpson gave it to Nellie Ohr. When Isikoff published allegations about Paul Manafort from the files, Manafort resigned the next day. Nellis Ohr and Christopher Steele used some of the Black Ledger file in the Steele dossier.[310]
  • 29 August. Obama FBI Agent provocateur Stefan Halper emails Sam Clovis:
    "I am a professor at Cambridge University lecturing on US politics and foreign policy. I am what is called a ‘scholar practitioner,’ having served in the White House and four presidential campaigns — two as policy director. Over the past month I have been in conversation with Carter Page who attended our conference in Cambridge on US elections. Carter mentioned in Cambridge, and when visiting here in Virginia, that you and I should meet. I have enjoyed your comments and appearances in the media; you hit the sweet spot focusing Trump’s appeal to working America. May I suggest that we set a time to meet when you are next in Washington. Meanwhile, all the best, Stefan Halper.”[311]

  • 30 August. Strzok and Lisa Page exchange messages:
    09:45:20 Strzok - No, you heard the prebrief for to Andy, then the one to the D. Then you heard the prebrief on Fri to Andy, then this one. You've heard it at least FOUR times.
    Here we go: Harry Reid Cites Evidence of Russian Tampering in U.S. Vote, and Seeks F.B.I. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/08/30/us/politics/harry-reid-russia-tampering-election-fbi.html
    But Mr. Reid argued that the connections between some of Donald J. Trump\u2019s former and current advisers and the Russian leadership should, by itself, prompt an investigation. He referred indirectly in his letter to a speech given in Russia by one Trump adviser, Carter Page, a consultant and investor in the energy giant Gazprom, who criticized American sanctions policy toward Russia.\n\n\u201cTrump and his people keep saying the election is rigged,\u201d Mr. Reid said. \u201cWhy is he saying that? Because people are telling him the election can be messed with.\u201d Mr. Trump\u2019s advisers say they are concerned that unnamed elites could rig the election for his opponent, Hillary Clinton.

    Lisa Page - D [Dir. Comey] said at am brief that Reid called him and told him he would be sending a letter.[312]
    In Lisa Pages July 13 and 16, 2018 interview with the joint House committee Page noted that she remembered the letter sent by Reid, but seemed confused as to Brennan’s involvement and possible knowledge of the Steele dossier. While some within the FBI had parts of the dossier in July, the counterintelligence investigative team didn’t receive it until mid-September during a trip to Rome, where they met personally with Steele. The questioner focused on precisely how Brennan might have been aware of the dossier in August:
Q: “So what you’re saying is, is that you had no knowledge of these potential unverified memos prior to the middle part of September in your investigation?”
Page: “That is correct, sir.”[313]

Strzok and Lisa Page discuss how to circumvent FBI investigation document preservation laws:
Page - Have a meeting with turgal about getting iphone in a day or so
Strzok - Oh hot damn. . . We get around our security/monitoring issues?
Page - No, he’s proposing that we just stop following them. Apparently the requirement to capture texts came from [Office of Management and Budget], but we’re the only org (I’m told) who is following that rule. His point is, if no one else is doing it why should we. . . I’m told – thought I have seen – that there is an IG report that says everyone is failing. But one has changed anything, so why not just join in the failure.[314]

  • 31 August. Perkins Coie makes a payment of $157,753.61 to FusionGPS.
  • August. Strzok and Jonathan Moffa, the section chief over counterintelligence analysis, discuss the use of Confidential Human Sources (CHS) or spies, and the use of liaison with foreign intelligence agencies.[315]
  • Late August. White House National Security Advisor Susan Rice orders U.S. cyber-security team warning of Russian election meddling to stand down and "knock it off."[316][317]
  • NSA Dir. Admiral Mike Rogers pushed for a counter-cyber-strike against Russia for their actions, proposing a number of potential scenarios, although none of them were presented to President Obama.[318]
  • Christopher Steele goes to Sir Andrew Wood to ask him to act as a go-between to reach Sen. John McCain, trying to give his fake dossier credibility.[319]
  • Steele informed of human source in the Trump campaign by the FBI.

September 2016

Using a series of intermediaries, the DNC and Hillary for America (Clinton campaign) paid a private firm to conduct opposition research on candidate Trump and his ties with Russia. FusionGPS (fusion) is the trade name of a Washington, D.C.-based company that conducts research primarily on behalf of corporate clients. Marc Elias, chair of Perkins Coie's election law practice who represented the DNC and the Clinton campaign, hired Fusion in Spring 2016 and paid Fusion $1 million to conduct opposition research on candidate Trump. Fusion subsequently hired former British Secret Intelligence Service officer Christopher Steeie for $160,000 to obtain information on candidate Trump via a Russia-based primary subsource and numerous sub-sub-sources network who were purported to be current and former Russian government officials. The information Steele collected was reported back through a series of memos to Fusion and Perkins Coie. Steele produced sixteen memos, which comprise what has become known as the Steele dossier.[320]

By the end of September 2016 - in addition to Fusion and Perkins Coie - Steele provided the information in the Steele dossier to the DOJ, Department of State,[321] numerous press outlets,[322] and the FBI.

Marc Elias of Perkins Coie recalled personally being briefed by Christopher Steele on his findings during a late September or early October meeting and formed the impression that "the Fusion folks thought it was important that Mr. Steele hear from me directly that I was aware of his work and was appreciative."[323]

The Obama DOJ's illegal FISA warrant on Carter Page was built on an echo chamber of Hillary Clinton's opposition research among journalists, law enforcement and the intelligence community - all reinforcing each other with the manufactured allegations of the Steele dossier. Michael Isikoff’s September 23, 2016 Yahoo News article, provided by Christopher Steele, was used to corroborate the Obama DOJ's evidence to the FISA court, which likewise was provided by Christopher Steele.

The FBI used an informant in an attempt to ensnare Papadopoulos and establish collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia’s alleged hacking of the DNC emails. Then in January 2017, after Papadopoulos confirmed Mifsud was the source of his claim that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary, and had agreed to cooperate and contact Mifsud, and after the FBI “located” Mifsud in D.C., the FBI didn’t use Papadopoulos to ensnare the supposed Russian-agent whose purported foreknowledge of the hack justified the launch of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

  • 1 September. Agent Provocateur Stefan Halper meets with Sam Clovis.
  • 2 September. Lisa Page wrote about preparing talking points for Dir. James Comey:
    Lisa Page - “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.[324]
    The text raises questions about Obama’s involvement in an ongoing FBI investigation.[325]
  • Lisa Page and Strzok exchange texts about writing an op-ed, likely the same opinion piece Director Comey discussed with President Obama in August 2016:
    Lisa Page - “Got it. But we are still writing the op-ed, yes?”
    Strzok - “Yes, ish. He said too much data would be good to identify the key pieces of data and frame it in an argument, but not to spend ‘too much time on the opening or closing.’ I told him we were too much of perfectionists to not do all of it.”
  • Stefan Halper initiates unsolicited contact with George Papadopoulos by email. Halper offers Papadopoulos $3,000 to write a policy paper on issues related to Turkey, Cyprus, Israel and the Leviathan natural gas field. Halper offers to pay for Papadopoulos’s flight and a three-night stay in London. In London Halper introduces Papadopolous to CIA/FBI asset Azra Turk.[326]

  • FBI releases some documents from the now terminated Hillary Clinton email investigation under the Freedom of Information Act.[327][328] The release includes interviews (FBI form 302). Some details from the July 2, 2016 (302) interview with Hillary Clinton is intentionally withheld.[329]
  • 5 September. Lisa Page sends Strzok a link to the Washington Post article titled, U.S. investigating potential covert Russian plan to disrupt November elections:[330]
    Strzok - “This is the one [redacted] was talking about I think.”
    Lisa Page - “Yup. It is very well sourced. 100% authorized.”
    Strzok - “Just read the article. We say a lot of the same things. I guess that’s O.K.”
    Lisa Page - “Yeah, but that’s why ours is going to need to be more folksy. So it’s not like a news article.”[331]
    The WaPo story refers to the Harry Reid briefing, stating, “After Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-NV) ended a secure 30-minute phone briefing given by a top intelligence official recently, he was “deeply shaken,” according to an aide who was with Reid when he left the secure room at the FBI’s Las Vegas office.”
  • Strzok texted Lisa Page:
    Strzok - “I have really no faith the administration will deal with it effectively.”
  • Strzok texts Lisa Page:
    Strzok - “And ooh, you’re at ODNI on Wed. LX? Me too!”
    “Gotta figure that out tomorrow. Insider threat perhaps. Maybe Electoral shenanigans. I’m between Clapper and Evanina and another person or two.”
  • Brennan completes Gang of Eight briefings.[332]
  • Hillary Clinton accuses Russia of interfering with U.S. election.
  • 7 - 8 September. Intelligence and National Security Summit was held, which was attended by Clapper, Shawn Henry, Adam Schiff, Andrew McCabe, John Carlin, Stuart Evans, Adm. Mike Rogers, William Evanina, Comey and Brennan. Strzok may have also attended.[333]
  • 8 September. Ken Dilanian, Robert Windrem and William Arkin published the article What Really Happened at Donald Trump’s Intelligence Briefing in NBC News.[334]
  • Congress discovers that Paul Combetta of Platte River Networks (PRN), who wiped Hillary Clinton's email server with BleachBit, was granted immunity by the DOJ.[335]
  • 10 September. Strzok texts Lisa Page:
    Strzok - “there are VERY inflammatory things in the 302s we didn’t turn over to [Congress]…that are going to come out in FOIA and absolutely inflames Congress. I’m sure Jim [Baker] and Trisha [Trisha Beth Anderson] and Dave [Laufmen] and Mike [Kortan] are all considering how things like that play out as they talk amongst themselves.”
  • "302s" is a reference to Hillary Clinton's July 2, 2016 FBI interview withheld from Congress; Strzok is admitting that a group at the highest levels of the FBI including himself, James Baker, Trisha Anderson, Lisa Page, and others conspired to withhold information from the September 2, 2016 release of Hillary Clinton's FBI interview from Congress and the American people.
  • 11 September.' Brennan on CBS’s Face the Nation claims the FBI is investigating the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s e-mails. The FBI never investigated the alleged DNC hack.
  • 13 September. Papadopoulos meets with Halper in London. Halper has connections to CIA & UK Intelligence; the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office also reached out to Papadopoulos sometime in September. PPapadopoulos later tweeted,
    "Stefan Halper lured me to London so that the British MI6 could spy on the campaign, the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited me to their offices to talk about Trump and what a threat him supporting Brexit was.”
  • Paul Combetta of Platte River Networks appears before a Congressional oversight committee and invokes the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, refusing to testify.[336]
  • The nonprofit First Draft, funded by Google, whose parent company is run by major Hillary Clinton supporter and donor Eric Schmidt, announces initiative to tackle “fake news.” It appears to be the first use of the phrase in its modern context.
  • 14 September. Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) announces that no Intelligence Community-wide damage assessment into Secretary Clinton’s email practices would be conducted, in violation of Intelligence Community Directive ICD 732. ODNI ignores all subsequent FOIA requests.
  • Strzok attended an NSA briefing.

  • Steele dated three installment memos of the dossier on this date. One of the memos referenced a Russian bank named Alfa Bank, misspelled as “Alpha” in his memo.
  • Mid-to-late September. Michael J. Gaeta,[337] Steele’s FBI contact, tells Steele the agency wants to see his opposition research “right away” and offers to pay him $50,000 for solid corroboration of his salacious, unverified claims. Steele flew to Rome, Italy to meet with FBI and provide a “full briefing.” FBI paid Steele's airfare.
  • Lisa Page testified that the team working on Crossfire Hurricane received documents and a briefing from Steele in mid-September, reportedly at a meeting in Rome, where Gaeta was also present. The team received the “reports that are known as the dossier from an FBI agent who is Christopher Steele’s handler in September of 2016.” She would later clarify the timing, noting, “We received the reporting from Steele in mid-September.”
  • Fusion boss Glenn Simpson later testified what Steele told him about the meeting:
    "Essentially, what [Christopher Steele] told me was [the FBI] had other intelligence about this matter from an internal Trump campaign source, and that — that they — my understanding was that they believed Chris at this point — that they believed Chris’s information might be credible because they had other intelligence that indicated the same thing, and one of those pieces of intelligence was a human source from inside the Trump campaign."
  • 16 September. Steele emails Bruce Ohr to say that he would be back in Washington soon "on business of mutual interest." Ohr said he would be out of town Sept. 19-21.

  • 19 September. FBI general counsel James Baker (DOJ) met with Perkins Coie partner Michael Sussmann, who had sought out the meeting. Baker told Congressional lawmakers that Sussmann presented him with “a stack of material I don’t know maybe a quarter inch half inch thick something like that clipped together, and then I believe there was some type of electronic media, as well, a disk or something.” The information that Sussmann gave to Baker was related to what Baker described as “a surreptitious channel of communications” between the Trump Organization and “a Russian organization associated with the Russian Government.”[340]
  • Baker was describing alleged communications between Alfa Bank and a server in the Trump Tower. These allegations, which were investigated by the FBI and proven to be false, were widely covered in the media.
  • Baker’s testimony also shows that Sussmann was speaking with the media at the same time he had approached Baker, who noted that Sussmann had also provided the info to the media and had told him that “the New York Times was aware of this.”
  • Comey, McCabe, Stzok and Priestap were all involved.[341]
  • Baker testified that the FBI approached The New York Times and convinced the newspaper to hold off on its reporting while the FBI investigated Sussmann’s information.
  • Hillary Clinton meets with Ukrainian President Poroshenko meets at the UN General Assembly meeting in New York.

  • 21 September. Steele emails Bruce Ohr to say he was in Washington and was "keen to meet up with you." The two agreed to have breakfast on Sept. 23. Meeting on that date would be "more useful," Steele said, "after my scheduled meetings" the day before.
  • Daily Mail publishes interview with 15 year old and her father alleging she had an online sexual relationship with Anthony Weiner beginning 23 January 2016. FBI New York Field office, led by Preet Bharara, issues Weiner subpoena for his electronic devices shortly after. First indication of the Weiner laptop controversy.

  • 22 September. In motion to dismiss class action lawsuit brought by Sanders supporters, DNC lawyers argue plaintiffs knew that the DNC was biased toward Clinton over Sanders when they donated, so therefore how could they have been duped if they already knew.[342]

  • Secretary John Kerry meets with multiple Syrian factions at the Dutch Mission to the United Nations. Kerry outlines:
  • First, only regime change, the removal of Bashir Assad, in Syria was the 2013, 2014, and 2015 goal for President Obama. This is admitted and outlined by Secretary John Kerry.
  • Secondly, in order to accomplish this primary goal, the White House was willing to watch the rise of ISIS (’13, ’14, ’15) by placing their bet that ISIS’s success would force Syrian President Bashir Assad to acquiesce toward Obama’s terms and step down.
  • Thirdly, in order to facilitate the objective, Obama and Kerry intentionally gave arms to ISIS and even, arguably, attacked a Syrian government military convoy to stop a strategic attack upon the Islamic extremists killing 80 Syrian soldiers.[343][344][345][346]

  • 23 September. Bruce Ohr and Christopher Steele meet for breakfast. Ohr testified that “Steele was in Washington, D.C., again, and he reached out to me, and, again, we met for breakfast, and he provided some additional information.” Ohr said this meeting concerned similar topics that were discussed at the July 30, 2016, meeting, but did not provide further details.
  • Yahoo News and Michael Isikoff.[347] Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News publishes an article based on the information Steele personally leaked to Isikoff and several other media outlets at the direction of FusionGPS. The information focuses on Carter Page's July 2016 trip to Moscow. Perkins Coie hosted the journalists' meeting with Steele where the matter was discussed.
  • Isikoff’s article would later be used by the FBI in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) spy warrant application to spy on Carter Page, as if it were corroborating information despite the FBI knowing Steele was the source.
  • Steele is later fired from the FBI as an unreliable for leaking to media and violating agency rules.
  • According to the Isikoff article, Congress was briefed on the contents of the Steele dossier by the FBI.[348]
  • Following the publication of Isikoff’s article, Hillary for America released a statement on the same day touting Isikoff’s “bombshell report” with the full article attached.
  • Steele testified that he “briefed” The New York Times, The Washington Post, Yahoo News, The New Yorker, and CNN at the end of September 2016.
  • Steele would engage in a second round of media contact in mid-October 2016, meeting again with The New York Times, Washington Post, and Yahoo News. Steele testified that all these meetings were “conducted verbally in person.”[349]
  • Politico publishes a lengthy article, “Who Is Carter Page? The Mystery of Trump’s Man in Moscow,” by Julia Ioffe. This article appears to highlight FusionGPS's media campaign:
    “As I started looking into Page, I began getting calls from two separate ‘corporate investigators’ digging into what they claim are all kinds of shady connections Page has to all kinds of shady Russians. One is working on behalf of various unnamed Democratic donors; the other won’t say who turned him on to Page’s scent. Both claimed to me that the FBI was investigating Page for allegedly meeting with Igor Sechin and Sergei Ivanov, who was until recently Putin’s chief of staff—both of whom are on the sanctions list—when Page was in Moscow in July for that speech.”[350]
    Ioffe noted that “seemingly everyone I talked to had also talked to the Washington Post, and then there were these corporate investigators who drew a dark and complex web of Page’s connections.” Her article also mentioned rumors regarding Alfa Bank:
    “In the interest of due diligence, I also tried to run down the rumors being handed me by the corporate investigators: that Russia’s Alfa Bank paid for the trip as a favor to the Kremlin; that Page met with Sechin and Ivanov in Moscow; that he is now being investigated by the FBI for those meetings because Sechin and Ivanov were both sanctioned for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”
  • 26 September. Carter Page resigns from Trump campaign.
  • John Carlin files DOJ-NSD proposed 2016 Section 702 certifications. Carlin failed to disclose the January 7, 2016 Inspector General Report and associated FISA Abuse to the FISA Court in his 2016 Certification. Carlin also failed to disclose Adm. Rogers’ ongoing Compliance Review.[351]

  • A federal search warrant was obtained for Anthony Weiner’s iPhone, iPad, and laptop computer. The FBI obtained these devices the same day. The search warrant authorized the government to search for evidence relating to the following crimes: transmitting obscene material to a minor, sexual exploitation of children, and activities related to child pornography.
  • Comey finds out about Weiner laptop.[352]
  • 26-27 September. IG report states:
    The case agent assigned to the Weiner investigation was certified as a Digital Extraction Technician and, as such, had the training and skills to extract digital evidence from electronic devices.
    The case agent told the OIG that he began processing Weiner’s devices upon receipt on September 26. The case agent stated that he noticed “within hours” that there were “over 300,000 emails on the laptop.”
    The case agent told us that on either the evening of September 26 or the morning of September 27, he noticed the software program on his workstation was having trouble processing the data on the laptop.
  • The case aagent saw at least one BlackBerry PIN message between Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin, as well as emails between them. He saw emails associated with “about seven domains,” such as yahoo.com, state.gov, clintonfoundation.org, clintonemail.com, and hillaryclinton.com. The case agent immediately notified his FBI New York Office (NYO) chain of command, and the information was ultimately briefed to NYO Assistant Director in Charge (ADIC)
Sundance summarizes:
The New York Case Agent then describes how inconsistent metadata within the computer files for the emails and Blackberry communications, made it impossible for successful extraction. The FBI NY case agent and the Quantico FBI forensics agent agree on the metadata issue and the inability to use their software programs for extraction and layered comparison for the purposes of de-duplication.
Both NY and Quantico contradict the statement to the IG by FBI Agent Peter Strzok. However, that contradiction, while presented in a factual assertion by the IG, is entirely overlooked and never reconciled within the inspector general report.

  • 27 September. John Carlin tenders resignation effective October 15, 2016 in the wake of the NSA compliance officer's investigation of FISA Section 702 abuses, i.e. illegal domestic spying and data collection on US persons by the Obama administration,[353][354] From here until October 21, 2016 it becomes a race between the DOJ-NSD and Adm. Mike Rogers to the FISA Court - Carlin's NSD to get a 90 day FISA Title I approval for the conspirators "insurance policy" against the Trump transition, and Rogers to report Obama administration abuses to the Court uncovered in the Compliance review.

  • Agent Provocateur Stefan Halper paid $244,960 by US Government.[355]

  • 28 September. On Capital Hill for a day of testimony, FBI Dir. James Comey perjurors himself before the House Governmental Affairs Oversight Committee. In response to a question from Rep. Ratcliffe, Comey testified his decision not to recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton came after her 2 July interview with the FBI. Subsequent internal FBI documents reveal Comey decided against recommending prosecution more than six weeks earlier, while the investigation was still in progress.[356]
Mr. RATCLIFFE. ...If there was ever any possibility that something Hillary Clinton might have said on July 2 could have possibly resulted in criminal charges that might possibly have resulted in a trial against her relating to this classified information, well, then, to use your words, Director, I don’t think that there is any reasonable prosecutor out there who would have allowed two immunized witnesses central to the prosecution proving the case against her to sit in the room with the interview, the FBI interview, of the subject of that investigation.

And if I heard you earlier today, in your long career, I heard you say that you have never had that circumstance. Is that—did I hear you correctly?

Mr. COMEY. That is correct, but——

Mr. RATCLIFFE. Okay. And I never have either, and I have never met a prosecutor that has ever had that.

So, to me, the only way that an interview takes place with the two central witnesses and the subject of the investigation is if the decision has already been made that all three people in that room are not going to be charged.

Mr. COMEY. Can I respond?

Mr. RATCLIFFE. Yes. Please.

