Last modified on May 25, 2021, at 19:26

Main Page/Previous Conservapedia Breaking News/Archives/March 2010

March 2010

March 30

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Tea Party Gears Up for the 'Showdown in Searchlight'.
"Tea Party" activists want to turn anger over the Obamacare scam into political muscle in November elections as they call thousands to the desert town that is home to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to show their disgust with him. Sarah Palin is headlining the event today in Searchlight, about 60 miles from Las Vegas. America's media will be focused on the former mining town, sending images across the country. [1]

California's budget woes aren't going away so now the state is considering legalizing and taxing marijuana. "It could generate tax revenue for local governments." [2] The state is $20 billion in the red and taxing pot will not solve their problems. If the state would give up on liberal politics and allow offshore oil drilling, the deficit would most likely turn to a budget surplus.

Court Strikes Limits On Contributions To Independent Political Groups ! Amazingly, in a unanimous decision, the nine-judge U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia handed another victory to conservative opponents of campaign-finance restrictions, striking down limits on individual contributions to independent groups who want to use the money for or against candidates in federal elections. [3]

"Obama Zombies" A new book by Jason Mattera explains how Barack Obama lobotomized a generation.VIDEO

"When the paper's finances tanked last year, the Daily Cal Berkeley was the first college paper in the country to cut one day's print publication, though six others, including those at New York University and UC Davis, have since followed suit." [4] How about cutting the liberal claptrap too?

The liberal Long Beach City College is being overrun by rabbits. A school official said the college is "working with local animal rights activists." "'These bunnies are so happy and relaxed to be in a sheltered environment,' stated a professor of veterinary medicine at Western University. 'They deserve to have a forever home.'" [5]

55% favor repealing the health care bill, and only 42% oppose a repeal, according to the first poll released after passage. 52% would support a candidate this fall who wants to repeal the bill, while only 41% would support a candidate who opposes repeal. [6]

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Humiliated After Obama 'Dumped Him For Dinner'.
For a head of government to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of. Yet that is how Benjamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip viewed in Jerusalem as a humiliation. [7]

"The landmark health care bill passed by Congress is expected to cost Arizona more than $1 billion a year." [8] Friday its legislature is convening a special session to instruct its Democratic Attorney General to sue.

Georgia Governor Sonny Purdue "will sue feds over health care on his own," and the Democratic Attorney General may face impeachment for refusing to do likewise. [9] 54% in the online poll agree with the Governor.

Conservative John Kasich opens up a 4-point lead over the liberal Governor in Ohio. [10]

CALIFORNIA IS TURNING REPUBLICAN: Even liberals admit that Republicans are likely to win both the Governor and U.S. Senate seat in California. [11]

A Loyal Sarah Palin rushes to Arizona to rescue John McCain, who faces a strong challenge from the right by J.D. Hayworth. Palin risks alienating the Tea Party movement, which favors Hayworth. [12]

A Timeline of the Democrats’ Health Care Bill [13] [14]

Texas Community Outraged At Perverted Blasphemy as Tarleton State University depicts Jesus as 'King of Queers,' performing a wedding for two Apostles — and even kissing Judas, the son of perdition. [15]

This morning in the Holy See Press Office, Cardinal Severino Poletto, archbishop of Turin, Italy, presented the forthcoming exposition of the Shroud of Turin, due to take place in that city from April 10th to May 23rd on the theme: "Passio Christi, passio hominis." [16]

Liberals reward their own: an ex-priest Darwinist who "got womped" in a debate over intelligent design is handed $1.6 million for claiming evolution is consistent with Christianity. [17] Too bad Jesus confirmed the Flood and died to redeem Adam's sin, both denied by the theory of evolution.

The U.S. delegation at the U.N., promoted by the Obama administration, is pressuring other countries to drop their objections to pro-abortion language. [18] Barack Obama once remarked, "We are united in our determination to prevent unintended pregnancies, reduce the need for abortion." However, that was just populist rhetoric because he continues to push funding abortion around the globe and here in the U.S. through Obamacare.

"Christie undecided about NJ joining nullification lawsuits" [19] [20] In office only two months, and he's already becoming a RINO?

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President Barack Obama Chooses Appeasement, backs away from pursuing a number of tough measures against Iran in order to beg support from Russia and China for yet another U.N. resolution on sanctions. Among provisions removed from the original draft resolution the U.S. sent to key allies last month were sanctions aimed at choking off Tehran's access to international banking services and capital markets, and closing international airspace and waters to Iran's national air cargo and shipping lines. [21]

GOP Forces New House Vote on Obamacare Bill. Senate Republicans learned early today (Thursday) that they will be able to kill language in a measure altering President Barack Obama's newly enacted health care overhaul, meaning the bill will have to return to the House for final congressional approval. Democrats also defeated GOP amendments rolling back the health law's Medicare cuts; and requiring the president and other administration officials to purchase health care from the "exchanges" Obamacare creates. [22]

From Their Own Mouths:

On WJR (Detroit) Representative John Dingell (D-MI) let it slip that the "...necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people." [23]

Conservative Marco Rubio leads RINO and stimulus-supporter Charlie Crist by 56-34%, on the eve of their first debate. [24] Why is Crist still in the race?

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General David Petraeus Stirs Political Chatter With Visit to Key New Hampshire Presidential Primary Town.
David Petraeus, commander of U.S. Central Command, and a Republican, gave a talk Wednesday evening at New Hampshire's Saint Anselm College, a must-see campus for presidential candidates in a must-see state that hosts the first-in-the-nation primaries. Coincidence? The American tradition of high-ranking military officers ascending to the presidency has faded in the last half-century, since Dwight D. Eisenhower was the last great general to occupy the White House. [25]

A CBS News poll released Wednesday finds that nearly two in three Americans want Republicans in Congress to continue to challenge parts of the health care reform bill. [26]

Outrage Over Public School-Assisted Abortion in Liberal Seattle.
The mother of a 15-year old Seattle girl is furious because her daughter had an abortion with some assistance from the nurses at her school and she was never informed. She only found out after the fact when her daughter had an unrelated health problem and finally revealed she had terminated a pregnancy. The girl attends Ballard High School in Seattle which has a teen health clinic inside. The clinic is run by Swedish Medical Center and administered by the King County Health Department. A county health official also says that schools routinely send kids in taxis when they're taken off campus for "medical procedures". [27]

Stupid is as Stupak does? [28] "Stupaked" joins the Best New Conservative Words.

"Tough Times for Dems in the Midwest: It's really looking like a brutal year for Democrats in the Big Ten states." [29]

Suffer The Little Children, Mr. President? Barack Hussein Obama Excludes Private and Catholic School Children From White House Easter-Egg Roll Ticket Giveaway. The Obama administration has been criticized for failing to support programs to help low-income and minority children attend some of D.C.’s top private and parochial schools, including the Sidwell Friends School where the Malia and Sasha Obama attend classes. Perhaps the President doesn't want the "proletariat" getting too close to his kids? [30]

Sales of newly built U.S. single-family homes fell for a fourth straight month to a record low in February, a government report showed on Wednesday, heightening fears of renewed weakness in the housing market. [31]

Indoor tanning salons will charge customers a 10 percent tax beginning in July in one of the changes Americans will see as a result of the U.S. health-care overhaul signed into law by President Barack Obama.[32]

College students are waking up to liberal deceit, and a student newspaper at FSU quotes Conservapedia to applaud "a much-needed reaction against the trend toward liberal indoctrination in public school textbooks" in Texas. [33]


Oh! Canada! --- Ann Coulter's Speech at University of Ottawa Canceled After 2,000 Threatening Liberal Students Pose a Security Danger.
A spokesman for the organizers said Coulter was advised against appearing after about 2,000 Leftist threatening students crowded the entrance to Marion Hall, posing a security threat. Outraged, Coulter described the University of Ottawa as a "bush league" institution in an interview for The Washington Times. "This has never happened before," she said. "I go to the best schools, Harvard, the Ivy League and those kids are too intellectually proud" to threaten speakers. At the University of Ottawa, "their IQ points-to-teeth ratio must be about 1-to-1," Coulter said. [34]

A new CBS News poll finds Nancy Pelosi's favorable rating in the polls stand at 11 percent. Harry Reid faired even worse, his favorable rating stands at just eight percent. [35] Conclusion, no Democrat is safe in the 2010 mid-term election cycle.

On "Health Care Day," Obama Skips Signing Executive Order on Abortion; Bart Stupak, on Defense, Bizarrely Compares Order to the Emancipation Proclamation! [36]

Florida lawsuit's prayer for relief

Commonwealth of Virginia, Ex Rel. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II v. Sebelius, 3:10-cv-00188-HEH, seeking to block the health care bill, has been assigned (after another judge recused himself) to the Honorable Henry Hudson, a former Virginia circuit court judge (1998-2002) who was nominated by President George W. Bush (2002): "the individual mandate exceeds the enumerated powers conferred upon Congress. Because the individual mandate is an essential, non-severable provision, the entire act is likewise invalid." (Complaint p.6)

State of Florida et al. v. U.S. Dep't of Health and Human Servs., 3:10-cv-00091-RV-EMT, challenging the constitutionality of the health care bill, has been assigned to the Honorable Roger Vinson, a veteran of the Navy (1962-68) and an nominee of President Ronald Reagan (1983).

Study: Last Supper paintings supersize the food The food in famous paintings of the meal has grown by biblical proportions over the last millennium, researchers report in a medical journal Tuesday. [37]

Media's Year of Campaigning for ObamaCare and Impugning Critics: Video

"We're off in the Rocket Docket," said Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, who sued on behalf of Virginia against the socialistic health care law. The "Rocket Docket" is a federal court in Virginia famous for rendering quick decisions. The other suit filed by many states is in Florida. [38]

Join the fight to repeal Obamacare! Take the pledge now at

South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, Louisiana, Alabama, Michigan, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Washington, Idaho, South Dakota and Florida have filed suit in northern Florida to overturn the health care bill. Virginia has filed a separate lawsuit in Richmond, using a state statute that blocks the federal mandate. "It really is nothing more than a wholesale takeover of large portions of state institutions and programs." [39]

With Obamacare now law and the misery about to begin, the party of "Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie!" is now looking at cap and trade to add another tax burden on the American people: [40]

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Mississippi Governor tells his Attorney General to challenge the health care monstrosity: "File health care suit or I will," [41] The proverbial ink had yet to dry on the nation's new health care reform law Tuesday before two states -- Virginia and Florida -- filed lawsuits and more scrambled to put up legislative barricades between themselves and the bill requiring Americans to purchase health insurance or face stiff penalties. The tactics, employed everywhere from Arizona to Virginia, are the strongest sign that the Obamacare fight is far from over. At least 36 state legislatures so far have proposed measures to challenge the constitutionality of the new federal bill, while 29 states are also calling for ballot questions to amend their constitutions and 13 are looking to change state law. Some states are doing both. [42]

Mississippi Governor tells his Attorney General to challenge the health care monstrosity. "File health care suit or I will," the newspaper reported. [43]

Liberals did it again: "Senior Hill Staffers Exempted from Obamacare" [44]

On this day in 1775, Patrick Henry proclaims "Give me liberty, or give me death." He never did mention anything about healthcare.

Pro-life Democrats, R.I.P. And then there were none. When Bart Stupak announced Sunday he was now a "yes" on the health-care bill, six Democrats stood with him. Even that handful would have been enough to defeat the bill. Instead, they accepted the fig leaf of an executive order—and threw away all the hard-won gains they had made. And that's a tragedy for our politics as well as for our principles. [45]

Benjamin Netanyahu Pushes Back at Obama, Says Jerusalem 'Not a Settlement'. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted late Monday Israel has the right to build in Jerusalem, saying the city is "not a settlement, it's our capital" to a prolonged standing ovation. [46]

Another Obamacare Sham: IRS to Serve as Health Reform Enforcer, but Lacks Authority to Enforce. The health care reform bill to be signed today by President Obama would give the IRS a new mandate to enforce some of the initiative's key provisions -- but apparently not the means to do so. The Senate bill doesn’t provide any funding for the expansion of the IRS, and it virtually ties the hands of the IRS to collect fees on individuals and businesses who don’t buy health insurance. [47]

Liberal hatred rears its ugly head once more: Terri Schiavo was murdered by court order, her execution supported by liberals across the country on March 31, 2005; today Seth MacFarlane makes sure her memory is trampled-on just for laughs in another episode of Family Guy: [48]

Liberal censors strike out again: Florida "House panel OKs school prayer bill" that prevents school administrators from interfering with teacher participation in student-led prayer. "Courtenay Strickland, public-policy director for the ACLU, said the organization does not want to stop anyone from freely exercising their rights, but didn’t want any public officials involved."[49]
Give it up, ACLU. It's a free country for everyone, including Christian teachers.

Obamacare Fight Shifts From Congress to the Courts. Now that the House has passed the Senate's health care bill and sent it to the president's desk, state lawmakers and attorneys general are lining up to challenge its constitutionality and wage an outside-the-Beltway war against it in courts. [50]

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ACORN Closing in Wake of Scandals. The once mighty community activist group ACORN, which counts Barack Obama as an alumni, announced today it is folding amid falling revenues — six months after video footage emerged showing its workers giving illegal tax tips to conservative activists posing as a pimp and prostitute. ACORN's financial situation and reputation went into free fall within days of the videos' release in September and repeated scandals of voter registration fraud, Congress reacted by yanking ACORN's federal funding, private donors held back cash and scores of ACORN offices closed. [51]

"President Obama has created a perfect political storm over the issue of abortion," making it likely the issue will dominate the 2010 and 2012 elections. [52]

Now that liberals are forcing Americans to buy "health care" products they do not want, the stocks of companies that benefit increase in value. [53]

From their own mouths:

Democrat representative Bart Stupak would have voted for Obamacare if there was abortion funding in it or not: [54]

Democrat Alcee Hastings on why there's no standardization of rules on the House floor: "We make 'em up as we go along": [55]

Rebuttal to the Wall Street Journal editorial criticizing the right of voters to recall a U.S. Senator.

