Atheist hypocrisy

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A popular graphic used to illustrate atheist hypocrisy.

There are a number of areas where atheists are hypocritical. Below are some of those areas.


Atheism and morality

The perverse and cruel atheist Marquis de Sade in prison, 18th century line engraving.

See also: Atheism and morality and List of the moral failures of the atheist community

Atheists will bring up the misdeeds of the adherents of other worldviews, despite the fact that atheists have been the biggest mass murders in history (see: Atheism and mass murder).

Furthermore, atheist apologists commonly attempt to deny/minimize the role of atheism/atheists when it comes to atheism and mass murder as if no true atheist could be involved in such behavior (See: Atheism and the no true Scotsman fallacy).[1][2][3]

In addition, there is a large list of atheist moral failures which the atheist community has not addressed (see: Moral failures of the atheist community).

Also, atheism provides no basis for objective moral standards (see: Atheism and morality).[4]

University of Kentucky study by Will M. Gervais helps demonstrate atheist hypocrisy about being good without God

The American Humanist Association has the motto "Good without a God" and other atheists promote this same errant notion. Yet, many atheists know they are not good and they all know their fellow atheists are not good also.

For example, in 2014, a University of Kentucky study was published by Will M. Gervais, which was entitled Everything Is Permitted? People Intuitively Judge Immorality as Representative of Atheists, and the study indicated that "even atheist participants viewed immorality as significantly more representative of atheists than of other people."[5]

Jesus and the Bible on human nature

Jesus Christ and the Old Testament prophets taught that human nature is evil. Jesus said, "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" (Luke 11: 13). The prophet Jeremiah said, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9). In addition, Jesus Christ and the Bible teach that men are in need of redemption and the power of God to reform. See: Bible verses about redemption and Bible verses on transformation.

Human history with its many injustices and atrocities shows that the testimony of Jesus and the Old Testament prophets is true concerning the wickedness of mankind. In addition, when the Christian evangelist Ray Comfort asks atheists if they have ever lied, hated another person, stolen, lusted after the opposite sex and engaged in other immoralities, they invariably indicate they have done these things and still commit various acts of immorality.[6] If person repents of their sins, accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, God regenerates them and their enslavement to sin is broken (see: Good news)[7]

Furthermore, there are preliminary studies which indicate that ex-Christians tend to feel worse about themselves and not better (See: Atheism and self-esteem).[8][9] There are also studies indicating that lower self-esteem is associated with suicidality.[10][11] Atheists have higher rates of suicide than the general population.[12][13][14] At the same time, there is a significant portion of the atheist population who suffer from excess self-esteem/pride issues (see: Atheism and arrogance and Causes of atheism).

Richard Carrier, adultery, divorce, polyamory and being good without God

Richard Carrier is an advocate of metaphysical naturalism. He wrote a book entitled Sense and Goodness without God.

He is a prominent atheist in the atheist community in the US. Carrier, who has a doctorate in history, asserts that one can be good without God despite the fact that atheist regimes have been the biggest mass murders in history

Richard Carrier divorced his wife and now practices polyamory.[15] Before divorcing his wife, he was involved in adulterous affairs.[16]

The Christtian apologist Jason Engwar at the Christian blog Triablogue wrote:

Richard Carrier has a post up announcing that he's "polyamorous", which he calls his "sexual orientation". He's been adulterous in his relationship with his wife, and they decided to get a divorce after having tried polyamory for a while. In the thread, he refers to how he has "sympathy for people who cheat on their spouses", how he's come across "many" polyamorists, and how he's become more convinced that "monogamy is the actual problem". So far, most of the responses at his blog are positive.[17]

See also:

Atheism and the treatment of women

Most atheists in the Western World are leftists (see: Atheism and politics). Leftists commonly advocate feminism.

Deplorable treatment of many Muslim women decried. High amount of domestic abuse by the irreligious

In recent times, atheists have put in a lot of effort and focus into decrying the deplorable treatment of many Muslim women by Muslim men, yet the same degree of attention about the high amount of physical abuse atheist women endure at the hands of atheist men via domestic abuse and the other forms of abuse is not given nearly the same amount of import by many in the atheist community. See: Irreligion and domestic violence and Secular Europe and domestic violence and Atheism and women and Elevatorgate

For example, Ayaan Hirsi Ali was chosen to be the keynote speaker of the American Atheists convention in 2014 and in 2005 the secular left leaning Time magazine named her one of the most 100 influential people in the world.[18] Yet, the women who point out misogyny in Western World atheism receive torrents of abuse (see: Atheism and women) and are not highly lauded by the atheist community to nearly the same degree.

Irreligion and domestic abuse

See also: Irreligion and domestic violence

The abstract for the 2007 article in the journal Violence Against Women entitled Race/Ethnicity, Religious Involvement, and Domestic Violence indicated:

The authors explored the relationship between religious involvement and intimate partner violence by analyzing data from the first wave of the National Survey of Families and Households. They found that: (a) religious involvement is correlated with reduced levels of domestic violence; (b) levels of domestic violence vary by race/ethnicity; (c) the effects of religious involvement on domestic violence vary by race/ethnicity; and (d) religious involvement, specifically church attendance, protects against domestic violence, and this protective effect is stronger for African American men and women and for Hispanic men, groups that, for a variety of reasons, experience elevated risk for this type of violence.[19]

A higher rate of domestic violence exists among cohabiting couples as compared with married couples[20] Atheists have lower marriage rates than theists (see: Atheism and marriage).

A September 9, 2012 article at Atlantic Wire wrote about the noted atheist John Lennon:

But people have mostly forgotten that Lennon was also physically abusive towards women. "I used to be cruel to my woman," he said, citing the lyrics to "Getting Better" in a Playboy interview near the end of his life. "Physically—any woman. I was a hitter. I couldn't express myself and I hit. I fought men and I hit women." In his biography The Lives of John Lennon, Albert Goldman also maintains that Lennon was guilty of spousal abuse.[21]

For more information, please see: Irreligion and domestic violence

Secular Europe and domestic violence

See also: Secular Europe and domestic violence

Sweden is one of the most atheistic countries in the world.[22] In Sweden, 81 percent of women said they had been harassed at some point after the age of 15 - compared to the EU average of 55 percent.[23]

In March of 2014, the Swedish news website The Local published an article entitled Sweden stands out in domestic violence study which declared:

A new EU review of violence against women has revealed that one in three European women has been assaulted, and one in twenty has been raped, with the Scandinavian countries at the top of the league tables.

In the Scandinavian countries, in contrast, around half of the women reported physical or sexual violence, which researchers at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights said could have several explanations...

In Sweden, 81 percent of women said they had been harassed at some point after the age of 15 - compared to the EU average of 55 percent. After Sweden, which had the highest rate, Denmark, France, the Netherland and Finland all saw rates above 70 percent. The EU member state with the lowest rate - 24 percent - was Bulgaria.[24]

Sweden is one of the most atheistic countries in the world and the website reported that in 2005 46 - 85% of Swedes were agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[25] Sweden also has the 3rd highest rate of belief in evolution as far as Western World nations.[26]

See also: Sexual immorality and Sweden

For more information, please see: Irreligion and domestic violence

Most prominent atheist leaders are men

The leadership of the New Atheism movement consists solely of white males. Furthermore, atheist leadership in the West is predominately made up of men who have poor leadership skills (See: Atheism and women and Atheism and leadership}.[27]

In 2011, Beliefnetnews reported concerning the race and gender of American atheists:

From the smallest local meetings to the largest conferences, the vast majority of speakers and attendees are almost always white men. Leading figures of the atheist movement - Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennett -- are all white men.