Mr. COMEY. I know in our political lives sometimes people casually accuse each other of being dishonest, but if colleagues of ours believe I am lying about when I made this decision, please urge them to contact me privately so we can have a conversation about this.

All I can do is to tell you again, the decision was made after that, because I didn’t know what was going to happen in that interview...[357]
That same day in response to questions from the House Judiciary Committee about an ongoing Clinton Foundation investigation, Comey said "our standard is we do not confirm or deny the existence of investigations." Comey says of the Clinton email investigation:
This case was investigated by a group of professionals, so if I blew it, they blew it too. Career FBI agents, the very best we have were put on this case.
Three of these career professionals, McCabe, Strzok, and Lisa Page, have since been fired or resigned. All face criminal prosecution. Comey complains, "Don't call us weasels."[358]
  • McCabe notified of Weiner laptop. McCabe and 39 senior FBI executives notified by NY Assistant Director In Charge (ADIC) via secure video teleconference (SVTC) of 347,000 emails relevant to the Clinton email investigation on Weiner's laptop. Comey was not present for the SVTC.[359]
  • McCabe told the OIG that he recalled talking to Comey about the issue “right around the time [McCabe] found out about it.”
  • The emails in question appear to be insurance Weiner held to pull strings with Hillary Clinton as leverage should he get into trouble.
  • McCabe informs Priestap and Strzok.
  • Strzok to Lisa Page text message:
    “Got called up to Andy [McCabe]’s earlier ...hundreds of thousands of emails turned over by Weiner’s atty to sdny [ Preet Bharara ], includes a ton of material from spouse [ Huma Abedin ]. Sending team up [to New York] tomorrow to review... this will neverend...”[360]
    Strzok later said a conference call with NYO was scheduled instead.
  • 28-29 September. Priestap and NY ADIC discuss the limited scope of the Weiner search warrant (i.e., the need to obtain additional legal process to review any Clinton-related email on the Weiner laptop).
  • 29 September. FBI in possession of Weiner laptop. Conference call between NYO and five members (Strzok and Tashina Gauhar included) of the Clinton email team participated. Notes from the conference call indicate the participants discussed the presence of a large volume of emails (350,000) on the Weiner laptop and specific domain names, including clintonemail.com and state.gov. The Clinton email investigation Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) said that NYO also mentioned seeing BlackBerry domain emails on the Weiner laptop.
  • OIG found that by this date FBI executives and the FBI Midyear [Clinton email investigation] team had learned every fact necessary that was cited by the FBI in late October as justification for obtaining the search warrant for the Weiner laptop, including that the laptop contained:
  • Over 340,000 emails, some of which were from domains associated with Clinton, including state.gov, clintonfoundation.org, clintonemail.com, and hiyllaryclinton.com;
  • Numerous emails between Clinton and Abedin;
  • An unknown number of Blackberry communications on the laptop, including one or more messages between Clinton and Abedin, indicating the possibility that the laptop contained communications from the first three months of Clinton’s tenure; and
  • Emails dated beginning in 2007 and covering the entire period of Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State [i.e., including the supposed "lost" emails].
  • Strzok, Gauhar, and Sally Moyer appointed to review Weiner laptop.
  • The Washington FBI Clinton email team claimed in interviews with the OIG that they did not learn these facts until the October 26, 2016 conference call with the New York field office and SDNY. They thought the case had been whitewashed and closed, and Hillary would win anyway. Now the New York office and prosecutors were in possession of relevant facts.

  • Randy Credico, WikiLeaks source for Roger Stone, exchanges texts with Stone prior to Podesta email leak:
Credico - “You are not going to drag my name into this are you"
Stone - "No"
Credico - “Leave my name out Im going to be all screwed up today."

  • CEPA Forum was hosted at the Meridian International Center in Washington, DC, where it was attended by Director General Mikk Marran, Michael Weiss and Lawfare’s Benjamin Wittes, a friend of James Comey and James Baker (DOJ).[361]

  • 30 September. Inspector General report on Imran Awan and his family members; they were logging into the servers of members who had previously fired him, funneling data off the network, and that evidence “suggests steps are being taken to conceal their activity.” Shortly after the IG report came out in September 2016, the Caucus server — identified as prime evidence in the cybersecurity case — physically disappeared. No official body has ever publicly provided any information about the case.[362]

  • Perkins Coie makes a payment of $144,643.46 to FusionGPS.
  • September. Steele admitted to Bruce Ohr that he "was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president," according to Ohr and FBI documents. In the same period Ohr's wife, Nellie Ohr, was employed by FusionGPS to assist in writing the Steele dossier. Bruce Ohr's relationship with Steele and FusionGPS was concealed by the DOJ and FBI from the FISA court.
  • Isikoff met with Steele and Simpson at a DC hotel in a meeting arranged by Simpson.
Vladimir Putin with Oleg Deripaska. The FBI asked Deripaska for assistance peddling the Russia collusion hoax. Andrew McCabe has been the FBI's chief contact with Deripaska since 2009.
  • According to Adam Waldman's account, Oleg Deripaska was approached by three FBI agents in New York; at least one agent (McCabe) had worked with Deripaska on the aborted effort to rescue Robert Levinson. According to David Ignatius of WaPo:
    “We think Russia is colluding with the Trump campaign, and we think Manafort is the key guy,” one of the agents told Deripaska, according to the knowledgeable source. The oligarch responded, “I hate Manafort, and I’m suing him.”[363]
    John Solomon of The Hill reported,
    "Deripaska laughed but realized, despite the joviality, that they were serious," said his agent Adam Waldman. "So he told them in his informed opinion the idea they were proposing was false. 'You are trying to create something out of nothing,' he told them."[364]
  • Adam Lovinger, who holds a doctorate in law and is a professor at Georgetown University, was working in the Office of Net Assessment (ONA) as a strategist. His position within the specialized think tank required a top-level security clearance. Lovinger had grown increasingly concerned over the ONA’s use of outside contractors, due in part to the “problem of cronyism” and a growing “revolving door policy” that resulted from ONA analysts leaving to join the better-paid ranks of private contractors. Lovinger wrote the first in a series of emails to ONA’s new director, James H. Baker, who had recently been appointed by Obama’s Defense Secretary. From Lovinger’s September email:
    "On the issue of quality, more than once I have heard our contractor studies labeled ‘derivative,’ ‘college-level’ and based heavily on secondary sources. One of our contractor studies was literally cut and pasted from a World Bank report that I just happened to have read the week before reading the contractor study itself. Even the font was the same.”[365]
    The contractor being referenced was Long Term Strategy Group (LTSG), whose president is Jacqueline Newmyer. Chelsea Clinton and Newmyer were at each other’s weddings, and in 2011 Chelsea referred to Newmyer as her “best friend.”[366] According to USAspending.gov, LTSG has received approximately $14 million in contracts since 2007.[367] In a 2015 article by Bill Gertz of the Washington Free Beacon, it was reported that in 2009, Hillary Clinton had arranged meetings between Newmyer and Pentagon officials that involved contracting discussions.[368]
  • Late September. Jonathan Winer is shown copy of Cody Shearer Memo by Sidney Blumenthal. Winer shares a copy of Shearer’s Memo with Steele. Steele will later share Shearer’s Memo with the FBI.
  • Steele and Simpson meet with the Washington Post for two hours.[369]
  • End of September. Simpson and Steele meet with reporters, including New York Times, Washington Post, Yahoo News, the New Yorker and CNN or ABC. One meeting is at office of Democratic National Committee general counsel Marc Elias.[370] Elias is secretly the front man paying FusionGPS on behalf of Hillary Clinton and the DNC.
  • Agents at both the FBI and CIA, people on Capitol Hill, and other people at other intelligence agencies were leaking information on the investigation of Trump and Russia to The New York Times.[371]
  • Sometime in September. Nellie Ohr leaves FusionGPS.
  • Fall. Christopher Steele and Orbis International business partner Christopher Burrows meet with Sir Richard Dearlove. Dearlove advised Steele and Burrows to work discreetly with a top British government official to pass along information to the FBI.[372]
  • Late September or early October. Bruce Ohr had a meeting with Strzok, Lisa Page, and two or three DOJ career officials from the criminal division: Bruce Swartz, Zainab Ahmad, and Andrew Weissmann; Ohr testified that he was unsure whether Weismann was at this or a later meeting.

October 2016

In October 2016 there are at least five major issues consuming the Obama Department of Justice and FBI simultaneously:

  • The rebuke of the FISA court for 702 contractor abuse;
  • Hoaxing the FISA court to obtain a FISA Title I surveillance warrant;
  • The Weiner laptop;
  • Andrew McCabe's conflict of interest and recusal;
  • Andrew McCabe directing leaks to the Wall Street Journal to refute allegations of a conflict of interest.

Carter Page worked for the FBI to help put away a Russian operative on sanctions violations. Carter Page was an FBI Under-Cover Employee [UCE-1 in court documents] and remained so through early 2016.

DOJ-NSD and FBI CoIntel wanted a "legal" way to spy on the Trump campaign. The highest levels of the Obama DOJ and FBI asked for and received FISA Title 1 surveillance of former FBI employee Carter Page in October 2016. The Obama DOJ National Security Division and the FBI Counterintelligence Division, knew Carter Page was not a Russian spy, misreprsented facts and perpetrated a fraud upon the FISA court. The authority became the "legal" cover for their own criminal intent and actions.

The “Title I” designation as a foreign agent applied retroactively to any action taken by Mr. Page, and auto-generates an exponential list of other people he came in contact with. Each of those people, groups or organizations could now have their communication reviewed, unmasked and analyzed by the DOJ/FBI with the same surveillance authority granted upon the target, Mr. Page. The Stormy Daniels payment scheme, for example, was discovered by the Obama DOJ illegal FISA Title I abuse. All electronic communications by the Trump campaign are in the hands of Robert Mueller. James Comey never informed Congress of the surveillance, as required by law, because Comey knew it was illegal.

FISA Title I surveillance of U.S. citizens is the most intrusive, exhaustive and far reaching type of search, seizure and surveillance authority, permitting the FBI to look at every aspect of Mr. Page’s life. All communication, travel and contact can be opened and reviewed. All aspects of any of Mr. Page’s engagements are subject to being secretly monitored. This is an entirely different level of surveillance authority, the highest possible, and outside FISA-702 search queries (Title VII) of US persons.

Because “FISA Title I” surveillance authority against a US citizen is so serious, only a few people are authorized to even apply for such surveillance warrants. One of the four people authorized to make such a filing is the Asst. Attn. Gen. John P. Carlin who was head of the DOJ National Security Division. Carlin who, together with the FBI counterintelligence unit, vetted Carter Page as an FBI Under-Cover Employee to gain a guilty plea from a Russian operative in early 2016, then turned around six months later in October 2016 when things weren't going so well for Hillary Clinton and accused Carter Page of being a Russian Spy.

There was a secret agreement between the CIA and the FBI that was kept hidden from the FISA court until October 2016 when NSA Director Mike Rogers exposed and reported it. The agreement centered around “access to FBI systems“; the overarching issue was “deliberate decision making” that led to “contractor access to the NSA database”, and the fact those contractors were searching “U.S. persons”.

CIA contractors were using FBI portal access per the secret agreement to exploit the NSA database and extract search results. The CIA is not supposed to be conducting surveillance, aka “spying”, inside the U.S. on American citizens.

In the secret agreement, unknown to the FISA court, the CIA was hiding their extraction of U.S. person information by using FBI database access through the DOJ-NSD (Department of Justice-National Security Division).

In 2015 the Office of Inspector General requested oversight and it was Deputy AG Sally Yates who denied access. All of the DOJ is subject to oversight, except the NSD. The secret MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between the CIA and FBI was the reason why the DOJ-NSD would not allow inspector general oversight.

Although Christopher Steele was fired by the FBI for speaking to the media and violating FBI regulations days after his unverified information was used to hoax the FISA court, not only was the court never informed the initial FISA application was based on information that FBI regulations deemed unreliable, the DOJ/FBI used the Steele information three more times over the next year to secure three more 90 day warrant extensions. While they were busy hoaxing the FISA court with bogus information, Comey, Clapper and Brennan all testified to Congress the information was unverified.

To kill speculation about reopening Hillary Clinton's email investigation, the New York FBI and DOJ Eastern District of New York (EDNY) prosecutors were threatened by Washington DC Main Justice and FBI headquarters, via Loretta Lynch and Andrew McCabe, to drop the Clinton/Abedin/Weiner email investigation, concede the Clinton email investigation to DC, or else the DOJ Civil Rights Division would be used as leverage against the New York Police Department (NYPD, whom NY FBI and SDNY work closely with) to re-open the Eric Garner case (Garner was a black man killed in police custody while in a choke hold in 2014). Loretta Lynch had the Southern District of New York (SDNY) US Attorney Preet Bharara on stand by as the enforcer.

The Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop were never looked at. The FBI and DOJ fully expected Hillary Clinton to win.

FBI Dep. Dir. Andrew McCabe instructed FBI lawyer Lisa Page and FBI public affairs chief Michael Kortan to work with Wall Street Journal reporter Devlin Barrett on reports about sizeable campaign donations from Democrats to McCabe's wife, Jill, during her campaign for the Virginia state senate. McCabe subsequently denied he authorized the leaks, and in March 2018 was fired for lying to investigators when Lisa Page's text messages proved otherwise.[374] In the interim, McCabe served as Acting FBI Director while Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to head up the Russia collusion hoax investigation.

The IG found
In assessing the decision to prioritize the Russia investigation over following up on the Midyear-related [Clinton] investigative lead discovered on the Weiner laptop, we were particularly concerned about text messages sent by Strzok and Page that potentially indicated or created the appearance that investigative decisions they made were impacted by bias or improper considerations. Most of the text messages raising such questions pertained to the Russia investigation, and the implication in some of these text messages, particularly Strzok’s August 8 text message (“we’ll stop” candidate Trump from being elected), was that Strzok might be willing to take official action to impact a presidential candidate’s electoral prospects. Under these circumstances, we did not have confidence that Strzok’s decision to prioritize the Russia investigation over following up on the Midyear-related investigative lead discovered on the Weiner laptop was free from bias.

  • Early October. Christopher Steele, the Yemen-born author of anti-Trump “dossier,” meets in New York with David Corn, Washington-bureau chief of Mother Jones.
  • October. FBI offers to pay Christopher Steele for work on the Steele dossier.
  • Adam Lovinger wrote a second email to James H. Baker (DOD) identifying another individual as a source of contractual concern. Lovinger wrote of
    “the moral hazard associated with the Washington Headquarters Services contracting with Stefan Halper.”[375][376]
    “was being used by Net Assessment to go out essentially and engage with foreign government officials. As a contractor that’s totally illegal.”[377]
    Halper had been awarded $1.06 million in contracts through five payments beginning in 2012.[378]
  • Melissa Hodgman-Strzok, wife of Peter Strzok, promoted to SEC Associate Director as Strzok delays examining the Weiner laptop; the SEC is involved in Clinton Foundation investigations.
  • 1 October. Papadopoulos sends Mifsud a private Facebook message with a link to an article from Interfax.com, a Russian news website. Last contact between Papadopoulos and Mifsud. This contact is only disclosed in the FBI’s July 28, 2017 Affidavit, signed by FBI Agent Robert Gibbs. Notably, it is not disclosed in the October 5, 2017 Statement of the Offense signed by Robert Mueller.

  • Randy Credico tips off Roger Stone that WikiLeaks will release Podesta emails in coming days:
Credico - “big news Wednesday"
Credico - “now pretend u don’t know me”
Stone - “U died 5 years ago"
Credico - ")great"
Credico - “Hillary’s campaign will die this week”

  • 3 October. Steele meets in Rome with FBI Eurasian Joint Organized Crime Squad Team. Steele is asked to “explain how he had compiled his reports, and to give background on his sources."[379]
  • Story breaks of Hillary Clinton's suggestion to murder Julian Assange.[380]
  • 3-4 October. Additional discussions between NYO and Washington HQ about Weiner laptop, however the Inspector General found
    "no evidence that anyone associated with the Midyear [Clinton email] investigation, including the entire leadership team at FBI Headquarters, took any action on the Weiner laptop issue until the week of October 24, and then did so only after the Weiner case agent expressed concerns to SDNY, prompting SDNY to contact the Office of the Deputy Attorney General (ODAG) on October 21 to raise concerns about the lack of action."
    They were anticipating a Hillary win.
  • 4 October 8:15 am – 9:00 am. Comey briefed on Weiner and Clinton Foundation child sex crimes. Comey briefing with Executive Assistant Director Randy Coleman. Coleman notes state topic:
    (1) Anthony Wiener [sic]

    (2) [Unrelated]

    (3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit

    9/26 – Federal SW [search warrant] IPhone/IPAD/Laptop

    Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails

    Hillary Clinton & Foundation

    Crime Against Children[381]
  • Standard follow-up hearing on the DOJ-NSD 2016 Section 702 Certification was held before the FISA court.[382] John Carlin was present at the hearing. Again, Carlin made no disclosure of FISA abuse. This would be noted by the Court later.
  • FBI Director Comey replaces head of Counterintelligence Division, New York Field Office with Charles McGonigal.
  • 5 October. Obama Justice Dept. abruptly drops charges against arms dealer which would have led to open disclosure of Hillary Clinton's role in arming the Islamic State.[383]

  • 7 October. WikiLeaks dumps a trove of emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s personal email account. The emails inspire the Pizzagate conspiracy theory.[384]
  • DNI James Clapper accuses the Russian government of hacking the DNC “to interfere with the US election process.”

  • Early to mid October. Comey, FBI investigators and DOJ-NSD lawyers are aware of intelligence community concerns about the reliability of the Steele dossier. The FBI is also aware of Steele's media contacts.[385]
Smoking gun: State Department email proves political motivation of the Steele dossier ten days before the FBI used it to hoax the FISA court.
  • 11 October. A smoking gun: Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written account of her meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele shows that Steele, the Hillary Clinton funded and UK intelligence operative admitted that his research was political and facing a November 8, 2016 Election Day deadline. The confession occurred 10 days before the FBI used Steele’s discredited dossier to justify securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant on the Trump campaign. Steele's client, the Clinton campaign, “is keen to see this information come to light prior to November 8.”[386]
  • Hillary email to campaign manager John Podesta leaked that acknowledges Saudi Arabia and Qatar are “providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL.”[387]
  • 12 October. Comey attended the Special Agent-In-Charge Conference, where he gave a speech about combating supposed misinformation surrounding his July 5 announcement.
  • 13 October. Kathleen Kavelec forwards typed summary of her meeting with Christopher Steele to the FBI.[388]
  • Donald Trump says in West Palm Beach, Florida campaign rally:
    ...They control the Department of Justice, and they even clandestinely meet with the Attorney General of the United States – in the back of her airplane, while on the runway – for 39 minutes – to most likely discuss her reappointment in a Clinton Administration just prior to the Attorney General making a decision over whether or not to prosecute Hillary Clinton.
    Likewise, they have corrupted the Director of the FBI to the point at which stories are already saying the great men and women who work for the FBI are embarrassed and ashamed to what he’s done to one of our great institutions. Hillary Clinton is guilty of all of the things that Director Comey stated at his press conference and Congressional hearings, and far more – and yet he let her off the hook, while others lives are being destroyed for far less.[389]

  • 1MDB scandal. WSJ: Malaysian Fund 1MDB Linked to White House Visit.[390]
  • Investigators look into whether money embezzled from the fund paid for lobbying seeking closer U.S.-Malaysian relations.[391]

  • Early-Mid-October. New FISA Warrant on Manafort, per CNN 2017/9/18 article, likely issued. Possibly a National Security Letter (NSL).
  • 14 October. Strzok and Lisa Page exchange emails with the subject line “Crossfire FISA”: "At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him." Strzok and Lisa Page discussed talking points to get Andrew McCabe to persuade a high-ranking DOJ official to sign off on the warrant.[392]
  • Lisa Page texted Andrew McCabe:
    Lisa Page - “Just called. Apparently the DAG [Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates] now wants to be there, and WH wants DOJ to host. So we are setting that up now. We will very much need to get Cohen’s view before we meet with her. Better, have him weigh in with her before the meeting. We need to speak with one voice if that is in fact the case.”
  • Mid October. Steele again briefs reporters about Trump political opposition research. The reporters are from the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Yahoo News. Steele also visits the State Department.[393]
  • Detailed talking points were issued to Special Agents-In-Charge at the FBI to assist them in answering questions surrounding Comey’s July 5, 2016 statement about exonerating Hillary for the Midyear Exam investigation.[394]
  • 15 October. Obama administration rewrites Carter Page FISA application.[395]
  • Carlin's last day. DOJ-NSD Principle Deputy Asst. Attorney General Mary McCord replaces John Carlin. It was specifically John Carlin’s responsibility to ensure a valid legal basis for the FISA application submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). Carlin does a kamikaze dive shortly before the application is submitted.
  • 18 October. Steele finishes the infamous Russians-offer-Carter-Page-millions-of-dollars installment allegation used in the FISA warrant application three days later.
  • Steele emails Bruce Ohr at 6:51 a.m. with a pressing matter. "If you are in Washington today, I have something quite urgent I would like to discuss with you, preferably by Skype (even before work if you can)." Ohr suggested they do it immediately. "Thanks Bruce. 2 mins," Steele replied. A few hours later Steele emailed Ohr again:
    "Further to our Skypecon earlier today," Paul Hauser had asked Steele to forward to Ohr information about a dispute between the government of Ukraine and RUSAL, Oleg Deripaska's aluminum company.[397] "Naturally, he [Hauser] wants to protect the client's [Deripaska's] interests and reputation," Steele wrote. "I pass it on for what it's worth."
    Paul Hauser is Oleg Deripaska's London attorney. After another few hours had passed, Ohr asked I'm if Steele had time for a Skype call. Steele said, let's do it now. Ohr's log lists calls with Steele on Oct. 18 and 19.
  • Strzok and Lisa Page exchange emails with the subject line “Re: Dragon FISA.” "Still an expedite?” one of the emails asked, as the FBI tried to meet the requirements of a process known as a Woods review before a FISA warrant can be approved by the courts. “Any idea what time he can have it woods-ed by?” Strzok asked Page. “I know it’s not going to matter because DOJ is going to take the time DOJ wants to take. I just don’t want this waiting on us at all.”
  • Lisa Page testified in 2018, "I’m not talking about the Woods file. I’m talking about a separate effort that was undertaken in order to try to verify for investigative purposes, not for purposes of the FISA, but a separate effort undertaken to try to validate the allegations contained within the Steele reporting.” Crossfire Hurricane was one of the code names for four separate investigation. The subject of the Dragon FISA remains unknown.
  • Assange internet access cutoff by Ecuador Embassey.[398]
  • 19-20 October. Steele finishes two more installments of the dossier concerning Manafort's alleged role in alleged collusion.
  • 19 October. Lisa Page texted Andrew McCabe:
    Lisa Page - “Hey can you give me a call when you get out? Meeting with WH counsel is finally set up and I want to talk about timing. Thanks.”
  • The Shearer dossier written by Clinton operative Cody Shearer with allegations about the sexual and financial activity of Donald Trump. Shearer gave his memo to Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, who transmitted it to State Department official Jonathan Winer, who then gave it to Christopher Steele, who passed it on to the FBI. The Shearer dossier was not included in BuzzFeed's January 10, 2017 release. After the fraud of the Clinton-Steele dossier was exposed in early 2017 Stormy Daniels claimed she was paid to keep silent about an affair with Trump, and a stranger threatened her and her child. Kathleen Willey was a volunteer at the White House in 1993 when President Bill Clinton grabbed her, fondled her, and pressed her hand against himself in the Oval Office. Willey told her story in a 60 Minutes interview and became a target of a smear campaign directed by the Clintons.[399] In 1998, just before Willey was to testify in the Paula Jones trial, Willey was approached by a stranger who asked her menacing questions about her children, naming them by name. On Hardball in 1999, MSNBC host Chris Matthews identified the mysterious stranger as Cody Shearer.[400]
  • False date put on Carter Page FISA application March 17, 2017 leak hunt.
  • October. IG Midyear report says:
    The case agent told us that he scheduled a meeting on October 19 with the two SDNY AUSAs assigned to the Weiner investigation because he felt like he had nowhere else to turn. … The AUSAs both told us that the case agent appeared to be very stressed and worried that somehow he would be blamed in the end if no action was taken.

