Last modified on April 24, 2024, at 15:06


See also: addiction
Most individuals are overweight due to their dietary and exercise habits.[1]

Obesity is the medical classification for extremely excessive body weight. According the UCLA Health, "In March of 2023, the World Obesity Federation (WOF) released a report stating that by 2035 over 4 billion people – more than half the world’s population – will be obese."[2]

It often results from unsatisfying or anxiety-filled lives, turning to food to fill the void. More than two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese, such as the failed anti-Trumper presidential candidate Chris Christie. Political correctness censors use of the words "fat", "obese", and "overweight".[3]

Listening to unsatisfying liberal claptrap results in craving for weight-gaining food or other addictions. Where liberal claptrap is most pervasive -- American college campuses -- the rise in obesity has been the worst such that "college students in the United States are among the most affected populations."[4] Obesity results from food addiction as a substitute for satisfaction through prayer, conservative efforts, or charitable activities.

Food is a poor hobby (prayer and reading the Bible are far better), and snacking puts on unwanted pounds. So will a poor diet that is not based on lots of daily vegetables. Eliminating foods with "added sugar" (every packaged food must disclose its added sugar content) will improve one's diet, as added sugar causes an immediate blood sugar spike and can lead to or worsen diabetes. Obtaining the daily recommended amount of Vitamin A from food alone helps convert to a healthy, weight-losing diet. Identifying the worst food in your diet and then replacing it is a great start to losing weight.

In men, drinking beer is a cause of obesity and dangerous belly fat even when not overweight. Beer adds calories, makes most people hungrier for food, and forces the body to process the alcohol rather than burn off fat.[5] College-educated, typically Trump-hating adults drink alcohol at the highest rate.[6]

Lesbians have a substantially higher incidence of obesity.[7] Among women, obesity at one end of the spectrum, and hyper-athleticism (particularly in combative sports) at the other end, could be a cause of lesbianism.

Medical definition

It is a more serious classification on the Body Mass Index (BMI) scale than the overweight classification is. From a medical perspective, an obese person has accumulated enough body fat that it can negatively impact health. "A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese."[8]If an adult's weight is at least 20% higher than his ideal weight (which is based upon the person's height), he is generally considered obese. An adult with a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. A BMI is 30 or over is considered obese.[9]

Because ideal weights vary by age and gender, childhood obesity is normally determined using a modified BMI table. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) publishes a set of tables used to determine BMI percentages children and teens. In these tables, children whose weight is equal to or greater than the 95% bracket are considered obese.[10]

In addition, the term obese can be used in a more general way to simply mean the "excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body".[11]

Causes of obesity

Obesity is positively associated with impulsiveness, lower self-discipline and neuroticism.[12]

See: Causes of obesity and Bariatric science

Two of the major risk factors for becoming obese according to the Mayo Clinic are poor dietary choices and inactivity.[13] In the United States, most individuals are overweight due to their dietary and exercise habits.[14]


Although many people attempt to excuse away their overweight condition on their genetic makeup rather than exercise self-discipline when it comes to their diet and exercise habits, according to the Harvard University School of Public Health, most people can maintain a healthy weight through the establishment of healthy habits and maintaining an environment conducive to good health (emptying their refrigerator and cupboards of junk foods, etc.).[15]

The Harvard University School of Public Health declares in their article Genes are not destiny:’s important to remember that overall, the contribution of genes to obesity risk is small, while the contribution of our toxic food and activity environment is huge. As one scientist wrote, “Genes may co-determine who becomes obese, but our environment determines how many become obese.” That’s why obesity prevention efforts must focus on changing our environment to make healthy choices easier choices, for all.[15]

Internet and computer usage

In 2009, an Australian university study was done concerning the association between leisure time internet and computer use with being overweight/obese and also sedentary.[16] The study concluded: "These findings suggest that, apart from nutritional and physical activity interventions, it may also be necessary to decrease time spent in sedentary behaviors, such as leisure-time Internet and computer use, in order to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity."[16]


