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Newsweek: "New York Faces Exodus as Residents Plan to Leave State." [1]

Popular Republican candidate for the open U.S. Senate in Maryland -- a deep blue state similar to the Swamp -- leads both top Dem candidates by more than 10 points in polling. [2]

Twice as many voters cast Republican ballots for U.S. Senate in Ohio as Democrat ballots, and the loss of jobs to China makes it likely that the incumbent Dem Sen. Sherrod Brown will lose his seat in November. [3]

Trump and JD Vance win big in Ohio as their U.S. Senate candidate, Bernie Moreno, wins the GOP primary by a landslide despite polls showing a neck-and-neck race. [4]

A brief history of NATO and Ukraine. [5]

Shifting the Narrative. How Do You Create a Diversion? [6]

Clinton body count Update: Executive Director of Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport in Arkansas killed by federal agents. [7]

Zelensky becomes an illegitimate leader after March 31, 2024. [8] The Ukrainian Constitution prohibits parliamentary elections during war, but there is no such prohibition regarding presidential elections.

US government-funded polling validates 2024 Russian elections. [9]

Piers Morgan embodies the juvenile thinking that threatens world peace. [10]

France continues WWIII saber rattling, [11] likely will try to capture Black Sea coast. [12] Azov Nazis make video inviting French Foreign Legion to help against Russia in Ukraine. [13] Zerohedge: Putin warns of 'full-scale WW3' if West sends troops to Ukraine. [14]

70,000 Polish farmers block highways to protest cheap imports from Ukraine. [15] Orban: 'Occupy Brussels'. [16]

Matt Taibbi: Why government is always the most dangerous source of misinformation. [17] The biggest US-and-allied lies about the war in Ukraine. [18]

Ukraine's demographic catastrophe. [19]

Report: RFK Jr. "expected to pick entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan as running mate," who is the ex-wife of a Google founder. [20]

Big day in SCOTUS on Monday: liberal censorship by Biden, and New York retaliation against the NRA, have morning oral arguments.
UPDATE: Liberal Justice Elena Kagan reportedly retorted that pushback on media "happens literally thousands of times a day in the federal government." [21]
2d Update: John Roberts rules against Peter Navarro based on a procedural technicality.

Redacted: NATO on suicide watch after Putin scores knockout blow. [22]

CIA/Ukraine involvement in Russiagate hoax exposed. [23]

Moscow celebrates 10 yr reunification of Crimea to the federation and Putin victory. [24]

Putin full post-election conference. [25] With nearly an 80% turnout, Putin was democratically re-elected by the Russian people Sunday. The Ukrainian dictatorship cancelled presidential elections this year.

Pope Francis congratulates Putin on election victory, Trump-Russia hoaxer Ian Bremmer squeals like a sissy. [26]

Stephen Bryen: Ukraine's effort to interfere in Russia's election backfires. [27]

MSN News: China 'ready to intervene' if US, NATO attack Russia. [28]

NATO equipment bursts into flames as missiles hit armoured plant. [29]

WaPo: Ukrainian villages have no men left. [30]

Liberal fake news disgrace sets new low: "bloodbath" headline quote of Trump, when Trump merely used it as a metaphor in Ohio predicting auto industry layoffs if Biden is reelected.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: What might the US owe to the world for the Covid-19 bioweapon attack. [31]

Western propaganda outlet picks wrong person to interview outside Russian embassy in London. [32]

Do Sweden and Finland have Nazi skeletons in their closets? [33]

Breaking: NATO attacks on the Russian Federation on election day cause Russians to rally to the flag. [34][35][36] Ukraine, which cancelled elections this year, shells Donbas civilians to prevent them from voting in Russian elections. [37] 'Democratic' Ukraine cancels elections. [38][39]

Voting in St. Petersburg. [40] Voting in Siberia. [41] MSM fake news about Russia. [42] NATO/Ukraine's costly cross-border election day stunt. [43]