But making atheism more diverse is proving to be no easy task.

Surveys suggest most atheists are white men. A recent survey of 4,000 members of the Freedom from Religion Foundation found that 95 percent were white, and men comprised a majority.[28]

Atheism and rape

When told that Red Army soldiers sexually assaulted German refugees, the atheist Joseph Stalin reportedly declared: "We lecture our soldiers too much; let them have their initiative."[29]

See also: Atheism and rape and Mass rape of German women by the Soviet army

Atheism offers no condemnation of rape and it provides no moral basis for a society to attempt to prevent and deter rape. Western atheists often assert there are no absolutes in morality and argue for moral relativism (see: Atheism and morality).

For more information, please see:

Atheism and rape

Mass rape of German women by the Soviet army

See also: Mass rape of German women by the Soviet army

The Soviet Union practiced state atheism and militant atheism. According to the University of Cambridge, historically, the "most notable spread of atheism was achieved through the success of the 1917 Russian Revolution, which brought the Marxist-Leninists to power."[30] See also: Atheism and communism and Soviet atheism

The journalist Peter Hitchens is the ex-atheist brother of atheist Christopher Hitchens and he covered the Soviet Union during its latter years before it collapsed. According to Peter Hitchens, an atheistic society degraded the morals of the Russian people during the Soviet period (see: Soviet Union and morality).[31]

Estimates of the number of German women sexually assaulted by Soviet soldiers have ranged up to 2 million.[32][33][34][35][36] The historian William Hitchcock declared that in many cases women were the victims of repeated rapes, some women experienced as many as 60 to 70 rapes.[37]

For more information, please see:

Mass rape of German women by the Soviet army

Elevatorgate and rape threats

Atheist Rebecca Watson

(photo obtained from Wikimedia commons, see: license agreement)

Elevatorgate is a term commonly used to describe a scandal involving atheist Richard Dawkins' inappropriate comments made to fellow atheist Rebecca Watson. In July of 2011, Richard Dawkins was widely criticized within the atheist community and in various press outlets for his insensitive comments made to atheist Rebecca Watson about an incident which occurred in an elevator (see: Richard Dawkins' Elevatorgate comments).[38] Specifically, Watson was invited for coffee and a conversation late at night by a man who was a fellow atheist. Watson was upset by this and subsequently blogged about it. Following this, Richard Dawkins wrote an open letter to a fictitious Muslim woman, satirically equating Rebecca's plight with that of abused Muslim women. Watson has written about perceived widespread misogny within the atheist community and she has received threats of rape (see also: Atheism and women and Atheism and rape).[39].

Post Elevatorgate controversy, at an atheist convention, Rebecca Watson claimed:

Hundreds of atheists have informed me that either they wanted to rape me, someone should rape me so that I will loosen up or that no one would ever rape me because I am so ugly".[40]

In July of 2012, Watson declared: "It get regular rape threats. I get regular rape and murder threats".[41] Furthermore, in August of 2013, Rebecca Watson said that post Elevatorgate she received a flood of rape threats and she continues to receive rape threats (see: Atheism and rape).[42]

According to Rebecca Watson atheist women are often punished for being outspoken - particularly when they speak about feminism.[43] In August of 2013, Watson said the harassment she received from male atheists skyrocketed after Elevatorgate. [44] Furthermore, she said she still receives harassment from male fans of Richard Dawkins.[45] The atheist feminist Dr. Sikivu Hutchinson concurs with Watson and says that sexual harassment has been institutionalized within the atheist movement and that atheist men have an investment in censoring, controlling and policing women and also have an investment in "male privilege".[46]

New Statesman reporter and skeptic David Allen said Richard Dawkins is a misogynist

The New Statesman reporter and fellow skeptic David Allen Green said he believed Dawkins was a misogynist and a racist.[47] In addition, Green wrote: "Can Richard Dawkins still credibly pose as a champion of rational thinking and an evidence-based approach? In my opinion, he certainly cannot, at least not in the way he did before."[48]

Western atheism and race

The atheist and evolutionist PZ Myers giving a presentation to a group that is likely largely made up of white males.[49][50][51] In June of 2010, PZ Myers commented that atheist meetings tend to be significantly more attended by males.[52]

(photo obtained from Flickr, see: license agreement)

See also: Western atheism and race

In 2011, Beliefnetnews reported concerning the race and gender of American atheists:

From the smallest local meetings to the largest conferences, the vast majority of speakers and attendees are almost always white men. Leading figures of the atheist movement - Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennett -- are all white men.

But making atheism more diverse is proving to be no easy task.

Surveys suggest most atheists are white men. A recent survey of 4,000 members of the Freedom from Religion Foundation found that 95 percent were white, and men comprised a majority.[53]

Secular leftists in the West often decry racism, yet the atheist leadership is made up predominantly of white males and racial minorities are underreprentated in atheist community in the Western World (see: Western atheism and race).

In addition, since WWII atheists/agnostics have been the most vocal proponents of Darwinism.[54] Evolutionary racism may partly explain the lack of atheists in minority populations in the West (see: Western atheism and race).

Secular leftists and toleration

Secular leftists often extol diversity and toleration, yet atheists are often extremely intolerant and step on religious freedom (see: Atheism and intolerance).

Atheism and the sexual abuse of children

See also: Atheism and child pornography

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the American Roman Catholic bishops and the Vatican had noted a growing problem with clerical sexual abuse of children in the U.S. which involved minors/children.[55] In addition, Ireland and other European countries have experienced problems relating to instances of Roman Catholic priests sexually abusing children.[56][57] See also: Roman Catholic Church, homosexuality and pederasty

Prominent atheists and other atheists/agnostics frequently bring up this Roman Catholic church scandal.[58][59][60][61]

Yet, historically the atheist population has had a significant problem when it comes to the sexual abuse of children (see: Atheism and child pornography).

In addition, atheists have been prominently involved in the sexual exploitation of women via pornography (see: Atheism and pornography).

Atheistic Denmark and child pornography

See also: Atheistic Denmark and child pornography

Denmark is the third most atheistic country in the world and the website reports that 43 - 80% of Danes are agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[62]

The child pornography material produced in Denmark (and Holland) still constitutes the largest part of child pornography that is currently available, having been transferred into digital format and uploaded onto the internet.[63]

In 2005, Denmark was ranked the third most atheistic country in the world and the website reported that in 2005 43 - 80% of Danes are agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[64] Denmark has the highest rate of belief in evolution in the Western World.[65]

The 2003 book entitled Overcoming Violence Against Women and Girls: The International Campaign to Eradicate a Worldwide Problem written by authors Rahel Nardos; Mary K. Radpour; William S. Hatcher and Michael L. Penn, declared:

The largest source of commercial child pornography is Denmark. Denmark became the world's leading producer of child pornography when, in 1969, it removed all restrictions on the production and sale of any type of pornographic material. "The result," notes Tim Tate, "was a short-lived explosion in adult pornography, and the birth of commercial child pornography. In his work, Tate links the global spread of child pornography to two men: Willy Strauss, founder of Bambina Sex, the world's first child-pornography magazine, founded in 1971; and Peter Theander, founder of Colour Climax Corporation and the producer of a short, professionally made pornographic film series entitled Lolita. Lolita depicts the sexual abuse of prepubescent boys and girls. Although Danish law at the time rendered the work of Strauss and Theander legal, by 1979 when Denmark finally banned the production and sale of child pornography it had already become such a financial success on the international market that it has proven to be nearly impossible to bring its spread under control.[66]