See also: Atheism and obesity and Sports performance: Religious faith vs. atheism

In the journal article Religion, self-regulation, and self-control: Associations, explanations, and implications, psychologists McCullough and Willoughby theorize that many of the positive links of religiousness with health and social behavior may be caused by religion's beneficial influences on self-control/self-regulation.[17][18] Furthermore, a 2012 Queen's University study published in Psychological Science found that religion replenishes self-control.[19][20] Also, numerous studies indicate that those who engage in regular spiritual practices have lower mortality rates.[21][22]

According to the Gallup Inc., "Very religious Americans are more likely to practice healthy behaviors than those who are moderately religious or nonreligious."[23]

For more information, please see: Atheism and obesity

Medical causes of obesity

Although obesity is usually the result of overeating and lack of exercise, in a small percentage of cases excess weight gain is a symptom of a disease such as hypothyroidism or Cushing's syndrome.[24]

Causes: additional information

Obesity has many causal factors. It can also be caused by improper hormone production or other malfunctions of various brain structures, including in particular the hypothalamus (site of the reward pathways, [this action=release of serotonin=feeling of pleasure]) and thyroid gland. A 2003 Duke University study shows a possible relationship between the number of children a person has and an increased risk of obesity. A woman's risk of obesity is raised 7% with each child; a man's risk is raised by 4%.[25]

Obesity is most dangerous among the children and the elderly, whose bones, livers, and lungs are too weak to deal with the excess weight and fat. Obesity can significantly shorten a person's lifespan.

Many in the medical establishment consider obesity to be an illness,[26] in the sense that it is a serious medical condition, but disagree about the root causes of non-hormone related obesity. The medical world is nearly unanimously agreed that obesity is a big problem in the Western world, and in fact becoming a problem worldwide.[27]

Liberals' answer to this problem has been to shift responsibility from those who are overeating (not including people with medical factors that cause the problems), to regulating how much fat can be in foods, what foods can be served at what restaurants, and trying to put financial penalties on restaurants that serve "fatty" foods.

Weight loss methods and medical science

Bariatric science is the branch of medical science that deals with the causes, prevention, treatment/control of obesity and its allied diseases.[28]

The 20% of overweight people who are able to achieve permanent weight loss typically report doing it through engaging in high levels of physical activity, eating a low-calorie diet, eating breakfast regularly, self-monitoring weight, and maintaining a consistent eating pattern across weekdays and weekends.[29]

For more information on weight loss methods, please see: Bariatric science

Weight loss methods and spiritual support

See: Overcoming obesity with the aid of Christian faith

Physical and mental health related problems associated with obesity

See also: Health risks linked to obesity

Some of the medical conditions associated with obesity include: type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, arthritis, cancer, sleep apnea, reproductive problems in women and varicose veins. Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and CAD are most closely associated with unhealthy diets, while arthritis comes from the stress extra weight places on the body. Stokes, cancer, and reproductive problems less closely correlate with obesity.[30] In addition, medical science research indicates that excess weight impairs brain function.[31]

Medical science research indicates that excess weight impairs brain function.[31]

According to the Mayo Clinic some of the symptoms associated with obesity can include:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnea
  • Pain in your back or joints
  • Excessive sweating
  • Always feeling hot
  • Rashes or infection in folds of your skin
  • Feeling out of breath with minor exertion
  • Daytime sleepiness or fatigue

Concerning the issue of depression, atheists do have higher rates of suicide than the general population. For more information please see: Atheism and depression and Atheism and suicide.