  • 20 October. NSA Dir. Mike Rogers is briefed by the NSA compliance officer on several strange 702 “About Queries” that were being conducted. These were violations of the Fourth Amendment (search and seizure), ie. unlawful surveillance and gathering. As a result of Rogers suspecting surveillance activity being used for reasons he deemed unlawful, in mid 2016 Rogers ordered the NSA compliance officer to run a full audit on 702 NSA compliance. Section 702 of the FISA Act is basically spying on Americans; the actual “spying” part is 702. Item 17 is “About Queries“, which allows queries or searches of content of email and phone conversations based on any subject matter put into the search field. Rogers ordered the “About Query” activity to stop, reported the activity to the DOJ, and then to the FISA court. Rogers also stopped “About Query” permanently.[401]
  • The Origins of the Prague Narrative: Steele’s dossier memo reads:
    “Kremlin insider reports Trump lawyer COHEN’s secret meeting/s with Kremlin officials in August 2016 was/were held in Prague."[402]
    No more Steele memos until Dec. 13.

  • IG report states:
    AUSAs met with their supervisors at SDNY and informed them of their conversation with the Weiner case agent. The AUSAs stated that they told their supervisors the substantive information reported by the case agent, the case agent’s concerns that no one at the FBI had expressed interest in this information, and their concern that the case agent was stressed out and might act out in some way. (pg 304)
Midyeaar IG report Page 274, footnote #165:
No electronic record exists of the case agent’s initial review of the Weiner laptop. The case agent told us that at some point in mid-October 2016 the NYO ASAC instructed the case agent to wipe his work station. The case agent explained that the ASAC was concerned about the presence of potentially classified information on the case agent’s work station, which was not authorized to process classified information.
The case agent told us that he followed the ASAC’s instructions, but that this request concerned him because the audit trail of his initial processing of the laptop would no longer be available. The case agent clarified that none of the evidence on the Weiner laptop was impacted by this, explaining that the FBI retained the Weiner laptop and only the image that had been copied onto his work station was deleted. The ASAC recalled that the case agent “worked through the security department to address the concern” of classified information on an unclassified system. He told us that he did not recall how the issue was resolved.
  • Devin Nunes says FBI whistleblowers in NYO informed him the FBI was sitting on Weiner laptop.[403]

  • 21 October. Carter Page FISA warrant. DOJ and FBI sought and receive a FISA probable cause order (not under Title VII) authorizing electronic surveillance of Carter Page from the FISA court. The warrant application was signed by Sally Yates and James Comey. The FISA order was ultimately used by Brennan’s Working Group, as the information gathered gave them multiple investigative leads into the Trump campaign.[404]
  • Carter Page is a US citizen who served as a paid FBI informant up to March 2016 at which time he became a volunteer advisor to the Trump campaign. The FISA Court at this time is still unaware of the Section 702 violations.
  • The application first has to be certified by the FBI Director or Deputy Director. It then has to be certified by the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, or the Senate-confirmed Assistant Attorney General for National Security Division (DOJ-NSD). With John Carlin's resignation days earlier, the application was signed by Sally Yates who terminated DOJ-NSD cooperation with the independent Inspector General in mid 2015, giving license to the massive number of 702 abuses which started shortly after.[405]
  • The FBI and DOJ obtained one initial FISA warrant and three FISA renewals from the FISA court over the next year, well into the Trump presidency.
  • The “insurance policy” is short-hand to describe an effort to conduct surveillance on candidate Trump, which could later ensure a strategic plan to disrupt and possibly eliminate Trump if elected, via the Russia collusion narrative. That plan needs retroactive legal authority for the FBI to conduct surveillance – which can be used to weaponize intelligence. The plan culminates in the Carter Page Title-1 FISA warrant as the deployment mechanism.
  • As required by statute, a FISA order on an American citizen must be renewed every 90 days by the FISA court and each renewal requires a separate finding of probable cause to avoid a 'fishing expedition'. Director James Comey signed three FISA applications on behalf of the FBI, and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one. Deputy Attorneys General Sally Yates, Dana Boente, and Rod Rosenstein each signed one renewal on behalf of the DOJ. In the case of Carter Page, relevant information and potentially exculpatory material was not provided to the FISA court on these four separate occasions over one year.
  • The bulk of the application consists of allegations against Carter Page that were disclosed to the FBI by Christopher Steele and outlined in the Steele dossier. The application contains no additional corroboration other than a Sept 23, 2016 Yahoo News article the Obama DOJ/FBI represents to the court as supposed "independent corroboration" which was peddled to Yahoo News by Christopher Steele's himself.
  • The Steele dossier was compiled on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC and formed an essential part of the Carter Page FISA application. Steele was paid $168,000 by the Clinton campaign and DNC. Some of the money Steele paid to Russians for "dirt" on Hillary's opponent. Neither the initial application nor any renewals disclose or reference the Clinton campaign or DNC in funding the dossier, although the origins of the dossier was known to the DOJ and FBI at the time. The FISA application does not mention that the FBI authorized payment to Steele for the same information [emphasis in original].[406]

  • Comey briefs retired FBI agents to describe decisions made during the Clinton email investigation to enlist their help so that they, too, might counter “falsehoods and exaggerations” while the Weiner laptop - with 600,000 emails including the missing emails - is being ignored.
  • Someone from SDNY calls “Main Justice” (the DOJ National Security Division in DC) and notifies DOJ-NSD Deputy Asst. Attorney General George Toscas of the Huma Abedin/Hillary Clinton emails via the “weiner investigation". McCabe never informed DOJ of the new evidence. Toscas calls Strzok cause he “wanted to ensure information got to Andy [McCabe]". Strzok told George Toscas “we know”. Strzok then tells Bill Priestap.
  • McCabe knew about the emails since September 28, more than three weeks earlier.
  • Comey and Lynch now are informed of the Clinton emails that McCabe has been sitting on for 23 days. Comey later claimed the call from New York was about a search warrant, but the FBI had all the information necessary for a new warrant three weeks earlier. They were stalling for a Hillary victory in November. Internal discussion focuses now on McCabe recusing himself. The recusal debate is just another bureaucratic delaying tactic til after the election when hopefully Hillary Clinton will win - the hunt for someone to take over the investigation and the time necessary for a fresh face to become familiar with the case.
  • McCabe fights back, publicly by authorizing Lisa Page to make illegal leaks about ongoing investigations to the Wall Street Journal, and privately inside the DOJ by trying to blame illegal leaks on the New York field office.
  • Meanwhile, the Clinton emails are not, and have not, been looked at. All discussion is about the public perception of coverup, which is actually the correct perception of what is happening in the DOJ-FBI.

  • 22 October. Wikileaks cofounder and Seth Rich contact Gavin MacFadyen dead "after a short illness."[407]

  • 23 October. Devlin Barrett of the WSJ exposè, Scoop: McAuliffe PAC gave $467,500 to campaign of wife of senior FBI official who oversaw Clinton email probe.[408] The article questioned McCabe’s impartiality in overseeing Clinton investigations and claimed that McCabe ordered the termination of the Clinton Foundation investigation due to DOJ pressure. Lisa Page was the legal counsel to McCabe at this time. McCabe instructed Lisa Page and FBI public affairs chief Michael Kortan to refute the assertion of a conflict of interest in a series of leaks in coming days.
  • 24 October. Devlin Barrett emails the FBI press officer Mike Kortan about a follow up story. Barrett asks
    in the summer [2016], McCabe himself gave some instruction as to how to proceed with the Clinton Foundation probe, given that it was the height of election season and the FBI did not want to make a lot of overt moves that could be seen as going after [Clinton] or drawing attention to the probe.
  • Lisa Page and Strzok exchange texts: Lisa Page - "Article is out, but hidden behind paywall so can’t read it." Strzok - “Wsj? Boy that was fast. Should I ‘find’ it and tell the team?”
  • George Toscas told the IG that he asked McCabe about the Weiner laptop after a routine meeting between FBI and Department leadership. McCabe told the IG that this interaction with Toscas caused him to follow up with the FBI Midyear [Clinton emai] team about the Weiner laptop and to call Mary McCord.
  • Benjamin Wittes of lawfareblog.com publishes article on an "insurance policy" should Trump win.[409]
  • 25 October. Loretta Lynch blackmails New York law enforcement to back off Weiner laptop. NYT reports "Justice Department has replaced the New York team of agents and lawyers investigating the death of Eric Garner, officials said, a highly unusual shake-up that could jump-start the long-stalled case and put the government back on track to seek criminal charges."[410] Garner was a black man arrested for selling cigarettes who died from a chokehold while in police custody.

  • 26 October. Illegal FISA 702 abuse. The FISA court issues a decision revealing that the upper echelon of the FBI, Comey, McCabe, Strzok and others deliberately gave unlimited and unsupervised access to the most private raw FISA data to FusionGPS. Assoc. Dep. AG Bruce Ohr was the lynchpin between Attn. Gen. Lynch, the FBI and FusionGPS. Ohr’s wife Nellie worked for FusionGPS on the Steele Dossier, portions of which were presented to the FISA court to win approval for the FBI’s previous and continuing unlawful surveillance of Trump associates. The Court noted “an institutional ‘lack of candor’ and emphasized ‘this is a very serious Fourth Amendment issue.’” On March 9, 2016 when Adm. Rogers ordered a compliance audit, the
    “DOJ oversight personnel conducting a minimization review of the FBI’s *** [redacted] learned that the FBI had disclosed raw FISA information, including but not limited to Section 702-acquired information....certain *** [redacted] contractors had access to raw FISA information on FBI storage systems. ***[redacted] the ***[redacted] contractors had access to raw FISA information that went well beyond what was necessary to respond to the FBI’s requests.”
    When Adm. Rogers cut off FBI contractor access, the
    “FBI discontinued the above-described access to raw FISA information as of April 18, 2016.”
    The court noted
    “Restrictions were not in place with regard to the *** [redacted] contractors; their access was not limited to raw information for which the FBI sought assistance and access continued even after they had completed their work in response to an FBI request."
    Pg. 83:
    "FBI gave raw Section 702–acquired information to a private entity [FusionGPS] that was not a federal agency and whose personnel [Simpson, Steele, Nellie Ohr ] were not sufficiently supervised by a federal agency for compliance minimization procedures [protecting the Fourth Amendment rights of US persons]."
    Footnote 68 of the Court’s decision includes the statement that
    “the government acknowledges that those disclosures were improper for other reasons.”
    In Footnote 69 the decision reads that
    improper access granted to the * * *[redacted] contractors . . . * * *[redacted] . . . seems to have been the result of deliberate decision-making. * * *[redacted] access to FBI systems was the subject of an interagency memorandum of understanding (presumably prepared or reviewed by FBI lawyers), no notice of this practice was given to the FISC until 2016.”[411]
  • Adm. Rogers personally notifies court of Obama administration FISA abuse. NSA Dir. Adm. Rogers personally informed the FISA court of the Obama administration's 702(17) violations. The abuses covered the period from November 2015 to May 2016 and centered around the FBI Counterintelligence Division and DOJ-National Security Division (DOJ-NSD)[412] after Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates denied Inspector General oversight. The FISA Court was unaware of the FISA/Query violations until they were presented to the Court by NSA Dir. Adm. Rogers, and after Comey and Yates presented fraudulent evidence for the FISA Title I Carter Page warrant. The court was not made aware of the fraudulent basis of the Carter Page warrant until after the removal of Dir. Comey, Acting Dir. McCabe, and the appointment of Dir. Wray. The Obama administration hoaxed the FISA court for both Title I authority and to perform illegal Section 702 search queries on several occasions for over a year, to spy on domestic political opponents on a scale Richard Nixon only dreamed of, assuming Nixon had insight into the technological development of the past 50 years.
  • After Rogers ratted out the conspirators to the Court, Clapper tried to get rid of Rogers.
  • Obama lawyers admit to routinely violating Americans' Fourth Amendment rights. The criminal behavior of the progressive administration had been ongoing for five years. More than 5 percent, or one out of every 20 searches seeking upstream Internet data on Americans inside the Section 702 database violated safeguards Obama and his intelligence commissars vowed to follow in 2011.[414]

With McCabe' sitting on the Clinton emails from Weiner's computer for three weeks, along with pressure from the SDNY, Loretta Lynch and media leaks, the internal debate at the DOJ and FBI about McCabe recusing himself from the Clinton investigations continues.

  • OIG report states,
    "McCabe and the New York Assistant Director in Charge (NY-ADIC) participated in what McCabe described as “a hastily convened conference call with the Attorney General [Loretta Lynch] who delivered the same message to us” about leaks, with specific focus being on leaks regarding the high-profile investigation by FBI’s New York Field Office into the death of Eric Garner. McCabe told us that he “never heard her use more forceful language.” NY-ADIC confirmed that the participants got “ripped by the AG on leaks.”
  • McCabe told OIG that he proposed that the Clinton email team meet with Comey the following day after the conference call between the the NYO and SDNY.
  • The OIG found explanations for sitting on the Weiner laptop unpersuasive for not acting sooner, given the FBI leadership’s conclusion about the importance of the information and that the Clinton investigation team had sufficient information to take action after the October 4 conference call, and knew at that time that it would need a new search warrrant to review any Clinton-Abedin emails. Moreover, given the FBI’s extensive resources, the fact that Strzok and several other FBI members of the Clinton investigation team had been assigned to the Russia investigation, which was extremely active during this September and October time period, was not an excuse for failing to take any action during this time period on the Weiner laptop.

  • Strzok and Lisa Page exchange messages while watching debates,
    Strzok: I am riled up. Trump is a f***ing idiot, is unable to provide a coherent answer.
    Page-- I don't know. But we'll get it back. We're America. We rock.
    Strzok-- Donald just said "bad hombres"
    Strzok-- Trump just said what the FBI did is disgraceful.
    Strzok quoting Trump "what the FBI did is disgraceful" relates to Comey's July announcement exonerating Clinton and the FBI small group's obstruction of justice in the case.
  • Evelyn Farkas tells Warsaw Security Forum "if Donald Trump were elected I believe he would be impeached pretty quickly or somebody else would have to take over government. And I am not even joking."[415] Farkas, who left government in Sept. 2015, later admitted to being the recipient of intelligence information on Donald Trump in the summer of 2016: "last summer I was getting winks and hints from inside that there was something really wrong here." At the forum Farkas discussed the rise of Trump from a purely domestic, partisan, political perspective and urged something must be done to counter the forces of nationalism and populism.[416]

  • 27 October. Comey Chief of Staff Jim Rybicki wants McCabe recused from Clinton investigations.
  • The small group (or "tight group" as Comey calls it) has had the Weiner laptop emails for 29 days and has reviewed none. They are debating if probable cause exists to re-open the investigation. Main Justice, across the street from FBI HQ, now knows of the existence of emails, and is fearful New York police and prosecutors are ready to go public with their existence.
  • Comey goes public.[417] Fearful of leaks if he didn't act, Comey notifies Congress of the re-opening the Clinton email investigation.[418]
  • 28 October. Conference call between Main Justice and FBI investigators about Hillary email cover-up. SDNY and New York FBI field office asking why has Washington (McCabe) sat on the Clinton emails for three weeks with no action? All focus within the DOJ and FBI is on news reporting and narrative spin, and no one looking at Clinton emails.
  • Internal discussions claim no probable cause against Hillary in July, none now, and debate on recusal of Andrew McCabe in the Clinton non-investigation.
  • Comey goes public to create the appearance of re-opening the Clinton email investigation after New York Police Department (NYPD) plans to hold press conference about the evidence seized on Anthony Weiner's laptop. 650,000 classified State Department emails and other damning evidence found.[419]
  • Comey's action made Steele mad, Steele felt it may cost Hillary the election.[421]
  • Steele leaks to David Corn of Mother Jones magazine an outline of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax narrative.[422]
Loretta Lynch threatened to re-open the 2014 Eric Garner case with federal civil rights charges against police if New York officials didn't back off the Weiner laptop.
  • Daughter of Eric Garner criticizes Clinton campaign over Podesta emails about her father's death (Podesta wrote, "we know we have an Eric Garner problem," i.e. motivating Blacks to the polls to vote in light of Hillary's Superpredator comment).[423][424][425][426]
  • Comey's public statement about re-opening Hillary's email case throws the Clinton campaign and poll numbers into a tailspin.[427] The "insurance policy" becomes operational: allegations of collusion between Trump and Russia.
  • Trump-Russia and Clinton email investigator Kevin Clinesmith texts' that reopening the Clinton email case “broke the momentum” of Clinton’s campaign and warned that it could initiate “the destruction of the republic.”

  • Andrew McCabe instructs Lisa Page to leak a rebuttal to Devlin Barrett of the Wall Street Journal about McCabe's conflict of interest with Clinton donors and the Clinton investigations. The illegal leak confirms the existence of the Clinton Foundation investigation. While on the phone with Barrett, Lisa Page and Strzok exchange texts about breaking news of the Clinton email investigation being reopened. Two minutes later, Barrett tweets the new found emails on Weiner's laptop may have already been examined, "per sources".
    Page: 5:19pm “Still on the phone with Devlin [Barrett of WSJ]. [FBI Public Affairs officer] Mike [Kortan]’s phone is ON FIRE.”

    Strzok: 5:29pm “You might wanna tell Devlin he should turn on CNN, there’s news on.”

    Page: 5:30pm “He knows. He just got handed a note.”

    Strzok: 5:33pm “Ha. He asking about it now?”

    Page: 5:34pm “Yeah. It was pretty funny. Coming now.”
  • At 5:36pm Devlin Barrett tweets:

  • Lynch pleads Fifth Amendment against incrimination to Congress in probe of Obama administration illegal secret payment to Iran in ransom deal.[428][429]
  • Clinton email investigator Sally Moyer texts' that she was “sick” of Trump and called his supporters “retarded.”

  • Perkins Coie, the surrogate law firm acting on behalf of Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC, makes a payment of $365,275.33 to FusionGPS.
  • 30 October. Christopher Steele suspended, and then terminated by the FBI for what the FBI defines as the most serious of violations - unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI in a Mother Jones article by David Corn.[430][431] The FBI was well aware of Steele's previous contacts with media - the FBI used Steele's leaks to Yahoo News to hoax the FISA court nine days earlier.
  • Corn's article, that cited an FBI informant and stressed the FBI was in possession of the unverified information, was the cause of Steele's firing.
  • Steele could have been terminated earlier for his previous undisclosed contacts with Yahoo News and other media outlets in September 2016 - before the Carter Page application was submitted to the FISA court in October 2016 - but Steele improperly concealed and lied to the FBI about earlier contacts. DOJ offficial Bruce Ohr continued to pass along allegations from Steele to the FBI after the FBI suspended its formal relationship with Steele, and demonstrates that Bruce Ohr funneled allegations from FusionGPS and Steele to the FBI.