Suzanne Ost, in her 2009 book Child Pornography and Sexual Grooming: Legal and Societal Responses published by Cambridge University Press, wrote about the child pornography created by Denmark/Holland during this period:

Taylor and Quayle note that the material produced during this period still constitutes the largest part of child pornography that is currently available, having been transferred into digital format and uploaded onto the internet.[67]

Other atheistic countries, child pornography/prostitution and miscellaneous

Atheist professor brought up on sex charges after criticizing the Roman Catholic church

In 2013, the website First Things featured an article about the noted atheist philosopher Colin McGinn who blamed religious faith for sexual abuse and was later forced to resign his professorship due to sexual messages sent to a student.[68] See also: Academia and moral values

New Atheist Richard Dawkins on child molestation and so called "gentle pedophiles"

See also: Richard Dawkins on child molestation and so called "gentle pedophiles"

In 2010, the Australian Conservative published an article by Ben-Peter Terpstra entitled Preparing for Richard Dawkins’ crocodile tears which charges that Richard Dawkins exhibits selective outrage on the issue of child molestation. [69] In the article Terpstra cites Bendan Oneill who wrote:

The New Atheist campaign to have Pope Benedict XVI arrested when he visits Britain later this year exposes the deeply disturbing, authoritarian and even Inquisitorial side to today’s campaigning secularism...

In 2006, Dawkins criticised ‘hysteria about paedophilia’ and said that, even though he was the victim of sexual abuse at boarding school, he would defend his abusive former teachers if ‘50 years on they had been hounded by vigilantes or lawyers as no better than child murderers’. Yet now he wants to put abusive priests on a par with genocidaires.[70]

Ben-Peter Terpstra writes: "In all truth, Britain’s clean-shaven atheists aren’t serious about children’s rights, or they’d be launching venomous attacks against the United Nations, in light of their more recent sex abuse scandals."[71]

Atheism, leftism, social justice/progressive values and hypocrisy

Historically, the secular left has been dominant within the atheist community (see: Atheism and politics.

Progressive values according to leading progressive websites

According to leading progressive/leftists websites, progressive values include: freedom; opportunity; responsibility; cooperation/community; caring and responsibility, carried out with strength; protection/fairness; honesty and open communication.[72][73]

Atheism and lack of cooperation/community

The atheist population lacks cooperation/community, is known for engaging in bitter quarrels and is deeply divided (see: Atheist factions and Atheist movement). It also has significant racial/gender issues (see: Western atheism and race and Atheism and women).

Atheism and lack of empathy

As far as the progressive values of caring/protection, the atheist/evolutionist community gives less to charity per capita than Christians even when church giving is not counted (see: Atheism and uncharitableness). In addition, the historical record shows that atheists have often been uncaring and atheists have engaged in barbarous/uncivilized behavior (see: Atheism and mass murder and Mass rape of German women by the Soviet army and Atheism and cannibalism and Atheism and bestiality).

Also, atheists rarely focuses on the issue of social Darwinism in their communities past and often takes offense when biblical creationists bring this matter up.[74][75]

Atheists falling short of the progressive value of freedom

As far as the values of freedom, militant atheists continue to deny basic freedoms to people (See: Militant atheism and Atheism and forced labor).

Atheists and the issue of honesty

As far as honesty, atheists have a poor record in this area as well (see: Atheism and deception).

Evidential standards

See also: Atheism and irrationality and Atheism and logic and Atheism and logical fallacies

Atheists demand proof and evidence for other worldviews, yet there is no proof and evidence that atheism is true. Also, despite the abundant evidence for Christianity and the lack of proof and evidence for atheism, atheist reject the truth of Christianity. Atheists refuse to go where the evidence clearly leads.

In addition, when atheist make claims related to naturalism, make personal claims or make accusations against theists, they often employ lax evidential standards instead of employing rigorous evidential standards.

Atheist community requested to provide proof and evidence that atheism is true

The popular YouTube Christian Shockofgod asked for proof and evidence that atheism is true. When atheism is weighed on the proof and evidence scale, it lacks evidential weight that it is a valid worldview. Unlike Christianity, there is no proof and evidence that atheism is true.

The popular Christian YouTube Christian Shockofgod likened atheism to a clown due to its hypocritical and foolish evidential standards.[76] Shockofgod repeatedly asked the YouTube atheist community, "What proof and evidence do you have that atheism is accurate and correct?".

The YouTube atheist community became flustered and upset by his question.[77] Shockofgod declared concerning their reaction to his question: "The hostility I am getting over this question is unbelievable...It's like..picture this...Atheism is a clown and it didn't know it. And then I got the clown and I walked it over...I forced it to look itself in the mirror. And it sees itself in all its red hair, big nose, big shoes, polka dot glory."[78]

Atheism and extraordinary claims

Western Atheists often claim that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence", yet they have no proof and evidence that the extraordinary claim of non-life becoming the first life solely through natural processes is true (See: Origin of life).[79][80][81]

Bombastic proclamations about the supposed validity of atheism

Richard Dawkins and Carl Sagan made bombastic proclamations about the supposed validity of atheism and yet they vacillated between atheism/agnosticism (see: Atheism, agnosticism and flip-flopping and Richard Dawkins and agnosticism).

Atheists and the denial that Jesus existed

Christ on the Cross by Jacques Louis David.

See also: Historicity of Jesus and Atheists and historical illiteracy

Despite their being an abundance of historical evidence for Jesus Christ living in the first century, many atheists embarrassingly claim the Jesus never existed (see: Historicity of Jesus).

In an article entitled Scholarly opinions on the Jesus Myth, Christopher Price wrote concerning individuals who insist that Jesus Christ was merely a mythical figure:

I have often been asked why more academics do not take the time to respond to the Jesus Myth theory. After looking into this question, I discovered that most historians and New Testament scholars relevant to the topic have concluded that Jesus Mythers are beyond reason and therefore decide that they have better things to do with their time.[82]

Atheists and selective use of academic consensus

An irony of atheists asserting that Jesus never existed is that atheists often appeal to the academic consensus when it comes to pseudoscience such evolution. And secular leftists often appeal to the academic consensus when engaging in global warming alarmism.

John Lennox's discussion with New Atheist Richard Dawkins about the historicity of Christ

John Lennox pointed out to New Atheist Richard Dawkins that Dawkins claimed in his book The God Delusion that Jesus may have never existed and that Dawkins errantly claimed that ancient historians have some disagreement on whether Jesus existed or not. After some additional discussion with Dawkins, Dawkins conceded that Jesus existed and said, "I take that back. Jesus existed".[83]

Atheism and mockery

A National Public Radio reviewer of one of atheist Penn Jillette's books found the book "showy and assaultive" in terms of its use of profanity.[84] See: Atheism and profanity

See also: Atheism and mockery

Historically, atheists often engage in mockery rather than discussion/debate and they often react poorly when satire/humor is directed at atheist ideology (see: Atheism and mockery).[85][86][87]

Atheists Penn and Teller produced a poorly reasoned video disputing the veracity of the Bible which used low grade humor and it was entitled "The Bible is bull****""."[88] (see also: Atheism and the Bible and Bible apologetics website resources). Yet, after producing two videos after being listed in Conservapedia's atheism and obesity article and having a debate challenge directed his way which employed some humor, the atheist Penn Jillette posted a video on the internet which declared:

I didn't really read the stuff so I guess I can't really comment...

