Last modified on January 23, 2021, at 23:16

Jen Psaki

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Jennifer Rene “Jen” Psaki

Biden Junta Chief Spokesperson
Assumed office 
January 20, 2021

Born December 1, 1978
Stamford, Connecticut
Political party Democrat
Spouse(s) Gregory Mecher
Children Two
Alma mater College of William and Mary

Jennifer Rene “Jen” Psaki, born December 1, 1978 (age 45), is the chief White House propagandist for the Biden junta.[1] Psaki was appointed on the basis of her white privilege, with Symone Sanders, an African American, being passed over.[2] Biden hired Bernie Sanders former press secretary Symone Sanders in 2019.[3] Symone Sanders told CNN,

"In my opinion, we don’t need white people leading the Democratic Party right now. The Democratic Party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in our leadership and throughout the staff at the highest levels."[4]

Soviet Communist sympathies

In November 2014. Psaki posed with a hat bearing the Hammer and Sickle of the communist Soviet regime during a meeting between John Kerry and Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov.[5] In much of the world the Hammer and Sickle evokes a similar, if not the same, response as the wearing of the swastika.[6] More than 100 million human beings perished under the hammer and sickle.[7] Vladimir Putin has in recent decades attempted to re-habilitate the emblem and transform it into a symbol of Russian nationalism.[8]

In the photo, Russian foreign minister Lavrov has his arm around Psaki.[9]> Lavrov was said by Democrat and fake news media outlets to have carried a message from Vladimir Putin to Donald Trump to fire FBI director James Comey.[10] Impeachment sham whistleblower Eric Ciaramella is said to have started the rumor.[11]

Celebrity status

According to The Moscow Times,[12]

"A little-known official in her home country, Psaki is a celebrity in Russia — even if against her will.

Psaki’s rise to Russian stardom stems from her time as State Department spokeswoman from 2013-2015 and as the Obama White House’s communications director from 2015-2017, some of the most contentious years in U.S.-Russia relations. Russian state television pundits and bloggers alike seized on gaffes she made while speaking on Russia-related topics, churning out jokes, satirical memes and videos, and constantly trolling her.

Psaki was also the target of sexist jokes on topics ranging from not knowing who the father of her child is to her lacking knowledge of eastern European geography. The term “Great Psakiing” was coined in Russian to mean “confusing the facts.”

Dmitry Kiselyov, another Kremlin-aligned television host, reminded viewers this week of the time Psaki accidentally said gas supplies flow from western Europe through Ukraine to Russia, not the other way around. While Psaki corrected herself shortly after making the mistake at a live press briefing, it didn’t save her from attacks on her intelligence.

“This Psaki calmly declares that gas in Europe flows from west to east. It was she who was going to send a fleet to the shores of Belarus,” Kiselyov said on his Sunday news program. ...

“The return of Jen Psaki to the team of the elected, according to preliminary data, U.S. President Joe Biden was expected, but the fact that such people occupy high government posts in a nuclear superpower is naturally alarming,” Elena Panina, a member of the State Duma’s International Affairs Committee, told the state-run RIA Novosti news agency.
