Charles Bradford Sheppard

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Charles Bradford Sheppard was an American who, during World War II, worked as a radio engineer for Hazeltine Electronics. Sheppard worked on radar in the design office and asked the Soviet intelligence to arrange Soviet citizenship for himself and his family. Sheppard intended to emigrate with his entire family to the Soviet Union. Soviet intelligence assigned Sheppard the covername MASTER or MASTER CRAFTSMAN.


Charles Bradford Sheppard is referenced in the following Venona project decryptions:

  • 1589, 1590 KGB New York to Moscow, 30 September 1943
  • 886 KGB New York to Moscow, 22 June 1944
  • 943 KGB New York to Moscow, 4 July 1944


  • John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999).