I don't tend to react to satire, or sarcasm or irony, I pretty much say what I mean and that is what I react to the most... I do know people and love people who believe...who are Christians and who have belief and who believe this stuff strongly, and as much as I want to argue with them, I don't want to show them disrespect. And I will say that's a ****ing stupid argument, but that's not disrespect.[89]

After refusing to debate the Christian apologist Sye Ten Bruggencate, Penn Jillette said, “I’m not trained in debate. It’s turning conversation into competition."[90] See also: Atheism and cowardice

A National Public Radio reviewer of one of atheist Penn Jillette's books found the book "showy and assaultive" in terms of its use of profanity.[91] See: Atheism and profanity

Freethinker moniker

See also: Atheism and irrationality and Atheism and arrogance and Rebuttals to atheist arguments

Freethinker moniker - Atheists go by the self-gratulatory moniker of freethinker. Yet, militant atheists commonly have stifled the free speech theists whenever they have had the power to do so - especially the free speech of Christians (See: Militant atheism and Atheism and communism and Suppression of alternatives to evolution and Atheist bullying).

Dinesh D'Souza has pointed out that atheists have focused considerable efforts on the public schools in order to indoctrinate young people into atheistic beliefs.[92] In addition, Jewish columnist Dennis Prager has stated that a causal factor of atheism is the "secular indoctrination of a generation."[93] Prager stated that "From elementary school through graduate school, only one way of looking at the world – the secular – is presented. The typical individual in the Western world receives as secular an indoctrination as the typical European received a religious one in the Middle Ages." [94] Also, in communist countries (such as the former Soviet Union) atheistic indoctrination occurred in the educational system through such venues as schools, atheist museums, and clubs.[95][96] Atheistic communist countries are known to be among the most repressive countries in the world.

In addition, atheist Darwinists actively censor more accurate explanations of origins (see: Suppression of alternatives to evolution) in order to keep their false pseudoscience from being more actively rebutted in the public square.

Humanist moniker

The American Humanist Association defines humanism thusly: "Humanism is a progressive lifestance that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead meaningful, ethical lives capable of adding to the greater good of humanity."[97] The American Humanist Association's slogan is "Good without God".[98]

In 2011, the atheist PZ Myers won the International Humanist Award from the International Humanist and Ethical Union.[99] Prior to that in 2009, Myers won the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[100]

In 2008, Myers rejoiced at the death of a Brazilian Roman Catholic priest who died a premature accidental death and then Myers fantasized about personally killing other priests.[101][102]

Atheism, medicine and health

Atheist often champion mainstream medicine and disparage osteopathy, integrative medicine, chiropractic healthcare and other alternative medicine approaches.[103][104] In addition, atheists are often guilty of practicing the ideology/religion of scientism.[105][106][107]

Atheism and obesity

PZ Myers

(photo obtained from Flickr, see license agreement)

See also: Atheism and obesity and Atheism and the fat acceptance movement

Yet, despite the health risks of obesity and despite the fact that exercise science, nutritional science and medical science have a number of effective treatments for obesity, a significant amount of prominent atheists are obese/overweight (see: Atheism and obesity). For example, 3 out of 5 of the founders of the New Atheism movement have had issues with being overweight as can be seen HERE and HERE and HERE (see: New Atheism leadership's problem with excess weight). In addition, most atheists champion the pseudoscientific notions of evolution and abiogenesis.

PZ Myers is also a leader within the New Atheism movement and Myers has had problems with being overweight and experienced health problems as a result.[108] 2009 pictures of a significantly overweight PZ Myers can be found HERE and HERE and HERE.

According to the Gallup Inc., "Very religious Americans are more likely to practice healthy behaviors than those who are moderately religious or nonreligious."[109] In the journal article Religion, self-regulation, and self-control: Associations, explanations, and implications, psychologists McCullough and Willoughby theorize that many of the positive links of religiousness with health and social behavior may be caused by religion's beneficial influences on self-control/self-regulation.[110][111] In terms of their geographic location, a large majority of Christians live in the Eastern World where individuals tend to be slimmer and practice healthier lifestyles (see: Global Christianity).[112]

If the atheist community truly believed in evidence-based medicine, a significant amount of prominent atheists would not be overweight. There is no historical evidence suggesting that Jesus or his disciples were overweight. See: Jesus Christ, the apostles and the Mediterranean diet/Mosaic diet

African Christians clapping at an open air meeting.

In 2005, there were four times as many non-Western World Christians as there were Western World Christians.[113]

The traditional African diet is healthier than many Western World invividuals' diets and Africa has some of the lowest obesity rates in the world.[114][115] In recent years, Christianity has seen a rapid growth in Africa.[116] See: Global atheism and Atheist population

The traditional African diet is healthier than many Western World peoples' diets and Africa has some of the lowest obesity rates in the world.[117][118] In recent years, Christianity has seen a rapid growth in Africa.[119] Secular Europe has a higher obesity rate than Africa (See: Secular Europe and obesity). In addition, religious Africa has a lower obesity rate than atheistic China (see: China and obesity).

In the United States, the greater the degree of irreligiosity in a generation, the higher their obesity rate is. See: Atheism and obesity and Generation X, irreligion and obesity and Millennials, irreligion and obesity and Baby boom generation, irreligion and obesity According to the Gallup Inc., "Very religious Americans are more likely to practice healthy behaviors than those who are moderately religious or nonreligious."[120]

The Iona Institute reported:

A meta-analysis of all studies, both published and unpublished, relating to religious involvement and longevity was carried out in 2000. Forty-two studies were included, involving some 126,000 subjects. Active religious involvement increased the chance of living longer by some 29%, and participation in public religious practices, such as church attendance, increased the chance of living longer by 43%.[121][122]

For more information please see: Atheism and obesity and Atheism and the fat acceptance movement and Atheism and health

Atheism, evolutionism and obesity

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines biology as "a branch of knowledge that deals with organisms and vital processes."[123] One of the most basic vital processes relating to human biology is eating. Given that overweight atheists typically champion evolutionary pseudoscience, it is not surprising that many have not mastered regulating their daily food intake.

Atheism, alcoholism and illegal drug use

Alcoholism was a serious social problem in the former atheistic Soviet Union.[124] Between 1940 and 1980, this atheist state had the largest increase of the amount of alcohol usage in the developed world.[125]

See also: Atheism and alcoholism

As noted above, American atheists are more likely to see excessive drinking as morally acceptable behavior.[126] Alcoholism was a serious social problem in the former atheistic Soviet Union.[127] Between 1940 and 1980, the Soviet Union had the largest increase of the amount of alcohol usage in the developed world.[128]

A 2012 study suggests that a habit of binge drink risks serious brain damage including increasing memory loss later in adulthood.[129][130] There are a number of other health problems associated with excess alcohol use as well (see: alcoholism).

Also, as noted above, atheists are more likely to also find illegal drug use to be morally acceptable as well and medical science has found many instances of illegal drug use to cause health problems.

Since atheist community often champions evidence-based medicine, the excess drinking and instances of harmful illegal drug use by the atheist community is another example of atheist hypocrisy.

