Last modified on May 11, 2017, at 14:09


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The Amazing Democrat U-Turn on the Firing of James Comey:[1]

The swamp is "stunned" that President Trump fired one of their own. It's the swamp that is "outside the realm of normal,” not Trump. [2]

How Islamism and socialism serve the ends of globalism. The globalists know what Islamists and socialists are: useful idiots! [3]

Why President Donald Trump is stronger than he looks.[4]

Suddenly, the faux conservative Fox News Channel has competition from the right, with the pro-Trump Sinclair Broadcast Group's $3.9B acquisition of Tribune Media. [5]

President Donald Trump to FBI Director James Comey: You're fired![6][7][8]

Comey should have recommended Hillary Clinton be indicted over her email and Clinton Foundation scandals. Lock her up! Lock her up!

"2017 is on a record-setting pace for retail bankruptcy and store closings." [9] Amazon and Wal-Mart are in a price war over free shipping.

Italexit could DESTROY Eurozone: Expert’s stark warning to EU amid rocky Italy relations.[10]

Both former NSA Director James Clapper and fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates said “yes” when asked if Trump, his associates, or congressmen had been unmasked by surveillance under the Obama Administration. But then they refused to provide details when asked by the Senate committee. [11]

Donald Trump congratulates Macron on ‘big win’ in French election.[12]

Nigel Farage: Marine Le Pen Will Be French President In 2022.[13]

Satanic monument to be installed in a public park in Minnesota. [14] The monument is from the Satanic Temple in Salem, home of the Salem Witch Trials in the 1692.

Voter turnout is unusually low in France as liberals seek a "Vive la Globalism" outcome in today's historic election.

Wages remain stagnant despite decline in unemployment. [15] Monopolies, lack of innovation due to patent system changes, and overuse of H-1B foreign workers are reasons why.

Liberal billionaire Mark Zuckerberg no longer identifies as an atheist. Others would be wise to rid themselves of that debilitating mindset. [16]

Sanctuary cities operate outside the law and in direct violation of it. What kind of message do the mayors of such cities send to their fellow citizens, and the world? [17]

Liberal intolerance forces the nominee for the Secretary of the Army to withdraw due to his outspokenness on issues unrelated to his job, such as his criticism of the theory of evolution. [18] In fact, his arguments were totally sound and should serve to recommend him. [19]

Donald Trump's Executive Order on religious liberty went far, but not far enough. Only a repeal of, or a court challenge to, the Johnson Amendment and Obamacare will suffice. [20]

Hillary Clinton will launch a new political group called "Onward Together," building on her failed campaign slogan "Stronger Together." [21]

Remembering the Six Day War of 1967 between Israel on one side and Egypt, Jordan and Syria on the other. [22]

"House passes ObamaCare repeal," with only one extra vote to spare: 217-213. [23]

The real motives for liberal re-branding of Muslim terrorism as mere workplace violence or mental illness. Warning: the one-world government elite have been using leftists all along, and now are using Muslims, too. [24]

GOP says it has the votes in the House to repeal ObamaCare, and schedules a quick vote on Thursday. [25]

Conservative Marine Le Pen leads among millennials in France aged 18-34, and French universities respond by emailing students to tell them to vote against her! [26]

In apologizing for Google's de-listing of Natural News, some accused NN of endorsing murder. Not so. NN called for bringing some people to trial before a Nuremberg style tribunal. [27]

“Our country needs a good ‘shutdown’ in September to fix mess!” Trump declares, after Dems got virtually everything they wanted in the recent deal to fund the government until then. [28]

Why did Google de-list the site Natural News? Could it be because NN endorsed Donald Trump for President? [29]

"Paul Ryan unleashed ... the House budget includes language that FORBIDS the President of the United States of building a border wall with Mexico." [30]

Report: Jim DeMint may not depart Heritage quietly as globalists force him out. Conservatives in Congress are defending him. [31]

Same old, same old in liberal D.C.: newly agreed budget has no cuts in funding for Planned Parenthood or sanctuary cities, and no border Wall. [32]

Liberal influence declines further: The Trump Administration plans to cut 2,300 jobs at the State Department. [33]

President Trump tells a cheering crowd of 7,000 in Harrisburg tonight: “I could not be more thrilled to be 100 miles away from the Washington swamp." [34]

Even the liberal media is forced to admit there is an explosion of faith happening in the world. The Atlantic reports that there is an "explosion of faith" happening in China.[35]

CBN News declares: China Gripped by Spiritual Revival as 'Hundreds of Millions Turn to Religion and Faith'.[36]

Game over atheists. Communist China, the nation with the largest atheist population in the world, is seeing an EXPLOSION OF FAITH. See also: East Asia and global desecularization

"Report: Major Announcement Likely at Trump’s Harrisburg, PA Rally Tonight." [37] For once we have a President who puts the People ahead of the White House press dinner.

Donald Trump's achievements, including record use of Congressional Review, kept his first 100 days busy.

Does modern education serve only to make slaves out of the American people? [38]

"Jim DeMint out as president of Heritage Foundation, according to media reports." [39] Is this a globalist-driven coup at the think tank?

A key ally of atheists is much weaker and goes AWOL. Google news and other data reveals another train wreck for the atheist movement.[40]

"Trump Cabinet Members Praying, Studying the Bible Together," a total of 8 plus the Vice President. [41]

"New ObamaCare repeal bill on life support," as RINO House Speaker Paul Ryan is ineffective beyond belief. [42] Why hasn't he resigned?

Liberals long opposed SDI, the missile defense program, yet now missile defense is desperately needed to deal with communist North Korea. “North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons is an urgent national security threat and top foreign policy priority,” officials explained. [43]

BREAKING news: the liberal enemies of free speech force Ann Coulter to cancel her talk at Berkeley. [44] Leftists do not support the First Amendment for conservatives.

Definitive proof: even the most exaggerated estimates of the effect of carbon dioxide on global temperature don't add up to runaway climate change. The proof: the actual proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is too low to matter. But of fifteen authorities challenged with this finding, only one admitted that. [45]

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