  • Devlin Barrett of the Wall Street Journal publishes an article entitled, FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe, based on illegal leaks ultimately leading to the firing of Andrew McCabe for misconduct and lying to investigators.[432] The article was the first public acknowledgement that the Clinton Foundation was under FBI investigation.[433] According to the OIG report on McCabe,
    The article highlighted the campaign donations to McCabe’s wife by PACs associated with Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who was described as “a longtime ally of the Clintons and . . . a Clinton Foundation Board member.” The article identified McCabe as the FBI official who “sought to refocus the Clinton Foundation probe,” and reported that agents “further down the FBI chain of command” had been told to “stand down” on the Clinton Foundation investigation with the understanding that “the order had come from the deputy director — Mr. McCabe.”

  • Democrat Minority leader Harry Reid issues open letter to James Comey: Reid says from his communications with “other top officials in the national security community [John Brennan for example, August 15, 2016] it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisers and the Russian government."[434]
  • 31 October. David Corn of Mother Jones magazine article appears: A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump: Has the bureau investigated this material?, the first public hint of the Steele dossier in print.
    [A] former senior intelligence officer [Christopher Steele] for a Western country [UK] who specialized in Russian counterintelligence tells Mother Jones that in recent months he provided the bureau with memos, based on his recent interactions with Russian sources, contending the Russian government has for years tried to co-opt and assist Trump—and that the FBI requested more information from him...

    Does this mean the FBI is investigating whether Russian intelligence has attempted to develop a secret relationship with Trump or cultivate him as an asset? Was the former intelligence officer and his material deemed credible or not?...

    In June, the former Western intelligence officer—who spent almost two decades on Russian intelligence matters and who now works with a US firm [FusionGPS] that gathers information on Russia for corporate clients—was assigned the task of researching Trump’s dealings in Russia and elsewhere, according to [Steele] and his associates in [FusionGPS]....Before [Steele] was retained, the project’s financing switched to a client allied with Democrats...

    This was, [Steele] remarks, “an extraordinary situation.” He regularly consults with US government agencies on Russian matters, and near the start of July on his own initiative—without the permission of the US company that hired him—he sent a report he had written for [FusionGPS] to [Peter Strzok] at the FBI, according to [Steele] and his American associates...[Steele] says he concluded that the information he had collected on Trump was “sufficiently serious” to share with the FBI...

    Mother Jones has reviewed that report and other memos [Steele] wrote....

    [Steele] says the response from the FBI was “shock and horror"...in August, they say, the FBI asked him for all information in his possession...[Steele] forwarded to the bureau several memos—some of which referred to members of Trump’s inner circle. After that point, he continued to share information with the FBI. “It’s quite clear there was or is a pretty substantial inquiry going on,” he says. “This is something of huge significance, way above party politics"....

    There’s no way to tell whether the FBI has confirmed or debunked any of the allegations contained in [Steele's] memos.[435]
Hillary Clinton spews proven fabricated lies she paid Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson to conjure up and funnel to alleged journalists with some of the nation's formerly most respected media platforms. Some news organizations were even paid by Clinton and the Democrats to run the fake news stories against Donald Trump in mainstream media news outlets.
During the Kavanaugh smear of 2018 the same technique was employed.[436]
The media, complicit in the hoax to exonerate Hillary Clinton and smear Donald Trump by colluding with the Obama Justice Department and Democrat paid operatives, continued the hoax for two more years, finding it impossible to walkback the lies they committed themselves to.
Ironically, the same day as this tweet, The New York Times reported the FBI found no evidence of Russian collusion with Trump.
  • New York Times headlines, Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link To Russia:
    For much of the summer, the F.B.I. pursued a widening investigation into a Russian role in the American presidential campaign. Agents scrutinized advisers close to Donald J. Trump, looked for financial connections with Russian financial figures, searched for those involved in hacking the computers of Democrats, and even chased a lead – which they ultimately came to doubt – about a possible secret channel of email communication from the Trump Organization to a Russian bank.

    Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government...

    Hillary Clinton’s supporters, angry over what they regard as a lack of scrutiny of Mr. Trump by law enforcement officials, pushed for these investigations.[437]

  • Comey and McCabe meet privately one-on-one to discuss the WSJ leak regarding the Clinton Foundation and McCabe's conflict of interest. In sworn statements later Comey testifies McCabe "definitely" did not say he authorized leaks; McCabe says he did tell Comey, and Comey thought it was a "good idea".
  • Hillary Clinton tweets about leaked info from the October 21 FISA warrant.[438] Some speculate the server in Trump Tower was hacked by the CIA with malware in order to obtain a FISA warrant.[439]
  • BakerHostetler, the law firm Veselnitskaya hired to hire Glenn Simpson, makes final payment to FusionGPS. FusionGPS was hired by BakerHostetler to discredit Bill Browder who helped push through Russian sanctions. Glenn Simpson compiled the research for the anti-Browder project. Katsyv, a Russian businessman, hired Veselnitskaya to limit the impact of the Magnitsky Act sanctions. Payments from BakerHostetler to FusionGPS since March 2016 total $523,651.
  • Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid files complaint with FBI against Dir. Comey alleging misconduct as does former George W. Bush White House counsel Richard Painter files complaint with the Government Ethics Office alleging Hatch Act violations.[440]

November 2016

Even though Christopher Steele was terminated as a paid FBI confidential source on November 1 for violation of agency rules, the FBI continued to receive information from Steele in violation of its own rules for another year through Bruce Ohr,[441] as the FISA warrant was renewed three times. Neither was the FISA court ever informed Steele had been terminated and his work deemed "not suitable for use," the DOJ and FBI continued to hoax the FISA court with dirt on Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid Russia for with campaign funds.

  • 1 November. Christopher Steele termination date. Beginning late November, Bruce Ohr and Steele communicate regularly for another full year, until November 2017. Bruce Ohr relayed all communications with Steele to the FBI through Joe Pientka and possibly two other handlers.
  • Former Clinton Administration-era FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom says in radio interview the Clinton's are a crime family, the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool of corruption, Attn. Gen. Loretta Lynch impeded the email investigation by not empaneling a grand jury, and that Dir. James Comey and the top leadership held back the investigation.[442]
  • WikiLeaks releases the May 5, 2015 email chain that begins with Deputy Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik’s son asking John Podesta for a job with the Clinton campaign.
  • Kim Dotcom says more Clinton emails to be released and Hillary Clinton is in "serious trouble."[443]
  • 2 November. True Pundit reports
    New York Police Department detectives and prosecutors working an alleged underage sexting case against former Congressman Anthony Weiner have turned over a newly-found laptop he shared with wife Huma Abedin to the FBI with enough evidence “to put Hillary (Clinton) and her crew away for life,” NYPD sources told True Pundit.
    NYPD sources said Clinton’s “crew” also included several unnamed yet implicated members of Congress in addition to her aides and insiders.
    The NYPD seized the computer from Weiner during a search warrant and detectives discovered a trove of over 500,000 emails to and from Hillary Clinton, Abedin and other insiders during her tenure as secretary of state. The content of those emails sparked the FBI to reopen its defunct email investigation into Clinton on Friday.
    But new revelations on the contents of that laptop, according to law enforcement sources, implicate the Democratic presidential candidate, her subordinates, and even select elected officials in far more alleged serious crimes than mishandling classified and top secret emails, sources said. NYPD sources said these new emails include evidence linking Clinton herself and associates to: Money laundering, Child exploitation, Sex crimes with minors (children); Perjury; Pay to play through Clinton Foundation; Obstruction of justice; Other felony crimes.
    NYPD detectives and a NYPD Chief, the department’s highest rank under Commissioner, said openly that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.
    “What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”
    The NYPD Chief said once Comey saw the alarming contents of the emails he was forced to reopen a criminal probe against Clinton.
    “People are going to prison,” he said.
    Meanwhile, FBI sources said Abedin and Weiner were cooperating with federal agents, who have taken over the non-sexting portions the case from NYPD. The husband-and-wife Clinton insiders are both shopping for separate immunity deals, sources said.
    “If they don’t cooperate they are going to see long sentences,” a federal law enforcement source said.
    NYPD sources said Weiner or Abedin stored all the emails in a massive Microsoft Outlook program on the laptop. The emails implicate other current and former members of Congress and one high-ranking Democratic Senator as having possibly engaged in criminal activity too, sources said.
    Prosecutors in the office of US Attorney Preet Bharara have issued a subpoena for Weiner’s cell phones and travel records, law enforcement sources confirmed. NYPD said it planned to order the same phone and travel records on Clinton and Abedin, however, the FBI said it was in the process of requesting the identical records. Law enforcement sources are particularly interested in cell phone activity and travel to the Bahamas, U.S. Virgin Islands and other locations that sources would not divulge.
    The new emails contain travel documents and itineraries indicating Hillary Clinton, President Bill Clinton, Weiner and multiple members of Congress and other government officials accompanied convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein on his Boeing 727 on multiple occasions to his private island in the U.S Virgin Islands, sources said. Epstein’s island has also been dubbed Orgy Island or Sex Slave Island where Epstein allegedly pimps out underage girls and boys to international dignitaries.
    Both NYPD and FBI sources confirm based on the new emails they now believe Hillary Clinton traveled as Epstein’s guest on at least six occasions, probably more when all the evidence is combed, sources said. Bill Clinton, it has been confirmed in media reports spanning recent years, that he too traveled with Epstein over 20 times to the island.

    Laptop Also Unveiled More Classified, Top Secret Breaches.

    According to other uncovered emails, Abedin and Clinton both sent and received thousands of classified and top secret documents to personal email accounts including Weiner’s unsecured campaign web site which is managed by Democratic political consultants in Washington D.C.
    Weiner maintained little known email accounts that the couple shared on the website anthonyweiner.com. Weiner, a former seven-term Democratic Congressman from New York, primarily used that domain to campaign for Congress and for his failed mayoral bid of New York City.
    At one point, FBI sources said, Abedin and Clinton’s classified and top secret State Department documents and emails were stored in Weiner’s email on a server shared with a dog grooming service and a western Canadian bicycle shop.
    However, Weiner and Abedin, who is Hillary Clinton’s closest personal aide, weren’t the only people with access to the Weiner’s email account. Potentially dozens of unknown individuals had access to Abedin’s sensitive State Department emails that were stored in Weiner’s email account, FBI sources confirmed.
    FEC records show Weiner paid more than $92,000 of congressional campaign funds to Anne Lewis Strategies LLC to manage his email and web site. According to FBI sources, the D.C.-based political consulting firm has served as the official administrator of the anthonyweiner.com domain since 2010, the same time Abedin was working at the State Department. This means technically Weiner and Abedin’s emails, including top secret State Department emails, could have been accessed, printed, discussed, leaked, or distributed by untold numbers of personnel at the Anne Lewis consulting firm because they can control where the website and it emails are pointed, FBI sources said.
    According to FBI sources, the bureau’s newly-minted probe into Clinton’s use and handling of emails while she served as secretary of state, has also been broadened to include investigating new email-related revelations, including:

    *Abedin forwarded classified and top secret State Department emails to Weiner’s email

    *Abedin stored emails, containing government secrets, in a special folder shared with Weiner warehousing over 500,000 archived State Department emails.

    *Weiner had access to these classified and top secret documents without proper security clearance to view the records

    *Abedin also used a personal yahoo address and her Clintonemail.com address to send/receive/store classified and top secret documents

    *A private consultant managed Weiner’s site for the last six years, including three years when Clinton was secretary of state, and therefore, had full access to all emails as the domain’s listed registrant and administrator via Whois email contacts.

    *Because Weiner’s campaign website is managed by the third-party consultant and political email guru, FBI agents are burdened with the task of trying to decipher just how many people had access to Weiner’s server and emails and who were these people. Or if the server was ever compromised by hackers, or other actors.

    Abedin told FBI agents in an April interview that she didn’t know how to consistently print documents or emails from her secure Dept. of State system. Instead, she would forward the sensitive emails to her yahoo, Clintonemail.com and her email linked to Weiner.
    Abedin said, according to FBI documents, she would then access those email accounts via webmail from an unclassified computer system at the State Dept. and print the documents, many of which were classified and top secret, from the largely unprotected webmail portals.
    Clinton did not have a computer in her office on Mahogany Row at the State Dept. so she was not able to read timely intelligence unless it was printed out for her, Abedin said. Abedin also said Clinton could not operate the secure State Dept. fax machine installed in her Chappaqua, NY home without assistance.
    Perhaps more alarming, according to the FBI’s 302 Report detailing its interview with Abedin, none of the multiple FBI agents and Justice Department officials who conducted the interview pressed Abedin to further detail the email address linked to Weiner. There was never a follow up, according to the 302 report.[444]
  • DOJ Assistant Attorney Peter Kadzik outed as a mole for Hillary Clinton campaign.[445] PADAG Matthew Axelrod recuses DAAG Peter Kadzik from signing letters to Congress in Clinton-related matters but Kadzik remains a Clinton operative in the DOJ involved in Clinton matters and Clinton investigations.
  • 3 November. Lisa Page wrote to Strzok, “The nyt [New York Times] probability numbers are dropping every day. I’m scared for our organization.” Probability numbers refers to the New York Times presidential election forecast, which gave Hillary Clinton as high as a 93% chance of winning on October 25, before dropping to an 85% chances as of November 3. The "our organization" comment, and how a democratic election makes government employees operating government owned telecommunications equipment "scared for our organization" remains unexplained.
  • 4 November. Erik Prince appears on radio and outlines discoveries within the Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner laptop that was being blocked by AG Loretta Lynch.[447] Prince claimed insider knowledge of the investigation to explain why Dir. James Comey had to announce he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s email server:
    “Because of Weinergate and the sexting scandal, the NYPD started investigating it. Through a subpoena, through a warrant, they searched his laptop, and sure enough, found those 650,000 emails. They found way more stuff than just more information pertaining to the inappropriate sexting the guy was doing,” Prince claimed.
    “They found State Department emails. They found a lot of other really damning criminal information, including money laundering, including the fact that Hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton went there more than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times,” he said.
    “The amount of garbage that they found in these emails, of criminal activity by Hillary, by her immediate circle, and even by other Democratic members of Congress was so disgusting they gave it to the FBI, and they said, ‘We’re going to go public with this if you don’t reopen the investigation and you don’t do the right thing with timely indictments,’” Prince explained.
    “I believe – I know, and this is from a very well-placed source of mine at 1PP, One Police Plaza in New York – the NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making in this investigation, and they’ve gotten huge pushback, to the point of coercion, from the Justice Department, with the Justice Department threatening to charge someone that had been unrelated in the accidental heart attack death of Eric Garner almost two years ago. That’s the level of pushback the Obama Justice Department is doing against actually seeking justice in the email and other related criminal matters,” Prince said.[448]
  • Between 1–6 November. Paul Wood of the BBC met with Glenn Simpson at BBC’s Washington studio where Simpson provided Wood with a redacted copy of the Steele dossier. Wood then contacted the CIA to attempt to corroborate the information, where he received an unofficial intermediary whom said the Steele dossier was credible and they had numerous outside sources to it. “Mr Wood said he had asked the CIA about the allegations made in the dossier, which is said to have circulated for months among major media outlets, who were not able to corroborate its contents, before it was published by BuzzFeed. ‘I sent a message to the CIA at the beginning of November to ask them about these allegations...It was illegal for any official to talk to me about them, but I got a message back through an intermediary that said the allegations were regarded as credible. And more than that, there was more than a single source for them, not just this MI6 man.’” [449]
  • 6 November. Zerohedge: Clinton Foundation Admits It Broke The Law In Leaked "Smoking Gun" Memo.[450]
  • 7 November. Louise Mensch of HeatStreet reports two separate sources with links to the counter-intelligence community confirmed that the FBI was granted a FISA court warrant in October, giving counter-intelligence permission to examine the activities of ‘U.S. persons’ in Donald Trump’s campaign.[451] While the BBC report suggests that the surveillance was meant to ferret out “transfers of money,” the Mensch article asserts that a “warrant was granted to look at the full content of emails and other related documents that may concern US persons" (FISA Title I authority).
  • David Corn sends a copy of the Steele dossier to James Baker (DOJ).[452] Baker testified,
    “My recollection is that he had part of the dossier, that we had other parts already, and that we got still other parts from other people, and that — and nevertheless some of the parts that David Corn gave us were parts that we did not have from another source.”
    Baker testified that he received elements of the dossier from Corn that were not in the FBI’s possession at the time. He said that he immediately turned this information over to leadership within the FBI, noting, “I think it was Bill Priestap,” the head of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division. Baker also testified regarding what he believed was the underlying source of the memos he received from Corn.
    “I think I assumed at the time or knew, he may have told me, that he got it from Simpson or somebody acting on Simpson’s behalf.”[453]
    Steele wrote four memos after the FBI team received his information in mid-September. All of the memos were written in October—on the 12th, 18th, 19th, and the 20th. Baker said of Corn: “Even though he was my friend, I was also an FBI official. He knew that. And so he wanted to somehow get that into the hands of the FBI.”
  • 8 November. Election day. Counterintelligence and cyber teams at FBI Headquarters monitored a disinformation campaign spread across Twitter and Facebook, following a series of hoaxes aimed at Hillary Clinton. The effort carried out by the FBI was done in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, where the three teams would then contact a specific team [Lisa Monaco, Susan Rice, Avril Haines] at the White House Situation Room every three hours.[454]
  • FBI investigator Strzok and Lisa Page follow election returns: Strzok - "f*****g terrifying." Lisa Page - “OMG THIS IS F****** TERRIFYING.”
  • Clinton email investigator Sally Moyer texts' that Clinton had “better win … otherwise i’m gonna be walking around with both my guns … and like quitting on the spot,” adding, “screw you trump.” In another message Moyer said, “f–k trump,” and told a colleague she would consider any presidential award for public service from Trump an “insult.”[455]
  • Susan Rice’s interest in unmasking NSA materials accelerates.
  • 9 November. As election returns flow in during the wee hours,
    Lisa Page - CNN projecting FL for Trump.
    Strzok - Damn
    Lisa Page - And there it is.
    Lisa Page - Analogous to the public editor article Bill [Priestap] handed out. n\nNews Media Yet Again Misreads America\u2019 Complex Pulse http://nyti.ms/2eCqXVM
    Strzok - Too hard to explain here. Election related. Which is also godawful bad. n\nSure
    Lisa Page - Are you even going to give out your calenders? Seems kind of depressing. Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society.
    Lisa Page - And Christ, we should just hit those thumb drives now. Their opinion is totally irrelevant.
    Strzok - No. And yes.
    Lisa Page - I'll mention to Andy [McCabe].
    Strzok - Omg I am so depressed
    Lisa Page - Yes, maybe. I need to see what [redact] wants to do first.
  • Trump-Russia and Clinton email investigator Kevin Clinesmith messaged several FBI employees, “I am numb.” He added, “I am so stressed about what I could have done differently.” Clinesmith messaged another FBI employee that he was “just devastated” over Trump’s victory and launched into a rant: “I just can’t imagine the systematic disassembly of the progress we made over the last 8 years. ACA is gone. Who knows if the rhetoric about deporting people, walls, and crap is true. I honestly feel like there is going to be a lot more gun issues, too, the crazies won finally. This is the tea party on steroids. And the GOP is going to be lost, they have to deal with an incumbent in 4 years. We have to fight this again. Also Pence is stupid." The active Russiagate investigator added weeks later, “Viva le resistance."
  • Weiner laptop now being investigated - day after election. Peter Strzok, for the first time,[456][457] submits Weiner laptop to FBI lab for processing, contradicting both Comey's November 4 statement that the laptop had been reviewed and no evidence found, and Strzok's statements to Inspector General Horowitz (p. 388). Also, further evidence the FBI anticipated a Hillary win, obstructed justice, and delayed investigating the Weiner laptop.
  • Alexandra Chalupa posted a message to Facebook about work done in conjunction between the United States Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and an Anonymous-based organisation known as “The Protectors” based in Washington, DC.
    “Homeland Security/DOJ teamed up with a group that is part of Anonymous based in Washington, D.C. called ‘The Protectors’. This group saw a lot of activity during Election Day from the Russians and believe that the voting results projected don’t match the internal and public polls because the voting results were manufactured in favor of Trump in heavily Republican counties in key states, and voting results may have been described for Clinton in key Democratic countries via malware that was placed by the Russians when they hacked the election systems of more than half our states.” [458]
  • After Trump's win. Steele provides a full review of his dossier for a senior British official. Steele had told the FBI in Rome he would take this step in the event of a Trump victory.[460]
Michael Moore, a voracious producer and consumer of Leftist junk media, was duped by Putin's cybertrolls into leading an anti-Trump rally at Trump Tower.
  • 10 November. President-elect Trump met with President Obama in the Oval Office. Obama warned Trump to avoid hiring Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn for his future Administration.[461]
  • Andrea Chalupa, sister of Alexandra Chalupa, then tweeted: “All election day Anonymous hackers working w/DOJ updated my sister: they were at war w/RU hackers in our systems”.[462]
  • Facebook CEO & founder Mark Zuckerberg calls Clinton campaign & Deep State theory that Russian fake news influenced the U.S. presidential election "a pretty crazy idea."[463][464]
  • 12 November. Russian stooge Michael Moore attends Russian organized BlackMattersUS march in front of Trump Tower.[465]
  • 14 November. Jerry Nadler: Obama should immediately fire FBI Director James Comey for influencing the election.[466]

Read Newsmax: Dem Rep. Jerry Nadler: Obama Should Fire Comey for Influencing Election | Newsmax.com

  • 15 November. WaPo op-ed reports that former Republican Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Rep. Michael J. Rogers fired from Trump Transition. The former congressman was seen as
    "a widely respected former FBI agent...a figure of stability and continuity in intelligence matters. He was mentioned as a possible next director of the CIA or director of national intelligence."[467]
    Rogers was responsible for the 2014 Rogers/Ruppersberger Report, a bipartisan whitewash and cover-up of the Benghazi massacre.[468] Some suspect Michael J. Rogers as the FBI informant planted within the Trump campaign.[469] Rogers goes on to work for the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) which partners with Facebook to censor American's free speech on the internet.[470][471] (Rep. Michael J. Rogers should not be confused with Adm. Mike S. Rogers, the hero of the Obamagate scandal).
  • An IP address associated with the Department of Homeland Security attempted unsuccessfully to penetrate the Georgia Secretary of State’s firewall.[472] The Georgia Secretary of State oversees Georgia elections. At the same time, President-elect Trump started to receive top secret briefings.
  • 16 November. Clapper tenders resignation as DNI.