Atheism, homosexuality and public health

See also: Atheism and homosexuality

The conservative journalist Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth wrote: "Anyone who has researched the subject of homosexuality knows that many of the most staunch advocates of homosexuality are those who hold a decidedly secular outlook."[131]

The Barna Group found that atheists and agnostics in America were more likely, than theists in America, to look upon the following behaviors as morally acceptable: illegal drug use; excessive drinking; sexual relationships outside of marriage; abortion; cohabitating with someone of opposite sex outside of marriage; obscene language; gambling; pornography and obscene sexual behavior; and engaging in homosexuality/bisexuality.[132] Given the many diseases associated with homosexuality, the biblical prohibition against homosexuality is quite arguably one of the many examples where the Bible exhibited knowledge that was ahead of its time. See also: Atheism and homosexuality

Given that homosexuality is a choice, the existence many ex-homosexuals and the many health risks of homosexuality and its effect on the larger population through bisexuals, the continued advocacy of homosexuality by atheists is another example of atheist hypocrisy.

Atheistic communism, the American Atheists and homosexuality

See also: Atheist actions against homosexuals and Atheism and homosexuality

Leftist atheists in the Western World, commonly complain about the Bible declaring homosexuality to be a sin and Christian negative attitudes against homosexuality, yet atheistic communist regimes took strong measures to reduce the prevalence of homosexuality in their societies due to seeing homosexuality as a symptom of bourgeois decadence.[133] In addition, the American Atheists organization was embroiled in a controversy due to the critical comments that Dave Muscato, the Public Relations Director for American Atheists, said about homosexual activists.[134] See: Atheist actions against homosexuals

Atheism and superstition

The Wall Street Journal reported: "A comprehensive new study released by Baylor University yesterday, shows ...that the irreligious and the members of more liberal Protestant denominations, far from being resistant to superstition, tend to be much more likely to believe in the paranormal and in pseudoscience than evangelical Christians."[135]

See also: Irreligion and superstition and Atheism and irrationality

Atheists often accuse Christians of holding to superstition. Yet Bible believers are less likely to believe in superstition than atheists.[136]

In September of 2008, the Wall Street Journal reported:

The reality is that the New Atheist campaign, by discouraging religion, won't create a new group of intelligent, skeptical, enlightened beings. Far from it: It might actually encourage new levels of mass superstition. And that's not a conclusion to take on faith -- it's what the empirical data tell us.

"What Americans Really Believe," a comprehensive new study released by Baylor University yesterday, shows that traditional Christian religion greatly decreases belief in everything from the efficacy of palm readers to the usefulness of astrology. It also shows that the irreligious and the members of more liberal Protestant denominations, far from being resistant to superstition, tend to be much more likely to believe in the paranormal and in pseudoscience than evangelical Christians....

This is not a new finding. In his 1983 book "The Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener," skeptic and science writer Martin Gardner cited the decline of traditional religious belief among the better educated as one of the causes for an increase in pseudoscience, cults and superstition. He referenced a 1980 study published in the magazine Skeptical Inquirer that showed irreligious college students to be by far the most likely to embrace paranormal beliefs, while born-again Christian college students were the least likely.[137]

Atheism. secular left and racism

As note above, most atheists skew politically to the left (see: Atheism and politics).

According to The Cryonics Society, the atheist Isaac Asimov said of cryonics, "Though no one can quantify the probability of cryonics working, I estimate it is at least 90%..."[138]

Historically, there has been a lack of atheist outreach to minority communities in the Western World and a lack of atheist evangelism in Africa and Latin America. Christendom has made extensive evangelism efforts in Africa and Latin America and continues to do so (see: Global Christianity). Also, according to a video posted at Freethoughtblogs storefront churches provide assistance to local residents including women and this partly explains the dearth of Hispanic and African-American women atheists in America (Atheists give less to charity than Christians. See: Atheism and uncharitableness).[139]

Furthermore, atheists often get prickly when the subject of evolutionary racism is brought up.

Atheism and scientism

Atheist are often guilty of holding to the errant view of scientism. Yet, the claim that science is the only form of legitimate evidence is a self-refuting claim for there is no scientific evidence that this claim is true. Furthermore, atheists commonly promote the pseudosciences of evolution and abiogenesis.

Atheism and mental illness

See also: Atheism and suicide and Atheism and depression and Atheism and health).

Atheists often falsely accuse theists (particularly those who criticize atheism) of mental illness[140], despite the fact that atheists have higher incidences of depression and suicide (see: Atheism and suicide and Atheism and depression and Atheism and health).

Dr. Paul Vitz wrote a book entitled Faith of the Fatherless in which he points out that after studying the lives of more than a dozen leading atheists he found that a large majority of them had a father who was present but weak, present but abusive, or absent.[141][142] Dr. Vitz also examined the lives of prominent theists who were contemporaneous to their atheist counterparts and from the same culture and in every instance these prominent theists had a good relationship with his father.[143]

Atheism and deception

The article Atheism is rudderless and unseaworthy written by a supporter of the Question evolution! campaign wrote: "Christians should call Dawkins on his disingenuous flip-flopping if his publisher continues to promote the book as a book focusing on his journey to atheism without mentioning the fact that Dawkins is presently an agnostic who has rejected atheism."[144]

See also: Atheism and deception

Western atheists often accuse Christians of being liars or "liars for Jesus", yet the evolutionary worldview has been caught in engaging in a number of lies/frauds (see: Atheism and deception and Evolution and Cases of Fraud, Hoaxes and Speculation).

New Atheism, Richard Dawkins and agnosticism

One of the ironies of the New Atheism movement (a form of militant atheism) is that one of its leading figures, Richard Dawkins, is an agnostic whose public persona flip-flops between militant atheism, atheism, and agnosticism. See: Richard Dawkins and agnosticism

Richard Dawkins indicated in a 2012 meeting with the British Archbishop Dr. Rowan Williams that he is an agnostic which stunned the Dr. Williams and many in the general public.[145][146] In an essay entitled Is Richard Dawkins a flip-flopper?, an advocate of the Question evolution! campaign indicated that the public persona of Dawkins is sometimes atheistic for controversy sake in order to sell more books.[147]

Atheism commonly decry religion, yet atheism is a religion

For thousands of years, and particularly in the post Darwinism era, atheists have decried religion. Yet, atheism is a religion. Recently, some atheists have established "atheist churches" and are demanding atheist chaplains in the U.S. military.[148][149][150]

Darwinism is a religion

The Kitzmiller vs. Dover case which focused on the issue intelligent design being taught in public schools did not take into account arguments that evolution is religious in nature.[151][152][153]

The Question evolution! campaign by Creation Ministries International is a worldwide campaign which poses 15 questions that evolutionists cannot satisfactorily answer.[154] The 15 questions posed to evolutionists can be found HERE

The atheist philosopher of science Michael Ruse said "Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today."[155] In the their Question evolution! campaign, Creation Ministries International asserts that evolution is a religion.[156]

The Question evolution! campaign is upsetting to many atheists because although they advocate questioning other religions, when tenets of their evolutionary faith are questioned they become agitated and upset. A recent study reported at Live Science found that evolutionary belief is significantly reliant on "gut feelings".[157]

John Calvert, a lawyer and intelligent design proponent declared:

The Seventh Judicial Circuit of the Court of Appeals of the United States held that atheism is a religion. Therefore, it cannot be promoted by a public school. Currently, public schools are often unwittingly promoting atheism through a dogmatic and uncritical teaching of materialistic theories of origins.[158]

Cult of personality surrounding Charles Darwin

An advocate of the Question Evolution! campaign wrote concerning the cult of personality surrounding Charles Darwin:

Darwinists have established a cult of personality around Charles Darwin for their religion of Darwinism. Every year they celebrate Darwin Day on February 12. The agnostic and prominent evolutionist Stephen Gould wrote: "all theories [of natural selection] cite God in their support, and ... Darwin comes close to this status among evolutionary biologists ...". In his book Rivals : Conflict as the fuel of science, Michael White similarly wrote: "Of course today, for biologists, Darwin is second only to God, and for many he may rank still higher."[159]

Atheism and forced labor

See also: Atheism and forced labor

Atheists commonly decry slavery in the Bible - particularly the Israelites owning slave and Christian slaveholders mentioned or alluded to in the New Testament.[160] Yet, they are typically silent about the forced labor under atheistic regimes which continues today in atheistic communist countries (see: Atheism and forced labor).[161] [162][163][164]

In June of 2013, reports of Christians in forced labor camps due to religious discrimination were still being reported.[165] Also, in 2013 the Korean-American pastor Kenneth Bae was sentenced to 15 years in a atheistic communist North Korean labor prison camps due to religious persecution.[166] North Korea is known for its systematic persecution of Christians. [167]

Thomas Sowell wrote in an essay entitled Ending slavery: "The anti-slavery movement was spearheaded by people who would today be called 'the religious right' and its organization was created by conservative businessmen."[168]

On February 20, 2012, the British newspaper the Daily Mail reported that Richard Dawkins' "family fortune came from the slave trade".[169]

Richard Dawkins' family fortune came from the slave trade - asked to pay reparations

See also: Richard Dawkins' family fortune and the slave trade

On February 20, 2012, the British newspaper the Daily Mail reported that Richard Dawkins' "family fortune came from the slave trade".[170] On February 19, 2012, The Daily Telegraph reported that Dawkins is being called to make reparations for his family's past.[171]

The Daily Mail reported:

Ancestors of secularist campaigner Richard Dawkins made their fortune from the slave trade, it has been revealed.

The outspoken atheist, who once branded the Catholic Church 'evil', is the direct descendent of Henry Dawkins who owned 1,013 slaves in Jamaica until he died in 1744.

The links with slavery continue down the family tree and in 1796 another ancestor, James Dawkins, voted against William Wilberforce's plans to abolish the slave trade[172]

Christianity and the abolitionist movement

William Wilberforce was a devout Christian, philanthropist,abolitionist, and the leader of the campaign against the Slave Trade.

Thomas Sowell wrote:

While slavery was common to all civilizations, as well as to peoples considered uncivilized, only one civilization developed a moral revulsion against it, very late in hits history…not even the leading moralists in other civilizations rejected slavery at all…. Moreover, within Western civilization, the principle impetus for the abolition of slavery came first from very conservative religious activists – people who would today be called ‘the religious right.’…this story is not ‘politically correct’ in today’s terms. Hence it is ignored, as if it never happened.”[173]

Quickness to hate God

See also: Atheism and hatred of God and Atheism and anger

In debates with atheists, the popular YouTube video maker Shockofgod often asks atheists, "Is God evil?". Invariably, so-called atheists quickly say yes. Then Shockofgod informs the "atheist" that they admitted that God exists. Shockofgod also declares that he never heard anyone accuse leprechauns of being evil. See also: Atheists doubting the validity of atheism and Denials that atheists exist and Atheism has a lower retention rate compared to other worldviews

Don Batten of Creation Ministries International wrote:

Recently, I have had a lot of conversations with atheists. Many express a strong hatred of God. I have been at a loss to explain this. How can you hate someone you don’t believe in? Why the hostility? If God does not exist, shouldn’t atheists just relax and seek a good time before they become plant food? Why should it matter if people believe in God? Nothing matters if atheism is true[174]

Denial of objective beauty

Atheists/evolutionists often engage in hypocrisy on the issue of beauty in God's universe and engage in self-refuting arguments which argue that beauty is merely subjective, yet non-beauty/ugliness is an objective reality (non-beauty arose after the fall of man).[175][176][177] See: Argument from beauty

Hermant Mehta and his endorsement of the Brights Movement

The atheist Hemant Mehta is an author, popular atheist blogger, and atheist activist. He also served as a chair on the Secular Student Alliance board of directors. His blog is called The Friendly Atheist. Given the Brights Movement's reputation for smugness (see: Atheism and arrogance), his endorsement of the Brights Movement and his current listing as an "Enthusiastic Bright" on the Brights Movement website, could be seen as a matter of hypocrisy due to the attributes of "friendly" and "smug" being incompatible opposites.[178]

Unlike the skeptic Michael Shermer who had second thoughts after endorsing the Brights Movement, Hemant Menta has never publicly denounced the Bright Movement for its smugness and remains listed on on its website as an "Enthusiastic Bright".[179][180]

Hemant Mehta's comments about fellow atheist Chris Stedman

Hemant Mehta said of fellow atheist Chris Stedman:

If you read the blog posts and Twitter comments about Chris, though, you’d think he was a religious man in atheist clothing. Or that he’s delegitimizing our work. Or that he’s undermining our goals. He’s not. He’s as much of an atheist activist as the rest of us. He just practices it by focusing on cooperation and conversation with people of faith instead of beating his chest with both fists and proclaiming his superiority.[181][182]

See also: Atheism and social intelligence

Leonid Brezhnev

See also: Atheism and death

Leonid Brezhnev served as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union which had state atheism. Under Brezhnev, religious believers received harsh treatment and the Soviet Union's anti-religious stance was maintained and there was a fundamental inequality between those with religious belief and those who subscribed to atheism.[183]

In his nuclear arms negotiations with President Jimmy Carter, Leonid Brezhnev, the leader of the Soviet Union which had state atheism, said, "God will never forgive us if we don't succeed."[184]

Gary Thomas wrote in Christianity Today about Brehnev's funeral and the actions of his widow:

As Vice President, George Bush represented the U.S. at the funeral of former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev. Bush was deeply moved by a silent protest carried out by Brezhnev's widow. She stood motionless by the coffin until seconds before it was closed. Then, just as the soldiers touched the lid, Brezhnev's wife performed an act of great courage and hope, a gesture that must surely rank as one of the most profound acts of civil disobedience ever committed: She reached down and made the sign of the cross on her husband's chest. There in the citadel of secular, atheistic power, the wife of the man who had run it all hoped that her husband was wrong. She hoped that there was another life, and that that life was best represented by Jesus who died on the cross, and that the same Jesus might yet have mercy on her husband.[185]

Atheism and obsession with God

See also: Atheism and obsession with God

The Christian blog Words of a Fether declared:

An obsession is when something or someone dominates a person’s mind. So what else can it be called when so many atheists spend large amounts of time and effort in Christian venues such as message boards and blogs, arguing and mocking incessantly? Who else spends more time on what they don’t believe than what they do believe? If all unprovable beliefs are the same, why don’t atheists put forth the same effort to combat belief in the tooth fairy or pink unicorns on Mars? Are Christians really any less consistent than atheists?[186]
Orphelia Benson

(photo obtained from Wikimedia Commons, see: license agreement)