Virginia will sue to overturn the health care bill. "At no time in our history has the government mandated its citizens buy a good or service," Virginia's Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli said Sunday night. "We believe the federal law is unconstitutional as it is based on the commerce clause. Simply put, not buying insurance is not engaging in commerce," he stated. [56] Liberals have turned States against Congress in a way not seen since the Civil War.

By only a 4-vote margin and without a single Republican voting for it, the health care bill passes the House. [57] The bill heightens the abortion conflict as well as tensions between states and the federal government, and sharpens the contrast between the Democrats and Republicans just 7 months before the midterm elections.

"Stupak Stripped of 'Defender of Life' Award" for betraying unborn children. [58]

Due to the sell-out by the phony pro-life Democrats, the health care bill clears an early test vote by a 9-vote margin. The bill forces Americans to buy insurance products, "includes more than $400 billion in higher taxes over a decade," and could cause more abortions than Roe v. Wade by using federal taxpayer funding under the Executive Order and/or after its rescission. [59]
Future elections in America will never be the same again.

Stupak caves in to pro-aborts. At least Judas got 30 silver pieces.

Did Bart Stupak sell out unborn children to obtain protection by Democratic leadership against a primary challenge? Four days ago supporters of abortion announced they would back a primary challenger against Stupak, and we will not know until after the vote tonight whether Stupak receives protection.

The betrayal of Christ comes a week early this year, as more than a dozen so-called pro-life Democrats vote to open the floodgates to taxpayer-funded abortion tonight. Judas betrayed with a kiss; these fake pro-lifers betray with the fig leaf of an Executive Order that can be rescinded in a heartbeat and will not stop the funding anyway.

"I'm pleased to announce that we have an agreement," Bart Stupak declared as he caved in to the pro-aborts and left pro-life organizations, the Catholic Church and millions of Americans, who had long stood by him, hanging out to dry. [60]

Courtesy of Obamacare, there's going to be 159 new government agencies between you and your doctor...and you're stuck paying for it! [61]

And don't forget that what they claim as "savings" in health care could be just another example of their version of funny math: [62]

Bart Stupak flips to support the pro-abortion bill!!! He agrees to vote "yes" in exchange for the fig leaf of a superficial "executive order" that would neither be permanent nor have any power to override law.
The long-term consequences for the Democratic Party could be historic as it now fully embraces abortion.

“Hatred as the central element of our struggle! Hatred that is intransigent…hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him violent and cold- blooded killing machine...We reject any peaceful approach. Violence is inevitable. To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow! The imperialist enemy must feel like a hunted animal wherever he moves. Thus we’ll destroy him! These hyenas are fit only for extermination. We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm! The victory of Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims!” Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara speaking about Americans in his 1966 Message to the Tricontinental Conference in Havana, Cuba.

Another example of liberalism being a mental disorder: The United Kingdom can ban a talk radio host for what they claim is hate speech, but they welcome with open arms the daughter of a mass murderer who champions her father's ideas: [63]

Update Sunday morning 10:30am: if one of 15 remaining undecided Democrats votes against the health care bill or does not vote, then the bill fails. 37 Democrats are already "no", and 38 "no"s (or not voting) are required to defeat it. The vote is this afternoon. [64]
Will the Democratic Party embrace and impose abortion on a Sunday?


Our own Andy Schlafly takes over as lead counsel for the Committee to Recall Robert Menendez from the Office of United States Senator. This will be a precedent-setting case, because no Senator or Representative has ever been recalled before. [65] NJ Tea Parties United and the Sussex County Tea Party are seeking to force the Senator's removal because of his support of health-care reform and past votes to increase government spending.[66]

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On the day of the showdown on so-called health care reform, Obama Approval Ratings remain in the dumpster. [67]

Defying the will of Congress, Obama orders federal agencies to restore ACORN funding. [68]


Update Saturday Evening: ONLY ONE VOTE SHY OF DEFEAT: 37 Democrats are "no" votes, and 20 are undecided or unclear, including several who voted "no" in committee votes. 38 "no"s would defeat the bill.
The Democrats have refused to allow a vote to remove the abortion funding (the Stupak Amendment); this is an historic step by the Democratic Party to the pro-abortion side just as the Democratic Party became pro-slavery in the 1850s.

Saturday afternoon update: Pelosi caves in to the pro-aborts and denies a separate vote on the pro-life Stupak Amendment. Bart Stupak stands on principle, and it's unclear if Pelosi has enough votes to pass the health care bill without the "Stupak 12." [69]

March 23

Liberals Defeated On So-Called "Deem and Pass" Tactic! House Democrats on Saturday decided against using a controversial tactic to pass the Senate's version of the Obamacare bill without an actual vote. Rep. David Dreier, R-Calif., cheered the decision by Democrats to abandon "deem and pass, calling it a sign that Democrats are buckling under pressure. "In the words of Ronald Reagan, 'they may not have seen the light, but they certainly felt the heat." [70]

For the first three months of 2010, thirty-seven banks have shut down. Last year, 140 banks failed, the highest annual tally since the height of the savings and loan crisis in 1992. How have Obama and Ben Bernanke helped consumers in this bad situation? Banks have tightened their lending standards. U.S. bank lending last year posted its steepest drop since World War II. [71]

A liberal organization that thought it could tell up-and-coming prostitutes how to break the laws of the land - and was caught doing it many times on video - is now facing a looming bankruptcy: [72]

Nasty surprise for hurting homeowners

Credit scores can drop after getting loan help. Some homeowners who sign up for the government's mortgage assistance program are getting a nasty surprise: Lower credit scores. For borrowers who are making their payments on time but are on the verge of default, the Obama administration's loan modification program can reduce their credit score as much as 100 points. That makes it harder to get a loan and can present a problem when applying for a new job. [73]

As crunch time approaches for the unpopular and undemocratic ObamaCare bill, Democrats circulate a talking points memo that stresses "Do Not Give Ground By Debating Details!" -- discussing Medicare reimbursements "would undermine reform's budget neutrality." [74]

Because ObamaCare does not enjoy bipartisan and public support like the programs Social Security and Medicare when they were first passed, conservatives Fred Barnes and Lee Doren believe that if ObamaCare is passed, a political movement may form that will successfully legislatively repeal ObamaCare.[75]VIDEO U.S. House Minority leader John Boehner told National Journal Magazine concerning ObamaCare: "I am not going to get into what-ifs for after November other than to say this: If they enact it, we will do everything we can to repeal it."[76]

Possible American-Chinese economic battles could disrupt various economies.[77][78]

Steven Kates presented an excellent lecture to the Ludwig von Mises Institute entitled "Why Your Grandfather's Economics Was Better Than Yours".VIDEO

Liberals throw the nation into a constitutional crisis, as South Carolina joins other states in planning to sue immediately if the health care bill passes. "We need to protect the sovereignty of our states and the liberty of our people." [79]

The Vision Victory YouTube channel blows the ObamaCare Washington "logic" out of the water.VIDEO

Republican Whip Eric Cantor: there is "no-mentum" and the Democrats are seven votes short plus another six Democrats "who are in conservative-leaning districts, and know that a government take-over is widely unpopular." At least one of them has switched from "yes" to "no". [80]

Congressman John Boehner: "Republicans can't beat this bill, but the American people can. If anyone thinks the people are going to forget this vote, just watch!" See you in November, Pelosi, Reid and Obama. [81]

Take a broken government program 'Medicaid', cut costs by $500 billion and enroll 20 million new uninsured Americans- that's the heart of Obamacare. What you'll get is large companies like Walgreens in Washington state saying their pharmacies will no longer accept new Medicaid customers because filling their prescriptions is a money-losing proposition. [82] Expect this to be a nationwide trend if socialized medicine becomes a reality.

Fox News Poll: Incumbents Beware Given the choice to keep all current lawmakers, or get rid of all in Congress, 68% chose to ax them all!
Even 52% of Democrats would get rid of all incumbents. This “throw them out” sentiment reflects what the poll also found about voters’ perception of Congress: just 18% approve of the job Congress is doing, while 76% disapprove. President Obama's liberal, socialistic agenda is now officially "Obamageddon" for members of Congress, thanks to Pelosi and Reid. [83]

Update: despite intense pressure by liberals, there is little movement in positions against the health care bill. The tally as of late Friday is still 36 Democrats against it, and 45 undecided (which includes many leaning against it). Three bad signs for Pelosi/Obama: Michael Arcuri has switched from "yes" to "no", Bobby Rush has switched from "yes" to "undecided", and Obama is spending his time begging Republican Joseph Cao to vote for the abomination.

'Cornhusker' Out, More Sleazy Deals In: Obamacare Bill Gives $pecial Treatment.
The 153 pages of changes to the massive health care package includes extra money for hospitals in Tennessee that serve large numbers of low-income patients. And though the bill would revamp the nation's student loan system to make the government the only lender, one bank — the state-owned Bank of North Dakota — would have been allowed to continue making student loans...until Senator Kent Conrad, D-N.D asked for it to be removed because he feared a backlash. Still alive is special spending for Louisiana, Connecticut, Montana and other states that was included in the health care bill that the Senate approved in December. [84]


Obamacare Bill Extends Wage Tax to Investments = Slower Economic Recovery. For the first time, the Medicare payroll tax would be applied to investment income, beginning in 2013. A new 3.8% tax would be imposed on interest, dividends, capital gains and other investment income for individuals making more than $200,000 a year and couples making more than $250,000. The bill also would increase the Medicare payroll tax by 0.9% to 2.35%. More socialist class warfare by Obama and the liberals in Congress. [85]


Lesson (Once Again) Learned Department?: Google to Shutter China Operations. U.S. Internet giant Google will close its business in China next month and may announce its plans next week, Chinese media reported on Friday, after rows over censorship and hacking. Liberals like the ones who run Google, always think they can excuse and accommodate thuggish dictators like Hugo Chavez and the Chinese Communists, but when in history has that ever worked? [86]

The Obama administration made "several misstatements of law and fact" in a letter to Congress opposing legislation to enhance the role of the Government Accountability Office in intelligence oversight, the head of the GAO said in a letter to congressional intelligence committees yesterday. White House actions have "resulted in GAO frequently being unable to obtain the access or cooperation necessary to provide useful information to Congress" even "where the matters under evaluation are well outside the scope of traditional intelligence activities... GAO has encountered resistance." [87]

Will the Supreme Court have the final say on the Democrats unconstitutional power grab in passing ObamaCare? [88]

Conservative Pat Toomey leads RINO-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania by 49-40% in the latest poll; Toomey has a bigger lead over Specter than over the other Democratic candidate, but Specter will likely do Toomey a favor by defeating the other candidate in the Democratic primary. [89]

"McCain's GOP Primary Challenger Trails Him by Just Seven Points"[90]

American Patriot And Noted Conservative Fess Parker Was Received By God Today. Actor Fess Parker, who became every baby boomer's idol in the 1950s and launched a craze for coonskin caps as television's Davy Crockett, died today of natural causes. He was 85. [91]

Once again, Virginia takes the lead in asserting state sovereignty, and Idaho, Texas and other states have signaled likewise. "A spokesman for Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II (R) said this afternoon that Virginia will file suit against the federal government if the Democratic health care reform bill is approved by the U.S. Congress." [92] Will the outcome be different this time from what it was 150 years ago?

A scandal of Watergate proportions is being hidden by the Lamestream Media. Thankfully, Fox News is there to ask the tough questions but the White House just wants to stonewall the issue. Did the Obama Administration knowingly commit a felony in what is now called JobsGate? [93]

Newest Poll: 55% in U.S. Oppose "Obamacare" Health Care Scheme — and Rising! [94]

Latest count as of 10:51AM, EDT Thursday: an increase to 37 Democratic "no"s, just one shy of the 38 that would block passage of the health care bill. In addition, there are still 50 Dems who are listed as undecided, including 6 supporters of the deleted Stupak Amendment and many other critics of the bill.

The Detroit Free Press reports that atheist bus ads in Detroit were "desecrated".[95] Perhaps, the Detroit Free Press thinks the atheist bus advertisements were sacred!

Idaho to Sue Obama, Congress If "Obamacare" Is Passed.

Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter is the first state chief executive to sign a measure requiring his attorney general to sue the federal government if Congress passes the liberals' "health care reform" and residents are forced to buy health insurance. Virginia's attorney general urged Speaker Pelosi not to use an arcane parliamentary tactic to pass health care reform without a direct vote, warning in a letter Wednesday that the move might be unconstitutional. Similar legislation is pending in 37 other states. [96] & [97]

Foreign Relations Are Worse Under Barack Obama Than President George Bush. Allies Everywhere Are Feeling Snubbed by President Obama. Another Liberal Myth Has Been Exposed! It seems the small fragment of Americans who consider themselves Liberals can't stand the truth.... [98]

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Patriot Senator Orrin Hatch Says Don't Be Fooled -- Senate Obamacare Bill Includes Taxpayer Funding of Abortion. In a mad rush to pass a health care reform plan leading House Democrats now intend to take up the Senate-passed version of the bill, arguing that the Senate language prohibits federal funding of abortion. Besides that fact that this simply not true, it also demonstrates the lengths President Obama and his liberal allies will take to pass this bill against the will of the American people. [99]

Democracy Without A Vote?