  • 17 November. Adm. Rogers informs Trump of Obama administration surveillance. NSA Director Mike Rogers makes unannounced trip to Trump Tower to meet with President-elect Trump without notifying the White House.[473] Rogers warned Trump of Obama administration illegal spying on Trump and the transition team. Trump immediately moves transition headquarters from Trump Tower to Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey to interview and discuss the most sensitive positions to fill, Defense, State, CIA, ODNI.[474]
  • Strzok and Lisa Page discuss briefing the Trump transition team and recruiting informants:
    Strzok: Talking with Bill [Priestap]. Do we want Joe [Pientka] to go with [William] Evanina[475] instead of Charli [unknown] for a variety of reasons?

    Lisa Page: Hmm. Not sure. Would it be unusual to have show up again? Maybe another agent from the team?

    Strzok: Or, he’s “the CI [counter interintelligence] guy.” Same.might make sense. He can assess if there are any news Qs, or different demeanor. If Katie’s husband [Joshua Pitcock, Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s Chief of Staff], whose wife [Katherine whose name differs from Pitcock] is there, he can see if there are people we can develop for potential relationships

    Lisa Page: Should I ask Andy [McCabe] about it? Or Bill [Priestap] want to reach out for Andy [McCabe]?

    Strzok: I told him I’m sure we could ask you to make the swap if we thought it was smart. It s not until Mon so Bill [Priestap] can always discuss with him tomorrow[476]
  • Katie, wife of Vice President Mike Pence’s Chief of Staff Joshua Pitcock, is an FBI agent who worked with Peter Strzok on the Clinton email investigation. Katie is reported to have recused herself from the Trump-Russia counterintelligence investigation after Pence was nominated. Trump announced Pence as his pick on July 15, 2016. The two officially became nominees on July 21, 2016.[477]
  • Strzok texts Lisa Page "Sessions for AG," along with a profanity. Page replies, "Good god."
  • Congress renews calls for perjury charges against ODNI boss James Clapper.[478]
  • Obama administration votes against Russian sponsored UN Resolution entitled "Combating glorification of Nazism, Neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance," condemning the neo-fascist regime Obama and progressives brought to power in Ukraine.[479]
  • Mid November. Steel and Wood meet for a second time. Sir Andrew Wood approaches Steele after the election “to discuss whether they needed to take further steps to ensure the U.S. government was aware of his information.”
  • 18-20 November. McCain and his longtime adviser, David Kramer–an ex-U.S. State Dept. official–attend a security conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia where former UK ambassador to Russia Sir Andrew Wood tells them about the Fusion GPS anti-Trump dossier. (Kramer is affiliated with the “Ukraine Today” media organization). They discuss confirming the info has reached top levels of FBI for action.
  • 19 November. Washington Post reports Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and DNI James Clapper recommend to the White House that NSA Dir. Rogers be fired. Rogers traveled to New York to meet with President-elect Trump days earlier at Trump Tower, warning Trump about the Obama administration illegal surveillance of the Trump team. "That caused consternation at senior levels of the administration, according to officials."[480]
  • 21 November. Bruce Ohr recieves email from Kathleen Kavalec, a deputy assistant secretary of state in the Bureau of European Affairs in the State Department. (Kavalec is now President Trump's nominee to be ambassador to Albania.) Kavalec sent Ohr information on Simon Kukes, a Russian-born executive who contributed more than $250,000 to Trump-supporting organizations after Trump won the Republican nomination. Kavalec said she met Kukes around 2014, when "Tom Firestone brought him in," a reference to former Justice Department official Thomas Firestone, now a partner at the Washington law firm BakerHostetler. Kavalec also linked to a Mother Jones article about Kukes. Ohr responded by saying, "I may have heard about him from Tom Firestone as well, but I can't recall for certain." Then Kavalec answered by saying she was "just re-looking at my notes from my convo with Chris Steele" and that "I see that Chris said Kukes has some connection to Serge Millian, an emigre who is identified by FT as head of the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce." [In the book Russian Roulette, authors Michael Isikoff and David Corn wrote that Millian claimed to have some sort of business relationship with the Trump organization — which the Trumps denied. Millian is reported to be Source D and E in the Dossier. More importantly, Millian went on to become Steele's source for the infamous "golden showers" allegation that Donald Trump had engaged in a kinky sex scene in a Moscow hotel room in 2013.]
  • Bruce Ohr recruited as conduit from Steele to Strzok - in violation of FBI rules. Bruce Ohr notes state that Ohr met with Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. The notes read, “no prosecution yet, pushing ahead on M case,” in reference to Paul Manafort." Ohr's notes indicate that the FBI "may go back to Chris [Steele]" just 20 days after firing Steele for violating bureau rules.[481] Ohr is introduced to Joe Pientka, who became Ohr’s FBI handler. Pientka was also present with Strzok during the Jan. 24, 2017, interview of then national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.
Commie stooge Jill Stein[482][483] accepted $2 million from Clinton donors[484] - more than she spent on her entire 2016 Presidential campaign - to overturn the election of Trump.
  • 22 November. Date of first of twelve Pientka interviews with Bruce Ohr; Form 302 for this interview dated December 19, 2016.[485][486][487] The Ohr 302s serve as CYA memos - the paper trail for probable cause information. Because of Christopher Steele's suspension his reporting is deemed unreliable; Bruce Ohr, who is not assigned to the case, is serving as a backdoor for information coming to the FBI from Steele. Pientka was transmitting all the information directly to Strzok.
  • Hillary's "computer scientists" urge election recount.[488]
  • 24 November. Washington Post’s Craig Timberg publishes a dubiously sourced report headlined, Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news.’ The article hyped up a McCarthyite effort by a shadowy, anonymously run organization called PropOrNot to blacklist some 200 American media outlets as Russian “online propaganda.”[489] PropOrNot was promoted widely by top Clinton staffers and celebrated by -Obama White House aide Dan Pfeiffer as “the biggest story in the world.”
  • "Sometime around Thanksgiving." Glenn Simpson and Bruce Ohr meet and discuss the Steele dossier, the Russia meddling investigation, and what Simpson considered the distressing development of Trump’s victory.
  • 25 November. A senior Obama Administration official sent a statement to The New York Times, where they stated that the results of the 2016 United States presidential election accurately matched the will of the American people.[490]
  • 28 November. McCain associate David Kramer flies to London to meet Christopher Steele for a briefing on the anti-Trump research. Afterward, Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson gives Sen. McCain a copy of the “dossier.” Steele also passes anti-Trump info to top UK government official in charge of national security. Sen. McCain soon arranges a meeting with FBI Director Comey.
  • 30 November. David Kramer, Sen. McCain, and McCain’s chief of staff, Christopher Brose, meet to review the Steele dossier. Kramer “advised McCain to share the reports with the FBI and CIA.” McCain later passed a copy of the dossier to Comey on Dec. 9, 2016.[491]
  • PropOrNot publishes "fake news" blacklist.[492] Among the criteria PropOrNot identified as signs of Russian propaganda were: “Support for policies like Brexit, and the breakup of the EU and Eurozone” and “Opposition to Ukrainian resistance to Russia and Syrian resistance to Assad.” PropOrNot called for “formal investigations by the U.S. government” into the outlets it had blacklisted. By the 2018 Midterm elections, Facebook and Twitter had banned many on this list.[493]
  • Late November. Comey and Obama sat with each other — alone — in the Oval Office.

December 2016

In reviewing leaks of classified information before and after November 8, 2016, a trend becomes evident: prior to the election, leaks focused on Russia's attempts to sow discord; leaks after the election focused on an alleged attempt to affect the outcome, rather than just undermining confidence in the electoral system.[494]

As of December 5, 2016, the Obama administration had not acknowledged any attempt by Moscow to influence the election in favor of Trump. However, four days later on December 9, Adam Entous, Ellen Nakashima, and Greg Miller of Bezos Blog reported that John Brennan concluded a new assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help candidate Trump.

By "walking back" negative statements Trump made about the IC, in particular the CIA, and "going along" with congressional investigations into Russian collusion which ultimately would end in a whitewash, Trump could gain cooperation in deal making for career civil service employees and appointments. If not, hearing Trump's promise to drain the swamp, the Intelligence Community is "going to war."

With the creation of ISIS, the Obama White House and Intelligence Community had much to hide. The Benghazi massacre derailed their plans; rather than a quick overthrow of Assad it led to Russian troop deployments in Syria and a continuing war of attrition. Things hadn't worked out the way they planned. Anyone involved in fomenting the atrocity which is the Syrian war - Brennan, Hillary Clinton, Obama, McCain, et al - the crimes against peace and crimes against humanity, felt vulnerable.

Theresa May and Boris Johnson were briefed on the Steele dossier.[495]

  • Sometime in December. Lisa Page, Strzok and three others traveled to London on McCabe's instructions (Priestap was not one of the unnamed three).[496]
  • 2 December. Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton bans Lucy Komisar from Bill Browder speech.[497]
  • 4 December. FSB officer Sergei Mikhailov arrested by the Russian government and charged with accepting millions from CIA Director John Brennan in the phony Trump-Russia scam.[498]
  • New Zealand Prime Minister resigns after getting caught giving $13.7 million in taxpayer money to the Clinton Foundation.[499]
  • 5 December. FBI Dep. Dir. of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok gives false and misleading briefing to House Intelligence Committee investigators into Hillary Clinton's Steele dossier. House Intelligence Committee investigators later were contacted by an informant suggesting that there was “documentary evidence” that Strzok was obstructing the House probe into the Steele dossier.[500]
  • Bruce Ohr's second interview with the FBI; FD-302 dated 12/19/16. Ohr passed along a memory stick from his wife Nellie, noting, “My understanding was that it included her research on behalf of Fusion GPS.” The FBI, through Ohr, now had all the research Nellie had done during her time working for Fusion GPS. Ohr never informed his DOJ superiors about his interactions with Steele, nor about his involvement with the FBI, or the income his wife received doing opposition research for Hillary Clinton. Although the FBI is technically a division of the DOJ, the FBI also did not alert senior DOJ leadership of their ongoing relationship with Ohr.
  • 8 December. McCain gives Comey his copy of Steele Dossier.[501]
  • Bruce Ohr's phone log indicates that he called Glenn Simpson on Dec. 8 to set up a meeting for coffee the next day, Dec. 9. The meeting actually takes place on the 10th.
  • 9 December. Russia collusion hoax narrative begins. Brennan provides assessment to Obama, claims Russia intervened in 2016 election to help Trump and impair Hillary Clinton’s chances.[502] Obama orders a full review of Russian activities. Brennan hand-picked agents from both the CIA and the FBI to write the assessment, including Peter Strzok, whom served as the liaison between Comey and Brennan.
  • 10 December. In response to a reporter's inquiry whether the FBI agreed with Brennan's preliminary assessment report to Obama that Russia tried to help Trump and hurt Hillary, Strzok responded to the FBI press office stating,
    “We did not have information to differentiate what their [the Russians] ultimate goal was.”[503]
  • IC goon John Schindler issues series of threats and ultimatums in open source medium (SOCMINT or Social Media Intelligence, part of a 5th "domain of war"). Schindler maintains the official talking points of "for years" "the Kremlin is behind Wikileaks," the quick way to deny the veracity of anything, including future leaks.[504]
*ATTN @realDonaldTrump: going to war with the IC is a truly colossally stupid thing to do, per this tweetstorm [ link to CNN article[505] ] /1 5:47 AM - 10 Dec 2016
*I've been telling you for years—esp last few months—that the Kremlin is behind Wikileaks. Now the IC is saying so openly. Big deal. /2 5:48 AM - 10 Dec 2016
*IC has hard proof at TS+ level that Moscow used Wikileaks to hurt Hillary and help Trump in 2016. These are facts that will not go away.
[Ed. note: IC = Intelligence Community. TS+ = Top-Secret Plus.] /3 5:49 AM - 10 Dec 2016
*The investigation demanded by Congress will reveal what we already know—that Putin wanted US political chaos & if possible a Trump win /4 5:50 AM - 10 Dec 2016
*Team Trump now has to decide to go along with the investigation of Russian interference or fight it; seems they have chosen the latter. /5 5:50 AM - 10 Dec 2016
*Publicly attacking the IC as Trump has just done will end very badly for Don. Remember what happened when Hillary attacked the spooks? /5 5:51 AM - 10 Dec 2016
*Have you really forgotten about #EmailGate already, @realDonaldTrump? Mocking the IC in public will result in big things you won't like. /6 5:52 AM - 10 Dec 2016
*The IC dislikes you intensely and they hate Flynn. The spooks have much more on you than they had on Hillary. This is a #YUGE mistake. /7 5:53 AM - 10 Dec 2016
*Only way Trump can make the issue of Russian interference worse is by impugning American intelligence. Which Don just did. Get popcorn /8 5:54 AM - 10 Dec 2016
*IC knows the full picture of what happened this year. They're not happy with you, @realDonaldTrump. You have the weekend to walk it back. /9 5:55 AM - 10 Dec 2016
*If Don won't walk back his foolish attack on the IC, watch for leaked terms like KGB, FSB, SVR, kompromat, Mogilevich, Organizatsiya... /10 6:00 AM - 10 Dec 2016
  • Bruce Ohr met with Simpson, who provided him with “additional information regarding the contacts between the Russians and the Trump campaign.” Simpson also gave Ohr a memory stick that Ohr said he believed contained the Steele dossier. Ohr passed the memory stick to Pientka.
  • John Solomon in The Hill wrote:
    "Simpson told then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr during the Dec. 10, 2016, meeting in a Washington coffee shop that he believed Trump’s longtime lawyer, Michael Cohen, was the “go-between from Russia to the Trump campaign.”
    Yet, Simpson allegedly acknowledged that most of the information Fusion GPS and British intelligence operative Christopher Steele developed did not come from sources inside Moscow. “Much of the collection about the Trump campaign ties to Russia comes from a former Russian intelligence officer (? not entirely clear) who lives in the U.S.,” Ohr scribbled in his notes.
    Ohr made clear he took possession of some evidence from Simpson, writing: “Glen gave me a memory stick.”
  • Simpson begins fake news narrative about Russian funding of NRA. Simpson told Bruce Ohr, "An NRA lawyer named Cleta Mitchell found out about the money pipeline and was very upset, but the election was over,” according to Ohr’s handwritten notes. “Some of Glen’s [sic] people believe that the NRA received abnormally large amount of money to spread in the election, possibly indicating Russian involvement, but others disagree,” Ohr wrote in his notes.[506]
  • 11 December. Glenn Simpson emailed Nellie Ohr a link to an article in the left-wing ThinkProgress headlined, "Why has the NRA been cozying up to Russia?" The article focused on now-indicted Maria Butina and Russian Alexander Torshin. Nellie Ohr responded, "Thank you!" to which Simpson, the next day, answered, "Please ring if you can." Nellie Ohr forwarded the Simpson message to Bruce Ohr, saying, "I assume Glenn means you not me."
  • 12 December. Bruce Ohr's third interview with the FBI; FD-302 dated 12/19/16.
  • Per Bruce Ohr’s phone log - Ohr: Glenn Simpson. Some more news. Spoke with him.
  • 13 December. Steele writes his final dossier installment (no memos have been written since Oct. 20). Asserts a Michael Cohen August meeting occurred in Prague. Cohen has never been to Prague. Steele declared in court documents this memo was produced on request of David Kramer, a associate of Sen. John McCain. Steele gave a copy of this memo to a “senior UK government national security official” and to Fusion “with an instruction that Fusion was to provide a hard copy to Sen. McCain via Mr. Kramer.” Steele's Dec. 13 memo, also known as Report 166, to Kramer, an unidentified British security official [Robert Hannigan or Alex Younger?], Senior Director for Russian Affairs at the National Security Council Celeste Wallander (spelled incorrectly as Wallender in the court document),[507] Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), and House Speaker Paul Ryan’s chief of staff, Jonathan Burks.
  • Bruce Ohr's phone log said, "Glenn Simpson. Some more news. Yesterday 9:27 a.m. Spoke with him."
Hillary Clinton dines with Democrat mega donor Harvey Weinstein, December 13, 2016. Weinstein, a charter founder of the Clinton Legal Defense Fund organized to defend President Clinton from sexual harassment and assault charges, has been accused of rape by 97 women.[508]
  • 14 December. New York Times published an fake news article titled Russian Hackers Acted to Aid Trump in Election, U.S. Says, citing “senior administration officials.” The "insurance policy" is operational.
  • Brennan and Clapper refuse to brief congress. HPSCI Chair Devin Nunes issued the following statement after Intelligence Community agencies declined a request to brief the House Intelligence Committee tomorrow on cyber-attacks during the presidential campaign:
    It is unacceptable that the Intelligence Community directors would not fulfill the House Intelligence Committee’s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber-attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign. The legislative branch is constitutionally vested with oversight responsibility of executive branch agencies, which are obligated to comply with our requests. The Committee is vigorously looking into reports of cyber-attacks during the election campaign, and in particular we want to clarify press reports that the CIA has a new assessment that it has not shared with us. The Committee is deeply concerned that intransigence in sharing intelligence with Congress can enable the manipulation of intelligence for political purposes. The Committee will continue its efforts and will insist that we receive all the necessary cooperation from the relevant leaders of the Intelligence Community.[510]
  • Mid December. Final Deputies Meeting held attended by Clapper, Brennan, John Kerry and McCabe. Susan Rice ran through a list of proposals described as ‘heavy, medium and light’ options to retaliate against Russia.[511]
  • 15 December. DNI Clapper signs off on directive to implement Obama's revision of E.O. 12333 providing new rules for expanded circulation of raw intelligence data; needs Attn. Gen. Loretta Lynch's signature to take effect.
  • Lisa Page and Peter Strzok discuss Obama IC criminal conspiracy at length:
    Lisa Page - "Oh, remind me to tell you tomorrow about the [NYT] times doing a story about the rnc [Republican National Committee] hacks."
    Strzok - “And more than they already did? I told you [Richard] Quinn [FBI chief of Media and Investigative Publicity Section in the Office of Public Affairs] told me they pulling out all the stops on some story…”

    Strzok - "Think our sister [agencies] have begun leaking like mad. Scorned and worried, and political, they’re kicking into overdrive.”

    Strzok - “And we need to talk more about putting C [Classified] reporting in our submission. They’re going to declassify all of it…”
    Lisa Page - “I know. But they’re going to declassify their stuff, how do we withhold…”
    Strzok - “We will get extraordinary questions. What we did what we’re doing. Just want to ensure everyone is good with it and has thought thru all implications. CD [Cyber Division] should bring it up with the DD [Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe].”[512]
  • 16 December. Inspector General Empowerment Act of 2016 signed into law giving the OIG access to all information that a target agency possesses, reversing Obama administration's stonewalling IG investigations. This access not only includes the agency's internal documentation and data, but also that which the agency externally collected and documented. DOJ-NSD wrongdoing can now be reviewed.
  • 18 December. Strzok and Lisa Page exchange texts:
    Strzok - “Man, our intel submission is going to be a BOMB."

    Lisa Page - "Oh god, why do you say that?”
    Lisa Page - “Was planning to try to go in early to reach it before our mtg with Jim [Rybicki] .“

    Strzok - “Oh it’s fine. You’ve heard it all. I’m just saying the C (classified) portion is absolutely different from the bulk of the stuff in the community. And the community and especially the WH [White House] will jump all over it since it’s what they WANT to say and they can attribute it to us, not themselves."
    Strzok - “All the benefit, none of the political risk. We get all of that.”
  • 19 December. First three Bruce Ohr FD-302 interview reports memorialized pursuant to Obama and Clapper's revision of E.O. 12333 to expand circulation of raw Intelligence data, signed December 15.
  • 20:17pm. Lisa Page and Strzok boast about the number of news stories they had a hand in shaping:
    Lisa Page - “And this. It will make your head spin to realize how many stories we played a personal role in. Sheesh, this has been quite a year… NYTimes: The most-read stories of 2016 (with a link).”

    Strzok - “Jesus, I want to take people out for a drink. I want to take YOU out for a drink. I hope this upcoming presidency doesn’t fill my years with regret wondering what we might have done differently.”