The American journalist Heywood Broun declared: "Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist there is no God."[187]

Orphelia Benson and incivility/profanity

See also: Atheism and profanity and Elevatorgate

Ophelia Benson is an American atheist, feminist, author, editor and blogger. She is known for using the word f*#@wit and she claims the word is not a vulgar word.[188][189] Despite commonly using this vulgar epithet, she published a joint statement with the agnostic/New Atheist Richard Dawkins indicating that atheists should behave in a civil manner in disagreements with each other and not engage in uncivil behavior such as the use of vulgar epithets.[190]

American society and other societies in the world see the use of profanity by women to be particularly unmannerly. Woman who engage in profanity are commonly deemed to be vulgar/uncouth individuals and this is especially the case in religious areas of the world. For example, in 2014, a mother in South Carolina who swore in front of her children in public was arrested for disorderly conduct.[191]

A significant portion of atheists believe things happen for a reason

One of the most popular arguments for God's existence is the teleological argument. Derived from the Greek word telos, which refers to purpose or end, this argument hinges on the idea that the world gives evidence of being designed, and concludes that a divine designer must be posited to account for the orderly world we encounter.

In addition, through Jesus Christ, Christianity does offer objective meaning and purpose to life.[192]

Even in atheistic Japan, researchers found that Japanese children see the world as designed.[193]

Logically, under an atheistic worldview, there would be no objective purpose to life (see: Atheism and meaninglessness and Hopelessness of atheism and Atheism and irrationality).[194]

However, on October 17, 2014, The New York Times published an article entitled Does everything happen for a reason? which declared:

But research from the Yale Mind and Development Lab, where we work, suggests that this can’t be the whole story. In one series of studies, recently published in the journal Cognition, we asked people to reflect on significant events from their own lives, such as graduations, the births of children, falling in love, the deaths of loved ones and serious illnesses. Unsurprisingly, a majority of religious believers said they thought that these events happened for a reason and that they had been purposefully designed (presumably by God). But many atheists did so as well, and a majority of atheists in a related study also said that they believed in fate — defined as the view that life events happen for a reason and that there is an underlying order to life that determines how events turn out.

These atheists’ responses weren’t just the product of living in America’s highly religious society. Research done at Queen’s University in Belfast by the psychologists Bethany Heywood and Jesse Bering found that British atheists were just as likely as American atheists to believe that their life events had underlying purposes, even though Britain is far less religious than America.

In other studies, scheduled to be published online next week in the journal Child Development, we found that even young children show a bias to believe that life events happen for a reason — to “send a sign” or “to teach a lesson.” This belief exists regardless of how much exposure the children have had to religion at home, and even if they’ve had none at all.[195]

For more information, please see: Atheism and purpose

Irony of atheist hypocrisy

The devil is the inspirer and father of atheism (see: Atheism and satanic deception). In the Book of Revelation the devil is called "the accuser of the brethren" (Revelation 12:10). Given the prevalence of militant atheists and other atheists railing at Christians and falsely accusing them of engaging in ill behavior and given the high prevalence of atheists engaging in ill behavior (for example, see: Atheism and morality and Atheism and mass murder), it is ironic that atheists engage in a high degree of hypocritical behavior.

