Liberal myths

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Liberal myths are heavily promoted falsehoods motivated by a liberal belief system.[1] They include:

  • The claim that the population has increased by a large amount, and human beings are beginning to overpopulate. (This myth is an attempt to justify abortions)
  • The claim that people today are more knowledgeable than in prior centuries.
  • The claim that the Bush tax cuts substantially reduced 2006 revenues and expanded the budget deficit.
  • The claim that the Bush tax cuts have not helped the economy.
  • Anthropogenic Global Warming. [2]
  • The claim that a fetus is not a living human being.
  • The claim that gun control reduces crime.
  • The claim that abortion and breast cancer are unrelated.
  • The claim that gambling financially benefits state school systems [3]
  • The claim to support the rights of women, never mention the oppressed women in Muslim countries. [4]
  • The claim that the media is not biased toward the liberal agenda.
  • The claim that enabling oil drilling will not reduce long-term energy prices. [5]
  • The claim that enabling oil drilling will not provide energy security.[6]
  • The claim that same-sex couple adoptions can replace the love from a mother and a father. [7]
  • The claim that an individuals sexual preference needs to be a protected civil right. [8]
  • That there is a vast right-wing conspiracy [9]
  • The claim that opposing the homosexual agenda is bigotry. [10]
  • The claim that the US acted unilaterally in Iraq (The USA and Britain led a 30-nation coalition in Iraq)[11]
  • The claim that President Bush stole the 2000 elections. [12]
  • The claim that President Bush lied about WMD in Iraq to grab oil.
  • The claim that Saddam Hussein was not seeking to buy yellowcake Uranium. [13]
  • The claim that the 9/11 terrorists attacks were an inside job by the USA.
  • The claim that Foreign Intelligence & Surveillance Act (FISA) is for spying on Americans. [14]
  • The claim that bigger government will benefit its' citizens. [15]
  • The claim that military recruits are poor and uneducated. [16] [17] [18]
  • The claim that government run healthcare is better than a capitalist healthcare system. [19]
  • They claim that going on the offense against terrorists creates more terrorists. [20]
  • They claim that terrorism should be handled by law enforcement. [21] [22]
  • They claim that the USA should negotiate with rogue nations and terror groups.
  • They claim that socialism is a better than capitalism.
  • They claim that there is a gene which causes people to be gay, despite the fact that the scientific community rejects this view
  • They claim that humans and apes have a common ancestor
  • They claim that the death penalty does not deter crime, despite the overwhelming evidence showing that the death penalty does deter crime
  • They claim that atheists are just as moral as Christians who regularly go to a church, or, in some cases, claim atheists are morally superior.
  • They claim that all religions teach the same thing.
  • They claim that intelligent design is not a science and has no evidence.
  • They claim that no climatologist or physicist rejects global warming, despite the fact that the founder of The Weather Channel rejects global warming, as do thousands of other scientists.
  • They claim affirmative action works.
  • They claim the Old Testament is immoral.
  • They claim that the Jews aren't the Jews of the Bible.
  • They claim that feminism has no bias.
  • They claim homosexuals do not try to convert heterosexuals.
  • They claim that gay marriage will not result in polygamy also being written into law.
  • They claim that the Bible is fictional.
  • They claim that Liberal Christianity is compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
  • They claim that proper tire inflation can replace the need for additional oil drilling.
  • That we should eat less red meat in order to combat climate change.[23]
  • They claim Jesus was a liberal, or that Jesus was left-wing[24].
  • The claim that the Nation of Islam is unrelated to Islam the religion.
  • The claim that portable school vouchers would destroy public schools, yet send their own children to private schools.


The liberal belief that an individual can claim to support our military, just not the mission and still be considered a 'Patriot'. In fact, the exact opposite is the truth. A liberals patriotism, party-specific position, cannot support the troops if they are an a impediment to their political left-wing strategy. The main reason for this has to due with passionate, partisan hatred for our current commander n chief, the President of the United States of America. Liberals claim to support the military, claim not to support the mission and refuse to support the Commander. The extremist left discounts the counter effect of troop morale. Understanding the true liberal mindset when it comes to supporting our U.S. troops, observe the often tried protest march. Though frustration boils over, actions lead from protest to outright sabotage or anarchism. [25] Liberal credibility fails and lack of concern for the support of America shows. The left-wing cares so much for our military they condone and actually prop up politicians that abuse troops with reckless accusations [26], negative media coverage and ego trips [27]. Liberal protesters look the other way as war memorials are vandalized. Liberals protest our severely injured soldiers at the Walter Reed Medical Center.[28] Liberal protesters harass, damage or block military recruitment centers from operating business as-usual. [29] This leftwing position, the myth is successful in feeding media driven discontent and mediocrity shame. If the news is bad, a liberal is spoon fed. If the news is good, the spoon fed liberal is oblivious. e.g. "a complete suspension of disbelief".

