Ukraine aid

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US weapons given to Ukraine for sale on the blackmarket. Many found their way into the hands of Hamas.[1]

Ukraine aid, also known as the Slava Slush Fund was formally introduced into the Senate as S. 3522, the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 on January 19, 2022, more than 5 weeks before the Russian intervention in the 8-year ongoing Donbas war.[2]

Only 57 House members -- all Republican -- voted against the initial $40 billion provocation to prolong the 8-year ongoing Donbas civil conflict which began in 2014 when the Obama/Biden administration overthrew the democratically-elected government of Ukraine with the Maidan coup.[3] The United States, France, Germany and the Zelensky regime violated the Minsk Accords negotiated with the Donbas Republics to resolve the conflict,[4] in order to buy time to arm, train, and equip a proxy force,[5] the Armed Forces of Ukraine,[6] to attack the people of Donbas who had voted for autonomy and self-determination.[7]

The Congresasional authorization pays the salaries and pensions of Ukrainian government officials, effectively making Ukraine a U.S. colony. The United States would have to borrow the $40 billion from the Peoples Republic of China in order to fund the bill.[8] The amount of funding was enough to guarantee, even after the demilitarization of Ukraine, defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the battlefield, capture of the capital city of Kyiv and fall of the Kyiv regime, to continue a terrorist partisan insurgency in Russian held areas and a hybrid war into the Russian Federation itself for several years into the future.

One of the first actions of the Ukrainian parliament after receiving the aid was to vote themselves a 70% payraise.[9] In addition to corruption at all levels in the government and military, raking off funds for personal enrichment, US aid has been used to build soccer stadiums. A CBS News documentary found that only 30% of U.S. aid sent to Ukraine ever made it to the front lines.[10][11]

Only $6 billion of the original tranche actually made it to Ukraine.[12] Within a week after the bill was passed, Alexei Arestovich, press spokesman for Ukrainian strongman Volodymyr Zelensky said, "The West is now passing the test of adequacy – and is gradually failing it by not supplying us with the necessary weapons."[13] By December 2023 Arestovich was saying the Zelensky regime took the wrong side: "We shed blood to end up in the losing camp."[14]

By May 2023, the Congress provided about $116 billion,[15] nearly twice the CIA estimated Russian defense budget.[16] By September 2023, the entire U.S. investment had been destroyed on the battlefield.[17]

By the end of 2023 the amount of foreign aid received by Ukraine was 30% larger than Ukraine's GDP, meaning Ukraine is de-facto a bankrupt state.


John McCain with neo-Nazi leader Oleh Tyahnybok during the Euromaidan coup.

The Postil reported that in 2007, the CIA put together a “conference” of various anti-Russian factions in Ukraine whose purpose was nothing other than to groom neo-Nazis and jihadists, both groups being solidly anti-Russian. Overseeing the conference was Dmytro Yarosh, who led the Trident and the Pravy Sektor, both neo-Nazi organizations.[18]

In December 2013, in a speech to the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland said: “The United States has supported Ukraine’s European aspirations. … We have invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine.” On December 14 Sen. John McCain met with fascist leader Oleh Tyahnybok and Arseniy Yatsenyuk in Kiev.[19]

These various neo-Nazi units, trained by the West, were integrated into the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). After 2014 Maidan coup, the West actively protected these neo-Nazi groups. Victoria Nuland, in 2021, told Volodymyr Zelensky to appoint Dmytro Yarosh as adviser to the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian army—because no one can fight Russians better than Nazis.

Initial 2022 tranche

After the aid package was passed, Ukraine removed Nazi insignia from many surviving troops and added a special LGBTQ+ Unicorn patch.[20] "The mythical beast carries an important message for LGBTQ soldiersl"[21] due to the belief that homosexuals are unique. Dr. Walter Langer wrote that homosexuals "frequently regard themselves as a special form of creation.":[22]

In addition to paying the salaries of the civil service system of the corrupt Ukrainian government which terminated social security retirement benefits for Ukrainian citizens of Russian origin,[23] the U.S. Congress supplied:

  • 6500 anti-tank complexes;
  • 1500 MANPADS Stinger;
  • 20,000 anti-tank grenade launchers;
  • 7,500 small arms;
  • 108 M777 howitzers;
  • 220,000 155 mm shells;
  • 121 Phoenix Ghost drone;
  • 700 Kamikaze drones Switchblade;
  • 200 M113 armored personnel carriers;
  • Hundreds of Humvees;
  • 4 HIMARS systems;
  • 20 Mi-17 helicopters.

Voting against

These 57 House members -- all Republican -- voted against the $40 Billion aid to perpetuate war in Ukraine bill, HR 7691.[24]

Kiel Institute

Ukraine aid, October 2022.

