Michael McFaul

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Natalia Veselnitskaya waiting behind U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul to give Senate testimony about Bill Browder. Browder, who renounced his U.S. citizenship to avoid taxes, convinced Sen. John McCain to sponsor the Russia sanctions bill to recover his wealth. Obama signed the bill. Veselnitskaya, who doesn't understand the U.S. political system, says she was asking Donald Trump, Jr. for help because people were trying to prevent her from testifying. Veselnitskaya wanted to tell Senators that Browder scammed the Russian treasury, and Browder scammed the Congress with false allegations about Sergei Magnitsky. In the end, Veselnitskaya's testimony was scuttled.

Michael McFaul is a key strategist of the U.S. Color Revolution and Biden Putsch. McFaul was appointed U.S. Ambasador to Russia by President Obama and served between 2012 and 2014, during the Maidan Revolt and passage of the Magnitsky Act.

Color Revolution

In the early 2000s, McFaul studied the so-called color revolutions in the former states of the Soviet Union. McFaul identified the seven elements of successful revolutions in these countries.

The first element of a successful color revolution, according to McFaul, is a semi-autocratic rather than fully-autocratic regime. This narrative about President Trump has been pervasive in the liberal media and echoed by prominent Democrats since before he was elected. Despite all evidence to the contrary, President Trump is consistently painted as walking the line between constitutional order and authoritarianism. Over the Summer of 2020, Democrats and the fake news media resurfaced the narrative that President Trump will not accept the 2020 presidential election results if Joe Biden wins. They assert that he will refuse to concede and will have to be forced out of the White House if he loses the election.

According to McFaul, the second requirement is 'an unpopular incumbent'. The left uses identity politics to try and make President Trump unpopular with specific constituencies. "Peaceful Protests" are used to demonstrate there are hordes of citizens who oppose President Trump. The fake new mainstream media and Democrats try to frame the riots as “Trump’s America,” despite all the evidence the riots are supported by Democrats in power and even financially supported by members of the Biden campaign.

A third requirement, according to McFaul, is a united and organized opposition. The opposition has a name. The NeverTrump Resistance started shortly after the 2016 presidential election. Using the hashtag or the phrase is a way to signal you are on the team. Any group can join the broader movement and oppose the president on their own terms. Poorly weighted polls were pushed out by corporate media outlets after the conventions that either oversample specific populations or survey all adults rather than likely voters or registered voters.

See also
