Liberal myths

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Liberal myths are falsehoods heavily supported by a destructive belief system.

List of liberal myths

Liberal beliefs include:[1]

  • The claim that neither evil nor the devil exist.
  • The claim that government titles make someone important or significant.
  • The claim that there is man-made "global warming".[2]
  • The claim that Earth and the universe are billions of years old.
  • The claim that government regulations create jobs.
  • The claim that environmental regulation saves lives.[3]
  • The claim that there is no voter fraud, it's about the GOP wanting to "prevent" people from voting.
  • The claim that "The failed economic policies of George W. Bush" caused the recession and high unemployment.[4]
  • The claim that unemployment benefits stimulate the economy.[5]
  • The claim that the U.S. put Japanese soldiers to death for waterboarding.[6]
  • The claim that GOP gerrymandering was responsible for the Democrats' 2014 Midterm Elections defeat.
  • The claim that Democrats lost the 2010 Midterm elections because Barack Obama was not liberal enough.
  • The claim that banning plastic bags, bottles, and other products will improve the environment.[7]
  • The claim that nationalism is the opposite of patriotism.[8][9][10]
  • The claim that Early American Pilgrims were illegal immigrants when there were no such things as national boundaries in what is now the United States prior to its establishment.[11] No government or immigration laws were in existence at the time.
  • The claim that human beings are beginning to overpopulate. This myth is used as an attempt to justify abortion and the theory of anthropogenic "global warming".
  • The claim that people today are more knowledgeable and intelligent than in prior centuries.
  • The claim that the Bush tax cuts substantially reduced 2006 revenues and expanded the budget deficit.
  • The claim that the Bush tax cuts have not helped the economy.
  • The claim that some people are so poor they can only afford to eat Ramen Noodles.
  • The claim that a fetus is not a living person.
  • The claim the embryonic stem cells will provide many cures. Unlike adult stem cells, embryonic cells have provided no known cures.
  • The claim that gun control reduces crime.
  • The claim that abortion and breast cancer are unrelated.
  • The claim that abortion and mental depression are unrelated.
  • The claim that gambling financially benefits state school systems.[12]
  • The claim to support the rights of women, never mentioning the oppressed women in Islamic countries.[13]
  • The claim that the media is not biased toward the liberal agenda.
  • The claim that enabling oil drilling will not reduce long-term energy prices.[14]
  • The claim that enabling oil drilling will not provide energy security.[15]
  • The claim that same-sex couple adoptions can replace the love from a mother and a father.[16]
  • The claim that an individual's sexual preference needs to be a protected civil "right".[17]
  • That there is a "vast right-wing conspiracy" [18]
  • The claim that opposing the homosexual agenda is "bigotry".[19]
  • The claim that the US acted unilaterally in Iraq. The USA and Britain led a 30-nation coalition in Iraq.[20]
  • The claim that President Bush "cheated" in the 2000 Presidential election.[21]
  • The claim that President Bush lied about WMD in Iraq to grab oil.
  • The claim that Saddam Hussein was not seeking to buy yellowcake Uranium.[22]
  • The claim that the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks were an "inside job" by the USA.
  • The claim that Foreign Intelligence & Surveillance Act (FISA) is for spying on Americans.[23]
  • The claim that big government will benefit its citizens.[24]
  • The claim that military recruits are poor and uneducated.[25][26][27]
  • The claim that government-run healthcare is better than a capitalist healthcare system.[28]
  • The claim that going on the offense against terrorists creates more terrorists.[29]
  • The claim that terrorism should be handled by law enforcement.[30][31]
  • The claim that the USA should negotiate with rogue nations and terror groups.
  • The claim that socialism is "superior" to capitalism.
  • The claim that there is a gene which causes people to become homosexuals. No such gene has been found by the scientific community.
  • The claim that humans and apes have a common ancestor.
  • The claim that gender is more than male and female.
  • The claim that misogynistic sexism is the reason for any supposed gender gap in wages. Numerous studies showing that the difference in wages for men and women doing similar jobs is caused mainly by personal choices.
  • The claim that the death penalty does not deter crime. Overwhelming evidence shows that the death penalty does deter crime.
  • The claim that atheists are just as moral as Christians who regularly go to a church, or, in some cases, claim atheists are "morally superior".
  • The claim that all religions teach the same thing.
  • The claim that intelligent design is not a science and has no evidence.