As Nancy Pelosi and her fellow liberals plan to usher in socialistic Obamacare without a vote, critics say House Speaker thumbs her nose at the basic principle of democracy. From Maine to Hawaii, Americans send people to Washington, D.C., to be their representatives -- to cast votes that represent the will of the people who elected them to do the job. House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence is calling the plan, which many Democrat leaders are defending, "a betrayal of the commitment of every member of this Congress to the American people." And some say the move may not withstand a legal challenge. [100]

As the showdown on the Slaughter House rule approaches, Gallup Poll reports, for the first time, more voters Disapprove of Barack Obama than Approve.

  • Democrats would thus send the Senate bill to President Obama for his signature even as they claimed to oppose the same Senate bill. They would be declaring themselves to be for and against the Senate bill in the same vote." [101]

Republican candidates have now stretched their lead over Democrats to 10 points in the Generic Congressional Ballot, their biggest lead ever in nearly three years of weekly tracking. [102]

The latest posting from the Treasury Department shows the National Debt has increased over $2 trillion since President Obama took office. The debt now stands at $12.6 trillion. On the day Obama took office it was $10.6 trillion. President George W. Bush still holds the record for the most debt run up on his watch: $4.9 trillion. But it took him over four years to rack up the first two trillion dollars in debt. It has taken Obama 421 days. [103]

Happy Saint Patrick's Day
In honor of St. Patrick, who is believed to have converted virtually the entire island of Ireland from pagan to Christianity. In America, parades are held, Irish food is served and the color green is commonly associated with St. Patrick celebrations.

A study discovers if you preach green, you're more likely to steal: [104]

Liberal Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) is voting for the Obamacare bill. If he can bankrupt Cleveland, what's the rest of the country to him? [105][106]


ObamaCare is such a bad bill that Democrats are looking for any gimmick to pass the legislation. When they lost their 60 vote super-majority in the Senate, they decided to implement reconciliation. It is clear that Pelosi doesn't have the votes in the House, so behind-door deals are in the works to bribe representatives for a yes vote. If that fails, the House leadership will rely on the tactic known as a "self-executing rule" or a "deem and pass" being crafted by Rep. Slaughter. [107] Democrat leadership will deem the Senate version passed without a House vote. [108] What the Democrats are doing is no longer simply a matter of passing a bill; they are undermining 200 years of legislative process and traditions in order to get their way.

Republican Meg Whitman has taken a narrow lead over State Attorney General Jerry Brown in the California gubernatorial election. [109]

The liberals at Newsweek can't figure out why the liberal elitist Barack Obama is treating the bankers with kid gloves and remaining at arms length with any proposed changes to the U.S. financial system.[110] Newsweek hasn't figured out that Obama is the puppet and Wall Street firms are the puppeteers. The banks are Obama's bailout buddies and they were among the largest contributors to his 2008 presidential campaign.[111]

Obama is quite a showman though when he talks tough in front of the cameras and pretends to be a populist who is going to go after those bankers. Slate recently reported that Obama "temporarily" dropped his "rage" over large banker bonuses.[112] It appears as if letting banks fail, having non-burdensome regulations, and letting the market decide wages minus any phony outrage is too capitalistic for Obama. While the Wall Street puppet Obama is in office, America will probably have some ill thought out liberal hodgepodge when it comes to the United States banking system .

Senate Says No to Proposed Earmark Ban -- Public Be Damned! The Senate on Tuesday easily killed a move by conservative Republicans to ban senators from earmarking spending bills with back-home projects which are often wasteful and invite corruption. Fifteen Republicans joined with most Democrats in rejecting the moratorium on earmarks by a 68-29 vote. And why not? Money grows on trees in Washington! If only Nero would show up, the scene would be complete. [113]

New England Journal of Medicine: 46.3% of primary care physicians (family medicine and internal medicine) feel that the passing of Obamacare will either force them out of medicine or make them want to leave medicine! Couple that with adding 30 Million new patients to the rolls, all that is left is severe rationing of medical care....for you! [114]

House Phone Lines Frozen After Limbaugh Calls For Barrage of Anti-Obamacare Calls!
House phone lines were frozen Tuesday afternoon following a barrage of calls on the health care reform debate, with congressional opponents of the legislation crediting talk radio host Rush Limbaugh for the flood of opposition while the bill's deceitful, liberal supporters claimed they were getting calls of support. Maybe the liberals were calling each other, because two-thirds of America is opposed to Obama's socialized medicine. [115]

Creation Ministries International responds to the atheists’ global convention in Melbourne, Australia.[116]

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New Jersey Court OKs Tea Party Petition to Oust Liberal Senator Robert Menendez. A New Jersey appeals court ruled Tuesday that a conservative tea party group should have the right to try to throw a U.S. senator out of office, but also said the group would have to wait for a final decision by a higher court before proceeding. The court set aside the larger question of whether New Jersey voters have a constitutional right to recall a federal lawmaker. New Jersey is among 18 states that allow recalls of statewide elected officials. The U.S. Constitution neither explicitly authorizes, nor explicitly prohibits, a recall of a Member of Congress. [117][118]

More Democrat antics. Democrats plan to pass Obamacare without actually voting for it. Under the "Slaughter Solution,' reluctant Democrats can vote for a rule change that disallows debate and deems the bill passed. Members then will tell voters they only voted for the rule change and not to pass Obamacare itself. [119]

Virginia's General Assembly has become the first in the nation to deny federal implementation of a national healthcare mandate. Governor Bob McDonnell indicated that he plans to sign the legislation. Thirty-four other state legislatures have either filed or proposed similar measures. Hey Democrats, Obama's remake of healthcare is doomed to fail. [120]



Obama's and the Democratic leadership’s stubborn determination to ram their socialistic health care plan down America's throat shows they remain tone-deaf and that they underestimate the Tea Party movement. Speaker Pelosi can take this as a warning: The Tea Party movement continues to prove that “We the People” are steadfast and will work tirelessly to defeat those who thwart the people's will. Rep. John Larson of Connecticut, the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House and the Democratic Caucus chairman voiced confidence Monday that his side has the votes necessary to pass the health care reform bill, and may do so as early as this week. [121]

Lunatics Running Rampant In Arizona. The national Alliance Defense Fund says a town code that bars religious assemblies in private homes in the Arizona community of Gilbert is unconstitutional. The Oasis of Truth church began meeting at Pastor Joe Sutherland's house in November and rotated homes several times a week for Bible study and fellowship. A Gilbert code compliance officer hit the church with a violation notice after seeing a sign near a road advertising a Sunday service. A zoning administrator told the church that Bible studies, church leadership meetings and fellowship activities are not permitted in private homes! [122]

The world's largest convention of atheists ever -- the 2010 Global Atheist Convention -- had a grand total of only 2500 people (CPAC had 10,000). The atheists' jokes were remarkably crude and offensive. [123] One observer saw why "a 2006 study in the US ... revealed atheists to be the nation's most distrusted minority ...." [124] The atheist leaders turned down a debate offer to debate Creation Ministries International because they know from past experience that creationists win the vast majority of creation vs. evolution debates.[125][126]


Manipulation, Payoffs and Lies -- The Democrats' Endgame On Obamacare. This week will reveal the harsh reality of corruption in the Democratic leadership. All of the Democrat’s lip service on “change you can believe in” (Obama) and “cleaning up the swamp” (Pelosi) will be exposed as hollow and untrue. Speaker Pelosi is using the House Rules Committee to draft a new rule that would make it possible to pass Obamacare without an actual vote! [127]

"A March 9 commentary submitted to Huffington Post by former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura was removed after publication by the site. ... 'I can't believe the Huffington Post today will practice censorship. I've got news for them ... I won't ever write for em again,'" Ventura said in response. [128] Oh, how liberals love to censor ideas, prayer, and the Bible!

"Google is 99.9 per cent certain that it must shut down its Chinese search engine. The company's talks with China over censorship apparently have broken down with neither side having given any ground." [129]

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U.S. Senate Candidate Carly Fiorina scores points against Senator Boxer. Fiorina appealed to activists by delivering a blistering attack on incumbent Democrat Barbara Boxer and the Democratic leadership in Washington. “It is not Washington that is broken. It is the detached and arrogant leadership in Washington that is broken,” Fiorina said. “It is the destructive elitism that captures Washington that is broken.” [130]

Thousands of college kids are pouring into Mexico for Spring Break. But the weekend was one of the deadliest in the country's recent history, as Americans were caught in the cross-fire of drug violence. Three people with ties to the U.S. Consulate in Juarez, Mexico were gunned down in that violent border city over the weekend. [131]

An informative mini film documentary on socialized medicine was filmed in Canada: ObamaCare Yay Or Nay? The Truth About Canada!

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Israeli Envoy: U.S. Ties in 'Crisis of Historic Proportions'. "Israel's ties with the United States are in their worst crisis since 1975 ... a crisis of historic proportions," the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper quoted Oren as saying to Israeli diplomats in a phone briefing over the weekend. Barack Obama's diplomatic inexperience and clearly pro-Arab sentiments are endangering one of America's closest and longest-lasting international friendships. [132]

Democrats Don't Have the Votes. Heading into a make-or-break week, the House's chief Democratic head-counter admits he hasn't rounded up enough votes to pass the 2,000+ page Obamacare scheme. Congressman James Clyburn, the third-ranking House Democrat and main vote counter. "No, we don't have them as of Sunday morning, but we've been working this thing all weekend." [133]

More Democrat and Obama lunacy concerning their "stimulus" "plan" - Michelle Malkin reports: "ABC News reports that nearly 80 percent of the wind power money in Stimulus I went to…'foreign manufacturers of wind turbines.' That is: China."[134]

The British publication The Telegraph asserts that Obama is pursuing an immature, unrealistic, and reckless economic policy towards China due to the recent exposure of his personal failings. The Telegraph also asserts that Obama should roll up his sleeves and help do the practical work of getting America's financial house in order.[135] If Obama hadn't put the USA in deeper debt with his gigantic "stimulus" plan, perhaps the United States could have more constructively bargained with the Chinese concerning raising their currency value against the dollar (Currently, the Chinese hold much of America's government debt).[136]

China is taking a tougher stance concerning trade relations with the United States. The Korea Herald reports concerning a China-US trade dispute: "Although the United States has experienced a sporadic rivalry in the trade sector with other trade rivals such as the European Union and Japan, none of them has dared to invite the United States into a caged ring for a bare-knuckle duel."[137] Perhaps, the Chinese concur with the Christian Science Monitor who recently questioned whether Obama is tough enough to help America break down foreign trade barriers (which would create more American jobs).[138]

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn expresses doubt that ObamaCare vote will happen by Thursday and predicts Democrat lawmakers might have to stay in Washington right up to Easter Sunday which falls on April 4, 2010. [139] If the Democrats do not pass ObamaCare by the Easter Recess on March 26, 2010, the Tea Party Movement and others are expected to cause raucus townhall meetings over the Easter recess. [140] The Tea Party Movement is expected to fight tooth and nail concerning the ObamaCare legislation which is disliked by the majority of Americans.[141] It appears more and more as if ObamaCare will be Obama's Waterloo.VIDEO

Social Security to Start Cashing Uncle Sam's IOUs : For more than two decades, Social Security collected more money in payroll taxes than it paid out in benefits — billions more each year. Not Anymore. Too bad the federal government already spent that money over the years on other programs, preferring to borrow from Social Security rather than foreign creditors. In return, the Treasury Department issued a stack of IOUs — in the form of Treasury bonds....$2.5 trillion in all, which Social Security will now start cashing in...making the Treasury Department again borrow, this time from the same foreign investors they sought to avoid in the first place! [142]

If ObamaCare does not pass, President Obama may lose one of his key constituencies - the liberal elitists in American academia. The New York Times recently published concerning ObamaCare: "'If they pass nothing, their base — the college professors, the African-Americans, all the surge voters who put them there, they just walk,' Mr. Davis said. 'You don’t want to think about it.'"[143]

The leading trend forecaster Gerald Celente has released his top trends of 2010 predictions.[144]

The Christian Science Monitor questions whether Obama is tough enough to help America break down foreign trade barriers which would create more American jobs.[145]

Recent polling indicates that French President Nicolas Sarkozy may face a tough slog as far as weening France from its debt choked welfare state model.[146]

Barack Obama's diplomacy skills are substandard and members of the British government are displeased and some citizens of the British public are displeased.[147]

The Gallup poll approval rating of President Barack Obama has hit a record low of 46 percent. The British publication The Telegraph reports that his low job approval rating is due to Democratic supporter doubts about his ability to pass his health care agenda, while independents and Republicans consider ObamaCare to be an expensive government venture.[148]

An overwhelming majority of Americans (81%) continue to believe that people learn more practical skills through life experiences and work after college rather than in college. Men value skills learned in college slightly more than women. Older Americans tend to have a higher opinion of life experiences than do those who are younger. Still, 60% of all adults believe that every American should attend a post-secondary school institution, whether it be college or some kind of vocational school. The Internet is quickly supplanting our traditional education paradigm due to liberal bias and liberal elitism. [149]

Liberals may lose one of their "safest" U.S. Senate seats, in Wisconsin: "A new poll shows Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) trailing former Gov. Tommy Thompson (R) by 12 points, 51-39." [150]

David Axelrod reiterates Obama's criticism of the Supreme Court for expanding free speech in elections: "It's going to further reduce the voice of the American people [??!!], and it's something we have to push back vigorously on." [151]
Translation: the liberal media cannot boost liberal candidates like Obama as much now that corporations can speak out against them in elections.

