Last modified on February 12, 2022, at 18:40

Sex addiction

Sexual addiction consists of an unhealthy addiction to sexual activity and/or pornography. See Escape From Intimacy.

Homosexual Sex Addiction

As with an alcohol or drug addiction, the satisfaction of sex addiction, whether within or without a homosexual liaison, or by means of masturbation, is purely ego-centered. It is not a sharing of love, but in essence an impersonal event, like contact with a prostitute. Homosexuals do not so much seek the other person as human being in their sexual encounters but rather the materialization of their wish fantasies. The real other person is not perceived as he is, and to the degree that he is experienced more realistically, the neurotic attraction correspondingly fades away. Ego-centered lust fills no void, only deepens it. Sex addicts, among them homosexuals, may have a tendency to lie about their behavior, to others and to themselves.[1] It is not unusual that they mock the fidelity[2] and/or lie to their partners about it.[1]

Side Effects

Sex addiction, like any other addiction, comes with its problems.

The most common ones are:

  1. Drowsiness
    • In extension of the above, forgetfulness and slow-wittedness
  2. Rapid heartbeat
  3. Feeling down
  4. Sore wrists and forearm muscles
  5. Peyronie's disease
  6. Increased body heat (It gets dangerous in hot climates or coupled with alcohol)
  7. Eternal hell

And, in more extreme cases, the following can happen which can result in a coma, or worse, death:

  1. Brain hemorrhage
  2. Heart attack
  3. Phthisis

Fun fact: With the consideration that all of the symptoms above are real, "sex positivity" activists will insist that masturbation and sex addiction, in general, are safe and often resort to citing popular science, notwithstanding the fact that science was wrong before (For example, scientists once said cigarettes were safe for consumption).[3][4][5] Some of the more unhinged nutcases claim that you must masturbate often enough to avoid getting cancer, despite the risks of getting the cancer being non-existent, contrary to the risks of dying from a heart attack due to sex addiction.

See also

Contrast With


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gerard J.M. Van Den Aardweg (1997). "3.Homosexual drives", The Battle for Normality: A Guide for (Self-)Therapy for Homosexuality. Ignatius press, 57–59. ISBN 978-0-89870-614-7. 
  2. Dan Savage & Esther Perel (22 Jan 2016). Modern Romance: Love, Marriage & Monogamy. Talks at Google. Retrieved on 07 Feb 2017. “Moderated by Logan Ury; “We have to stop telling people that monogamy is only thing that you have to execute perfectly 100% of time to be regarded as good at it. … We need to tell people that if you were with somebody for – really, now, because of expanding lifespans, 50, 60 years, if you make a commitment in your early and mid-20s, or late 20s or 30s – if you were with somebody for 60 yrs and they only cheated on you a handful of time, and you only cheated on them a handful of times, you were both pretty good at monogamy, not bad at it. … Most of history monogamy was one person for life, and at this moment, monogamy is one person at a time.””
  3. on Tobacco companies recruiting doctors
  4. CDC on smoking and cancer
  5. [1]

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