  • The claim that no climatologist or physicist rejects "global warming". Ironically, the founder of The Weather Channel rejects "global warming", as do thousands of other scientists.
  • The claim that Hitler was a Catholic.
  • The claim that opposition to Obama is "racism".
  • The claim that the general welfare clause in the Constitution gives government the right to force American citizens to buy government-run healthcare.
  • The claim that Jesus was the first socialist simply because he shared with others.[32]
  • The claim that affirmative action works.
  • The claim that the Old Testament is immoral.
  • The claim that Jews of today aren't the Jews of the Bible.
  • The claim that Christmas is about the story of a "refugee family."[33]
  • The claim that feminism has no bias.
  • The claim that homosexuals do not try to convert heterosexuals.
  • The claim that same-sex "marriage" will not result in polygamy also being written into law.
  • The claim that the Bible is fictional, allegorical, or partially allegorical.
  • The claim that Liberal Christianity is compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
  • The claim that proper tire inflation can replace the need for additional oil drilling.
  • That people should eat less red meat in order to combat "climate change".[34]
  • The claim Jesus was a "liberal" or political leftist.[35]
  • The claim that the Nation of Islam is unrelated to Islam the ideology.
  • The claim that portable school vouchers would destroy public schools, yet liberals send their own children to private schools.
  • The claim that, if a person is pro-life, that person does not care about people after birth.[36]
  • The claim that more African Americans died in wars of America than in abortion. 1,786 blacks are killed daily by abortion, one of two pregnant women will be suckered into pro-choice genocide. [3]
  • The claim that renaming War on Terror to Overseas Contingency Operation will reduce the threats facing America.
  • The claim that cutting back on America's missile defenses will some how make the country more secure.
  • The claim that the nation will go bankrupt if we don't spend more tax dollars.
  • The claim that the United States must switch to unproven technologies for the environment's sake, such as wind or solar power. Yet, proven clean energy generated by nuclear power is not an option.
  • The claim that a person cannot be pro-life if that person is pro-gun or pro-capital punishment.
  • The claim that opposition to homosexuality and homosexual "marriage", equals "hatred" of homosexuals or "bigotry".
  • The claim that Donald Trump's supporters are all "racists", "fascists", or, in Hillary Clinton's words, "deplorables".
  • The claim that Donald Trump's views resemble Hitler's.
  • The claim that Hitler was a "conservative".
  • The claim that violent video games like Doom or Quake aren't contributing to real life violence.
  • The claim that guns are responsible for deaths. By that same logic, pencils are responsible for misspelled words.
  • The claim that 47 million Americans don't have health insurance, while the actual number is between 10 and 15 million. [37]
  • The claim that homosexuality cannot be overcome by therapy and prayer.
  • The claim that homosexuality is inherent to a person's biology and not a choice of lifestyle.
  • The claim that higher income earners in America are not paying a "fair share".
  • The claim that the liberal mainstream media is "unbiased", "reliable", "fair", and "unchallengeable".
  • The claim that conservative media is "biased" and "unreliable".
  • The claim that fake news is a conservative problem, when in fact it is a liberal problem.
  • The claim that the Democratic Party is moderate, centrist, or even center-right compared to left-wing political parties and their platforms elsewhere, mainly Western Europe, with the ultra-rare exceptions of moderates Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, and Tulsi Gabbard.
  • The claim that they are better than those who disagree them themselves. They open fire on anyone who doesn't agree with them, particularly conservatives and fundamentalist and biblical Christians, calling them false (and thus meaningless) slur words such as "fascist," "racist," "bigoted," "sexist," "misogynistic," "neo-Nazi," etc. They do this without realizing that the people they name-call are oftentimes more friendly and caring than themselves.
  • The claim that Islam "has always been part of the American fabric" even as far back as the American Revolution.[38]
  • The claim that it's impossible to be racist against White people because racism requires prejudice + power which is not only not the definition of racism, but it is also not even true that non-whites don't have institutional power to harm whites. False accusations of racism have been used to attack white people many times. [39]
  • The claim that conservatives are war hawks, even though since 1900, it was Democrats that got the United States involved in wars with the exception of the Bushes as Republicans Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon withdrew from Korea and Vietnam respectively.