White House calls Israeli action "an insult"

Israel's announcement of plans to build 1,600 settler homes in east Jerusalem was not only an "insult" to the United States but "destructive" of the Middle East peace process, a top White House official said Sunday... His comments came after Netanyahu, who has expressed regret over the timing of the announcement, sought to calm down what many in Israel see as the worst crisis in US-Israeli relations in two decades. [152]

HELP WANTED: Experienced workers needed, excellent pay and benefits, White House social position; professional scapegoats especially welcome: [153]

The Tea Party Movement is rallying their troops to defeat ObamaCare and urging Americans to contact key legislators this week. [154]

The left-wing version of the TEA Party turned out to be a dud [155]. Note to the libs: more and more Americans don't like your ideas...or your coffee!

A mini-documentary produced by the Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation explains why Obama's stimulus plan is NOT working and why stimulus plans do not work. VIDEO

Daylight Saving Time: Americans to Lose 1 Hour of Sleep Tonight. Officially the change to daylight saving time occurs at 2 a.m. Sunday, local time, though most folks set their clocks and watches ahead an hour before going to bed on Saturday. In areas that observe the change, clocks fall back when standard time returns November 7th. [156]

Now the backstabbing begins. In the hunt for a fall guy to blame the President's woes on, White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers is the first of the Chicago clique to go, spelling the end of a decades long personal relationship with Obama. Who'll be next, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Robert Gibbs, or Rahm Emanuel? [157]

Democratic leaders announce: the health care bill is not going to include safeguards against funding abortion. "We don't want to go without (the pro-life members') votes, but we do want to forge ahead ...." [158]

Planned Parenthood: racially-motivated. They have targeted minority neighborhoods: [159]

By a landslide 10-5 vote, "Texas education board backs conservative curriculum." It tosses out liberal lies like overuse of the word "democratic" when we are in fact a Republic and myths about America being founded on "freedom from religion". Negative references to the "free market" are being sent to the trash heap. [160]

The Vision Victory channel deflates the mainstream press rosy economic propaganda. Please watch the short video The Truth, Retail Sales, State Refunds, and Progressive Craziness. Oh, and happy FDIC Friday.

Are there cracks beginning to appear in African American support for Barack Obama? A Chicago Sun Times columnist speculates that Obama could face a black challenger in the 2012 Democratic Party primary. [161] It appears as if the political honeymoon is over for Obama and now some people within the African American community are swinging their political rolling pins. In December of 2009, the publication Black Voices had an article entitled, Obama's Black Support Eroding? [162]

Gerald Celente predicts that the Obama administration will do little to punish U.S. financial "criminals" as a new allegation of financial wrongdoings is uncovered. VIDEO Wall Street firms and banks were among Obama's biggest campaign supporters in his 2008 presidential campaign. [163]

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Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chief of Staff (who apparently trained as a ballet dancer in his past), is currently lying low after publicly humiliating President Obama. [164] VIDEO

President Obama has delayed his travel plans in order to try to push his health care plan through. VIDEO No problem. Obama will just do a lot of apologetic bowing for the delay when he does eventually meet the foreign heads of state. [165] VIDEO VIDEO

"Dem Rep. Gutierrez Confirms Plans To Vote 'No' On Senate Health Care Bill" [166] He voted "yes" before and is not one of Bart Stupak's pro-life allies, so that's a big loss for Pelosi/Obama. Democrat Michael Arcuri is another congressman who voted "yes" last time and who opposed the Stupak Amendment, but indicates he'll likely vote "no" this time. [167]

Congressional Favorability Ratings Negatives for Pelosi, Reid, Boehner Hit Record Highs. Nancy Pelosi remains the most unpopular congressional leader, now viewed unfavorably by 64% of voters. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is now viewed at least somewhat unfavorably by 56% of voters. That’s up 14 points from a year ago, and House Minority Leader John Boehner is now viewed unfavorably by 41% of voters, tying his highest unfavorable rating reached last September. [168]

Glenn Beck looks at the the 9.12 Project one year later (Glenn Beck's 9.12 project was designed to help ordinary Americans change the course of the nation). VIDEO

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The pro-life Democrat leading the charge in the House against passage of the Obamacare bill, Bart Stupak said today that a key committee chairman (Henry Waxman) told him that Democrats want abortions to be paid by a federally-funded nationalized health insurance system. Stupak described what he said was a conversation with Waxman about the Senate's version of Obamacare. "I gave him the language. He came back a little while later and said, "But we want to pay for abortions." I said, 'Mr. Chairman, that's -- we disagree. We don't do it now, we're not going to start.' "But we think we should," Stupak said Waxman told him. [169]

The Google search "Obama and evil" has an ASTOUNDING 41,000,000 plus search results! [170] It appears as if some people think Obama is not working for the common good of all Americans and for the common good of mankind! Perhaps, the idea to have the mass murderer Mao Zedong and a transvestite decorating the White House Christmas tree was a bad idea. [171]

The Wall Street Journal declared a few hours ago that Speaker Nancy Pelosi's treasure hunt for ObamaCare votes isn't going well. [172] Could it be that Obama's only first year "achievements" were bailing out irresponsible fat cat Wall Street firms and passing a pork laden "stimulus" package that failed to keep U.S. unemployment down and greatly added to the U.S. government fiscal deficit?

"Half of schools in US district closed: Drastic school closures in Kansas City, Missouri leave 700 staff facing job losses." [173] Notice how liberals' first complaint is about the loss in union jobs, rather than the impact on students? Actually, the students may end up better off, because less than a quarter of the students in 75% of these schools achieve basic educational standards.

The dissenting opinion in the 2-1 victory for "under God" in the Pledge criticized Sarah Palin and implied that she is an "individual[] not familiar with our political history." But in fact it was George Washington who coined the phrase, just as Palin implied. [174]

Ronald Reagan's speech of 1964 is just as fresh and powerful now as it was then: [175]

The Google search "Obama and incompetent" has 900,000 search results. [176] It appears as if the "Obama is the chosen one" paradigm is wearing mighty thin.

Richard Dawkins mocks the good news of Christianity and shows how little he understands of the true nature of sin and of the infinite holiness of God. [177]

New York State may be sucked into a black hole of fiscal liberalism. The Times Union reports that financially speaking New York State is on borrowed time. [178] Disgusted citizens are leaving New York State in droves. New York State lost 8% of its population in approximately a decade. [179]

NASA is supposed to be run by intelligent people, but in their little world of Global warming, even they admit that their own numbers were inferior to the bad stuff that came out of CRU at East Anglia University. [180]

  • This is not the first time NASA managers have "fooled themselves into thinking they had such understanding and confidence"; remember the Challenger Disaster, and the NASA assertion that, "the probability of mission success is necessarily very close to 1.0." [181]

Obama's Justice Department shut down the FBI's attempt to investigate ACORN. Records uncovered by Judicial Watch show that the FBI and Department of Justice opened an investigation. However, the Obama Justice Department closed down the investigation in March 2009, claiming ACORN broke no laws. [182] [183]

Major Aftershock Jolts Chile

At least three major aftershocks rocked central Chile on Thursday, striking minutes before its president-elect was sworn into office to take charge of a country still reeling from a devastating earthquake nearly two weeks ago. [184]

Hollywood values are even worse than thought: The best friend of the late Corey Haim says he overdosed "many times," and Haim "was fired from a movie in late 2008 because of an alleged drug issue -- a movie that also starred recently deceased actor Andrew Koenig." [185] [186]

New American releases articles on the financial lunacy of ObamaCare. [187]

"Senate Health Care Bill Dead on Arrival, Pro-Life House Democrats Say. ... [S]even anti-abortion Democrats intend to join the ranks of lawmakers who plan to vote against the legislation," led by Bart Stupak. [188]

The financial website Wall Street Pit reports: "Charles Calomiris, a Columbia University economist who was the first to predict Argentina’s sovereign debt crisis, talks in this Bloomberg interview about the possible repercussions that the Greek crisis could have for the eurozone, and the risk of contagion for other European nations. According to Mr. Calomiris, the real concern right now should be on Italy." [189] Professor Calomiris declares: “Italy is the country that is most like Greece in this current situation. Highest Debt to GDP ratio, not as high deficits so with smaller changes they can stop the problem. They also, however are very corrupt. They are second to Greece in the level of corruption within the Eurozone.” [190]

It Seems Barack Obama Is An Also-Ran. Obama does not compare favorably as a community organizer or as a party leader when matched against liberal-progressive party leaders in Nazi Germany. [191]

The life of a child in the womb is boldly moving in the pro-life direction. Abortionists' lament that their ranks are diminishing across the country and that the political tide is against them. By a 2-1 margin, governors and state legislatures are leaning pro-life. 87% of counties in the United States have no abortion provider. Anti-abortion measures are enacted by the courts more than pro-abortion measures are. [192]

What's Arabic For 'You're No Atticus Finch'? Ann Coulter wants to know.

  • "We only hear paeans to the "American tradition of zealous representation of unpopular clients" when it's being used to defend causes popular with liberals." [193]

Obamacare Bill Dead on Arrival, Pro Life House Democrats Say. Fox News confirms seven House Democrats who supported Obamacare last year will oppose Senate bill because it lifts ban on federal funding for abortions. [194]

Democrats hold a 38-vote advantage in the House, but already 24 Democrats are listed as being against the health care bill, with 80 (including likely "nos" such Bart Stupak) listed as undecided. The "Whip Count" tracking


Liberal deceit Illustrated: No Offshore Drilling While Barack Hussein Obama Is In Office.
The Interior Secretary quietly told reporters last Friday that the Obama Administration's six month ban on off-shore drilling has been extended to three years. Which means that no new oil and gas leases will be approved during President Obama’s term even though two–thirds of the American public supports more drilling in U.S. waters, according to a December 2009 Rasmussen poll. Liberals can always be counted on saying one thing, as Obama did publicly, then doing the opposite secretly. In this case helping out Muslim countries that sell us oil. [195]

And now the House Democrats line up at the instruction of their blind commanders for a final charge into glory as they battle to foist Obamacare on a country that neither wants it nor can afford it. The charge may or may not reach its objective. But one thing is certain: The carnage among those who vote for Obamacare will be reminiscent of the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War. As a French military leader who witnessed the spectacle said, "C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre" (It's magnificent, but it's not war). The sight of so many Democrats throwing away their political careers may be arresting, but it is not politics. [196]

Media Critic and Author and Newser website founder Michael Wolff on the New York Times' Owners, The Sulzberger's: "Just the stupidest people who have ever walked the earth. They are not just hopeless, but hapless. The people who run (The New York Times Company) are ill-equipped to do it." [197]

Like liberal Cindy Sheehan, the mother of Rachel Corrie responds: Cindy Corrie Adds Voice to Call to Action Video: [198]. Let's not forget the thousands of Israeli "Rachels" who also lost their lives in this horrific and ongoing jihad against the Jews: [199]

"Why Obama Can't Move the Health-Care Numbers: For every voter who strongly favors the plan, two are strongly opposed." [200]


In A Stunning Public Rebuke To Barack Obama and Congress, Chief Justice John Roberts Said: Scene at State of the Union Was "Very Troubling"

The Chief Justice said Tuesday the scene at President Obama's first State of the Union address was "very troubling" and that the annual speech to Congress has "degenerated into a political pep rally." Responding to a University of Alabama law student's question about the Senate's method of confirming justices, Roberts said senators improperly try to make political points by asking questions they know nominees can't answer because of judicial ethics rules. "I think the process is broken down," he said.

Obama chided the court for its campaign finance decision during the January address, with six of the court's nine justices seated before him in their black robes. Roberts said he wonders whether justices should attend the address at all. [201]

Hollywood values kill again: Corey Haim, 38, star of The Lost Boys, Lucas, Murphy's Romance, and License to Drive, was found dead at 2:15am this morning. [202] Any doubt about the cause of death?

Conservapedia's atheism article now ranks #3 at Google China for the search "atheism". [203]

The Wall Street Journal recently did an excellent article on the growth of Christianity in South Korea. [204]

Once again, economic conservatism is tried and triumphant! A recent map of U.S. unemployment rates shows the conservative states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Utah having extremely low unemployment figures. [205] In 2009, South Korea, a conservative country with many Christians, had an unemployment rate of 3.2% in 2009. [206] Liberals looking for work? Move to a conservative state that practices conservative economics and don't forget to dump your liberalism at your state line - especially your Keynesian economics!

New American poll shows Democrats losing ground on national security in terms of how America views their competence in this area. [207]

The Washington Post comments on how Obama is showing poor leadership as far as how he is attempting to pass ObamaCare. The article charges Obama is overly relying on giving public speeches. [208]

Members of the American business community are about to fire some significant volleys at ObamaCare. [209]

Another example of not-so-tolerant liberals: "The Quebec government says it may use the notwithstanding clause of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to block students from accessing to English public schools" [210]
In other words, many students are prohibited from attending English public schools, and must attend French public schools instead.

Wisconsin town pays $10,000 to settle "a lawsuit filed on behalf of a man arrested for openly carrying a gun." [211] Oh, how liberals hate self-defense and insist on gun control.

