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Postmodernism is an antichristian,[1] far-left, 20th century worldview and academic movement characterized by denial of objective truth, and which asserts that assertions of objective knowledge are essentially impossible. A strong part of postmodernist thought is an intentional departure from traditional approaches that had previously been dominant. Postmodernity has influenced many disparate fields of study, such as architecture, history, literary criticism, art, and others.

The term "postmodernism" comes from the causal relationship the movement has to modernism, rather than a temporal relationship. Both movements coexist today.

Some postmodernist ideas are:

Critics of postmodernism include those who believe in an objective truth that can be explored by human means, among others.

Postmodernism, anti-Americanism, and reverse racism

Postmodernism is routinely used by academics to attack American interventionist foreign policy, claiming that democratic society is only an aspect of western society, which should not be "forced" upon other peoples, whose cultures may be despotic or theocratic. In this regard, postmodernism is simply a euphemism for moral relativism (itself a euphemism for sin denial).

It is likewise used to attack and condemn the work and culture of white males, by claiming that any such cultural output, be it art, music, literature, etc., is patriarchal and imperialistic.


Postmodernists seek to denigrate Christianity and its accomplishments by claiming that it is only an aspect of western culture, and not inherently true. Likewise they denigrate the strong Christian scientific tradition, and attempt to marginalize Christian historical figures such as Isaac Newton.

Postmodernists rely on the antichristian and pseudoscientific psychological theories of atheist Sigmund Freud to draw whatever meanings they want out of texts, in a method called "psychoanalytical criticism."

Postmodernism and immorality

As postmodernism teaches that there is no truth, it likewise teaches that there is no absolute morality. Within this worldview, any action is moral or justifiable, and postmodernism's spread among academia may go some way to explaining professor values.


Alan Sokal famously exposed postmodernism as deeply flawed in 1996 by successfully publishing nonsense in a postmodern journal.[2] Since then, postmodernism has largely been considered a laughingstock among all but the most liberal academics.

See Also


  1. John F. MacArthur, "Think Biblically!"[1]
  2. http://www.physics.nyu.edu/faculty/sokal/index.html