Liberal myths about Donald Trump

  • The claim by prominent Democrats, media elites, RINOS, and liberals in general that Donald Trump could not possibly be elected to be president of the United States.[40][41][42]
  • The claim by liberals that Donald Trump is a "fascist". In reality, Trump's agenda includes cutting back several areas of government. Trump says he plans on going directly to the American public via Twitter after he is elected president. There are no indications that Trump will have a state controlled media. Trump has some hostility to the media, which was colluding with the Democrat Party, especially Hillary Clinton, during the 2016 election.
  • The claim that Donald Trump is a "misogynist". The Washington Post reported, "Today, according to Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, there are more women than men holding executive positions in the Trump Organization, heading such departments as human resources, golf and hotel management, and global licensing, even though women make up just 43 percent of the overall workforce."[43] Among two of the first picks to fill positions in the Trump administration were Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina as his choice to become ambassador to the United Nations and Betsy DeVos to serve as education secretary. Trump Tower was also constructed by a woman named Barbara Res who was also the first woman to construct a skyscraper.
  • The claim that Donald Trump was unqualified to be president. He has executive experience and is a politically astute real estate developer in New York City and other geographic areas. Dwight Eisenhower, William Taft, Zachary Taylor and George Washington were never elected to a government office before becoming President of the United States. Barack Obama called Hillary Clinton the "most qualified" person ever to run for president while leaving out her major foreign policy failures and other shortcomings as Secretary of State.
  • The myth that American liberals are terrified of Donald Trump. Michael Moore compared Trump's election to Kristallnacht, but no Trump supporters engaged in widespread acts of oppression or violence on the day of his election. No prominent liberals have fled the United States after Trump's elections, nor has there been a large flight of liberals from the United States after Trump's election. No prominent liberals who claimed they would move out of the country if Trump was elected have indicated that they were leaving the country.
  • The liberal myth that Donald Trump is a virulent "racist". One of the first acts of President-elect Trump was to pick the Indian-American Nikki Haley to become ambassador to the United Nations. In addition, Trump made several minority-appointments, including Ben Carson as HUD Secretary.
  • Liberal denialism associated with the fact that Donald Trump was elected to be president of the United States. Twitter hashtags and protest cries of "Not my president" despite widespread liberal complaints that Donald Trump would not accept the results of the election. Liberal schemes of getting electors of the electoral college to switch their votes).
  • Liberals claim that Trump "colluded with Russia".


The liberal belief that an individual can claim to support the U.S. military, just not the mission and still be considered a 'Patriot'. In fact, the exact opposite is the truth. A liberal's patriotism, party-specific position, cannot support the troops if they are an impediment to their political left-wing strategy. The main reason for this has to due with passionate, partisan hatred for George W. Bush or any other conservative as commander in chief, the President of the United States of America. Liberals claim to support the military, claim not to support the mission, and refuse to support the Commander. The extremist left discounts the counter effect of troop morale. Understanding the true liberal mindset when it comes to supporting our U.S. troops, observe the often tried protest march. Though frustration boils over, actions lead from protest to outright sabotage or anarchism.[44] Liberal credibility fails and lack of concern for the support of America shows. The left-wing cares so much for America's military they condone and actually prop up politicians that abuse troops with reckless accusations,[45] negative media coverage and ego trips.[46] Liberal protesters look the other way as war memorials are vandalized. Liberals protest America's severely injured soldiers at the Walter Reed Medical Center.[47] Liberal protesters harass, damage or block military recruitment centers from operating business-as-usual.[48] This leftwing position, the myth is successful in feeding media driven discontent and mediocrity shame. If the news is bad, a liberal is spoon fed. If the news is good, the spoon-fed liberal is oblivious. e.g. "a complete suspension of disbelief".

Patriotism, to your brother, who volunteers and risks the ultimate sacrifice out of love, will never be diminished. True patriots will always be in our gratitude and held in the highest light.

America Perceived

The myth liberals give says we need to restore America's image in the world. Again, this mostly has to do with liberals' negative view of President Bush. Liberals want the two linked even though the myth is false. They blame Bush and Iraq for the bad USA image but the truth is that the credibility of the American left is a worse image than America's image abroad. The main need for liberals to propagate this myth is the fact that socialist governments of Europe oppose the policy of Iraq. This further fuels liberals' political agenda to remove Republicans from power. Liberals love Europeans and cite their false socialist utopia at every chance. European opposition automatically reinforces their belief that America's image is damaged. As of 2008, most of the European leaders that opposed Iraq are no longer in positions of power. The result, European conservatives were elected who publicly aligned themselves with America.