The not-so-tolerant liberals are about to ban homeschooling in Sweden except in "extraordinary circumstances." [212] Liberals are tolerant only when you do as they say and worship them as they like.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave a heart-warming speech on the need for healthcare reform by addressing the Conference for National Association of Counties. In a stunning admission of transparency she proclaims, "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it ..." That's the way D.C. will handle healthcare reform, the same exact way the failed stimulus was enacted. [213]

57% of voters say the Obamacare scheme now working its way through Congress will hurt the U.S. economy. Just 25% think the plan will help. Two-out-of-three voters (66%) also believe the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats is likely to increase the federal deficit. Liberals believe these are stupid, ignorant people who don't know what's good for them. [214]

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Kids choose colleges for all sorts of reasons, not the least of which include academics, social life, athletics — but the spirit of Ronald Reagan is giving them another reason: Conservativism! A group will unfurl its latest list of the top conservative colleges in America -- a lineup that covers 14 colleges and universities and includes Thomas More College, Grove City College, College of the Ozarks, Harding University and Hillsdale College. [215]

More liberal censorship: "Publishing powerhouse Elsevier" tells an editor of a medical journal to resign. [216] Guess what, Elsevier: you're not going to censor the internet.

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Stakes High in Texas Textbook War. This week in Texas, the State Board of Education (SBOE) will consider curriculum modifications that could impact millions of students across America. That's because what Texas ultimately decides has great influence among textbook publishers. The Lone Star state is one of their biggest customers in the world, so publishers craft their books to meet Texas standards. Those books are then sold nationwide. While Texas debates whether to include things like Christmas, Paul Revere and the Liberty Bell - some are calling the textbook showdown the newest frontline of the Culture War in the U.S. [217]

Conservative Doug Hoffman announces his bid to retake Congressional NY-23 from liberals. He was only a handful of votes short while "buried on line D" of the ballot last time, and now the Republicans could nominate him rather than a RINO for the "A" line. [218]

Obama "Confuses" Decades, Inflates Estimated Health Care Savings by $868B. Obama boasted Monday that Democrats' "Obamacare" proposals would cut deficits by $1 trillion "over the next decade," a supposed "flub" that inflated the actual estimate by $868 billion. [219]

Moving Closer To World Government: It’s now clear that the Global Warming hysteria is nothing more than a tactic for grabbing political power. The UN, and now the IMF, are acting in behalf of liberal-progressives who would impose the Socialist International as a supervening, worldwide regulator. [220]

Liberals and racism seem to go together: Dan Rather opens his mouth about Barack Obama on Chris Matthews' show, and somehow he's got to include the word "watermelon": [221] [222]

In the closing stretch of the healthcare vote, be aware that Obama will be pushing #8 "Keep the pressure on" and #11 "Pick the target and polarize it" from Alinsky's Rules for Radicals against the health insurance industry. [223] Capitalist insurance companies may raise rates but they don't raise profit margins. Increased healthcare costs are a direct result of excessive tort lawsuits and bureaucratic inefficiencies of government programs such as Medicare and Social Security.

Leftist actor Sean Penn declared that anyone who called Venezuela's Hugo Chavez a dictator should be arrested [224] Note to Penn: Chavez IS a dictator, and we dare you to follow through on your silly threat.

ACORN Workers Charged With Felony Voter Fraud. Two Wisconsin employees accused of submitting multiple applications for single voters — including each other — to meet ACORN quotas for 2008 presidential election. [225]

CBS News has an online poll about our Teleprompter-in-Chief, and 63.63% give Obama an overall grade of "F". [226]

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What a Disaster Looks Like: Obamacare "It is now exactly a year since President Obama unveiled his health care push and his decision to devote his inaugural year to it—his branding year, his first, vivid year. What a disaster it has been. At best it was a waste of history’s time, a struggle that will not in the end yield something big and helpful but will in fact make future progress more difficult. New presidents should never, ever, court any problem that isn’t already banging at the door. They should never summon trouble. Mr. Obama did, boldly, perhaps even madly." [227]

Vladimir Lenin: “Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State.” [228]

Democrat Eric Massa in his final hours before his resignation takes effect, accused the Democrat leadership of forcing him out due to his no vote on healthcare reform. The House leadership has said, "quote-unquote, they will stop at nothing to pass this health care bill. And now they've gotten rid of me, and it will pass. You connect the dots." He said White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is the 'son of the devil's spawn' and would do anything for votes — even pick a fight in the shower. [229] & [230]

Public Schools' New Math: the Four-Day Week -- Obama Pushes to Help Unions -- Too Bad About the Kids! A growing number of school districts across the country are moving to a four-day week, in a shift they hope will help close gaping budget holes and stave off teacher layoffs, but that critics say hurts the students' education. [231]

Howard Dean along with union-funded Healthcare For America Now is organizing a protest against health insurance companies at a D.C. meeting March 9th and is calling for citizens' arrests. [232] Those bad capitalists and their 4% profit margins [233] [234] are killing Obamacare, the Democrats are desperate to blame somebody for Obama's Waterloo.

Socialist healthcare fails another patient. Twenty-two year-old man dies from dehydration. Kane Gorny was so desperate for a drink that he rang police to beg for their help but they were turned away by doctors. Welcome to your future under Obamacare. [235]

The liberal L.A. Times sells its front page for $700,000 to Disney for a silly movie ad. [236] The ad was then followed on page 2 by the usual liberal claptrap.

Obama's first-year failure has led to Rahm Emanuel arranging for his own independent press relations efforts. "Indeed, the civil war between pro-Rahm and anti-Rahm forces has also dragged in the Post [where] columnists were attacking their newspaper for taking too much of a pro-Rahm line in its news stories." [237]

On May 18th, a special election will fill the House seat of the late Democrat John Murtha, and a straw poll by Democrats convening at The Lamplighter Restaurant (!) gives former Murtha staffer Mark Critz the inside track to be the Democratic nominee. [238] But after the liberals failed to hold Kennedy's seat in the liberal state of Massachusetts, it's hard to see how they could even have a chance with this swing district.

The Easter break in the House begins three weeks from now: March 29th. [239] Will atheists object to that also?

A slight modification to Isaac Newton's theory for very low gravity and a new experiment may disprove liberal claims that "dark matter" comprises 25% of the universe. [240]

The New York Times is an advocate of unrestricted access to abortion on demand even though for every two black women that become pregnant, one black child is aborted. [241] However, liberalism of the Times will lament the horrible situation the Bluefin Tuna is experiencing, they call for stronger protections. [242]

"Virginia attorney general to colleges: End gay protections" [243]

Google now shows 366,000 search results for the search Obama and malaise. [244] It appears as if quite a few people are thinking that Barack Obama is Carter 2.0 or soon will be. Commentary on Jimmy Carter's malaise speech is given HERE

Politically correct madness: 17 Democrat Senators ask the FDA to stop discriminating against blood donations from homosexual men. The high-risk behavior of homosexuals is associated with a number of different diseases including AIDS and their blood donations have been banned since 1983. A report from Gay Men's Health Crisis called the lifetime ban punitive, unfair and unnecessary. [245]

Bill Brady, a pro-life conservative from downstate Illinois, is declared winner of the Republican primary for governor. He never spent a dime on Chicago media, and his victory reflects the growing political influence of grassroots pro-lifers.
"Brady has so far been defined in the Chicago media through his opposition to abortion under any circumstances and gay marriage. He also took some heat for sponsoring a bill that supported mass euthanasia of stray dogs." [246]

The Washington establishment acknowledgment of Obama being a first year failure as a president is nearly complete. Et tu, Rahm Emanuel? VIDEO Perhaps, Rahm Emmanuel may not want to take the blame for Obama's first year of failure.

Nevada Senate Race: Two GOP Hopefuls Take Longer Lead on Obama Stooge Harry Reid. Two of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s Republican challengers have again crossed the 50% threshold and now hold double-digit leads in Nevada’s U.S. Senate race. One big hurdle for the incumbent is that most Nevada voters are strongly opposed to the expensive and socialist Obamacare legislation championed by Reid and President Barack Obama. [247]

Barack Obama appears to be in deep political trouble. The Associated Press when describing Barack Obama's efforts to get his health care plans enacted used the word "frantic". [248] Conservapedians are not too sure about this matter, but the last time we checked the terms "frantic" and "presidential" don't mix too well.

Another evolution falsehood uncovered: "Touted as 'the missing link' between humans and early primates, a ... fossil appears to be an ancestor to lemurs instead, a newly released study says." [249] Why are we not surprised?

Conservapedia just created a new encyclopedia entry entitled Barack Obama and United States Unemployment. Conservapedia predicts this new entry is not going to be a favorite Conservapedia article among many liberals!

Obama Draws Fire for Appointing SEIU's Radical leftist, ACORN-connected President to Deficit Panel. President Obama's decision to appoint his close political ally, union leader Andrew Stern, to the newly created National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform has set off a firestorm of criticism from business and conservative groups who charge he is a political radical who should be investigated for failure to register as a lobbyist. [250]

A Kauffman Foundation study found that entrepreneurs will limit hiring in 2010. [251] According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, "Over a recent 15-year period, small businesses created some 65 percent of the net new jobs in the private sector." [252] On February 12, 2010, an American small business owner published a piece critical of President Obama entitled, Dear Mr. President: Why We Are Not Hiring . [253] American businessman William H Watson also wrote a piece critical of President Obama entitled, Why is Small Business Not Hiring? [254]

According to the web traffic tracking firm Alexa, the search "atheism" is a high impact search engine search for Conservapedia. [255] Conservapedia plans on adding some more high impact material to its atheism article in the not too distant future.

Obama's latest liberal trick: he's "running against Washington." "It may seem like a stretch, but it makes political sense for Obama to run against Washington." [256] One little problem: it contradicts Obama's claim he is running Washington. Furthermore, among Obama's top campaign contributors were large American banks whom he subsequently bailed out. [257] Naive and gullible liberals may buy that Obama is running against Washington special interests, but the public at large is not buying it as can be seen by his plunging approval ratings among the U.S. public. [258] [259]

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One Reason Unemployment Remains High: Keynesian macroeconomic models suffer, as do Climategate global-warming models, from human inability to comprehend all relevant factors and to input their unimaginably complex interactions accurately into computer models. The true unemployment rate, including people who have ceased to look for jobs, is somewhere between 16.8% and 19.8% of the full workforce. [260]

Al Gore and the Climategate Gang are still trying to assure you that global warming is still according to them there isn't a ferry that is trapped in ice in the Baltic Sea, and over 1,000 people are not stuck on it: [261]

A Fine Example For A Public Schools Leader - Detroit School Board President Says: "I Can't Write". As if Detroit doesn't have enough problems these days, the president of the city's school board offered the shocking admission that he can't pen a coherent sentence! Perhaps Detroit and especially the 90,000 students the school board president oversees would be better off if parents considered Homeschooling their kids! [262]

States are starting state-owned banks to combat the failed Obama socialism. Both Democrats and Republicans like the successful model in North Dakota, where it has helped produce the lowest unemployment rate in the nation. [263]

Congressional Budget Office: National Deficit to Hit $10 Trillion Over Upcoming Decade. A new congressional report released Friday says the United States' long-term fiscal woes are much worse than predicted by President Barack Obama's budget submission last month. Economists say that deficits of that size are unsustainable and could put upward pressure on interest rates, crowd out private investment in the economy and ultimately erode the nation's standard of living. Welcome to America's grim socialist future, courtesy of the Obama Administration. [264]

Liberal on liberal criticism: Common Cause tells New York Democratic Governor David Paterson to resign now. [265] Paterson already said he's not running for reelection, but apparently that's not good enough for some of his former supporters.

Federal Workers Paid More for Same Work Than Private Sector! Federal employees are earning considerably more than people doing similar work in the private sector, according to an analysis from USA Today. Federal workers earned an average salary of $67,691 in 2008 for jobs that exist both in government and the private sector, according to Department of Labor data. By comparison, the average pay for the same batch of jobs in the private sector was $60,046 in 2008. [266]

Bill Clinton to speak ... again ... at liberal Yale: "Every one of his speeches at Yale have combined his clear affection for his alma mater, his encyclopedic knowledge of global affairs and his boundless optimism," gushed the president of Yale. [267]

Democratic Rep. Eric Massa will resign from Congress on Monday, only days after reports first surfaced that the freshman New York lawmaker was under investigation by the House ethics committee for allegedly sexually harassing a male staffer. [268]

Leading trend forecaster, Gerald Celente, believes the United States bailout bubble may burst in 2010 and a great depression may also occur in 2010. [269] Celente declares the United States merely has an artificial stimulus recovery that is not sustainable and the Federal Reserve cannot print its way to prosperity by recklessly expanding the money supply. [270]

Google is starting to have public relations problems and will need to change their approach to various matters unless they want the public relations problems that Microsoft experienced. [271]

In Kentucky, a bill is pending to encourage teachers to teach "the advantages and disadvantages of scientific theories," which include "evolution, the origins of life, global warming and human cloning." The Liberal NY Times is furious about this.

Out-of-touch, embattled Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid celebrates that "only" 36,000 jobs were lost in the month of February. [272] If angry voters replace Reid, he might start seeing less of the proverbial green shoots that the Obama administration and liberal media like to tout. As trend forecaster Gerald Celente declared, "'Green shoots' may sprout, but they will not flower."