Obesity in the United States

The incidence of obesity varies by region within the United States. In 2010, the five leanest states (that is, the states with the lowest rates of obesity) were Colorado, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and Hawaii. The five states with the highest rates of obesity were Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, West Virginia,and Louisiana .[33] A recent study states that in 2010, the only state with less than a 20% obesity rate is Colorado. Twenty years ago, there were no states with an obesity rate higher than 15%.[34]

World issues on hunger vs. obesity

It has been noted that world obesity has risen, yet there is still an endless problem with starvation and hunger and malnutrition in both America and the world at large. A growing problem is food being horded and poorly distributed by groups like the United Nations, as well as poor food choices made by the less fortunate who would rather spend limited dollars on treat-like foods than on (admittedly harder to cook and less tasty, but better for you) choices like beans, rice, and canned vegetables. Liberals tend to deny the roles of personal choice and problems like greed in the UN, rather blaming the "establishment" for the entire problem of both hunger and obesity.

Psychology, obesity, religiosity and atheism

See also: Atheism and obesity and Psychology, obesity, religiosity and atheism and atheism and suicide

According to the Gallup Organization, "Very religious Americans are more likely to practice healthy behaviors than those who are moderately religious or nonreligious."[23] For more information please see: Atheism and obesity.

Many people overeat in response to negative emotions such as depression, anxiety and boredom.[35] Concerning atheism and mental and physical health, there is considerable amount of scientific evidence that suggest that theism is more conducive to mental and physical health than atheism. For example, atheists have higher rates of suicide than the general population. For more information, please see: Atheism and obesity.

Lesbianism and obesity

See also: Lesbianism and obesity and Homosexuality and obesity and gluttony

In April 2007, the American Journal of Public Health analyzed data from 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and the data suggested that American lesbian women were 2.69 times more likely to be overweight and 2.47 times more likely to be obese than all other female sexual orientation groups. [36]

Concerning lesbianism and obesity, in April 2007, the American Journal of Public Health analyzed data from 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and the data suggested that American lesbian women were 2.69 times more likely to be overweight and 2.47 times more likely to be obese than all other female sexual orientation groups. [36] The abstract for this study indicated that "lesbians are at greater risk for morbidity and mortality linked to overweight and obesity." [36]

In 2009, the PubMed article abstract for the Polish psychiatry journal Psychiatria Polska article Body Image in Homosexual Persons declared:

Homosexual women are less concentrated on physical appearance and more satisfied with their bodies while being more tolerant to obesity.... For lesbian women the ideal body image is more massive than for heterosexual women.[37]

In 2007, a purported lesbian wrote to Andrew Sullivan, the political commentator and administrator of The Daily Dish blog:

And - oh heck, I'll admit it - aesthetics have value, too! As a woman, I may not be as focused on looks as men are predisposed to be, but I sure am tired of seeing so many queer ladies out there who are way past 200 pounds. Way, way past. Sorry, but no amount of "fat acceptance" is going to make that a pleasant sight - gay, straight, butch, femme, male or female.[38]

Regions of the world with low obesity rates

See also: Regions of the world with low obesity rates

Africa and low obesity rates

The traditional African diet is healthier than many Western World peoples' diets and Africa has some of the lowest obesity rates in the world.[39][40][41]

Africans are among the most religious people on Earth (See: Religion and Africa).[42] In recent years, Christianity has seen a rapid growth in Africa.[43] See also: Atheism and obesity

Most African countries have some of the lowest rates of obesity rates in the world[44]

Africans are among the most religious people on Earth.[42] See: Religion and Africa and Atheism and obesity

Philippines and its low obesity rate

See also: Religious Philippines winning streak in the major international beauty pageants

According the CIA's World Factbook, the Philippines was ranked in 169 out of 192 in terms of its obesity rate in 2016 and its obesity rate was merely 6.20% which is low compared to many countries.[45] Beauty pageants are very popular in the Philippines and they have had a winning streak in major international beauty pageants.[46] See: Religious Philippines winning streak in the major international beauty pageants

According to Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia founded by an atheist and agnostic, "Irreligion in the Philippines is particularly rare among Filipinos...".[47] See also: Atheism and obesity

Kylie Fausto Verzosa won Miss International 2016. She is the sixth Filipino to win the Miss International crown.