Those liberals that use the myth and regularly bash the USA are often called the "Blame America First" crowd. Though they never seem to mention that America gives more in donations, in total dollars, than any other country on Earth.[49] A sure way to change America's image in the world is to show the world we respect life. The repeal of Roe Vs. Wade would be a start.

Reasons why America was hated prior to 2003 include wealth, women's rights, support for our democratic ally Israel, democratic government, capitalist economy and exporting immorality.

Bad Successful Companies

In the attempt to point fingers and lay blame, the liberals produce the myth that profits made by successful companies are bad for America. Only a select group of companies are targeted for public shame. This is a false myth because successful corporations actually create jobs and tax revenue. Retirement funds and municipal bonds rely heavily on the profits from these companies. Also, the reason these companies flourish is because the capitalist system rewards their hard work. The liberals will try to create sympathy, that they care for the average American, they are the ones going after wrongdoers to make it right.

Liberals have demonized such companies as RJ Reynolds, Walmart, Halliburton and Blackwater. Their latest target is Exxon Mobil for their enormous profits and futures market oil speculators. Most of their accusations are absurd. Liberals in Congress don't blink an eye when it comes time to spend all that tax revenue generated. Liberals in Congress have been called on their hypocrisy for owning stocks in those companies. Which in turn, they divest their portfolios like nothing was ever wrong. For years, for decades, these companies have lobbied members of Congress, they have worked together for their common goals. In return, hefty campaign donations are their reward. Then for opportune reasons, liberals will publicly ridicule and verbally attack these bad, greedy capitalists. Corporate heads are brought before congress for a sideshow grilling to explain their actions.[50] The Windfall Tax is just another example of the sham created by this liberal myth. Those companies make enough money, they should now be forced to give some back. They are threatened with nationalization [51] and further government regulation, a socialist scheme. As the price of gas fell, Congress just pretended like nothing ever happened, Big Oil off the hook.

The Economy From The Previous 8 Years

In an attempt to spread Bush hatred without mentioning his name, it is common for liberals to lie and say "we're in this economic mess because of the policies over the previous eight years." This is a myth, perpetuated by the corrupt in order to link bad economics with Conservatism and Bush policy. These liberals are the very same individuals that would not recognize George W. Bush's economic successes when the economy was creating jobs. Bush, McCain, Alan Greenspan are all on record as trying to fix the corrupt lending policies and government mismanagement for the past eight years.[52] All the while Democrats were lining their pockets with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac donations. Democrats are overwhelmingly responsible if they should point fingers. Democrats Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, John Kerry, Charles Schumer and even Barack Obama are as much, if not directly, indirectly responsible for the failed economics of this country over the past eight-years. The same people who got us into this mess are now responsible for getting us out of financial meltdown. Blame can go all around on this one, both Republicans and Democrats. This was the result of many bad decisions over a long period of time. Then out of nowhere, financial calamity that nobody saw coming, except congressmen and women who were privy to bank collapses. They made good money while the rest of America suffered.[53]

The truth of the matter; Bush-era 4.5% unemployment, Obama-era will it go higher than 10%?


In an attempt by liberals to claim the U.S. committed war crimes after 9/11, Congress held an investigation into Enhanced interrogation by the CIA. The report would absolve the role of Congress, who were advised along the way, and label waterboarding as torture in violation of the Geneva convention. Liberals, backed by comments of Senator John McCain, would argue that we put Japanese to death for waterboarding. It's a ridiculous notion that waterboarding was reason enough to justify execution. Japanese soldiers would beat U.S. servicemen to death, forced labor to death, starved to death. Many lost limbs to sword wielding commanders.[54] Many U.S. serviceman and civilian contractors were executed without trial. Also, they were waterboarded. If GITMO detainees had it as bad as liberals claim, they wouldn't seek to stay.[55] To equate enhanced interrogation with torture is a liberal myth.