Members of Congress – this time armed with more than 100,000 signatures – renewed their call for top Pentagon officials to drop charges against three Navy SEALs for allegedly mistreating an al Qaeda terrorist suspected of killing four Americans in Iraq. “They should not be court martialed but hailed as heroes for doing their job,” said Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) at an event outside the Capitol. [273]

March 8

Climate Scientists Plan to Hit Back at Critics. Undaunted by the never-ending scandals over the science underpinning Global warming, climate researchers are plotting to respond with what one scientist involved said needs to be "an outlandishly aggressively partisan approach." In private e-mails obtained by The Washington Times, climate scientists at the National Academy of Sciences say they need to fight back in kind. [274]

More bad news for Obama and his liberal media allies. MediaDailyNews reports: "Many Internet-to-TV services/technologies abound -- and more are on the way."[275] reports that "Candidates Find Incumbent Advantage Extends To Web" due to advantages via search engine traffic.[276] Watch political challengers increasing turn to social media websites (Facebook, etc.) to help overcome the incumbents' advantages via the search engines (Warning: it appears as if a liberal may be complaining that social media oversimplifies "complicated issues." Could the "problem" really be that legitimate information pokes holes in the liberal propaganda concerning climate and health care?).[277]

The pro-lifers are going to stop Obamacare and save the nation. ""I don't think they have the votes to pass it," stated pro-life House Democrat Bart Stupak about his own Party's bill. [278] Hug the first pro-lifer you see.

Republican strategist Karl Rove's new book (Courage and Consequence) confirms Obama is a "nasty and condescending hypocrite who plays fast and loose with the facts." [279]

BusinessWeek reports: "The U.S. unemployment rate held at 9.7 percent and payrolls fell less than forecast, indicating the labor market strengthened even as East Coast snowstorms forced some employers to temporarily close. Payrolls dropped 36,000 last month after a revised 26,000 decrease in January, figures from the Labor Department in Washington showed today. Manufacturers added workers for a second straight month... Stocks and the dollar jumped while Treasuries slid as investors reckoned the economy would have added jobs were it not for seasonal snowfall records in cities....The U.S. needs employment growth to sustain a recovery from a recession that has cost 8.4 million jobs since December 2007. 'This is strong evidence that the labor market is moving firmly in a positive direction,' said Richard DeKaser, chief economist at Woodley Park Research in Washington, who had forecast the unemployment rate would stay at 9.7 percent. 'It’s clear that except for the weather effect we would be seeing a very positive payrolls report.'"[280]

What BusinessWeek didn't tell you was that Richard DeKaser, chief economist at Woodley Park Research served as SVP & Chief Economist to National City Corporation from October 1999 to March 2009.[281] In 2008, the Post Gazette reported: "Investors reacted positively today to PNC Financial Services Group's $5.6 billion acquisition of troubled National City Corp., sending shares of the Pittsburgh bank up more than 5 percent. The federally assisted transaction caps months of speculation that Cleveland-based National City's troubled loan portfolio would force it to find a stronger partner. It will make PNC the nation's fifth largest bank and put the U.S. Treasury on the list of PNC shareholders."[282]

Conservapedia is not privy to the economic advice that Mr. DeKaser gave to National City Corporation, but is there really strong evidence that the labor market is firmly moving in a positive direction, and if so, for how long? Conservapedia suggest next time that BusinessWeek uses forecasters that they also use Gerald Celente, a trend forecaster with an excellent track record. Gerald Celente has been very critical of many in the U.S. banking community and has asserted that the Obama stimulus money is just papering over the economic problems of the United States and will ultimately make things worse.VIDEO[283]

Conservapedia made the following predictions and cited the following predictions: Obama would be Carter 2.0; Obama's healthcare agenda would probably be his Waterloo; in August 2009 Conservapedia cited a source stating that gold was a good investment; and early in February of 2010, Conservapedia cited an expert who declared that gold prices would be volatile and hard to predict.

Take a look at a recent gold chart and notice the very large increase in the price of gold since August of 2009. And please notice that from early February of 2010 until present gold prices have been very volatile.

The liberal British publication The Independent recently made the following observation: "If healthcare reform goes down in flames, Obama's authority and prestige will take a colossal hit, among the general public and his own Democrats. He will be perceived as weak. Republicans will be emboldened to block other key initiatives like financial market regulation and climate change legislation."[284] It doesn't appear as if the ObamaCare legislation is going to pass which will likely transform Obama into a Carter 2.0 [285][286][287] In July of 2009, President Obama reportedly indicated to a Democrat Congressman that if ObamaCare did not pass it would destroy his presidency.[288]

Hey liberals, don't say Conservapedia didn't tell you the Obama political train wreck was likely going to happen. And liberals, by the way, you might wish to pay attention to the various financial experts that Conservapedia cites instead of listening to the liberal Pollyanna economists who failed to predict the current recession.

Liberals, welcome to Conservapedia!

The Washington Examiner reports: "It was Pickett's Charge of the Confederates at Gettysburg in 1863, a horrendous, bloody carnage that could have been avoided, had not their commander, Gen. Robert E. Lee, been so determined to do it his way -- a massed frontal assault against a nearly impregnable position. It is to just such a political Pickett's Charge that President Obama now summons congressional Democrats on behalf of his health care reform proposal, a last desperate gamble to overcome a sturdy, strengthening line of Republican opposition reinforced beyond measure in recent months by the knowledge they stand with a solid majority of their countrymen."[289]

The Democratic party is dropping the ball on various matters because the party has ObamaCare derangement syndrome.

Liberal media bias at work again, as it conceals and downplays how the recent earthquake in Chile changed the Earth's rotation, shortened our days, and alters the climate. [290] Why the liberal denial? Because it detracts from claims that government should try to control the climate by reducing energy.

Liberals race the clock to pass Obamacare while Tea Partiers plan new wave of town hall protests against the scheme, for the Easter recess -- the same kind of gatherings that nearly derailed the package last August and thwarted the will of "The One". This time deceitful liberals are scared, wanting nothing to do with explaining their support of it! [291]

Another rat jumps ship; Coming off the heels of Scott Brown's upset victory, Rep. William Delahunt (D-Massachusetts) announces he will not seek reelection. [292]

Two police officers shot at Pentagon entrance Suspect walked up to the main entrance and opened fire, hitting two Pentagon Force Protection Agency police officers. Chris Layman, a spokesman for the Pentagon, said the suspect walked up to the main entrance of the Pentagon at 6:40 p.m. and opened fire. He hit two officers, both of whom have injuries that are not life-threatening. The officers fired back, and the suspect was hit. He died a short time later. [293]

Greece should consider selling some of its uninhabited islands to raise cash for the debt-ridden nation, two German politicians have suggested. [294]

MSNBC reports Obama's efforts to resuscitate healthcare reform is a huge political gamble: "if he can't get this done, it will diminish his presidency as it will send a signal he can't lead his own party." [295]

Legislation by Patriots John McCain and Joe Lieberman aims to force enemy combatants' cases into military commissions instead of clogging the Federal Courts. The bill lays out "comprehensive policy for the detention, interrogation and trial of suspected unprivileged enemy belligerents who are believed to have engaged in hostilities against the United States by requiring these individuals to be held in military custody, interrogated for their intelligence value and not provided with a Miranda warning." [296]

According to the New York Times no one -- no one at all -- is opposed to the so-called "Gay Marriage Law" that went into effect Wednesday in Washington, D.C.. That kind of deceit is what passes for fact at the liberal and atheist Times and Lamestream Media. [297]

Statism Going Nuts: British Put Children on 'Hate Register' for Playground Taunts. British schools are creating ‘hate registers’ to monitor boys and girls who might be accused of what used to be called schoolyard banter but is now considered “homophobic.” And the British government could soon make such lists mandatory. As many as 40,000 children have had racist charges added to their school records. [298]

Easter is one month away. Strengthen your faith and be open to the Good News.

CONGRESSMEN SAY STOP THE INSANITY!! Two GOP lawmakers call for charges to be dropped against three Navy SEALs who captured Al Qaeda suspect believed to be behind the mutilation of four Blackwater contractors — and allegedly gave him a bloody lip! Liberals hate standing up to terrorists and are taking it out on these brave men. [299]

Iranians in America Report Steady Stream of Death Threats. Exiled Iranian dissidents, human rights campaigners and Iranian-American advocacy groups are fearing for their lives as they receive what they say are ongoing death threats from Iranian intelligence agents and regime sympathizers working in the United States. Former CIA agent Robert Baer, who maintains contact with Iranian opposition groups, said Iranians living in America have reason to be afraid. [300]

Blue Dog Democrat Pack Threatens to Bail on Obamacare Over Abortion Language. Blue Dog Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak said Thursday he's counted 11 lawmakers willing to kill President Obama's health care take-over because of abortion language. [301]

Starbucks Stores Land in Gun Control Crossfire: Starbucks defended its long-standing policy of complying with state open-carry weapons laws, in part by stating that its baristas, or "partners," could be harmed if the stores were to ban guns. The chain said that in the 43 states where open carry is legal, it has about 4,970 company-operated stores. Liberal gun-control advocates have been pushing to quash the rights of citizens, including petitioning the Starbucks coffee chain to ban guns on its premises. [302]

Liberal lunacy strikes again. A 12 year old New York girl was arrested and taken away in handcuffs for writing on her public school desk in erasable marker: “I love my friends Abby and Faith, Lex was here. 2/1/10″. In addition, she put a smiley face next to her words! Of course, subsequently New York taxpayers paid for her to be kept in jail for hours![303] So far, no additional charges have been leveled against her due to the smiley face she added next to her words. Liberal New Yorkers have yet to determine how many jobs were created or saved due to the arrest, but Obama and the teacher unions are looking to see if arrests like these can be duplicated across the country in order to create full employment.

Thar she blows! The British publication The TimesOnline declares: "When Barack Obama took office last year he was compared to Superman, even joking at a dinner that he had been “born on Krypton and sent here ... to save the planet Earth”. Last January he appeared on the cover of Spider-Man. Now, with his legislative agenda in tatters, the president has moved from comic-strip hero to comparisons to one of the great flawed figures of American literature. Ten days ago Charlie Cook, a leading election analyst, compared Obama and his battle to push through healthcare reform to Captain Ahab and his suicidal hunt for the great white whale. Despite poll after poll showing that Americans’ main priority is jobs, the president has focused on reforming the US healthcare system and extending coverage to the 40 million citizens with no insurance."[304]

Even the liberal CBS news concedes that the reconciliation process could spark a Senate legislative logjam and chaos through Republicans offering a multitude of onerous ammendments.[305] Concerning legislative logjams, conservative George Will recently quipped that the American liberal media only declares that the Unites States political system is broken when the left is having difficulty passing its agenda.[306] Between Republican and Tea Party Movement opposition, after all is said and done, it appears as if Obama's health care plan could still be his Waterloo, which political consultant Dick Morris predicted.VIDEO

Ex-Palestinian Spy Talks About Evils of Islam, Hamas' Brutalities. Calls Islam a Terrorist Religion. In his memoir, Mosab Hassan Yousef,, the 32-year-old son of a Hamas founder, claims he was one of the Shin Bet security agency's best assets and was dubbed The Green Prince, a reference to his Hamas pedigree and the Islamists' signature green color. not a religion of peace," said Yousef, who converted to Christianity. "The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. [307]

Did you know that nothing prevents American foreign policy from endorsing a particular religion? The Associated Baptist Press repeats the liberal falsehood that the Constitution requires a separation of church and state but concedes that a new expert report says the Establishment Clause does not apply to foreign policy. [308]

The Miami Herald just released an article on how the legislative process of "reconciliation" is done (reconciliation is the controversial legislative process that Democrats wish to use to pass their health care agenda).[309] Expect the Republicans to offer many amendments as a delaying tactic while they stir up even greater public opposition to Obama's health care agenda. Expect the Tea Party Movement to put greater pressure on Washington politicians regarding health care like they did in the summer of 2009.

Democrats have decided to plow forward with their plan to push through Obama's health care plan via the process of reconciliation.[310] A political commentator believes the Democrats are committing political kamikaze in the short term and are betting that Republicans will not have the intestinal fortitude to largely repeal any health care legislation the Democrats might pass if a great number Republicans are ushered into office due to political backlash.[311] Craig Volden, a professor of political science at Ohio State University, recently declared to CNN, "It's not clear what bill would pass the House that would also get 50 votes in the Senate, even if they went with reconciliation."[312]

Freshman Democrat Eric Massa, under an ethics investigation, announces early retirement. [313]

A National Public Radio guest mentioned Conservapedia: "It seems to me that the Web is a wild, wild, west in terms of the convey[ing] of information ... is it always going to be Conservapedia versus Wikipedia in terms of what the truth is?" [314]
Answer: Liberal sources lose credibility over time; not even liberals like being lied to. Nobody remembers the leading liberals of yesteryear, and Wikipedia is headed for the same destiny.

No matter that the American people don't want his Obamacare, President Obama has urged Congress to ignore the people and push his plan through. Obamageddon at the polls in November is now a near certainty as Americans want no part of socialism. [315]

The Canadian Revenue Agency has revoked the charitable status of a Calgary church for their opposition to abortion and homosexuality. In America, liberals want the same for our churches. [316]

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-New York) announced Wednesday morning he will temporarily give up his chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee in wake of a House ethics committee inquiry into corporate funded trips to the Caribbean.[317]

The liberal media buries news of the greater-than-predicted landslide victory by conservative Rick Perry in Texas, with record-breaking turnout. Good luck trying to find the results on the internet -- most liberal sites won't post them. At least this story says Perry led 51-31%, but it must be read carefully to find it.