    Lisa Page - ☹️
  • 20 December. Bruce Ohr's fourth FBI interview; FD-302 dated 12/27/16.
  • 22 December. Jared Kushner directs Michael Flynn to contact officials of the various foreign governments on the UN Security Council to inform them Trump opposed Obama's anti-Israeli resolution.
  • 23 December. Russian Amb. Sergei Kislyak informs Flynn that Russia would not vote against the Obama administration's resolution condemning Israel despite Trump's opposition to it.[513]
  • 28 December. Perkins Coie final payment for the year to FusionGPS. FusionGPS was paid in excess of $1 million.[514] Some of the money made its way into Russian hands via Christopher Steele for "dirt" on Trump. Perkins Coie was a front for the Clinton campaign and DNC.
  • After the election Steele and Fusion GPS were hired by former Feinstein staffer Daniel Jones and Penn Quarter Group to “continue exposing Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.” It appears that most of Ohr’s FBI interviews relate to this period of Steele & Fusion’s involvement with the Penn Quarter Group.
  • Obama signs executive order with new round of sanctions against Russia. Flynn seeks guidance from K.T. McFarland about what to tell Kislyak. Flynn and McFarland discuss how the sanctions might affect Trump foreign-policy goals. McFarland tells Flynn that the transition team did not want Russia to escalate the situation — meaning, not to respond aggressively to Obama’s move.
  • Flynn calls Kislyak, asking that Russia not escalate — that it restrict itself to a measured, reciprocal response.
Mainstream news sources repeated fake news put out by the Obama administration stirring up anti-Russian hysteria to justify the illegal surveillance of Gen. Michael Flynn's conversations with the Russian ambassador.
  • 29 December. David Kramer gives a copy of the Steele dossier to BuzzFeed News reporter Ken Bensinger during a meeting at the McCain Institute. Kramer told Bensinger, “some of the information was unverified.” Bensinger left the meeting at the McCain Institute with copies of “all seventeen memos.”
  • Obama announced sanctions against Russia as retribution for alleged hacking activities. From this date until Trump’s inauguration January 20, the White House aggressively pumps into the media two streams of information: one about Russian hacking; the other about Trump’s Russia connection. The two streams are merged into one in the hands of sympathetic reporters.[515]
  • Second CrowdStrike report – GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity – is released.[516]
  • 30 December. CrowdStrike claim of Russian hacking, reiterated by the Obama White House, debunked.[517]
  • Washington Post falsely reports on a Russian effort to penetrate the electrical grid by hacking into a Vermont utility. The story offers a senior administration official speculating on Russian motives. The infrastructure hack is reported to be part of a broader hacking campaign that includes election hacking. The story then moves to Trump: “He…has spoken highly of Russian President Vladimir Putin, despite President Obama’s suggestion that the approval for hacking came from the highest levels of the Kremlin.”[518] The story is repeated by news organizations throughout America. Only later the Washington Post retracts it regarding how far the Russian compromised computers.
  • Mainstream fake news hysteria over "Russian vote hacking" put out by the Obama administration.[519]
  • Putin announces that Russia will not take retaliatory measures against Obama sanctions at that time.
  • 31 December. Kislyak explains to Flynn no retaliatory measures to Obama sanctions was done in deference to Flynn’s request. Flynn made no promises to Russia about the sanctions.

2009-2014 vanguardism

See : Obamagate timeline 2009-2014

2017 Russiagate timeline

See : Russiagate timeline 2017

2018 reckoning

See : Russiagate timeline 2018 reckoning
Chris Blackburn said:
"For those that still believe we are living in democratic, free and open societies it is sadly starting to look like fantasy. Democracies flourish when the checks and balances in the system are robust. We need them to work now more than ever.”
Elizabeth Vos observed:
"In the Trump-Russia and Russian hacking narratives, American and UK intelligence agencies appear to have recklessly and deceptively acted in the interest of a single political candidate, Hillary Clinton. This singularity of purpose speaks to the insecurity and magnitude of the unelected Western power structure, equaled by the scale of lies propping up the Trump-Russia and Russian hacking narratives."