  2. Some Exasperating Liberal Myths, August 27, 2007
  3. [1]
  4. Let's discuss the "failed economicy policies" of President George W. Bush, Washington Examiner, December 9, 2010
  5. The unemployment ‘benefits’ compassion sham, CanadaFreePress, December 3, 2010
  6. [2]
  7. Guest column: Save the planet, use a plastic bag, The Daily Camera, July 21, 2013
  8. Hazony, Yoram (August 24, 2018). The Liberty of Nations. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved August 25, 2018.
  9. Gregor, A. James (November 18, 2018). Gregor: The False Dichotomy of Nationalism Versus Patriotism. Breitbart News. Retrieved November 18, 2018.
  10. Ryun, Ned (November 15, 2018). Trump vs. Macron: What the French president doesn't understand about nationalism. Fox News. Retrieved November 15, 2018.
  11. MSNBC Analyst On Thanksgiving: Pilgrims Were “Illegal Immigrants,” Indians 99 Percenters, Weasel Zippers, November 26, 2011.
  12. Is The Lottery Shortchanging Schools? CBS News, September 17, 2007
  13. About the Women's Rights Project ACLU
  14. Nancy Pelosi's Energy Policy, July 8, 2008
  15. Oil Money May Buy Drilling Vote, Liberal Says, August 7, 2008
  16. Lesbian and Gay Adoption Rights
  18. THE VAST LEFT-WING CONSPIRACY Fox News, May 29, 2008
  19. Boycott McDonald's! American Family Association
  20. The Myth of U.S. Isolation The Heritage Foundation, September 7, 2004
  21. Floridagate
  22. Tenet Agrees To Cooperate With Congressional Investigation Into Niger Fraud ThinkProgress, May 14, 2007
  23. Senate Passes Unconstitutional Spying Bill ACLU, July 9, 2008
  24. McCain, Obama Discuss Views on Public Service Ap, September 11, 2008
  25. Who Bears the Burden? Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Recruits Heritage Foundation, November 7, 2005
  26. Rangel Is Wrong About Recruits Human Events, December 4, 2006
  27. Bush on Kerry remark: U.S. troops are 'plenty smart' CNN, November 1, 2006
  28. Free, universal health care must be a right!, may 30, 2008
  29. Madeleine Albright: "We Created More Terrorists... Our Soldiers Are the Problem" Gateway Pundit, March 27, 2008
  30. Strategy Against Al-Qaeda Faulted Washington Post, July 30, 2008
  31. Bush: War on Terror is Not Law Enforcement Matter AP, August 20, 2008
  32. Reed, Lawrence W. (December 24, 2019). No, Jesus was not a socialist. Washington Examiner. Retrieved December 24, 2019.
  33. Adams, Becket (December 26, 2018). The nativity story isn’t about refugees. Where are you guys getting this from? Washington Examiner. Retrieved December 26, 2018.
  35. The 'Diggers' movement is held up as an example of good Christianity
  36. Obnoxious supporter of Obama Twitter Account @MovingLeft (Warning:Vulgar)
  37. Essay:47 million Americans without health insurance lie‎
  38. Pollak, Joel B. (May 29, 2017). CNN’s W. Kamau Bell: Islam Part of America’s Founding. Breitbart News. Retrieved May 29, 2017.
  40. [Best Compilation- People Who Laughed at TRUMP...and said he would never be President]
  41. Democrats and Media Agreed: There Was No Way Donald Trump Could Be Elected
  42. "You aren't laughing anymore, are you?" - Donald Trump - Deplorables Remix
  43. Donald Trump, a champion of women? His female employees think so.
  44. Anti-War Protest at GOP Convention Turns Violent Fox News, September 1, 2008
  45. Federal judge orders Murtha to testify in Haditha defamation case Politico, September 28, 2007
  46. Political Humor
  47. Anti-War Protests Target Wounded at Army Hospital
  48. Recruiting Center Attacks Coast to Coast Military Families Voice of Victory, March 19, 2008
  49. Americans give record $295B to charity USA Today, 6/25/2007
  50. Congress asks Big Oil to justify big profits The SF Chronicle, April 2, 2008
  51. Congresswoman threatens to nationalize oil industry, May 23, 2008
  52. Financial Meltdown Video YouTube
  53. Members of U.S. House Financial Services Committee snapped up or dumped bank stocks as bottom fell out of market June 25, 2009
  54. Imperial Japan's World War Two: 1931-1945, By Werner Gruhl
  55. Latest Gitmo Snag: Prisoners Don't Want to Leave, DailyMotion, November 29, 2013