Losing by a landslide, pro-choice Kay Bailey Hutchison concedes the Texas GOP gubernatorial primary to pro-life Governor Rick Perry! [318]

Even when caught up in their lies, they don't know when to quit! The blizzard of lies from Al Gore [319] complement the admitted hiding of data from the Climategate gang: [320]

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The Supreme Court appears poised to issue a ruling that will expand to the states the high court's historic 2008 ruling that individuals have a federally protected right to keep and bear arms. If so, the decision would mark another hallmark victory for gun rights advocates and likely strike down Chicago's handgun ban that is similar to the Washington, D.C. law already invalidated by the justices. [321]

Shocker: Space for Black Pro-Lifers in New York Times. Predictable: Lies and Distortions used to refute them. The Times gave front-page space to the black "abortion foes" and their "conspiracy theories" on a higher black abortion rate, but reporter Shaila Dewan deployed Eugenics "scholars" (on the Planned Parenthood board!) to rebut their arguments. [322]

The archaic, error-prone, mistake-filled system installed during the administration of President Benjamin Harrison - 120 years ago - IS STILL USED to get those error-prone, mistake-filled readings in the error-prone, mistake-filled "science" of global warming [323]. And they say they're smarter than us?

The socialist healthcare system of Canada continues on a steady decline. Ottawa Hospital plans to eliminate 189 nursing positions, further degrading quality of care. [324]

For the first time since the Great Depression, Americans took more aid from the government than they paid in taxes. Job-related income fell by a record $206 billion, the amount of taxes that individual Americans paid plummeted by $325 billion, $256 billion in private wages were lost. Combined, income of U.S. households have plunged by $723 billion while unemployment checks and Social Security ballooned by $231 billion to $2.1 trillion. Hope and Change is sounding quite hollow. [325]

Horrible public schools.jpg

Imagine getting a full salary and benefits for doing absolutely nothing. If you’re a public school teacher in the United States, you can – you just have to be accused of a crime!
States all over the country dole out millions of taxpayer dollars every year to teachers who aren't even permitted to set foot in a classroom. Here are some who, thanks to the backing of strong unions and tenure, managed to stay on the school payroll even after confessing -- or being convicted of -- some of the worst offenses imaginable. [326]

Kansas Governors Race: Pro-life Sam Brownback 55%, Tom Holland 33%. U.S. Senator Sam Brownback holds a commanding 22-point lead over his likeliest Democratic opponent, state Senator Tom Holland, in this year’s race for governor of Kansas. [327]

Al Gore's Latest Global Warming Whopper: "Al Gore's defense of global-warming hysteria in Sunday's New York Times has many flaws, but I'll focus on just one whopper -- where the "Inconvenient Truth" flim-flam man states the opposite of scientific fact." [328]

The polls predict that conservative Rick Perry is on track to defeat the RINO Kay Bailey Hutchison in a landslide today in the Republican primary for Texas governor. [329] Liberals once thought Hutchison, an incumbent U.S. Senator, could beat Perry.

The national Election Day is in exactly 8 months, and "'it's very hard to come up with a scenario where Democrats don't lose the House.'" So why does Obama seem fine with losing the House? It's self-interest: it may be the only way he would have a chance at re-election in 2012.[330]



Obama's and the Democratic leadership’s stubborn determination to ram their health care plan down America's throat shows they remain tone-deaf and that they underestimate the Tea Party movement. Speaker Pelosi can take this as a warning: The Tea Party movement continues to prove that “We the People” are steadfast and will remain vigilant in defeating public policies that endanger our liberty.[331]

Obama's Janet Napolitano: People From Countries Tied to Terrorism Could ‘Potentially’ Enter The U.S. --- Reports Show Thousands Already Have! [332]


Al Gore Feels the Heat, Comes In From the Cold, writing an Op-Ed piece for the New York Times just two days after noted the former vice president's seeming unwillingness to comment on the Climate-gate scandal. Gore didn't really address the fraud rampant in the Global Warming Scam community, but instead sought to protect his multi-million dollar income-producing Ponzi scheme. [333]

Thanks, President Obama! Al Qaeda's terror network in North Africa is growing more active and attracting new recruits, threatening to further destabilize the continent's already vulnerable Sahara region, according to U.S. defense and counter-terrorism officials. [334]

Liberal double standard at work: "A 16-year-old boy from Racine was recently sent to the principal's office for carrying his Bible." At Park High School, "an assistant principal told him to keep religion discussions out of school." [335] It wouldn't have been a problem if the student had carried a liberal book.

The city of Detroit is in financial ruins yet the public sector unions don't really care. The unions are avoiding negotiations, costing the city over $500,000 per month. This has prompted Detroit Mayor Dave Bing to criticize the foot-dragging by saying, "Either they can't read, they can't add or they can't comprehend." [336]

Liberal lies cause deaths: "parents said they feared the effects of global warming in a suicide note discovered by police," killing themselves and their young son. Their baby daughter survives with a bullet in her chest. [337] Anyone think Al Gore will apologize or return the nearly $100 million he's made?

Conservative Senator Jim Bunning, a Hall of Fame pitcher who threw two no-hitters, struck out 99 senators and the liberal media in their attempt to give away $10 billion in the unemployment bill extension without finding a way to pay for it. [338]

Atheist Richard Dawkins has lost "faith" with his community: they're hopping mad that he's censoring the contents of his website. Is it bias, is it the foul language of "freethinkers", or is there just no honor among atheists? [339]

More liberal deceit: Obama has a smoking problem despite his smoke-free image and his repeated denials. "Last June, the president said, 'Am I a daily smoker? No. Am I a constant smoker? No.'" But now his doctor says that he should "continue smoking cessation efforts" and the report explains that he is on "nicotine replacement therapy."[340]
Why can't liberals just tell the truth for a change?


Nation of Islam "Minister" Louis Farrakhan claims the "white right" is trying to make Barack Hussein Obama a one-term president. The spry 76-year-old merchant of hate says the stalling of health care legislation is proof. Farrakhan is addressing followers of the Chicago-based movement that has embraced black nationalism since its founding. Sunday's keynote speech is before an estimated 20,000 people. During the hours-long speech, Farrakhan boasted of being bigger than the Prophet. [341]

Silly Nancy Pelosi: Lawmakers Should Sacrifice Their Jobs for Health Care. No worries, Madame Speaker! If they vote for it, they will. [342]

Conservative Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper attends the Canada-U.S. hockey finale, where Obama was a no-show. With Harper's skaters playing their best, Canadian pride is restored with a thrilling 3-2 overtime victory already considered one of the best games ever.
Congratulations to our northern neighbors!!! [343]

Only 8 months from Election Day, Conservative "Toomey led Specter 44 percent to 34 percent ..." in the latest poll. "Tea Party movement has broad support," the poll also found.[344]

"Sen. Barbara Boxer, D. - Fantasyland ... In the real world, Boxer is known as a far-left Democrat who has had her share of YouTube moments. ... Her environmental committee has been hemorrhaging key staff and she has failed to produce an energy bill that can pass the Senate."[345]

New film suggests that the current financial collapse has its roots with the hippies of Woodstock: [346]

Conservative Republican Pete Hoekstra takes the lead in the Michigan primary for Governor. Meanwhile, President Obama's job approval rating is only 45% in this Democratic stronghold, with 54% holding a negative view of his job performance.[347]

Newt Gingrich abandons conservative principles by calling for a Con Con that could rewrite the Constitution. [348]

Read About The "Green Jobs" Liberal Deceit: The facts challenge the prevailing thinking among some policymakers and officials that green jobs are a principal reason for transforming the economy. For the purpose of creating jobs a "clean-energy economy" will not offer a panacea, contrary to the lies of the Obama Administration. [349]

Glenn Beck has an interview with three authors who summarize Beck's thoughts on how to thrive in the unpredictable and difficult times that are expected ahead. VIDEO None of the authors recommend depending on big government to solve most of our problems!

Investor's Business Daily is the latest to expose Al Gore's "lies": "A key finding of the IPCC, which along with Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, was revealed last month to be utterly bogus. The IPCC claimed glaciers in the Himalayas would likely disappear by 2035. The only thing they had to back it up was a 1999 non-peer reviewed article in an Indian mass-market science magazine."[350]

Republican Congressman John Linder, a lieutenant of Newt Gingrich and a longtime advocate of a "fair tax," announces his surprise retirement. [351] Baseball star John Smoltz -- who founded a Christian school -- may step up to the plate to take the seat.

"If you don't believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned, you are not pro-life," observed conservative Marco Rubio about RINO Charlie Crist, who claims he's pro-life yet does not say that Roe v. Wade should be overturned. [352]

Some of the proponents of evolutionism admit they had a fly in their "primordial soup".[353][354] Toyota recently had a recall. When are the evolutionary leaning universities going to recall the evolutionary paradigm?

"Step by step, Romney lining up support for 2012" [355]

The Obama Administration holds a meeting with the hate-filled atheist community. Details of what transpired during the private meeting were not revealed. "President Obama seems to believe that it is a good idea to have a key senior aide plan political strategy with people who believe faith in God is a disease." [356]

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Massive Magnitude 8.8 Quake Devastates Chile, Generating Tsunami.
A massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake capable of tremendous damage struck central Chile early Saturday, shaking Santiago for a minute and half and setting off a tsunami. Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle has declared a state of emergency as the island chain prepares for possible tsunami damage. Chile's President Declares 'State of Catastrophe' Following Earthquake. Conservapedians are praying for the people of Chile. [357]

March 3

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke bluntly warned Congress on Wednesday that the U.S. could soon face a debt crisis like the one in Greece, and stated that the central bank will not help legislators by printing money to pay for the federal debt that is spiraling upward. The Washington Times reports Bernanke declaring: 'It's not something that is 10 years away. It affects the markets currently,' he told the House Financial Services Committee. 'It is possible that bond markets will become worried about the sustainability [of yearly deficits over $1 trillion], and we may find ourselves facing higher interest rates even today.'"[358]

It appears as if the liberal investor and Obama supporter George Soros may have some doubts about Ben Bernanke handling future financial problems as he recently doubled his investment in gold.[359] The BBC reported concerning Soros: "He has previously said that gold is the ultimate hedge against inflation - if you think inflation's going to rise, then I'm not surprised he bought into gold."[360] Inflation in the U.S. caused by the Federal Reserve cranking up the money supply and a housing market crash may soon be occurring in the United States.[361]

Today's Tough Economy Means Lots Of "Belt tightening" Except For Amoral Public Schools Evidently. The Elwood Community School in Elwood, Indiana, is using their own matchmaking Web site for fund-raising. The Web site was created by the school, and students in grades six through 10 can find a compatible boyfriend or girlfriend. "I don't believe that at 11 years old a school should be promoting opposite sex matching," Parent Michelle Everett said. "A tenth-grader matched with a sixth-grader? And the school is promoting it, and it's inappropriate." [362]

Organizing for America, Obama's and the DNC's official website, plans a coordinated offensive targeting conservative radio shows with reams of organizers to recite healthcare talking points. [363] Shows targeted include Michael Savage, Glen Beck, Focus on the Family, and even Through the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee. To illustrate the obsession of Organizing for America's "win at all costs" strategy and targeting of imaginary opponents, the Through the Bible radio program are re-broadcasts of bible studies by Dr. McGee who died in 1988.

Atheist and evolutionist Richard Dawkins is engaged in a bitter internet battle over plans to rid his internet forum of foul language and insults.[364]

"A 3,000-year-old defensive wall possibly built by King Solomon has been unearthed in Jerusalem, according to the Israeli archaeologist who led the excavation. The discovery appears to validate a Bible passage, she says."[365]

Some grim economic statistics have come out and have recently been reported at the VisionVictory YouTube channel.VIDEO The economic data that VisionVictory has reported lately has been so grim that it appears as if a liberal has put a death threat on the popular YouTube channel which has been reported to the authorities.VIDEO Liberals, you can run from the economic data and even try to suppress it, but given the rise of the internet and Fox News, your efforts are no longer very effective.

Thirty-one members of the Texas State House signed a petition calling for adding a 14th murder charge to Nidal Malik Hasan - Private Francheska Valez's unborn child. [366]

78% of Americans Think Government Spending Is "Out of Control."[367]

Climate guru Al Gore was quick to take the stage to grab his Nobel and Oscar for sounding an alarm on global warming — but now that the entire science behind climate change is under fire, why's Al so quiet? [368] & [369]

Obama's liberal style, using many words to say nothing: "Obama talked more than all the other Democrats or all the Republicans. (The Senate GOP sent an e-mail to reporters with the calculation that Obama had spoken for a total of 119 minutes, congressional Democrats 114 minutes and Republicans 110 minutes.) The conclusion from Kyl. "I just don't think the president was listening."Analysis of health care summit Thursday

Scholarship enables rejoining pieces of ancient Biblical scrolls containing The Song of the Seas. [370]

New York Governor David Paterson Expected to Drop Election Bid Amid Scandal Over Aide. Paterson has decided not to seek election to a full term amid a roiling scandal over whether he and his troopers intimidated a woman who'd reported domestic violence against one of his top aides, the New York Post reported this morning. Liberals, without morals, are dropping like flies it seems. [371]
Translation: The liberal Paterson's approval rating is so low that he could not even win his own primary.

Israel planning to build 600 more homes in East Jerusalem

The plan approved by a district planning commission could further stymie U.S.-brokered efforts to renew stalled peace talks as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who has insisted on a total settlement freeze including in Jerusalem. [372]

Arrogant President Obama and Liberal Congressional Democrats Prepare to Go 'Nuclear' With Obamacare Bill.