Why NATO wants to derail democracy and Russian elections. [44]

Putin has a message for Western globohomo elites. [45] Ania from Poland explains what Putin means by 'vampire ball'. [46]

NATO in the process of dying. [47] Collapse on the EU home front. [48]

There are casualties among US Army officers in NATO war in Ukraine: Russia destroyed 3rd Patriot system in a week. [49]

Exposure of the wrongdoing -- while allowing it to continue -- in the Fani Willis prosecution of Trump has the effect of discrediting all of the politically motivated prosecutions of him. [50]

Kamala's stepdaughter raises money for Hamas terrorist group. [51]

Conservapedia proven right, again: globalist-puppet Mike Pence declares that he will not endorse Donald Trump. [52] Pence has no political future and the best he can hope for is a job offer by a Trump-hater, but even CNN refers to the pathetic Pence as "mealy-mouthed". [53]

Mainstream news is committing suicide. [54] Come to Conservapedia for news you can't get elsewhere.

Macron full speech advocating for WW3. [55] Excerpt. [56] Macron attempts to woo NATO country to war. [57][58] Daily Mail: Macron bidding to lead NATO as a 'Napoleon', condemning German 'cowards'. [59] Poll: 57% oppose war with Russia. [60]

Russian neo-Nazis in service to the Kiev regime and American taxpayer destroyed in border attacks attempting to disrupt Russian elections. [61][62] Neo-Nazi mercenaries quit Ukraine for Israel which pays better and on time. [63]

Putin: Negotiations are impossible with someone under the influence of psychotropic drugs. [64] Warmongers will get more than they asked for. [65]

Evidence German attack plan was leaked by US Airforce. [66] Operation Barbarossa 2.0 was a NATO plan to attack Russia.

The Anglo-American war on Russia – Part 14 (Biden blocks peace). [67]

Macron triples down on warmongering comments. [68] Andrei Martyanov: Putin's not bluffing. [69]

US intelligence community assessment report to Congress: 'Russia almost certainly seeks to avoid a direct military conflict with NATO members and will calibrate its geopolitical maneuvering to steer clear of a global war', [70] contradicting Joe Biden and fake news media. [71]

Russia doesn't have to strike beyond the Ukrainian battlefield – the German, French, British and US governments are sinking themselves. [72] The NATO alliance resembles more of an international welfare program than a true military alliance. [73] Col. Larry Wilkerson: NATO falling apart. [74]

West Point removes 'Duty, Honor, Country' from mission statement. [75] OMG: Transgender Pentagon employee in Sec Def office leaks information. [76]

Russian missiles destroyed Canadian, French, & German NATO mercenaries from the Norman Brigade in Kherson. [77] Russian forces have killed nearly 6,000 foreign mercenaries since the conflict began two years ago. [78]

147 French NATO mercenaries killed, NATO attacks Zaporozhe nuclear power plant again. [79]

Jungle Josep Borrell: The next months will be decisive. Many analysts expect a major Russian offensive this summer and Ukraine cannot wait until the result of the next US elections. [80] Ukraine's manpower crisis: No amount of money or aid can solve it. [81]

Can industrial output decide US-China war? [82]

Trump Treasury Sec Mnuchin looking to buy TikTok. [83] Trump: Facebook is the enemy of the people. [84]

House votes 352-65 to ban TikTok unless China sells its control, but Facebook would benefit most if TikTok were shut down (which is unlikely). [85]

Judicial Watch: CIA involved in J6 plot. [86]

'Major measles outbreak' reported in US as migrant shelters turn infectious disease breeding grounds. [87]

Bravo!!! Elon Musk cancels Don Lemon after Lemon asked rude, unjustified questions such as implying there is hate speech on X, when the truth is that Musk protects freedom of speech there. [88]

Fulton county: Six charges dismissed against Trump. [89]

Patrick Lawrence: Old man shouting, 'The American Empire is doing great!' But it isn't. [90] Col Douglas MacGregor: Alternative response. [91]

WaPo: Russia's air power roars back into the war with devastating guided bombs. [92]

US election interference in foreign countries. [93] Footage of NATO/Ukraine election interference/PR stunt on Russian border. [94]

The evil infection of Nazism in Ukraine cannot be allowed to stand. [95] First published March 14, 2022.