See also


  1. http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/267945/unmasking-powers-abuse-power-matthew-vadum#.WcWGLkg3qWs.facebook
  2. https://spectator.org/should-the-fbi-be-abolished/
  3. https://townhall.com/columnists/bryancrabtree/2017/07/10/obamas-political-weapon-against-trump-n2352631
  4. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/2018/02/03/memo_obamagate_confirmed_433265.html
  5. https://youtu.be/CIJGH9RS2Fc
  6. Hillary Clinton was the intellectual property lawyer for Systematics. According to The American Lawyer, July 1992: "[Hillary] Clinton also was attracted to intellectual property litigation. 'We did not have any intellectual property expertise when she joined us,' says Vince Foster, who adds that Clinton got involved in this area through her work for the firm client, Systematics Inc., a company based in Little Rock that provided computer systems for financial institutions. 'She became sort of self-taught in all of this,' explains Foster. 'And you don't find a lot of intellectual property subspecialists in Arkansas. Quite frankly, the rest of us here thought of it as a foreign language.'" Part of this "intellectual property" would involve a banking transaction software system based on the stolen PROMIS software. A federal bancruptcy court had ruled in 1987 that the US Justice Dept. 'stole' the PROMIS software from a small company called Inslaw Inc when the DOJ refused to pay Inslaw for it. US intelligence took the PROMIS software and added a hidden "backdoor" for monitoring banking transactions and money laundering. Systematics was the marketing firm the National Security Agency (NSA) was using to get the PROMIS software with the hidden backdoor into the hands of banks worldwide. The intellectual property that Hillary handled, and that Systematics was marketing, had been stolen from Inslaw. Systematics was founded in 1968 by University of Arkansas graduate Walter Smiley, who learned of the high software costs and other difficulties faced by small banks in trying to use data processing software from his experiences working with IBM and in the banking industry. Smiley recognized a niche that could be filled for medium-sized banks in this space, and sought funding to start his own company. http://walton.uark.edu/abhf/walter-v-smiley.php Through Jon Jacoby, Smiley was introduced to the Stephens family, who agreed to invest $400,000 in Smiley and Systematics in return for 80% equity stake. http://www.stephensgroup.com/our-portfolio-partners/case-studies Jon Jacoby is the father of Mary Jacoby, wife of Glenn Simpson, http://library.fora.tv/speaker/6818/Glenn_Simpson the founder and owner of FusionGPS.
  7. https://t.co/b2VmsRhQ42
  8. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/01/05/operation-condor-how-nsa-director-mike-rogers-saved-the-u-s-from-a-massive-constitutional-crisis/
  9. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/56638#efmAAGAA2AGJAI2
  10. (pp. 6-7)
  11. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4738037/peter-strzoks-scope-polygraph
  12. https://antipolygraph.org/cgi-bin/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1531070425
  13. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-24/prominent-democrat-connected-clintons-donated-675000-campaign-deputy-fbi-directors-w
  14. http://time.com/4348675/terry-mcauliffe-hillary-clinton-china-investigation/
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2016/05/23/politics/terry-mcauliffe-fbi-doj-federal-investigation-campaign-contributions/
  16. https://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/10/30/fbi-investigation-bribery-clinton-foundation-spans-nation-multiple-field-offices-says-wsj/
  17. https://www.politico.com/interactives/2017/obama-hezbollah-drug-trafficking-investigation/
  18. https://nypost.com/2016/01/31/this-was-all-planned-former-ig-says-hillary-state-dept-are-lying/
  19. https://freebeacon.com/issues/hillary-rakes-nearly-75000-justice-department-employees/
  20. https://themarketswork.com/2018/11/07/questions-for-george-papadopoulos/
  21. https://thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Cleveland8.5.a-768x648.jpg
  22. https://thefederalist.com/2018/08/06/4-things-learned-fbis-mostly-redacted-steele-documents/?utm_source=The+Federalist+List&utm_campaign=c8f63f08b9-RSS_The_Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_Transom&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-c8f63f08b9-84014745
  23. https://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/JW-v-DOJ-Strzok-Page-emails-00154.pdf
  24. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/56753
  25. https://www.quora.com/What-is-wet-work
  26. https://youtu.be/w5llLIKM9Yc
  27. https://observer.com/2017/04/hearing-set-dnc-class-action-lawsuit-bernie-sanders/
  28. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/texas-tv-station-scalia-died-of-a-heart-attack/2016/02/14/938e2170-d332-11e5-9823-02b905009f99_story.html?utm_term=.d9fe30f3e508
  29. https://web.archive.org/web/20160217173504/http://dcwhispers.com/justice-scalia-dies-at-ranch-resort-owned-by-democrat-party-donor-obama-award-winner/
  30. https://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2018/07/05/accountability/executive/antonin-scalia-murder/
  31. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/emails-show-2016-links-among-steele-ohr-simpson-with-russian-oligarch-in-background
  32. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump-advisor/trump-being-advised-by-ex-u-s-lieutenant-general-who-favors-closer-russia-ties-idUSMTZSAPEC2Q6G3JRH
  33. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/08/us/to-charm-trump-paul-manafort-sold-himself-as-an-affordable-outsider.html
  34. https://www.cnn.com/2017/09/18/politics/paul-manafort-government-wiretapped-fisa-russians/index.html
  35. https://dailycaller.com/2018/08/30/bruce-ohr-dossier-fbi/
  36. Nellie Ohr represented the CIA's "Open Source Works" group in a 2010 "expert working group report on international organized crime" along with Bruce Ohr and Glenn Simpson. Open Source Works, the CIA’s in-house open source analysis component, is devoted to intelligence analysis of unclassified, open source information. The directive that established Open Source Works is classified, as is the charter of the organization. CIA says the existence of any such records is a classified fact.
  37. https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/former-trump-adviser-page-previously-targeted-by-russian-spies-913292867813 BuzzFeed reporter Ali Watkins received the full classified Carter Page FISA application from the Senate Intelligence Committee director of security, James Wolfe, in March 2017. Wolfe was arrested and indicted in mid 2018 and Watkins, who parlayed the illegal leak into a job with the New York Times, was reassigned away from reporting on national security matters. https://amgreatness.com/2018/06/13/moms-to-daughters-dont-be-ali-watkins/
  38. https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4116755/PerkinsCoie-Fusion-PrivelegeLetter-102417.pdf
  39. "Centre for International Energy and Natural Resources Law & Security," in some sources.
  40. Brian White reports "Papadopoulos had previous connections in the UK. He had studied at University College London and had spent four months with Energy Stream, a British consultancy firm. Immediately prior to joining LCILP he had spent six weeks working for Ben Carson, a Republican contender for the US presidency. Carson’s campaign was flagging and Papadopoulos left at the end of January. He wasn’t without work for long, however, and swiftly stepped into two new roles: one as a foreign policy adviser to Trump, the other with LCILP."
  41. https://mobile.twitter.com/JohnWHuber/status/994010717866090497
  42. https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Hakluyt_%26_Company_Limited&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop#SourceWatch_resources
  43. https://twitter.com/The_War_Economy/status/996018929649770496?s=20
  44. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article213359854.html
  45. https://www.unian.info/society/1338755-us-embassy-in-ukraine-fbi-donates-500000-worth-of-equipment.html
  46. “I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money...Well, [SOB], he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time." https://www.cfr.org/event/foreign-affairs-issue-launch-former-vice-president-joe-biden
  47. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/436816-joe-bidens-2020-ukrainian-nightmare-a-closed-probe-is-revived
  48. https://twitter.com/carterwpage/status/1038941607054266369
  49. http://heavy.com/news/2017/12/peter-strzok-lisa-page-fbi-trump-texts-affair/
  50. FISC Judge Collyer, Memorandum Opinion & Order, Apr. 26, 2017, pp. 83 - 89.
  51. The Uncovering – Section 702 “About” Queries, Independent Contractors & a New Narrative, January 15, 2018 by Jeff Carlson, CFA.
  52. Institutional Lack of Candor – FISA Violations A primer on recent unauthorized activity by the Intelligence Community, January 24, 2018. Demand Progress.
  53. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2019/05/02/big-puzzle-pieces-connecting-the-cia-fbi-and-2016-political-surveillance-is-merging/
  54. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-usa-espionage/fbi-penetrated-new-york-based-russian-spy-ring-using-hidden-recorders-idUSKCN0WB2NM
  55. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/evgeny-buryakov-pleads-guilty-manhattan-federal-court-connection-conspiracy-work
  56. http://nyti.ms/1TqBqj
  57. https://themoscowtimes.com/news/cia-director-brennan-made-secret-trip-to-moscow-52284
  58. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/712969068396093440
  59. https://twitter.com/rebeccampeters/status/702847531621949440?s=20
  60. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-03-30/trump-russia-adviser-carter-page-interview
  61. https://web.archive.org/web/20160924010026/http:/www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/09/the-mystery-of-trumps-man-in-moscow-214283
  62. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/30/world/europe/political-stability-in-the-balance-as-ukraine-ousts-top-prosecutor.html
  63. https://dailycaller.com/2018/05/17/halper-trump-page-papadopoulos/
  64. http://archive.is/Uscjk
  65. https://medium.com/@the_war_economy/spygate-part-7-brennans-working-group-e4ab7d8188ac
  66. Confessore, Scott Shane, Nicholas; Rosenberg, Matthew (11 January 2017). "How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump". The New York Times.
  67. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/clinton-campaign-dnc-paid-for-research-that-led-to-russia-dossier/2017/10/24/226fabf0-b8e4-11e7-a908-a3470754bbb9_story.html?utm_term=.10bece00087f
  68. https://dailycaller.com/2017/12/04/clinton-aides-went-unpunished-after-making-false-statements-to-anti-trump-fbi-supervisor/
  69. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/clinton-campaign-chief-linked-to-russian-bank-listed-in-panama-papers?_amp=true
  70. https://freebeacon.com/issues/panama-papers-implicate-podesta-client/amp/
  71. https://amp.dailycaller.com/2016/04/05/hillary-clinton-ties-emerge-in-panama-papers
  72. https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/3962
  73. https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2016/4/7/1512166/-Podesta-Group-Connected-to-Bank-Named-in-Panama-Papers
  74. https://observer.com/2016/04/panama-papers-reveal-clintons-kremlin-connection/amp/
  75. With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine's tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers: The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm headed by Clinton operatives, has made a pretty penny working for Saudi & Russia, Ben Norton, Salon, April 8, 2016 10:21PM (UTC)
  76. https://www.truthdig.com/articles/panama-papers-name-client-of-podesta-group-a-lobbying-firm-with-ties-to-the-clintons/
  77. https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/diane-upchurch-named-special-agent-in-charge-of-the-little-rock-division
  78. https://medium.com/@Brian_Whit/the-trump-russia-affair-and-an-odd-company-in-london-9437e0343db2
  79. http://valdaiclub.com/multimedia/photos/global-energy-development/
  80. http://amp.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article72215012.html
  81. pp. 83-84
  82. https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/hearings/open-hearing-fisa-legislation-0#
  83. Expert Working Group Report on International Organized Crime, John T. Picarelli, Discussion Paper Document No.: 230846, National Institute of Justice, June 2010, p. 30 PDF. Published by the United States Dept. of Justice.
  84. http://wallstreetonparade.com/2016/10/banker-deaths-and-wikileaks-deaths-have-a-common-thread/
  85. https://theconservativetreehouse.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/mary-jacoby-1.jpg
  86. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/01/10/a-political-battle-over-dossiers-fisa-warrants-and-surveillance-clouds-a-much-bigger-story/comment-page-4/#comment-4835429
  87. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Db6pdVnUwAEeTaj.jpg
  88. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Db6pfSIVwAAXZ39.jpg
  89. https://mobile.twitter.com/Jali_Cat/status/948270513075474432
  90. https://www.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/trumps-campaign-chief-ducks-questions-about-214020365.html
  91. https://themarketswork.com/2018/03/09/victoria-nuland-alexandra-chalupa-ukrainian-ties-the-steele-dossier/
  92. http://www.abajournal.com/voice/article/is_it_treason_with_trump
  93. https://thefederalist.com/2018/05/15/maltese-professor-may-hold-key-fbi-really-began-surveiling-trump/
  94. Russiagate, mystery professor Joseph Mifsud speaks out: "Dirt on Hillary Clinton? Nonsense", di PAOLO G. BRERA, Repubblica.it, 01 Novembre, 2017.
  95. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2019/06/15/doj-admits-fbi-never-saw-crowdstrike-report-on-dnc-russian-hacking-claim/
  96. https://www.unian.info/society/1338755-us-embassy-in-ukraine-fbi-donates-500000-worth-of-equipment.html
  97. https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/magazine/interview-richard-dearlove-europe-intelligence-mi6
  98. https://www.ft.com/content/b9453544-228c-11e6-9d4d-c11776a5124d
  99. http://linkis.com/atlanticcouncil.org/fAWKh
  100. https://theintercept.com/document/2014/04/04/full-spectrum-cyber-effects/
  101. https://www.themarketswork.com/2018/04/22/nunes-interview-no-official-intelligence-used-problems-for-brennan/
  102. NYT, 1/19/17
  103. Brennan played a key role in the illegal wiretap program, overseeing the production of what personnel in the program called the “scary memos” intended to justify the domestic spying exposed by [NYT reporter James] Risen. Brennan has since admitted that he relied on intelligence from the CIA’s interrogation programs to develop such memos, and his tenure in that role spanned the period when the CIA used its most extreme torture. https://www.thenation.com/article/government-war-against-reporter-james-risen/
  104. https://dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Screen-Shot-2017-12-14-at-3.59.10-PM-620x363.png
  105. https://www.conservativeinstitute.org/government-corruption/comey-concluded-hillary-hacked.htm
  106. https://dailycaller.com/2017/11/06/report-comey-accused-clinton-of-gross-negligence-in-email-case/?utm_source=site-share
  107. https://dailycaller.com/2017/12/14/comey-draft-said-it-was-reasonably-likely-that-hillarys-server-was-hacked/?utm_content=bufferf8260&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  108. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/say-sorry-to-trump-or-risk-special-relationship-cameron-told-h6ng0r7xj
  109. https://dailycaller.com/2018/01/21/fbi-agents-felt-pressure-wrap-up-clinton-email-probe-trump/
  110. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=https://ria.ru/person_Dzhozef_Mifsud/&prev=search
  111. https://mobile.twitter.com/GOPPollAnalyst/status/944747473360375808
  112. https://theconservativetreehouse.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/katica-1.jpg
  113. https://theconservativetreehouse.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/katica-2.jpg
  114. https://archive.is/QdFda
  115. https://theconservativetreehouse.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/downer-7.jpg
  116. http://g-2.space/cs2/
  117. https://dailycaller.com/2018/05/27/downer-papadopoulos-trump/
  118. https://twitter.com/JohnWHuber/status/999971153811857408
  119. https://twitter.com/RepMarkMeadows/status/1057715472110641152
  120. http://lawflog.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/2019.07.15-Amended-complaint-stamped.pdf
  121. https://lmc.icds.ee/lennart-meri-conference/choose-year/2016-2/agenda/
  122. https://theconservativetreehouse.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/katica-2.jpg
  123. Drafts of Director Comeys July 5, 2016 Statement Regarding Email Server Investigation Part 01 of 01, FBI Records: The Vault.
  124. http://thegatewaypundit.com/2017/12/386625/
  125. https://soprweb.senate.gov/index.cfm?event=getFilingDetails&filingID=0a81a759-8815-40cf-96ec-b778bd2b49b2&filingTypeID=1
  126. https://freebeacon.com/politics/msnbc-clintons-jeffrey-epstein-connection-could-blow-up-campaign/
  127. https://t.co/lhefPshInP
  128. https://dailycaller.com/2017/08/14/trump-campaign-officials-rebuffed-volunteers-attempts-to-broker-meeting-with-russian-government/
  129. http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/LicArchive/license.jsp?archive=Y&licKey=12382876
  130. https://libertyunyielding.com/2017/12/11/demoted-doj-officials-wife-obtain-unusual-license-went-work-fusion-gps-2016/
  131. https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/politics/state-department-report-on-clintons-email-practices/2039/?tid=a_inl
  132. Clinton Server Scandal_Segment 5
  133. https://abcnews.go.com/International/russian-spy-evgeny-buryakov-deported-united-states/story?id=46601947
  134. https://twitter.com/nkidris/status/735421959757008896?s=20
  135. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39435786
  136. https://consortiumnews.com/2018/06/27/did-sen-warner-and-comey-collude-on-russia-gate/
  137. https://web.archive.org/web/20171112090338/https://consortiumnews.com/2017/07/24/intel-vets-challenge-russia-hack-evidence/
  138. https://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2017/03/23/what-is-crowdstrike-firm-hired-by-dnc-has-ties-to-hillary-clinton-a-ukrainian-billionaire-and-google/
  139. Russian Active Measures, March 22, 2018, p. 88.
  140. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/405484-bruce-ohrs-efforts-to-secretly-reshape-the-trump-probe-started-earlier-in
  141. https://www.wsj.com/articles/key-claims-in-trump-dossier-came-from-head-of-russian-american-business-group-source-1485253804
  142. https://dailycaller.com/2018/06/06/george-papadopoulos-millian-suspicious/?utm_medium=push&utm_source=daily_caller&utm_campaign=push
  143. https://thefederalist.com/2018/07/30/facts-behind-trump-tower-meeting-incriminating-not-trump/
  144. https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/news-releases/grassley-seeks-more-information-pro-russia-lobbyist-present-trump-jr-meeting
  145. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/rinat-akhmetshin-who-russian-lobbyist-who-met-trump-team-n783161
  146. https://ru.linkedin.com/in/ikekaveladze
  147. https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/news-releases/complaint-firm-behind-dossier-former-russian-intel-officer-joined-lobbying-effort
  148. https://thefederalist.com/2018/08/02/inspect-fisa-applications-closely-mysteries-arise-joseph-mifsud/?utm_source=The+Federalist+List&utm_campaign=d44356c9be-RSS_The_Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_Transom&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-d44356c9be-84014745
  149. https://www.blackagendareport.com/freedom-rider-british-collusion-and-criminality
  150. https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/newyork/press-releases/2010/nyfo021710-1.htm
  151. https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/11/fusion-gps-dossier-targeted-clinton-foundation-donors/
  152. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/03/how-the-explosive-russian-dossier-was-compiled-christopher-steele
  153. https://archive.is/mil9q
  154. https://libertyunyielding.com/2017/10/30/extraordinary-timeline-dnc-fusion-hillary-trump-dossier-crowdstrike-hirings-payments-2016-primaries/
  155. http://russialist.org/russian-gun-for-hire-rinatakhmetshin-lurks-in-shadows-of-washingtons-lobbying-world-russia-lobbyists-assassinations-magnitsky/
  156. https://archive.is/mIlwc
  157. Washington Post puts out sensational fake news story of Russian hacking the DNC. CrowdStrike is reported as discovering the hack, but the hack has never been independently verified by the FBI or any other independent firm or government agency. CrowdStrike, [colloquially referred to as "industry" by the IC] under contract to the DNC, is assisting the DNC to brace for embarrassing Wikileaks revelations of the document dumps procured by DNC whistleblower Seth Rich by blaming Russian hackers. [1] https://www.voanews.com/a/crowdstrike-comey-russia-hack-dnc-clinton-trump/3776067.html http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-22/muzzled-breitbart-wh-correspondent-ordered-not-ask-televised-question-discrediting-d *15 June. Someone purporting to be Guccifer2.0 claims responsibility for DNC hack and claims to be a source for Wikileaks. The first 5 documents he posts are purposefully tainted with 'Russian Fingerprints' and the first of those documents just so happens to be the Trump Opposition Research the DNC announce on the previous day.
  158. https://observer.com/2016/07/wikileaks-proves-primary-was-rigged-dnc-undermined-democracy/
  159. https://nabu.gov.ua/en/novyny/fbi-conducted-training-nabu-special-forces
  160. Horowitz Report, pp. 203-204.
  161. [https://www.odni.gov/files/documents/ICD/ICD%20311%20-%20Coord%20of%20Clandestine%20Human%20and%20Human-Enabled%20FI%20and%20CI%20inside%20the%20US%20%2827%20June%202016%29.pdf Intelligence Community Directive 311: Coordination of Clandestine Human Source and Human-Enabled Foreign Intelligence Collection and Counterintelligence Activities in the United States, Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
  162. https://www.cia.gov/news-information/speeches-testimony/2016-speeches-testimony/director-brennan-speaks-at-the-council-on-foreign-relations.html
  163. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-calls-mcfaul-incompetent/27826757.html
  164. http://media.aclj.org/pdf/Clinton-Lynch-Flag.pdf
  165. https://aclj.org/government-corruption/doj-document-dump-to-aclj-on-clinton-lynch-meeting-comey-fbi-lied-media-collusion-spin-and-illegality
  166. http://bb4sp.com/lynch-grandmothers-name-alias-doj/#
  167. https://nabu.gov.ua/en/novyny/nabu-has-signed-memorandum-understanding-fbi
  168. https://www.nationalreview.com/article/455696/hillary-clinton-barack-obama-emails-key-decision-not-indict-hillary
  169. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/01/22/fbi-shadow-figure-surfaces-to-protect-president-obama-amid-released-fbi-text-messages/
  170. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/may/14/sergei-skripal-briefed-european-intelligence-services-reports-say
  171. https://www.nationalreview.com/article/443768/obama-fisa-trump-wiretap-may-have-been-sought
  172. https://youtu.be/5CSZKmssG2o
  173. https://www.wsj.com/articles/lifting-the-steele-curtain-1510274070
  174. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/fusion-gps-paid-journalists-court-papers-confirm/article/2641454
  175. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/veracity-of-trump-dossier-holding-up-despite-republican-attacks-1070959683973?playlist=associated
  176. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-dossier/trump-dossier-on-russia-links-now-part-of-special-counsels-probe-sources-idUSKBN1C92WN
  177. https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/09/obama-email-alias-clinton-why-fbi-didnt-prosecute-hillary/
  178. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/02/us/politics/loretta-lynch-hillary-clinton-email-server.html
  179. https://youtu.be/D3FMgZruOXE
  180. https://truepundit.com/exclusive-fbi-used-agents-as-pawns-to-insulate-hillary-aides-clinton-foundation-from-prosecutions/
  181. http://www.trunews.com/article/doj-clinton-investigation-revealed-as-less-than-apolitical
  182. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-02/un-official-accidentally-crushes-own-throat-right-testifying-against-hillary-clinton
  183. Senator Ron Johnson Appendix C - Documents and Text Messages.
  184. Putin’s Puppet, By Franklin Foer, Slate, July 4, 2016.
  185. https://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/04/politics/obama-clinton-air-force-one-trump/index.html
  186. https://www.amazon.com/Russia-Hoax-Illicit-Hillary-Clinton/dp/0062872745
  187. Statement by Director James Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System (July 15, 2015).
  188. https://www.wsj.com/articles/james-comey-is-maxwell-smart-1501022653?mod=e2fb
  189. https://dailycaller.com/2018/01/21/fbi-agents-felt-pressure-wrap-up-clinton-email-probe-trump/
  190. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/01/30/a-complete-timeline-of-the-events-behind-the-memo-that-threatens-to-rip-d-c-in-two/?utm_term=.5cfaeec5c162
  191. https://www.themarketswork.com/2018/03/14/new-details-of-victoria-nulands-role-in-the-steele-dossier/
  192. https://www.scribd.com/document/370633759/Christopher-Steele-Affidavit-Work-With-GPS-Dossier-Lawsuit
  193. https://truepundit.com/fbi-clinton-foundation-probe-is-a-sham-mccabe-loyalist-running-little-rock-fbi-not-investigating-bogus-charity/
  194. https://consortiumnews.com/2017/07/24/intel-vets-challenge-russia-hack-evidence/
  195. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2016/07/06/readout-presidents-call-president-vladimir-putin-russia
  196. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-17/inspector-general-finds-fbi-doj-broke-law-clinton-email-probe-refers-criminal
  197. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3259984-Trump-Intelligence-Allegations.html
  198. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/07/opinion/hillary-clinton-maam-survivor.html
  199. https://youtu.be/bu8vI4js_OE
  200. https://sharylattkisson.com/when-incidental-intel-collection-isnt-incidental/
  201. http://benghazi.house.gov/NewInfo
  202. https://medium.com/@panegron/the-accidental-journalist-part-vi-stuffformike-f8e6027f0234
  203. https://www.commondreams.org/views/2016/10/30/controversy-over-wikileaks-podesta-emails-opens-debate-future-journalism
  204. Vin Weber was a member of the Conservative Opportunity Society caucus of the House along with Newt Gingrich and Jack Kemp that orchestrated the Republican Revolution of 1994.
  205. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/12/obama-admin-sent-taxpayer-money-oust-netanyahu/
  206. http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/2016_0722_dnc_wilding2.pdf
  207. https://dailycaller.com/2016/07/13/new-ties-emerge-between-clinton-and-mysterious-islamic-cleric/
  208. https://www.politico.com/tipsheets/politico-influence/2016/12/fara-complaint-alleges-pro-russian-lobbying-217776
  209. https://www.cnn.com/2016/07/16/middleeast/fethullah-gulen-profile/index.html
  210. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/88991622
  211. http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/22738/turkish-lawyers-demand-raid-on-incirlik-air-base-and-arrest-of-u-s-military-personnel
  212. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-supporter-defends-payment-russian-175611942.html
  213. https://www.nextgov.com/cio-briefing/2016/07/spy-chief-excited-about-agencys-revamp-effort/130194/
  214. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3697770/US-backed-Nour-al-Din-al-Zenki-behead-boy-accused-al-Quds-spy-Assad.html
  215. http://www.therussophile.org/syria-beheading-of-palestinian-child-prompts-us-to-disassociate-from-its-proxy-psychopaths.html/
  216. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-killers-of-the-palestinian-child-put-it-clearly-we-are-even-worse-than-isis/
  217. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/aleppo-rebels-behead-a-child/
  218. https://yallalabarra.wordpress.com/2016/07/20/the-us-needs-proof-that-zinki-beheaded-the-boy/
  219. https://youtu.be/RPipnhNzUpY
  220. https://web.archive.org/web/20161205213054/https://www.zerocensorship.com/uncensored/syrian/boys-beheading-execution-by-rebels-video-295973
  221. https://consortiumnews.com/2016/07/21/us-backed-syrian-moderates-behead-12-year-old/
  222. https://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/03/01/main-u-s-backed-syrian-rebel-group-disbanding-joining-islamists
  223. http://archive.is/uIMdo
  224. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/united-states-seeks-recover-more-1-billion-obtained-corruption-involving-malaysian-sovereign
  225. http://www.sarawakreport.org/2015/11/1mdb-sleaze-spreads-to-us-democrats-on-eve-of-obama-visit-investigation/
  226. https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/0882477D:US
  227. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-10-10/obama-fundraiser-said-to-seek-1-billion-for-private-fund
  228. http://www.sarawakreport.org/cache/2/1/9/d/5/219d54d76ef12728657447c587fb3f0a3090412d.jpg
  229. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/how-a-trump-presidency-could-destabilize-europe/2016/07/21/9ec38a20-4f75-11e6-a422-83ab49ed5e6a_story.html?sw_bypass=true
  230. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2016/07/clinton-trump-putin-nato/492332/
  231. https://twitter.com/IlvesToomas/status/756034230749102080
  232. https://web.archive.org/web/20161113132652/http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/clinton-campaign--and-some-cyber-experts--say-russia-is-behind-email-release/2016/07/24/5b5428e6-51a8-11e6-bbf5-957ad17b4385_story.html
  233. https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/news/politics/rnc/ajc-panel-dissects-america-s-role-in-global-affairs/article_7d91f20a-4f3f-11e6-97b6-ab6586eff87a.html
  234. https://youtu.be/Kp7FkLBRpKg
  235. https://washingtonmonthly.com/2018/06/18/the-russia-conspiracy-is-unraveling-across-the-pond/
  236. https://archive.is/20180601201327/https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-curious-case-of-mr-downer-1527809075
  237. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/390228-london-bridges-falling-down-curious-origins-of-fbis-trump-russia-probe
  238. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-curious-case-of-mr-downer-1527809075
  239. The FBI were aware of Sergei Millian through a 2011 investigation into Yury Zaytsev, the head of Washington’s Rossotrudnichestvo. https://www.ft.com/content/ea52a678-9cfb-11e6-8324-be63473ce146
  240. https://themarketswork.com/2018/06/07/missing-timeline-from-papadopoulos-statement-of-offense-hides-millian/
  241. https://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/clinton-campaign-chief-russians-trump-pro-russian-platform/story?id=40824946
  242. https://www.npr.org/2016/08/06/488876597/how-the-trump-campaign-weakened-the-republican-platform-on-aid-to-ukraine
  243. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/new-details-put-the-spotlight-back-trumps-russia-scandal
  244. https://www.thedailybeast.com/fbi-suspects-russia-hacked-dnc-us-officials-say-it-was-to-elect-donald-trump
  245. https://www.voanews.com/a/cyber-firm-rewrites-part-disputed-russian-hacking-report/3781411.html
  246. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/report-fbi-had-private-company-examine-dncs-hacked-servers
  247. https://www.wired.com/2017/01/fbi-says-democratic-party-wouldnt-let-agents-see-hacked-email-servers/
  248. https://dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Screen-Shot-2018-10-22-at-2.09.59-PM-1-768x302.jpg
  249. Comey testified Flynn did not lie.
  250. https://aspensecurityforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/ASF-2016-Agenda-PUBLIC-7.21.16-1.pdf
  251. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/emails-show-2016-links-among-steele-ohr-simpson-with-russian-oligarch-in-background?platform=hootsuite
  252. https://archive.is/4jyO1
  253. https://jonworth.eu/gianni-pittella-caro-amico-joseph-mifsud/
  254. https://www.theepochtimes.com/mccabes-fbi-tried-to-re-engage-christopher-steele-after-comey-was-fired_2766822.html
  255. https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/05/strzok-page-texts-trump-russia-investigation-origins/
  256. https://nypost.com/2016/07/31/report-raises-questions-about-clinton-cash-from-russians-during-reset/amp/
  257. https://www.g-a-i.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Report-Skolkvovo-08012016.pdf
  258. https://medium.com/@the_war_economy/spygate-part-7-brennans-working-group-e4ab7d8188ac
  259. https://medium.com/@the_war_economy/spygate-part-4-foreign-intelligence-921c0accb9c2
  260. https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article159791364/Bundesregierung-zahlte-Millionen-an-Clinton-Stiftung.html?campaign_id=A100