The Kiel Institute, a German think tank, was the only organization attempting to track the blank check Congress wrote to Ukraine in 2022. Their numbers include all aid from January 24, 2022 to October 3, 2022. According to Kiel, in that time period the U.S. transferred military and non-military aid worth $54.43 billion to the Zelensky regime.[25]

FTX scandal

See also: FTX scandal and Zelensky regime

Tens of billions of dollars in American Military Aid to Ukraine, which was allegedly to be used to fight Russia, was cash that Ukraine did not use to fight Russia, but instead invested into FTX cryptocurrency exchange. Ukraine was receiving money from the US, Ukraine sent it to FTX, and FTX sent it to Democrats, who originally voted to send it to Ukraine. It appears to be pure criminal money-laundering, and a criminal conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws.

Speakers at the New York Times event, Bankman-Fried, Zelensky, Fink, and Yellen.[26]

The CEO of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, was the #2 donor to the Democrats in the 2022 Midterm elections, second only to George Soros.[27]

FTX's bankruptcy filing on November 12, 2022 revealed that FTX suffered from $10-$50 billion in liabilities with almost zero assets.

Among those liabilities are “investments” made by the Zelensky regime.

Up until its bankruptcy filing, FTX was a 'partner' with the World Economic Forum (WEF).[28] The FTX CEO's aunt, Linda Fried, is on the board of the WEF.[29] Sam Bankman-Fried's mother, Barbara Fried, is the founder and president of a left-wing Super PAC called ‘Mind the Gap’ (MTG), "dedicated to helping Democratic political candidates win elections. The PAC earns millions of dollars in donations primarily from Silicon Valley executives 'who are keen on quietly funneling massive political donations into the Democratic Party'. The mission of MTG is to “empower private political donors to strengthen our democracy by providing them with evidence-based guidance on the electoral strategies, tactics, and programs that are likely to achieve the greatest impact in a given election”, according to Influence Watch.[30] Bankman-Fried’s brother, Gabe runs an organization called Guarding Against Pandemics, which is financed by Sam Bankman-Fried.[31]

Lame duck slush fund

On October 20, 2022, nineteen days before the 2022 Midterm elections it was reported that amid concerns that a new Congress could take a more skeptical view of aid to Ukraine, members from both parties were looking to lock in billions of dollars in military assistance to the neo-fascist Kyiv regime before newly elected members were sworn in in January 2023.[32]

Tens of billions of dollars were transferred to Ukraine then laundered back to Democrats in advance of the 2022 Midterm elections.[33]

The bipartisan idea under consideration would use an omnibus spending bill during the lame duck session to secure a much higher level of military and other assistance than prior aid packages for Ukraine.

The amount would be enough “to make sure [Ukraine] can get through the year,” a Republican senator with knowledge of the matter told NBC News. “It’ll make the $12 billion look like pocket change.”

The new aid package could be within the range of roughly $50 billion, congressional aides and a source close to the Zelensky regime said.[34]

The bill was passed in the House in December 2022 by a vote of 350 to 80, bringing the total aid scam to over $100 billion for the 2022. The funds will prop up salaries and pension for the near defunct Kiev puppet regime until April 2023, should the regime last that long.

2023 funding

Writing in Newsweek, Lt. Col. Daniel Davis said in September 2023,

"US leadership would be wise to adjust its policies to reflect the reality of Ukraine’s slim chances against Russia’s fortified lines...Washington has spent nearly $113 billion over the course of this war, provided Ukraine with an astounding volume of modern arms and ammunition, and delivered an impressive array of training and intelligence support...After almost a year of preparation, it hardly dented the Russian lines...Rather than repeating over the next year and a half what has already not worked—potentially costing Ukraine yet additional hundreds of thousands of losses—it’s time to try something that has a chance to succeed...In other words, it’s time to acknowledge objective reality and employ policies that can work”.[35]

Supplies of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine are carried out within the framework of two mechanisms:

1. USAI (Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative) - purchase of defense products to support Kyiv directly from American industry. As of November 22, 2023, this amount was approximately $10.5 billion. (total used thus far)

2. PDA (Presidential Drawdown Authority - transfer to Kyiv by decision of the US President of federally owned state property reserves, i.e. from Pentagon warehouses). In parallel, the process of Ukraine Presidential Drawdown Replacement is underway (Replacement of equipment withdrawn from Pentagon warehouses by decision of the US President, i.e. replenishment of Pentagon warehouses). It is designated as REPLACEMENT. As of November 15, 2023 - in the amount of about $16.8 billion.

As the 2024 presidential election approached, U.S. socialist führer Joseph R. Biden attempted to blackmail Republicans in Congress and the American people by refusing to take action to stem the tide of illegal immigration Biden unleashed on his first day in office if another $60 billion in Ukronazi aid was not passed.[36]

The proposed $61 billion Ukraine aid bill for 2024 first provides a little over $20 billion to replenish the American weapons already given to Kiev, it then gives $14 billion to Ukraine to purchase American weapons when and if they're produced, it gives $15 billion to Ukraine for support services such as military training and intelligence sharing, about $8 billion would go to help Ukraine’s government continue basic operations with a prohibition on money going toward pensions, and there’s about $1.6 billion to help Ukraine’s private sector.