Breaking: Biden, who was found incompetent to stand trial for his crimes, wins Democrat presidential nomination for 2024. [96]

MIC whistleblower Arkancided? [97]

Biden: 'We made a mistake. We went after Osama bin Laden until we got him, but we shouldn’t have gone into Ukraine.' [98]

Liberal NPR reports on alarming details from the transcript of DOJ's interview of Biden, revealing that he thought Trump was elected president in November 2017 and Biden rambled on with irrelevant stories. [99] TechnoFog: The Biden Transcripts. [100]

Patrick Lancaster reports on Russian presidential election in Donbas. [101]

Jimmy Dore: Russophobia wins Oscar. [102]

Hollywood's naked man stunt at the Oscars -- as opposed to heterosexual imagery -- could be viewed as homosexual agenda symbolism (contrary to the actor's own traditional marriage).

NATO/LGBT spokesperson thing Jens Stoltenberg: 'We don't see any imminent military threat from Russia against any NATO ally,' contradicting Biden's propaganda. [103]

Biden apologizes to Laken Riley killer for calling him illegal. [104][105] Mexican cartel laughs as National Guard helicopter crashes killing 3 on Biden's chaotic border. [106]

Trump-Orban bromance terrifies EU leaders. [107] Conservative Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban: The era of Western dominance has ended. [108] Orban meeting with President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. [109][110]

Ukraine units attempt to invade Russia. [111][112][113][114]

'Big Lizzie on fire.' In preparation for NATO attack on Russia, UK's flagship Supercarrier hit with another malfunction. [115]

French/NATO mercs destroyed at Kharkiv; 2 HIMARS, 3 Patriot systems destroyed since Feb 29. 6th Abrams destroyed. [116][117] CNN: Russia outproduces US and NATO 3x in weapons and ammo, NYT says 7x. [118]

Narcissistic Trump-haters give their top awards to a film praising an underachieving, white communist. Trump asks, "Has there EVER been a WORSE HOST" than the "washed up" Jimmy Kimmel at the Oscars? [119]

Pope Francis pleads with Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky to raise the white flag. [120] Korybko: Pope Francis' peace push comes at a pivotal moment in the NATO-Russian proxy war. [121] Turkiye offers to host peace talks, CIA puppet Zelensky refuses. [122]

Breaking: US direct involvement in Ukraine. F-35s deployed. [123][124] Zerohedge: F-35A is first 5th-gen fighter certified to carry thermonuclear gravity bomb. [125] Neil Oliver & Col Macgregor: What´s behind the US government´s obsession with Ukraine? [126]

Why Russia is defeating NATO as well as Ukraine. [127] The West's reckoning? [128] The West has set itself on a path of collective suicide.

2 Patriot missile systems destroyed in Ukraine. [129] A HIMAR launcher was also destroyed. [130] Patriot systems blown up as mix-messaged NATO fumbles on. [131] Ukraine army destroyed, NATO next? [132]

Breaking: 4th & 5th Abrams destroyed. [133] 3 M1A1 Abrams tanks, or 10% of the force, destroyed in first week of combat. [134][135] 50+ year old T-72 makes a kill on first shot. [136]

Body count: 7,285 Ukrainian soldiers killed and wounded from March 2 to March 8. [137] NY Post: Life expectancy of Ukraine soldiers on the front line 4 hours. [138]

French President Macron threatens suicide. [139][140] Putin's warning to NATO has Macron in panic. [141]

Military Thought: The West is planning to launch missile and air strikes on Russia. [142][143] Stephen Bryen: How did the NATO plan to attack Russia leak? [144]