See also

External links


  1. Atheists Dodge Their History of Atrocities
  2. Atheism
  3. Mailvox: the "No True Atheist" defense
  4. Paul Copan
  5. [Everything Is Permitted? People Intuitively Judge Immorality as Representative of Atheists], Will M. Gervais, Journal: PlOS ONE, Published: April 09, 2014, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.009230
  6. Ray Comfort Debates an Atheist
  7. If we accept Jesus as Savior, can we then sin all we want? by CARM
  15. Coming Out Poly + A Change of Life Venue
  16. Coming Out Poly + A Change of Life Venue
  17. Atheism, Adultery, Polyamory, And Shifting Morals
  18. doi: 10.1177/1077801207308259 Violence Against Women, Race/Ethnicity, Religious Involvement, and Domestic Violence, November 2007 vol. 13 no. 11 1094-1112
  19. Demography. 2006 Feb;43(1):127-40. Why are cohabiting relationships more violent than marriages?. Kenney CT1, McLanahan SS.
  20. John Lennon and Chris Brown Have Something in Common
  21. Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
  22. Sweden stands out in domestic violence study Published: 05 Mar 2014 08:3
  23. Sweden stands out in domestic violence study Published: 05 Mar 2014 08:3
  24. Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
  25. Photo: Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
  26. 5 reasons there aren't more women in atheism - Salon
  28. Roberts, Andrew. "Stalin's army of rapists: The brutal war crime that Russia and Germany tried to ignore", Daily Mail, 24 October 2008. 
  29. "Investigating atheism: Marxism". University of Cambridge (2008). Retrieved on July 17, 2014. “The most notable spread of atheism was achieved through the success of the 1917 Russian Revolution, which brought the Marxist-Leninists to power. For the first time in history, atheism thus became the official ideology of a state.”
  30. Britain needs God
  31. Heineman, Elizabeth (1996). "The Hour of the Woman: Memories of Germany's "Crisis Years" and West German National Identity". American Historical Review 101 (2): 354–395. 
  32. Kuwert, P.; Freyberger, H. (2007). "The unspoken secret: Sexual violence in World War II". International Psychogeriatrics 19 (4): 782–784. doi:10.1017/S1041610207005376. 
  33. BBC - History - World Wars: The Battle for Berlin in World War Two. Retrieved on 10 December 2014.
  34. Hanna Schissler The Miracle Years: A Cultural History of West Germany, 1949–1968 [1]
  35. Silence Broken On Red Army Rapes In Germany. (17 July 2009). Retrieved on 10 December 2014.
  36. Hitchcock, William I. (2004). The Struggle for Europe: The Turbulent History of a Divided Continent, 1945 to the Present. Anchor Books. ISBN 978-0-385-49799-2. 
  37. The Privilege Delusion by Rebecca Watson - Skepchick
  38. PZ Myers and the Art of Shameless Dishonesty
  39. FreeThoughtBlogs and PZ Myers
  40. Sikivu, Ophelia, and Rebecca — who says atheism lacks women stars?
  41. Calling All Female Atheists - Huffington Post - video
  42. Calling All Female Atheists - Huffington Post - video
  43. Calling All Female Atheists - Huffington Post - video
  44. Calling All Female Atheists - Huffington Post - video
  45. Sharing a lift with Richard Dawkins by David Allen Green - New Stateman - 06 July 2011
  46. Sharing a lift with Richard Dawkins by David Allen Green - New Stateman - 06 July 2011
  55. Bill Maher and Christopher Hitchens 'gloat' about Catholic Church child-abuse scandals by Ken Tucker at Entertainment Weekly
  57. [ Today's Reasons to Quit the Catholic Church by the atheist Adam Lee
  58. Atheist Who Blamed Faith for Sexual Abuse Forced to Resign for Sexual Messages by Matthew Schmitz, posted 6-13-2013
  59. Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
  60. Child Pornography and Sexual Grooming: Legal and Societal Responses by Suzanne Ost, Cambridge University Press, 2009
  61. Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics(Zuckerman, 2005)
  62. Photo: Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
  63. Overcoming Violence Against Women and Girls: The International Campaign to Eradicate a Worldwide Problem written by authors Rahel Nardos; Mary K. Radpour; William S. Hatcher and Michael L. Penn, page 59, 2003, page 29.
  64. Child Pornography and Sexual Grooming: Legal and Societal Responses by Suzanne Ost, Cambridge University Press, 2009
  65. Atheist Who Blamed Faith for Sexual Abuse Forced to Resign for Sexual Messages by Matthew Schmitz, posted 6-13-2013
  69. What It Means To Be A Progressive: A Manifesto,
  70. What are Progressive Values,
  71. Herbert Spencer and social Darwinism
  72. Darwinism and World War I
  76. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
  77. Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence?
  78. William Lane Craig debunks the atheist's "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence?
  79. [ Scholarly opinions on the Jesus Myth by Christopher Price
  80. Richard Dawkins admits Jesus existed
  81. National Public Radio [NPR) review of the book God, No! Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales by Penn Jillette
  82. Charlie Hebdo and France’s Irreligious Tradition by Kenneth R. Weinstein]
  83. Dawkins: Mock them. Ridicule them! In public
  84. Mockery - the M.O. for atheists by Matt Barber
  85. Penn & Teller - The Bible is Bull****
  86. Penn Point - Conservapedia or Troll Site? - Penn Point
  87. Penn Jillete's greatest disappearing act yet!
  88. National Public Radio [NPR) review of the book God, No! Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales by Penn Jillette
  89. The atheist indoctrination project
  92. Marxist-Leninist 'Scientific Atheism' and the Study of Religion and Atheism By James Thrower, page 325
  93. Communism's Struggle with Religion in Lithuania
  94. Definition of humanism, American Humanist Assocation
  95. Definition of humanism, American Humanist Assocation
  96. IHEU Awards for 2011. Internation Humanist and Ethical Union. Retrieved on 16 August 2013.
  97. American Humanist Association: Humanist of the year. American Humanist Association.
  98. P.Z. Myers is (Surprise!) Unmoved By Suicide of “Wealthy White” Robin Williams, Friendly Atheist blog
  99. It must have been an act of god, Posted by PZ Myers on April 21, 2008
  100. Medicine vs. quackery by Atheist Austin Cline
  101. - A million gods - tags: medicine, quackery
  102. Quotable quote: The religion of scientism
  103. God of evolution
  104. Answering the new atheists
  105. That’s not a heart! It’s a flailing Engine of Destruction!
  107. Religion, Self-Regulation, and Self-Control: Associations, Explanations, and Implications
  109. Is Christianity taking over the planet?
  110. World's fattest countries
  111. Traditional African diets are healthier than Western diets, Today's Nutrition
  112. The African apostles: How Christianity exploded in 20th-century Africa
  113. World's fattest countries
  114. Traditional African diets are healthier than Western diets, Today's Nutrition
  115. The African apostles: How Christianity exploded in 20th-century Africa
  117. The psycho-social benefits of religious practice by Iona Institute
  118. McCullogh ME, Larson DB, Hoyt WT. et al. (2000). Religious involvement and mortality: a meta-analytic review. Health Psychology. 19, 3. 211-222
  121. Alcoholism in the Soviet Union
  124. Alcoholism in the Soviet Union
  127. Atheism and homosexuality
  129. Chapman, Thomas E. (2007). Constructing the Moral Landscape Through Antidiscrimination Law: Discourse, Debate, and Dialogue of Sexual Citizenship in Three Florida Communities. ProQuest. ISBN 9780549469575. Retrieved on 25 April 2014. “Another element contributing to Cuba's past anti-gay policies was for a time, the government adopted the Stalinist position, practiced in the Soviet Union, that homosexuality is a form of bourgeois decadence.” 
  130. Stedman, Chris (13 December 2013). Does American Atheists agree with this offensive LGBTQ comment?. Religion News Service. Retrieved on 25 April 2014.
  134. Cryonics and critics, The Cryonics Society
  135. Sikivu, Ophelia, and Rebecca — who says atheism lacks women stars?
  136. Mailvos - Continuing education
  137. Vitz, Paul, The Psychology of Atheism, September 24, 1997 (lecture notes taken by an audience member).
  138. Anders, Kerby, Atheists and Their Fathers (Probe Ministries)
  140. Atheism is rudderless and unseaworthy
  141. Richard admits he is an agnostic - The Daily Mail
  142. 'Outspoken atheist' admits he is an agnostic
  143. Is Richard Dawkins a flip-flopper?
  144. Atheist church service in Austalia
  145. Atheist church service - CNN
  146. Atheist chaplains
  150. Question evolution! campaign] by Creation Ministries International
  151. Ruse, M., How evolution became a religion: creationists correct? National Post, pp. B1,B3,B7 May 13, 2000.
  152. 15 questions for evolutionists
  153. Evolutionary gut feelings, "Belief in Evolution Boils Down to a Gut Feeling"
  154. The effects of the Question Evolution! Campaign will be devastating to evolutionary belief and atheism
  155. Darwinism and atheism are religions. Atheism is faitheism
  156. Does the Bible condone slavery?
  157. Qatar’s ambitious future driven on by North Korean ‘forced labour’, The Guardian, Pete Pattisson in Doha, Friday 7 November 2014 07.52 EST]
  158. Labor camps reinforce China's totalitarian rule. (1984-10-09). Retrieved on 2013-03-20.
  159. "China to reform re-education through labor system", Xinhua, January 8, 2013. Retrieved on January 8, 2013. 
  160. Modern gulags - China's forced labor camps
  161. American Pastor Languishing in North Korea Labor Camp
  162. American Pastor Languishing in North Korea Labor Camp
  163. Ending slavery
  164. Revealed: How atheist Richard Dawkins' family fortune came from the slave trade, Daily Mail, February 20, 2012
  165. Revealed: How atheist Richard Dawkins' family fortune came from the slave trade, Daily Mail, February 20, 2012
  166. Slaves at the root of the fortune that created Richard Dawkins' family estate, The Daily Telegragh, February 19, 2012
  167. Revealed: How atheist Richard Dawkins' family fortune came from the slave trade, Daily Mail, February 20, 2012
  168. Sowell, Thomas (2005) The real history of slavery. In Black Rednecks and White Liberals. San Francisco, CA: Encounter Books
  169. Atheists hate God
  170. How We’ve Been Robbed of Beauty by the Left
  171. Aesthetic arguments for the existence of God by Peter Williams
  172. Darwin's arguments against God
  173. "Enthusiastic Brights" at the Brights Movement website
  174. Hemant Mehta listing - Enthusiastic Brights at Brights Movement website
  175. Science and the Search for Meaning: excerpts from the Introduction to Science Friction by Michael Shermer
  176. The (un)Friendly Atheist, Crommunist blog at Freethoughtblogs
  177. Those Atheists You Hate Aren’t Really All That Bad by Hemant Mehta
  178. Soviet Religious Policy Under Brezhnev and After by JOHN ANDERSON
  180. ATHEISM, quoted from Gary Thomas, Christianity Today, October 3, 1994, p. 26 , website of
  181. Refuting atheism
  182. Heywood Broun quote at the quotes website Brainyquote
  183. The Ophelia Benson canard
  184. Joint statement by Ophelia Benson and Richard Dawkins (see comment section)
  185. The Ophelia Benson canard
  186. Mom Arrested for Swearing in Front of Kids at the Grocery Store, but What the Woman Who Tattled on Her Did Afterward Is Just as Surprising, The Blaze, Aug. 15, 2014 4:41pm
  187. Children see the world as designed
  188. Does everything happen for a reason?