2024 election year funding

Internet meme[37]

In exchange for deep state puppet Joe Biden lifting an executive order export ban on LNG gas from Louisiana,[38] Johnson passed Ukraine aid and FISA 702 reauthorization,[39] calling himself "a wartime Speaker".[40]

The US House under Johnson passed a foreign “aid” package of $61 billion for Ukraine. The legislation designed by Johnson enjoyed mainstream media praise with The New York Times remarking his funding of Ukraine as a “transformational arc,” and CNN comparing him to Winston Churchill. The bill was passed on April 20, 2024, the 135 anniversary of the birth of Adolf Hitler and dubbed the "Hitler Birthday Bill".[41]

President Trump proposed crafting the bill in the form of a loan rather than an outright grant; the loans were structured in such a way to give Biden authority to forgive the loans.[42]

For liberals, admitting Donald Trump's role would undermine the corporate media narrative they disseminated for years that Trump is an agent of the Kremlin who only won in 2016 because of a sophisticated Russian coup. For the MAGA movement, it would mean admitting that Trump is not an enemy of the Deep State nor a principled non-interventionist, but actually in line with the establishment wings of both parties—a fatal blow to a business model which relies on propping up Trump as a substantive alternative to warmongering Democrats. Journalist Michael Tracey observed:

What they will do now until the election is pretend, I’m going to say they, I mean just propagandists and partisan operatives for both parties. They’re going to pretend that there are these seismic gulfs between the two parties. Even though we have demonstrable evidence that they were able to magically coordinate on the most consequential bill that was ushered through the legislative branch probably in years, I mean at least since the CARES Act of 2020.[43]


  1. Hamas Thanks Ukraine for Selling Them Weapons, by FRANKIE STOCKES, National File, October 8, 2023.
  2. Introduced in Senate (01/19/2022) Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022
  3. The War in Ukraine Was Provoked, By Jeffrey D. Sachs, Consortium News, May 24, 2023.
  4. Ukraine’s Zelensky admits he sabotaged Minsk peace deal with Russia, By Ben Norton, 2023-02-10.
  5. Siding with Ukraine's far-right, US sabotaged Zelensky's mandate for peace, AARON MATÉ, APR 10, 2022.
  7. Donbass Self-Determination: Referenda and the Rights of Minorities. Analysis by UN Expert, By Alfred de Zayas and Arnaud Develay, November 03, 2022.
  13. Dept. Translations of Ukrainian Telegram Channels, May 26, 2022.
  14. BOMBSHELL: Ukraine is on the wrong side, says Arestovich!, December 5, 2023. PRAVDA EN
  15. Congress Approved $113 Billion of Aid to Ukraine in 2022, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, JAN 5, 2023.
  16. NATO Already Vastly Outspends Russia, BY WILLIAM D. HARTUNG, Defense One, JULY 17, 2018.
  17. NYT: Ukraine will face defeat if the counteroffensive continues, by Lindsey Sandoval, September 29, 2023.
  21. CNN Special Report: "The uniforms of Ukrainian volunteer fighters Oleksandr Zhuhan and Antonina Romanova bares a rare distinction, the image of a unicorn sewn into its standard-issue epaulets. Zuhan says the mythical beast carries an important message for LGBTQ soldiers." HEROIC TRANS LGBT COUPLE FIGHTS FOR UKRAINE WITH SPECIAL UNICORN PATCHES - SPECIAL CNN REPORT.
  22. A Psychological Analysis of Adolf Hitler, His Life and Legend, Walter C. Langer. Office of Strategic Services, Washington, D.C. 1941, p. 196.
  32. About that blank check..., Jacob Dreizen, October 20, 2022.
  35. [Mainstream “Newsweek” Wakes up to Reality: “$113 Billion in Modern Arms Hardly Dented Russian Lines”], By Richard Abelson, Gatewaypundit, Sep. 21, 2023.
  36. Biden Blackmail Intensifies: Won't Shut Border Until Congress Coughs Up Ukraine, Israel Funds, Tyler Durden's Photo, JAN 29, 2024.
  38. There’s a reason you haven’t heard the White House bash Johnson’s Ukraine aid ideas, By JENNIFER HABERKORN, ELI STOKOLS and JONATHAN LEMIRE, Politico, 04/04/2024.
  39. Speaker Mike Johnson Gives Explanation For His Flip-Flop On FISA Spying On Americans, John Hanson, Political Insider, April 12, 2024.
  40. Speaker Mike Johnson Calls Himself a “Wartime Speaker”, C-SPAN, April 17, 2024. Rumble.
  41. House Passes Ukraine Funding Bill On Hitler's Birthday, Zerohedge, APR 20, 2024.

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