Canada being denazified: Monument to Nazi soldiers removed. [145]

Rep Nancy Mace shreds leftist putz George Stephanopoulos. [146]

Zerohedge: 'Weaponized Migration' - A coordinated effort playing out deep in the Panama jungle. [147] They’re not flooding us with foreigners for the good of the nation. [148] China Camp is a terrorist bus station funded by the United States. [149] 'Their goal is civil war.' [150]

Bidenomics: Inside the most ridiculous jobs report in history: record 1.2 million immigrant jobs added in one month. [151]

'We've got to rein her in': Inside Victoria Nuland's ouster. [152] China hawks take over. [153]

Elon Musk backs Rand Paul for Senate GOP Leader. [154]

"Dueling" rallies in Georgia?? That's what the liberal media says, but Trump drew far more than 4,000, while Biden drew barely a few hundred many of whom were protesters.

Liberal claptrap alert: Hollywood values to award Oscars for its false praise of Oppenheimer, an underachieving physicist who tried to murder a smarter rival grad student, and who later became a communist.

Gallup Poll shows stark decline in US Christian population. [155]

Deep State globalist rag Foreign Affairs magazine - a publication of the Council on Foreign Relations, calls for negotiated settlement in Ukraine. [156]

WaPo: Inside Ukraine's last stand in Avdiivka and its 'road of death'. [157]

WaPo: 700,000 personnel 'disappeared' from Ukrainian military in first month since Gen Syrsky took command. [158][159] Intel Drop: 'They're all dead'. [160]

Jimmy Dore: NYT 'leak' about CIA & Ukraine. [161]

21-year-old college kid -- pro-Trump and unvaxxed -- toppled a powerful, 10-term incumbent in the North Carolina primary. [162]

The darkest, most un-American speech ever given by a president. [163]

President Trump: He was angry, mentally disturbed, and misrepresenting a lot of the facts concerning almost every subject he discussed...But he got through it...He is still breathing, and they didn’t have to carry him out in a straight jacket...Other than that, I think he did a terrible job. [164]

Stephen Bryen: Biden seeks WWIII against Russia. [165]

Dmitry Medvedev: Biden compared himself with Franklin Delano Roosevelt...Even though the 32nd US President was an infirm man in a wheelchair, he raised America from the Depression, while Biden is a mad, mentally disabled individual who set his mind on dragging humanity to hell...Roosevelt fought for peace together with allies, including the USSR, while Biden is actively and persistently trying to start WWIII.

Gold Star father handcuffed for peacefully protesting Biden's incompetence during the Fall of Kabul. [166] More details. [167]

Biden threatens SCOTUS for upholding the Constitution. [168]

Elon Musk: Groundwork laid for something worse than 9-11. [169]

Biden's screaming during his speech can be easily explained by the side effect of aggression caused by drugs to conceal his dementia, such as amphetamines. [170] Confronted by Conservative of the Year Marjorie Taylor Greene, Biden admits illegal alien killed Laken Riley. [171][172]

Biden SOTU w/Good Lawgic doing the play-by-play. [173] Dazed, confused Biden slowly walks with apparent difficulty to the podium for his SOTU, and then his speech is slurred throughout his teleprompter-reading.

Expect Biden to grasp at promoting abortion in his SOTU, to try to save his nomination. UPDATE: Conservapedia was right.

Anxiety grows among liberals for Biden's SOTU tonight: presumably he'll be heavily medicated to read his speech from a teleprompter. [174] Politico: A pain in the [butt] speech to write. [175] WaPo: Zelensky's wife declines invitation to attend. [176]

Pro-life Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine -- who once spent months in prison for advocating for the unborn -- overcomes a liberal attempt to unseat him, by one percentage point. [177]

Has the US lost another proxy war? [178] Stephen Bryen: Biden and Macron threaten Ukraine intervention. [179]

See also Previous Conservapedia Breaking News.