Pet obesity

See also: Pet obesity

Overweight British cat.

Pet obesity is a growing problem in the Western World.

United Kingdom's pet obesity epidemic

In 2015, The Guardian reported concerning the United Kingdom: "Fat cats – and dogs and rabbits – are expected to outstrip healthy ones within five years, as pet obesity rates continue to rise across the country..."[48]

According to Britain's Daily Mirror:

Fatty treats and junk food are to blame for a "tragic" obesity crisis for British pets, according to new research.

Owners are giving more than 10 million animals high-calorie foods such as take-aways, biscuits, chips and even alcohol, the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) charity found."[49]

See also

External links

Weight loss resources and tips

The 20% of overweight people who are able to achieve permanent weight loss typically report doing it through engaging in high levels of physical activity, eating a low-calorie diet, eating breakfast regularly, self-monitoring weight, and maintaining a consistent eating pattern across weekdays and weekends.[50]

Below are some resources related to weight loss:

General weight loss tips:

Weight loss resources and tips:

Strength training and cardio exercise:

Other resources on how much exercise is needed to lose weight and importance of one day of rest per week:

Documentary on weight loss:


Irvingia gabonensis:

Spiritual support:

Bariatric surgery:


  1. Worldwide Obesity on the Rise, UCLA Health website
  9. About BMI for Children and Teens
  10. Definition of obesity
  12. 15.0 15.1 Obesity - Genes are not destiny
  13. 16.0 16.1
  14. Religion, Self-Regulation, and Self-Control: Associations, Explanations, and Implications
  16. Religion Replenishes Self-Control, Psychological Science, June 2012 vol. 23 no. 6 635-642, Kevin Rounding, Albert Lee, Jill A. Jacobson and Li-Jun Ji at Queen’s University
  17. Study finds religion helps us gain self-control
  18. Religious involvement and mortality: a meta-analytic review. McCullough ME, Hoyt WT, Larson DB, Koenig HG, Thoresen C., Health Psychol. 2000 May;19(3):211-22.
  19. The role of spirituality in health care, roc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2001 October; 14(4): 352–357.
  20. 23.0 23.1
  21. Medical causes of obesity, WebMD
  22. Number of Children Associated with Obesity in Middle-Aged Women and Men: Results from the Health and Retirement Study
  23. Is Obesity a Disease? Medical News Today
  24. "... when it comes to obesity—which dominates nutrition problems even in some of the poorest countries of the world—it is the calories that count." Eating Made Simple - Scientific American
  25. Definition of the bariatric
  26. Long-term weight loss maintenance, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005 July; 82(1 Suppl):222S-225S.
  27. 31.0 31.1 *[5]
  30. More bad news about the obesity epidemic in-America
  32. 36.0 36.1 36.2 Overweight and Obesity in Sexual-Minority Women: Evidence From Population-Based Data, Ulrike Boehmer, Deborah J. Bowen, Greta R. Bauer, American Journal of Public Health, 2007 Jun;97(6):1134-40. E pub 2007 Apr 26.
  35. World Health Organization map - Obesity rate by country, 2022
  36. World's fattest countries
  37. Traditional African diets are healthier than Western diets, Today's Nutrition
  38. 42.0 42.1 Why so many Africans are religious: Leo Igwe
  39. The African apostles: How Christianity exploded in 20th-century Africa
  40. World Health Organization map - Obesity rate by country, 2022
  41. Obesity rates by country, CIA World Factbook
  42. Assignment Asia: The Philippines' beauty pageant obsession
  43. Irreligion in the Philippines, July 2018
  44. Pet obesity a growing problem in the UK
  45. Take-aways, biscuits, chips and alcohol fuelling Britain's PET obesity crisis
  46. Long-term weight loss maintenance, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005 July; 82(1 Suppl):222S-225S.