With their political fortunes at stake, Democrats signaled they will muscle the 2,700-page Obamacare bill through without the Republicans and Moderate Democrats and Independents. Yet a USA Today/Gallup survey released Thursday found Americans against Democrats using the special budget rules, with 52% opposed to the Obamacare bill tactic. Liberals are elitists who really don't care what the public wants....they know better! [373]

The most memorable soundbite occurred when Vice President Joe Biden, who was named by Obama to oversee Stimulus implementation and Chair the "Middle Class Task Force," was overheard saying, "It's easy being vice president — you don't have to do anything." [374]

Republican Jim Bunning, the Hall of Fame pitcher, is throwing a surprise filibuster at the Senate liberals to force them to pay for the extension in unemployment payments with unused stimulus funds, rather than add to the monstrous deficit.[375]

Bali-Hoo: U.N. Still Pushing for Global Environmental Control. Despite the debacle of the failed Copenhagen climate change conference last December, the United Nations is pressing full speed ahead with a plan for a greatly expanded system of global environmental governance and for a multi-trillion-dollar economic transfer scheme to ignite the creation of a "global green economy." [376]

Ethics Panel Finds Charles Rangel Broke Rules. It took ten months for the Warren Commission to conclude the review of John Kennedy's assassination. It has taken over 18 months for Democrats to investigate finances and fundraising ethics of Charlie Rangel. February 25th, the ethics panel has found Rangel in violation of House rules by accepting Caribbean trips paid for by lobbyists. [377]

Obama strikes out with his silly health care summit today, because the House still does not want taxpayer-funded abortion and there are 41 votes to filibuster a new bill in the Senate. "'Frankly, I was pretty discouraged by the outcome,' said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., again advocating that President Obama and the Democrats scrap their existing plans and 'start over.'"[378] Perhaps tomorrow would be best spent in a review session on arithmetic for Pelosi, Reid and Obama?

The homosexual agenda forces the revocation of the invitation to a leading conservative, Tony Perkins, for a prayer event at Andrews Air Force Base.[379]
"It's ironic that this blacklisting should occur because I called for the retention and enforcement of a valid federal statute. I am very concerned, however, that this merely foreshadows the serious threat to religious liberty that would result from repeal of the current military eligibility law," Perkins said.[380]

Tea Parties spread to England, where the "Freedom Association is sponsoring a tea party event this Saturday in Brighton."[381]

In the swing state of Ohio, the Tea Party Movement has "a net favorability rating of plus-9 percent. Both the Republican and Democratic parties were on the negative side by this measure -- minus-12 percent for the Democrats and minus-9 percent for the GOP."[382]

First-time claims for unemployment insurance rose last week by 22,000 to a seasonally adjusted 496,000.[383]

"A new CNN poll published late Tuesday finds 52 percent of Americans said President Barack Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012. CNN found just 44 percent of all Americans would vote to reelect Obama in 2012 -- eight percent fewer than those who said they prefer someone else."[384]

Conservapedia just updated its atheism article with more empirical evidence that atheists are more likely to behave badly. It appears as if atheists are more likely to be: unforgiving, uncharitable, impatient, and unconcerned about others. In 2007 the Baptist Press reported:"...a pollster at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, found that adults who profess a belief in God are significantly more likely than atheists to say that forgiveness, patience, generosity and a concern for others are 'very important.' In fact, the poll found that on 11 of 12 values, there was a double-digit gap between theists and atheists, with theists more likely to label each value 'very important'. The survey by sociologist and pollster Reginald Bibby examined the beliefs of 1,600 Canadians, 82 percent who said they believed in 'God or a higher power' and 18 percent who said they did not."[385] For additional information please see: Atheism and uncharitableness and Atheism and mass murder.

Ronald Reagan's 1960 warning against socialized medicine as a lead-off towards the imposition of socialism in America is now a YouTube hit: [386] ""One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. From here, it's a short step to all the rest of socialism." [387]

Studies: Belief in God Helps Relieve Depression. University of Toronto psychologists reported last year that "believing in God can help block anxiety and minimize stress," their research showcasing "distinct brain differences" between believers and nonbelievers. A new study released Wednesday by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago took the idea a step further. In patients diagnosed with clinical depression, "belief in a concerned God can improve response to medical treatment," said the new research, which has been published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology. [388]

Atheists, don't mess with Texas churches! Two young men are charged as suspects related to a string of Texas church fires. One of the men had books on atheism and demons in his home. If found guilty, the suspects could face life imprisonment.[389] YouTube Christian video producer, Shockofgod, predicted the church burnings would have some tie to God haters.[390]

Spain, with its socialism and same-sex marriage, has unemployment of nearly 20% and has not yet won a single medal at the Winter Olympics.[391]

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New Obama Administration $1 Billion U.S. Embassy in London Called 'Ridiculous' Waste of Taxpayer Money. The new structure, reported by The Times of London to cost $1 billion, would set a glittering jewel in the crown of American presence abroad, even as soaring deficits and unemployment continue to threaten the economy at home. "It's fun to build something when it's not your money," said David Williams, vice president for policy at Citizens Against Government Waste, who called the plans a "blank check" for government spending and excess. "Some of the amenities really seem kind of ridiculous and almost medieval," said Williams, criticizing plans for the moat, which will be dug as a security measure to separate the embassy from a busy road nearby. "Are they going to have turrets and sword fights?" [392] & [393]

Ft. Hood Attack Finally, Publicly, Called “Terrorism”. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has become the first Obama Administration official to publicly describe last year's deadly shootings at Ft. Hood, Tex., as a terrorist act, according to a search of news clips and transcripts. [394]


Missile Defense Agency, Obama Campaign Logos Cause Stir. The Missile Defense Agency, which is part of the Defense Department, now features a circular red, white and blue logo on its Web site that has been characterized in some reports as "scarily" similar to President Obama's former campaign symbol. Others have noted that it has a crescent and star design, evoking a common symbol for Islam. [395]

Sales of newly built U.S. single-family homes fell to a record low in January, while mortgage demand for purchases hit a 13-year low last week, fanning fears of renewed housing market weakness.[396]

Caught on video for the tenth time: Planned Parenthood, your one-stop shop at making sure your young daughter gets her abortion without you knowing it, and her "older" boyfriend avoids a statutory rape conviction. They need the money! [397]

Conservative Jeb Bush may be considering a run for president in 2012, saying that Obama's policy "imperils our future." [398]

Hope, Change and Fraud. The Obama era drags on. California embraced using Stimulus dollars from taxpayers. The California Department of Community Services and Development was granted $93 million dollars for home weatherization. Just 12 homes have been completed, now that's "shovel ready." [399]

Obama Earmarks Funds To Train Teens As 'Organizers'. Obama is using the public schools to recruit a private army of high-schoolers to "build on the movement that elected President Obama by empowering students across the country to help us bring about our agenda." We now know Obama's "agenda" is to move the U.S. into European-style socialism. [400]


Italy Convicts 3 Google Executives in Abuse Video Case! . An Italian court convicted three Google executives of privacy violations Wednesday because they did not act quickly enough to pull down a video that showed bullies abusing an autistic boy. Leftist-leaning Google also ran into other setbacks in Europe. In Brussels, the European Commission said it has asked Google to comment on allegations by rivals it demotes their sites in its search rankings. [401]

Obama’s shameful campaign of deceit to criminalize officials in the Bush administration is reminiscent of Stalin’s purges of his opponents in 1936-38. [402]

Liberal Absurdity Of The Weak: NAACP to Honor Van Jones as 'American Treasure'! The former White House green jobs adviser quit the post last year after he was dogged by past racist & "9/11 truther" remarks as well as Communist associations, but that isn't stopping the NAACP from awarding him one of its Image Awards -- and even calling him a "American treasure." [403]

With his up-to-the-second published polls, Scott Rasmussen has revolutionized the way politics is practiced in America. Now, in his new book, In Search of Self-Governance, he bids us all remember that the real political debate is not left vs. right, but rather between being governed by a bureaucracy and self-Governance. [404]

The Boy Scouts celebrate their 100th birthday, but the gay-dominated national media ignore the milestone.[405]

37 governor seats will be decided in this year's elections, nearly three-quarters of the entire nation. Here's one: Republicans lead the Democrat in the race to become Georgia's next governor.[406]

"Gay Bill" Will Stifle Free Speech And Advance Homosexual Agenda.

A bill in Congress (H.R. 4530) that would prohibit discrimination in public schools based on sexual orientation or gender identity could stifle free speech and even lead to "Homosexual indoctrination" in the nation's classrooms. "The real danger is how this will be interpreted," said Neal McCluskey, of the Cato Institute. "The definition of harassment could be broadly interpreted that anybody who expressed a totally legitimate opinion about homosexual behavior could be made illegal. [407]

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Abortion Language in White House Health Care Proposal Just Another Obama Liberal Deceit. Americans United for Life is asking President Obama to re-evaluate the wording in his proposal regarding abortion, saying he had previously promised no federal dollars would be used to fund the procedure. Incredibly, Obama's proposal doesn’t contain a single mention of the Life issue! [408]

Study: Smokers Have Lower IQs Than Non-Smokers. Cigarette smokers have lower IQs than non-smokers, and the more a person smokes, the lower their IQ, a study in over 20,000 Israeli military recruits suggests. [409]


Liberal Democrat Congressman Caught Laughing at Suggestion to Recite the Pledge of Allegiance at Union Meeting.
If the Pledge of Allegiance is a laughing matter, then the joke may be on a California congressman. A Republican candidate for Congress in California is calling on U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra to "clarify his reaction" after the Democrat was caught on a YouTube video laughing at a suggestion that the Pledge of Allegiance be recited prior to a union meeting in Los Angeles. [410] VIDEO

The Obama Administration denies they offer high ranking government jobs in return for political favors. What makes the story unique is that the accusations come from two Democrats who are accussing the White House of the federal crime 18 USC Sec. 211 - Bribery, Graft and Conflicts of Interest. [411]

Veteran political maven Charlie Cook says Democrats will lose the House. Not only will Republicans take back the House, it's hard to find a scenario in which they wouldn't. The Democrats and Obama's woes stem from a fundamental miscalculation. Cook calls healthcare reform, "Obama's Iraq." [412]

Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts, the Republican Party's newest RINO? [413][414]

Banks Pressure Customers to Keep Fees Rolling In

For many households trying to improve their finances, tossing out pitches from the bank has become almost automatic. But in recent weeks, Chase has been fanning special letters out to consumers with an offer that it urges them not to refuse. “Your debit card may not work the same way anymore, even if you just made a deposit. Unless we hear from you... ” [415]

Dick Cheney In Hospital For Chest Pains

Former vice president Dick Cheney was hospitalized after experiencing chest pains Monday, an aide said.

Cheney assistant Peter Long issued a statement that the 69-year-old Cheney was resting comfortably and his doctors were evaluating the situation. [416] Mentioning Cheney drew more applause at CPAC this year than any other topic.

Bob Dole Hospitalized, Undergoing Physical Therapy. Former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole is recuperating at Walter Reed Army Medical Center after a bout with pneumonia, his spokesman said Monday. Dole, 86, was admitted to the military hospital about three weeks ago with a respiratory condition, spokesman Michael Marshall said. Dole soon recovered but has remained at the hospital to undergo physical therapy for knee surgery he underwent late last year. [417]

Pew Research gives another reason to ditch the television. The study 'The Future of the Internet IV' [418] says the Internet is actually making us smarter. "Three out of four experts said our use of the Internet enhances and augments human intelligence, and two-thirds said use of the Internet has improved reading, writing, and rendering of knowledge." [419] We believe Conservapedia to be a great example.

Liberals are now looking to excuse their lack of exercise, overeating, and obesity through the use of evolutionary pseudoscience.[420] Hey liberals, outside of diagnosing legitimate medical problems, the first step to losing weight is to admit you have a correctable problem and stop engaging in excusitus. Start losing weight by pushing yourself away from the table sooner and taking a walk around the block.

CPAC no-shows this year: John McCain (his primary opponent gave a speech), Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal, and RINOs Rudy Giuliani and Charlie Crist.

Ravaged by socialism and gay marriage, Canada embarrasses itself at the Olympics it is hosting. "O no Canada," shouts the headline for The Vancouver Sun.[421] Can't liberals just pass a law to fix this???

Longtime Berkshire-Hathaway business partner Charles Munger penned a parable article. He explains how one nation came to financial ruin, "It's over for the U.S. economy." [422]

Obama losing Iowa independents. Des Moines Register poll shows sharp drop since November. Only 38% approve of Obama. The president carried 56% of them in 2008. Iowa will host the first caucus when the nation chooses a new president in 2012.[423]

RINO Charlie Crist, now behind conservative Marco Rubio in polling, agrees to debate him on national television this Sunday.[424]

Liberal double standard strikes again: Democrat Evan Bayh calls for an end to the filibuster rules in the Senate. [425] Many of those now calling for an end to the filibuster supported it when the Republicans had a majority.

Today is the 30th anniversary of the "Miracle on Ice" USA-USSR 1980 Olympics hockey game, which the US won 4-3. The final minutes of the game

Nebraska "could reshape abortion policy" with a bill to eliminate abortions after 20 weeks, and without the "mental health" loophole.[426]

United States Hockey Team Pulls Off Olympic Upset Against Canada! [427]

Wikipedia's concealment of Obama's complete dependency on the teleprompter is Examples of Bias in Wikipedia number 199. What will be example no. 200?

World renowned investor Jim Rogers says the European Union, Chinese, and Australian central bankers are more competent and honest than the Federal Reserve. Mr. Rogers also remarked that Federal Reserve Chaiman Ben Bernanke is "throwing gasoline on a fire".VIDEO

Rick Santorum, whom liberals seem to hate most on the internet, sparked a standing ovation at CPAC by saying, "Mr. President, America is the hope, and you can keep the change."[428]

The nanny state philosophy micro-regulates every aspect of your life in the interests of keeping you safe, their so-called superior minds know best. Those same feckless politicians fail to act when confronting a nuclear Iran. [429]