  261. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/world/national-security/obama-putin-election-hacking/?utm_term=.e0ebd1a1dbf5
  262. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/16/us/politics/crossfire-hurricane-trump-russia-fbi-mueller-investigation.html
  263. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fbis-russia-investigation/story?id=47346117
  264. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/world/national-security/obama-putin-election-hacking/?utm_term=.21f20bdb10a8
  265. https://abcnews.go.com/Site/transcript-james-comeys-interview-abc-news-chief-anchor/story?id=54488723
  266. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jasonleopold/us-intelligence-unit-accused-of-illegally-spying-on#.lo7LWGkZJ
  267. https://www.cia.gov/about-cia/eo12333.html
  268. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nsa-surveillance-phone-records-millions-despite-reforms-court-orders-a7716561.html
  269. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/how-a-dubious-russian-document-influenced-the-fbis-handling-of-the-clinton-probe/2017/05/24/f375c07c-3a95-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html
  270. https://dailycaller.com/2018/04/22/george-papadopoulos-trump-collusion/
  271. https://www.justice.gov/file/1007346/download
  272. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38589427
  273. [2] Kurt Eichenwald, Newsweek
  274. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/16/us/politics/crossfire-hurricane-trump-russia-fbi-mueller-investigation.html
  275. https://www.scribd.com/document/371002694/Senator-Ron-Johnson-Appendix-C-Documents-and-Text-Messages
  276. https://cdn01-dailycaller-com.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/cdn01.dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Screen-Shot-2018-11-28-at-11.51.14-AM.jpg
  277. https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/28/email-between-roger-stone-jerome-corsi/
  278. http://wallstreetonparade.com/2016/08/sanders-supporters-stunned-by-sudden-death-of-38-year-shawn-lucas-who-served-the-lawsuit-on-the-dnc-and-wasserman-shultz/
  279. https://www.theepochtimes.com/mccabes-fbi-tried-to-re-engage-christopher-steele-after-comey-was-fired_2766822.html
  280. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/trump-and-putin-a-love-story
  281. https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/05/strzok-page-texts-trump-russia-investigation-origins/
  282. https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/762059962101198848
  283. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/documents-suggest-possible-coordination-between-cia-fbi-obama-wh-and-dem-officials-early-in-trump-russia-probe-investigators
  284. http://angrystaffer.blogspot.com/2017/05/brennan-testimony-transcript.html
  285. https://themarketswork.com/2019/01/04/were-events-surrounding-flynns-moscow-visit-intentionally-misframed/
  286. https://www.thedailybeast.com/is-it-ok-for-spies-to-elect-a-president
  287. https://www.wsj.com/articles/in-fbi-agents-account-insurance-policy-text-referred-to-russia-probe-1513624580
  288. https://twitter.com/USEmbTallinn/status/763691547061784577
  289. https://saraacarter.com/did-mccabe-issue-stand-down-order-on-fbi-clinton-email-investigation/
  290. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/15/us/politics/paul-manafort-ukraine-donald-trump.html
  291. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/john-brennans-leak-to-harry-reid-is-now-under-scrutiny/
  292. https://www.dailywire.com/news/24643/one-insane-text-message-may-have-just-fatally-ben-shapiro
  293. https://freebeacon.com/issues/clinton-bundler-partnered-malaysian-fund-investigation-embezzling-3-billion/
  294. http://www.sarawakreport.org/2015/11/1mdb-sleaze-spreads-to-us-democrats-on-eve-of-obama-visit-investigation/
  295. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/u-s-official-donald-trump-s-body-language-claim-doesn-n644856
  296. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-receive-classified-briefing-tomorrow/story?id=41419607
  297. https://edition.cnn.com/2016/08/16/politics/donald-trump-intelligence-briefing/index.html
  298. https://www.theepochtimes.com/mccabes-fbi-tried-to-re-engage-christopher-steele-after-comey-was-fired_2766822.html
  299. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/08/10/more-suspicions-confirmed-glenn-simpson-lied-during-congressional-testimony/#more-145397
  300. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/08/23/turkey-coup-plotter-clinton-donor/88991622/
  301. https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/aug/24/pentagons-offic-of-threat-assement-under-fire-from/
  302. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/nov/24/-sp-us-drone-strikes-kill-1147
  303. https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/12/1210665_obama-leak-investigations-internal-use-only-pls-do-not.html
  304. https://dailycaller.com/2018/12/03/credico-roger-stone-wikileaks/
  305. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/08/29/us/politics/document-Reid-Letter-to-Comey.html
  306. https://saraacarter.com/brennan-denies-dossier-allegations-but-congress-wants-answers/
  307. https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*w1SItcPqBgDBecaIKAkwgw.png
  308. https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2018/02/11/former_cia_director_john_brennan_investigated_for_perjury.html
  309. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/06/us/trump-russia-cia-john-brennan.html
  310. https://www.theepochtimes.com/ties-to-ukrainian-national-a-unifying-theme-in-early-attacks-on-trump_2872609.html
  311. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-campaign-vet-informant-used-me-to-get-to-papadopoulos?platform=hootsuite
  312. https://archive.org/stream/StrzokPageTexts/FBI-texts_djvu.txt
  313. https://www.theepochtimes.com/transcripts-of-lisa-pages-closed-door-testimonies-provide-new-revelations_2763452.html
  314. https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/371853-new-fbi-messages-reveal-agents-searching-for-way-to-evade-record
  315. https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/05/fbi-official-testimony-surveillance-trump-campaign/
  316. https://www.yahoo.com/news/stand-obama-team-blew-response-russian-meddling-100024634.html?soc_src=hl-viewer&soc_trk=tw
  317. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/03/why-the-hell-are-we-standing-down/
  318. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13/us/politics/russia-hack-election-dnc.html
  319. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/11/inside-trump-dossier-handoff-mccains-go-between-speaks-out.html
  320. Russian Active Measures, March 22, 2028, pp. 111-112.
  321. "Former State Department official [redacted] has stated publicly that, over a period of approximately two years, he provided over "100 of Steele's reports with the Russia experts at the State Department," including Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. In Septemberer 2016, Jonathan Winer was personally briefed by Steele on the dossier, and shared a two-page summary with Nuland, who ensured that Secretary of State John Kerry was made aware of Steele's information. Additionally, [redacted] received from Clinton associate [redacted] information collected by an individual named [redacted] Shearer which, "alleged the Russians had compromising information on Trump of a sexual and financial nature." Winer shared [redacted]r information with Steele, who provided it to the FBI. [redacted], "Devin Nunes is investigating me. Here's the truth.," Washington Post, Feb. 8, 2018; Susan B. Glaser, "Victoria Nuland: The Full Transcript." POLITICO, Feb. 5, 2018; Appendix G. The Committee believes that additional State Department officials were aware of Steele's efforts in 2016." Footnote 4, p. 113, HPSCI Russian Active Measures in the 2016 Election, March 22, 2018.
  322. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/373131-former-obama-official-confirms-steele-dossier-was-given-to-state
  323. Russian Active Measures, March 22, 2018, p. 90.
  324. https://theblacksphere.net/2018/02/fbi-text-message-potus-wants-know-everything/
  325. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/fbi-texts-obama-wants-know-everything-we-re-doing-n845531
  326. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/02/us/politics/fbi-government-investigator-trump.html
  327. https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/fbi-releases-documents-in-hillary-clinton-e-mail-investigation
  328. http://wordpress.redirectingat.com/?id=725X1342&site=theconservativetreehouse.wordpress.com&xs=1&isjs=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.scribd.com%2Fdoc%2F322860635&xguid=&xuuid=588a6ed7067ae07312dcf83a11d9c228&xsessid=&xcreo=0&xed=0&sref=https%3A%2F%2Ftheconservativetreehouse.com%2F2018%2F02%2F08%2Fmike-is-out-michael-p-kortan-quits-fbi%2F&pref=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2F&xtz=420
  329. https://www.scribd.com/document/322860731/Clinton-FBI-Emails-File-2?ad_group=725X700959X044dae4a90d5eb36212ea25ed72daf15&campaign=Skimbit%2C+Ltd.&content=10079&irgwc=1&keyword=ft750noi&medium=affiliate&source=impactradius
  330. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/intelligence-community-investigating-covert-russian-influence-operations-in-the-united-states/2016/09/04/aec27fa0-7156-11e6-8533-6b0b0ded0253_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.5d63642955aa
  331. https://saraacarter.com/breaking-page-and-strzok-texts-reveal-they-discussed-writing-a-folksy-op-ed-on-russia/
  332. https://www.scribd.com/document/371002694/Senator-Ron-Johnson-Appendix-C-Documents-and-Text-Messages
  333. http://events.jspargo.com/inss16/public/sessions.aspx?View=Sessions&ID=61671&sortMenu=102001
  334. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/u-s-official-donald-trump-s-body-language-claim-doesn-n644856
  335. https://dailycaller.com/2016/09/22/how-reddit-ruined-the-hillary-clinton-campaign/
  336. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-23/hillary-emailgate-how-one-twitter-user-proved-intent-fbi-missed-after-months-investi
  337. https://mobile.twitter.com/the_war_economy/status/990900084190666754?lang=en
  338. https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/15/politics/john-brennan-cia-communist-vote/
  339. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/841
  340. https://themarketswork.com/2019/01/21/baker-testimony-reveals-perkins-coie-lawyer-provided-fbi-with-information-on-alfa-bank-allegations/
  341. https://themarketswork.com/2019/01/21/baker-testimony-reveals-perkins-coie-lawyer-provided-fbi-with-information-on-alfa-bank-allegations/
  342. http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/dnc-files-scathing-rebuttal-wants-fraud-lawsuit-filed-by-bernie-backers-thrown-out/
  343. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/09/30/world/middleeast/john-kerry-syria-audio.html
  344. https://youtu.be/e4phB-_pXDM
  345. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/12/19/flashback-2016-secretary-of-state-john-kerry-admits-president-obama-intentionally-armed-isis-in-syria/
  346. https://21stcenturywire.com/2016/10/01/diplomatic-frauds-kerry-power-kirby-lying-and-shilling-for-body-bags-and-war-in-syria/
  347. https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-s-intel-officials-probe-ties-between-trump-adviser-and-kremlin-175046002.html
  348. https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-s-intel-officials-probe-ties-between-trump-adviser-and-kremlin-175046002.html
  349. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzgzy2KXyxqtVUxEb2pwRmphOXM/view
  350. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/09/the-mystery-of-trumps-man-in-moscow-214283
  351. https://www.scribd.com/document/349542716/Top-Secret-FISA-Court-Order-President-Obama-Spying-on-Political-Enemies?irgwc=1&content=10079&campaign=Skimbit%2C%20Ltd.&ad_group=725X700959X1f9f116a5537f6a9a28958a63ea180de&keyword=ft750noi&source=impactradius&medium=affiliate
  352. Comey transcript, December 8, 2018. Question and response from Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, p. 172-173.
  353. https://youtu.be/CIJGH9RS2Fc
  354. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/head-of-justice-departments-national-security-division-to-step-down/2016/09/27/59cb95c4-84e6-11e6-ac72-a29979381495_story.html?tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.639ad0793c2d
  355. https://www.usaspending.gov/#/award/23673597
  356. https://insider.foxnews.com/2017/09/01/james-comey-may-have-committed-perjury-chaffetz-says
  358. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/james-comey-not-weasels-clinton-email-228835
  359. https://youtu.be/sBNkLF6_vHQ
  360. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/senior-fbi-agents-knew-of-new-clinton-emails-from-anthony-wieners-laptop-weeks-before-congress-was-informed-report/article/2647765
  361. https://web.archive.org/web/20170713171014/https://www.cepaforum.org/2016/Program
  362. https://dailycaller.com/2018/04/20/ig-pakistani-mystery-man-imran-awan/
  363. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/a-gop-spin-on-the-russia-probe-reads-like-a-noir-thriller--but-doesnt-add-up/2018/09/25/1b940c92-c0ca-11e8-be77-516336a26305_story.html
  364. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/387625-mueller-may-have-a-conflict-and-it-leads-directly-to-a-russian-oligarch
  365. https://dailycaller.com/2018/08/24/pentagon-whistleblower-claims-dod-official-awarded-investigators-of-his-case-with-military-medals/
  366. http://wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-scoops/chelsea-clinton-talks-shakespeare-5312140/
  367. https://www.usaspending.gov/#/search/3ec765b6f0e1469daea629338557b208
  368. https://freebeacon.com/national-security/clinton-sought-pentagon-state-department-contracts-chelseas-friend/
  369. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hero-or-hired-gun-how-a-british-former-spy-became-a-flash-point-in-the-russia-investigation/2018/02/06/94ea5158-0795-11e8-8777-2a059f168dd2_story.html?utm_term=.adf409679cbf
  370. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/courts_law/the-crusade-of-a-democratic-super-lawyer-with-multimillion-dollar-backing/2016/08/07/2c1b408c-5a54-11e6-9767-f6c947fd0cb8_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.ca1b2370c49f
  371. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/20/public-editor/trump-russia-fbi-liz-spayd-public-editor.html
  372. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hero-or-hired-gun-how-a-british-former-spy-became-a-flash-point-in-the-russia-investigation/2018/02/06/94ea5158-0795-11e8-8777-2a059f168dd2_story.html?utm_term=.79f2e9f6fa14
  373. https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/409817-russia-collusion-bombshell-dnc-lawyers-met-with-fbi-on-dossier-before
  374. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/04/05/new-details-about-basis-for-andrew-mccabes-firing-from-fbi-revealed.html
  375. https://www.vetr.com/posts/5000196251-Pentagon-Whistleblower-Demoted-After-Exposing-Millions-Paid-To-FBI-Spy-Halper-Clinton
  376. https://www.theepochtimes.com/search/?q=stefan+halper&sort=date_desc
  377. https://dailycaller.com/2018/08/16/stefan-halper-pentagon-outrageous/
  378. https://www.usaspending.gov/#/keyword_search/halper%252C%2520stefan
  379. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/15/how-trump-walked-into-putins-web-luke
  380. Hillary Clinton on Assange "Can't we just drone this guy" -- report https://t.co/S7tPrl2QCZ https://t.co/qy2EQBa48y
  381. IG Report, p. 293.
  382. United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillence Court, Memorandum Opinion and Order, April 26, 2017, p. 19.
  383. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/05/doj-abruptly-drops-case-against-gun-runner-who-threatened-to-reveal-clintons-libya-dealings.html
  384. http://victuruslibertas.com/2016/11/do-john-and-tony-podesta-have-a-connection-with-missing-child-madeleine-mccann/
  385. https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/419901-fbi-email-chain-may-provide-most-damning-evidence-of-fisa-abuses-yet
  386. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/442592-steeles-stunning-pre-fisa-confession-informant-needed-to-air-trump-dirt#.XNIAVvr8PT0.twitter
  387. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/11/podesta-leaks-show-clinton-email-linking-saudi-arabia-qatar-to-isis.html
  388. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/442944-fbis-steele-story-falls-apart-false-intel-and-media-contacts-were-flagged
  389. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=119180
  390. https://www.wsj.com/articles/suspect-malaysian-fund-tied-to-lobbying-of-white-house-1476403764
  391. https://www.wsj.com/video/1mdb-scandal-investigation-reaches-the-white-house/ED62A831-8E61-4C9E-B29E-5B9B57FF0E59.html
  392. https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/395776-memos-detail-fbis-hurry-the-f-up-pressure-to-probe-trump-campaign
  393. https://dailycaller.com/2018/06/20/steele-dossier-state-department/
  394. https://www.justice.gov/file/1071991/download
  395. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2017/03/04/summary-of-media-articles-discussing-obamas-fisa-warrants-to-monitor-candidatepresident-trump/
  396. https://www.lawfareblog.com/coalition-all-democratic-forces-part-i-political-focus-whats-truly-important
  397. http://iiac20.ir/en/?page_id=1271
  398. [3]
  399. Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Kathleen Willey, World Ahead Publishing, Nov 6, 2007 ISBN 978-0974670164 ISBN 0974670162
  400. https://www.weeklystandard.com/the-other-secret-dossier/article/2011477
  401. https://www.nsa.gov/news-features/press-room/statements/2017-04-28-702-statement.shtml
  402. https://themarketswork.com/2018/12/29/why-did-foreign-intel-agencies-leak-info-on-alleged-cohen-prague-visit-now/
  403. pic.twitter.com/BU6ysY7Xwn
  404. per Lisa Page testimony, day 2.
  405. In 2013, there were 9,600 FISA 702 search queries involving 195 Americans. But in 2016 after Yates terminated IG oversight there are 30,355 searches of 5,288 Americans,
    essentially, the entire Trump campaign in 50 states.
  406. https://intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/hpsci_memo_key_points.pdf
  407. [4]
  408. https://twitter.com/DevlinBarrett/status/790350274061803520
  409. Excerpted:"The point is that there is no reason at this stage to imagine that the legislature will be a viable venue for push-back, which is a shame considering the powerful set of tools at its disposal. The Coalition of All Democratic Forces should certainly see what kind of use it might make of the legislature, but realistically, we should probably expect that the coalition’s job in Congress will be to prevent Trump from passing anti-democratic legislation. That is, the task in Congress will be a negative one of denying Trump the use of the Article I powers, not the positive one of the coalition’s using them itself. That leaves the tool that will certainly be available: the courts. The courts have a few obvious advantages, starting with hundreds of independent judges of both parties whom Trump cannot remove from office and who don’t have to face his supporters in forthcoming elections."
  410. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/25/nyregion/justice-dept-replaces-investigators-on-eric-garner-case.html
  411. https://www.scribd.com/document/349542716/Top-Secret-FISA-Court-Order-President-Obama-Spying-on-Political-Enemies?irgwc=1&content=10079&campaign=Skimbit%2C%20Ltd.&ad_group=725X700959X1f9f116a5537f6a9a28958a63ea180de&keyword=ft750noi&source=impactradius&medium=affiliate
  412. https://www.themarketswork.com/2018/04/05/the-uncovering-mike-rogers-investigation-section-702-fisa-abuse-the-fbi/
  413. https://youtu.be/4G48P1cTK-E
  414. https://www.circa.com/story/2017/05/23/politics/obama-intel-agency-secretly-conducted-illegal-searches-on-americans-for-years
  415. https://youtu.be/pl_RATH89UM
  416. https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/04/08/ex-state-staffer-who-advocated-spying-on-trump-boasted-getting-winks-from-inside-obama-admin/
  417. https://youtu.be/sBNkLF6_vHQ
  418. Coney sent out 16 letters to the chairmen and ranking members of 8 congressional committees. https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/oct/30/hillary-clinton/clinton-wrongly-says-fbi-director-sent-letter-abou/
  419. https://youtu.be/MVvKw_Ez6es
  420. https://www.scribd.com/document/399428924/Kendall-to-Baker-Email-October-28-2016
  421. https://www.weeklystandard.com/eric-felten/the-fbis-long-break-up-with-christopher-steele
  422. https://twitter.com/The_War_Economy/status/1017080498009591809
  423. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/erica-garner-rips-clinton-camp-emails-father-death-article-1.2847478
  424. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/28/daughter-eric-garner-slams-clinton-campaign-over-emails-about-fathers-death.html
  425. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0uCrA7ePno
  426. https://youtu.be/IsSDqbot-EI
  427. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hillary-clinton-says-she-would-have-won-the-election-if-it-were-held-oct-27/
  428. https://freebeacon.com/national-security/attorney-general-lynch-pleads-fifth-secret-iran-ransom-payments/
  429. "Charles Krauthammer reacted to a new Wall Street Journal report that the Justice Department objected to the Obama Administration sending $400 million in non-U.S. currency just hours before Iran released four imprisoned Americans. The DOJ was overruled by the State Department, according to the report.
    Krauthammer said "of course the Justice Department objected; it was illegal."
    He said that not only was the payment bad optics and a quid pro quo for the release of the Americans, but it skirted statute against dealing with Iran in U.S. dollars.
    "They had to print the money here, ship it over to Switzerland, turn it into Swiss francs and Euros and ship it over to Iran."
  430. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3571705/posts
  431. https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-fbi-records-show-dossier-author-deemed-not-suitable-for-use-as-source-show-several-fbi-payments-in-2016/
  432. https://www.scribd.com/document/376296306/DOJ-OIG-Report-on-Andrew-McCabe-April-13th-Release?campaign=SkimbitLtd&ad_group=725X700959X71d69d99c58d16967f9220546379e02c&keyword=660149026&source=hp_affiliate&medium=affiliate
  433. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/10/by-the-way-the-fbi-was-investigating-the-clinton-foundation.html
  434. https://m.facebook.com/SenatorReid/posts/1524069540941657
  435. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/veteran-spy-gave-fbi-info-alleging-russian-operation-cultivate-donald-trump/
  436. https://youtu.be/SMJdDwQlcc8
  437. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/01/us/politics/fbi-russia-election-donald-trump.html
  438. Check out @HillaryClinton's Tweet: https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/793250312119263233?s=09
  439. https://me.me/i/pay-close-attention-the-server-in-trump-tower-with-alleged-10790639
  440. https://www.voanews.com/a/fbi-director-accused-misconduct-new-emails-possibly-tied-clinton/3573504.html
  441. https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/400810-opinion-how-a-senior-justice-official-helped-dems-on-trump-russia-case
  442. https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/303458-former-fbi-official-clintons-are-a-crime-family
  443. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/11/01/kim_dotcom_more_emails_are_coming_hillary_clinton_is_in_serious_trouble.html
  444. https://truepundit.com/breaking-bombshell-nypd-blows-whistle-on-new-hillary-emails-money-laundering-sex-crimes-with-children-child-exploitation-pay-to-play-perjury/
  445. https://t.co/MNHzJ310Nl pic.twitter.com/uTQF6baWBC
  446. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-02/schumer-says-he-lost-confidence-in-fbi-s-comey-over-e-mail-probe
  447. https://youtu.be/KQF6ozkHPt8
  448. https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2016/11/04/erik-prince-nypd-ready-make-arrests-weiner-case/
  449. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-russia-claims-more-than-one-sex-tape-blackmail-cia-agents-bbc-paul-wood-a7523321.html
  450. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-05/leaked-clinton-foundation-smoking-gun-memo-reveals-it-was-not-compliance-law
  451. https://archive.is/0miO5
  452. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/01/a-new-right-wing-smear-campaign-targets-a-former-fbi-official-to-distract-from-russia-scandal/
  453. https://www.theepochtimes.com/clinton-campaign-relied-on-former-spys-web-of-connections-to-frame-trump_2777189.html?ref=brief_News
  454. https://edition.cnn.com/2017/08/04/politics/election-day-cyber-threat-fbi-monitoring/index.html
  455. https://nypost.com/2018/06/19/house-goper-unmasks-identities-of-anti-trump-fbi-agents/
  456. https://theconservativetreehouse.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/huma-fbi-1.jpg
  457. https://theconservativetreehouse.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/huma-fbi-3.jpg
  458. https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157855450785389&id=614520388
  459. https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/29/google-censorship-conservative-media/
  460. https://twitter.com/The_War_Economy/status/1075535589154394117
  461. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/obama-warned-trump-against-hiring-mike-flynn-say-officials-n756316
  462. https://twitter.com/AndreaChalupa/status/796932400878063617
  463. https://money.cnn.com/2016/11/10/technology/facebook-mark-zuckerberg-fake-news/index.html
  464. https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/11/11/501743684/zuckerberg-denies-fake-news-on-facebook-had-impact-on-the-election
  465. http://www.dailywire.com/news/23037/thousands-including-michael-moore-duped-attending-emily-zanotti
  466. https://www.newsmax.com/politics/jerry-nadler-obama-fire-james-comey/2016/11/14/id/758729/
  467. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2016/11/15/why-mike-rogerss-departure-from-the-trump-team-is-alarming/?utm_term=.c0404c1ea829
  468. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2014/11/22/the-motives-behind-the-november-rogersruppersberger-house-intelligence-panel-report-on-benghazi/
  469. https://twitter.com/GeorgePapa19/status/1056668314204655616
  470. https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/about-us/advisory-council/
  471. https://dashboard.securingdemocracy.org
  472. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3234551-Georgia-Secretary-of-State-Letter-to-DHS-Secretary.html
  473. https://www.npr.org/2016/11/22/502980006/reports-suggest-nsa-director-mike-rogers-is-on-his-way-out
  474. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/nov/17/donald-trump-moves-transition-meetings-private-gol/
  475. William Evanina, National Counterintelligence and Security Center. https://www.congress.gov/115/chrg/CHRG-115shrg30120/CHRG-115shrg30120.htm
  476. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-25/fbi-texts-show-agents-discussed-recruiting-white-house-sources-spy-bureau
  477. https://saraacarter.com/breaking-fbi-texts-show-agents-discussed-recruiting-white-house-sources-to-spy-for-bureau/
  478. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-11-17/lawmakers-resume-calls-for-james-clapper-perjury-charges
  479. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-votes-against-anti-nazi-resolution-at-united-nations/
  480. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/pentagon-and-intelligence-community-chiefs-have-urged-obama-to-remove-the-head-of-the-nsa/2016/11/19/44de6ea6-adff-11e6-977a-1030f822fc35_story.html?utm_term=.d9d3bcfd83f3
  481. https://saraacarter.com/breaking-bruce-ohr-docs-raise-serious-questions/
  482. https://thinkprogress.org/jill-stein-campaign-russia-ecf424ac3b7e/
  483. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/russians-launched-pro-jill-stein-social-media-blitz-help-trump-n951166
  484. https://newrepublic.com/article/140254/inside-story-trump-clinton-stein-presidential-election-recount
  485. "Numerous FD-302s demonstrating that Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr continued to pass along allegations from Mr. Steele to the FBI after the FBI suspended its formal relationship with Mr. Steele for unauthorized contact with the media, and demonstrating that Mr. Ohr otherwise funneled allegations from Fusion GPS and Mr. Steele to the FBI." https ://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/judiciary/upload/2018-02-28%20CEG%20LG%20to%20DOJ%20OIG%20%28referral%29.pdf
  486. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/08/07/suspicions-confirmed-congress-gets-bruce-ohr-documents-showing-back-door-communication-network/
  487. https://themarketswork.com/2018/08/18/the-bruce-ohr-302s/
  488. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/11/activists-urge-hillary-clinton-to-challenge-election-results.html
  489. https://consortiumnews.com/2018/10/24/facebook-censorship-of-alternative-media-just-the-beginning-warns-top-neocon-insider/
  490. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/26/us/politics/us-statement-on-reliability-of-election-results.html
  491. https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/5637781/Order-on-Motion-for-Summary-Judgment.pdf
  492. http://www.propornot.com/p/the-list.html?m=1
  493. https://consortiumnews.com/2018/10/24/facebook-censorship-of-alternative-media-just-the-beginning-warns-top-neocon-insider/
  494. Russian Active Measures, March 22, 2018, pp. 101-110.
  495. https://t.co/wP98IiUrUb?amp=1
  496. https://m.theepochtimes.com/transcripts-of-lisa-pages-closed-door-testimonies-provide-new-revelations_2763452.html
  497. https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2016/12/institute-for-advanced-studies-in-princeton-bans-lucy-komisar-from-wm-browder-speech/
  498. https://gosint.wordpress.com/2017/05/04/russia-fsb-colonel-sergey-mikhailov-the-spy-without-a-past/
  499. http://galacticconnection.com/charles-ortel-on-clinton-foundation-charity-fraud-video-new-zealand-prime-minister-resigns-after-getting-caught-giving-13-7-million-in-taxpayer-money-to-the-clinton-foundation/
  500. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/12/texts-between-ex-mueller-team-members-emerge-calling-trump-loathsome-human-idiot.html
  501. https://t.co/ujPqB4bOLK?amp=1
  502. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obama-orders-review-of-russian-hacking-during-presidential-campaign/2016/12/09/31d6b300-be2a-11e6-94ac-3d324840106c_story.html?utm_term=.d12bb3f09dd9
  503. https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/407677-fbi-memos-detail-partisan-axes-secret-conflicts-behind-the-russia-election
  504. https://web.archive.org/web/20161215235756/https://storify.com/DemFromCT/john-schindler-with-a-look-at-donald-trump-s-war-w
  505. https://www.cnn.com/2016/12/10/politics/donald-trump-response-russian-hacking/
  506. https://dailycaller.com/2018/08/13/bruce-ohr-glenn-simpson-nra/?utm_medium=push&utm_source=daily_caller&utm_campaign=push
  507. https://www.wm.edu/offices/revescenter/news/2016/reves-hosts-dr.-celeste-wallander.php
  508. https://www.businessinsider.com/list-of-women-who-have-accused-harvey-weinstein-of-sexual-harassment-or-assault-2017-10
  509. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5976133/PICTURED-Hillary-Clinton-having-dinner-Harvey-Weinstein-election-loss.html
  510. https://web.archive.org/web/20170819223403/https://intelligence.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=738
  511. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/world/national-security/obama-putin-election-hacking/?utm_term=.21f20bdb10a8
  512. http://theconservativecartel.com/trump-blasts-strzok-page-leaking-like-mad-text-as-a-disaster-embarrassment-for-fbi-doj/
  513. https://www.nationalreview.com/article/454293/robert-mueller-trump-russia-investigation-michael-flynn-obama-administration-foreign-policy-israel
  514. Perkins Coie, the surrogate law firm acting on behalf of Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC to write the Steele dossier, makes a payment of $58,669 to FusionGPS. Payments total $1,024,408 since May. Donna Brazile later reveals the Clinton campaign was in control of the DNC budget since mid 2015.
  515. https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/the-administration/326331-how-obamas-white-house-weaponized-the-media-against#.WN2IVaoTssw.twitter
  516. https://www.scribd.com/document/335307016/FBI-Russian-Hacking-Report
  517. https://medium.com/@jeffreycarr/fbi-dhs-joint-analysis-report-a-fatally-flawed-effort-b6a98fafe2fa
  518. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/russian-hackers-penetrated-us-electricity-grid-through-a-utility-in-vermont/2016/12/30/8fc90cc4-ceec-11e6-b8a2-8c2a61b0436f_story.html?utm_term=.619af97ae363
  519. https://nation.com.pk/30-Dec-2016/us-expels-35-russian-intel-agents-over-vote-hacking

External links