Patriotism, to your brother, who volunteers and risks the ultimate sacrifice out of love, will never be diminished. True patriots will always be in our gratitude and held in the highest light.

America Perceived

The myth liberals give says we need to restore America's image in the world. Again, this mostly has to do with liberals' negative view of President Bush. Liberals want the two linked even though the myth is false. They blame Bush and Iraq for the bad USA image but the truth is that the credibility of the American left is a worse image than America's image abroad. The main need for liberals to propagate this myth is the fact that socialist governments of Europe oppose the policy of Iraq. This further fuels liberals' political agenda to remove Republicans from power. Liberals love Europeans and cite their false socialist utopia at every chance. European opposition automatically reinforces their belief that America's image is damaged. As of 2008, most of the European leaders that opposed Iraq are no longer in positions of power. The result, European conservatives were elected who publicly aligned themselves with America.

Those liberals that use the myth and regularly bash the USA are often called the "Blame America First" crowd. Though they never seem to mention that America gives more in donations, in total dollars, than any other country on Earth. [30] A sure way to change America's image in the world is to show the world we respect life. The repeal of Roe Vs. Wade would be a start.

Reasons why America was hated prior to 2003 include wealth, women's rights, support for our democratic ally Israel, democratic government, capitalist economy and exporting immorality.

Bad Successful Companies

In the attempt to point fingers and lay blame, the liberals produce the myth that profits made by successful companies are bad for America. Only a select group of companies are targeted for public shame. This is a false myth because successful corporations actually create jobs and tax revenue. Retirement funds and municipal bonds rely heavily on the profits from these companies. Also, the reason these companies flourish is because the capitalist system rewards their hard work. The liberals will try to create sympathy, that they care for the average American, they are the ones going after wrongdoers to make it right. Liberals have demonized such companies as RJ Reynolds, Walmart, Halliburton and Blackwater. Their latest target is Exxon Mobil for their enormous profits and futures market oil speculators. Most of their accusations are absurd. Liberals in Congress don't blink an eye when it comes time to spend all that tax revenue generated. Liberals in Congress have been called on their hypocrisy for owning stocks in those companies. Which in turn, they divest their portfolios like nothing was ever wrong. For years, for decades, these companies have lobbied members of Congress, they have worked together for their common goals. In return, hefty campaign donations are their reward. Then for opportune reasons, liberals will publicly ridicule and verbally attack these bad, greedy capitalists. Corporate heads are brought before congress for a sideshow grilling to explain their actions. [31] The Windfall Tax is just another example of the sham created by this liberal myth. Those companies make enough money, they should now be forced to give some back. They are threatened with nationalization [32] and further government regulation, a socialist scheme.


  2. Some Exasperating Liberal Myths, August 27, 2007
  3. Is The Lottery Shortchanging Schools? CBS News, September 17, 2007
  4. About the Women's Rights Project ACLU
  5. Nancy Pelosi's Energy Policy, July 8, 2008
  6. Oil Money May Buy Drilling Vote, Liberal Says, August 7, 2008
  7. Lesbian and Gay Adoption Rights
  9. THE VAST LEFT-WING CONSPIRACY Fox News, May 29, 2008
  10. Boycott McDonald's! American Family Association
  11. The Myth of U.S. Isolation The Heritage Foundation, September 7, 2004
  12. Floridagate
  13. Tenet Agrees To Cooperate With Congressional Investigation Into Niger Fraud ThinkProgress, May 14, 2007
  14. Senate Passes Unconstitutional Spying Bill ACLU, July 9, 2008
  15. McCain, Obama Discuss Views on Public Service Ap, September 11, 2008
  16. Who Bears the Burden? Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Recruits Heritage Foundation, November 7, 2005
  17. Rangel Is Wrong About Recruits Human Events, December 4,2006
  18. Bush on Kerry remark: U.S. troops are 'plenty smart' CNN, November 1, 2006
  19. Free, universal health care must be a right!, may 30, 2008
  20. Madeleine Albright: "We Created More Terrorists... Our Soldiers Are the Problem" Gateway Pundit, March 27, 2008
  21. Strategy Against Al-Qaeda Faulted Washington Post, July 30, 2008
  22. Bush: War on Terror is Not Law Enforcement Matter AP, August 20, 2008
  24. The 'Diggers' movement is held up as an example of good Christianity
  25. Anti-War Protest at GOP Convention Turns Violent Fox News, September 1, 2008
  26. Federal judge orders Murtha to testify in Haditha defamation case Politico, September 28, 2007
  27. Political Humor
  28. Anti-War Protests Target Wounded at Army Hospital
  29. Recruiting Center Attacks Coast to Coast Military Families Voice of Victory, March 19, 2008
  30. Americans give record $295B to charity USA Today, 6/25/2007
  31. Congress asks Big Oil to justify big profits The SF Chronicle, April 2, 2008
  32. Congresswoman threatens to nationalize oil industry, May 23, 2008