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Prez. Zelensky's Easter Messages - 2022 and 2023

In both his Easter Messages, 2022 and 2023, Prez. Zelensky concluded with "Christos Voskres" - the traditional Ukrainian way of saying "Christ is Risen", Truly He is Risen. Recall that Ukraine after all is a 90% Christian Country, mostly Orthodox Christian, contrary to what some western Putin-lovers and Ukraine-haters have been saying. His wife and his children are baptized Orthodox Christians. He is indeed from a Jewish background, but it may be, given the below, that he is a Jewish Christian, not a Jewish non-believer in Jesus Christ. Let's see:

Some Excerpts: "Dear great people of the great country!

At the end of last winter, Russia brought a full-scale war to our land. And with it – death, pain, and darkness. On the morning of February 24, the sun never rose. Dawn never came. On the morning of February 24, a dark night began. And at the same time, our awakening began. Our struggle ...

Today, we celebrate the holiday of the Resurrection of the Lord. Its main symbol is victory: the victory of good, victory of truth, victory of life. We celebrate Easter with unshakable faith in the irreversibility of these victories.

On this day a year ago, we all prayed that Ukraine would endure. Today – for Ukraine to win ...

All those who killed, tortured, robbed will answer both in the international tribunal and to the Lord.

Heaven sees our faith and steadfastness. The world sees our courage and invincibility. The enemy sees our strength and determination. And therefore, Ukraine will see the light of victory.

Belief in it unites us all. Always, but especially today. On Easter, which has always been a family holiday for Ukrainians, a day of warmth, hope and great unity. The war could not erase us, our values, our traditions, our holidays, and the most important things they symbolize.

And therefore, no matter where we celebrate Easter, no matter where each of us is now, we celebrate Easter together ...

I will put on the shroud of Jesus Christ,

my skin is iron shell,

my blood is strong ore, my bone is a damask sword.

I am faster than an arrow, more alert than a falcon.

The armor is on me.

The Lord is in me.

For tomorrow.

For a peaceful dawn.

For the victory.

For Ukraine.

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!" Will post the 2022 message Prez. Zelensky referred to later on. NishantXavierFor Christ the King 05:53, May 20, 2023 (EDT)

But I though he was Jewish? You mean Zelensky now believes in Christ? He needs to repent of his collusion with Nazis and persecution of the church.. RobSGive Peace a chance 11:01, May 20, 2023 (EDT)
When that Satanic killer, Zelensky repeals the laws banning the singing of the Russian song, Christ is Risen, Son of God, and stops killing Russians because of their language and ethnicity, I'll believe a word of it. RobSGive Peace a chance 11:51, May 20, 2023 (EDT)
A new report from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights concludes that some civil authorities of Ukraine harass and persecute the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
New York Times: Zelensky Proposes Barring Orthodox Church, Dec. 2, 2022.
RobSGive Peace a chance 12:04, May 20, 2023 (EDT)
The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights pointed to the oppression of the UOC by certain state structures


The report of the UN OHCHR concluded that the attitude towards the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is unfavorable on the part of some state authorities of Ukraine.

The UOC Office to European International Organizations draws attention to the report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at the 51st session of the UN Human Rights Council, which ended on October 7, 2022 in Geneva, and to the comment on this report of the human rights organization with consultative status at the UN ECOSOC "Public Advocacy", reports the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

The OHCHR report includes conclusions concerning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. In particular, the document states:

"124. During the reporting period, local authorities in at least seven territorial communities in Kyiv, Sumy and Lviv regions temporarily suspended the activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (often informally referred to as the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate) for the duration of martial law. Local authorities, such as the city council of the Brovary district of the Kyiv region, also banned meetings, rallies, marches and other mass events of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for the duration of martial law without providing a clear justification for such a ban.

This suspension raises concerns about its compliance with international human rights standards. The authorities did not explain the grounds on which such measures were imposed or how they were deemed necessary and proportionate to protect public safety, order, health, morals or fundamental rights and freedoms of others, as required by Article 18(3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In addition, since the activities of other regional communities and organizations have not been suspended, such unfavorable treatment of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church may constitute a discriminatory measure on grounds of religion or belonging to a particular religious group." It should be noted that this document was published based on the results of the OHCHR study on human rights in Ukraine in various fields and covers the period from February 01, 2022 to July 30, 2022. It was during this period that the official websites of the UOC published a statement by the Kyiv Metropolitanate of the UOC regarding decisions to ban the activities of religious communities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, a statement by the Legal Department of the UOC regarding illegal decisions of local governments to ban the activities of religious communities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church . Similar statements and messages were disseminated by church and secular media, which drew attention to violations of the rights of believers and religious organizations of the UOC by decisions of local self-government bodies to "suspend", "prohibit" or otherwise restrict activities.

The consideration of these statements by the UN structures indicates that manifestations of hatred, aggression and acts of discrimination against religious organizations of the UOC and its believers are the subject of monitoring at the international level and will continue to provoke a reaction from the international community.

Thus, local self-government bodies and other persons should take into account that the norms of international law prohibit any manifestations of hatred on religious grounds, and the existing monitoring missions of international organizations monitor such manifestations.

The UOC Office to European International Organizations once again emphasizes that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is an independent religious denomination with a governing center in Kyiv, whose believers are citizens of Ukraine, acts within the framework of Ukrainian legislation and opposes hostility on religious or any other grounds.

Therefore, the decisions of local self-government bodies to restrict the rights of believers and religious organizations of the UOC, including attempts to "suspend", "prohibit", "restrict" or otherwise deprive the rights or create obstacles to the legal rights of UOC believers, are a violation of both national legislation and international law, and therefore such decisions have no legal force.

The UOC Representation to European International Organizations will continue to assist international organizations in obtaining reliable information about violations of the rights of UOC believers, especially in cases where UOC believers and religious organizations will not be able to receive adequate legal protection at the national level. [4]

RobSGive Peace a chance 12:15, May 20, 2023 (EDT)

Update: UKRAINIANS ALLEGEDLY HANGED THE ORTHODOX PRIEST. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:21, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

Thumbnail sketch of Russian history

Official Maidan regime nazi propaganda posted to Twitter. It was later deleted.[1]

Russian history is not that complicated. I'll attempt a brief thumbnail sketch.

Russian history begins in Kiev (Kievan Rus). With the Mongol invasion, the seat of the Orthodox Church was moved to Moscow. The Muscovites eventually threw off, or more appropriately, liberated themselves and all Russia by absorbing the Mongolian invaders. The Russians of Kiev however, or more distinctly the peoples of all Central and Western Europe, harbored racist attitudes toward Russians and Mongolians, considering "Muscovites" as half-breeds, "uncivilized', and "subhuman". So deeply ingrained into Western European civilization is this ethnic racist prejudice that medical textbooks used the diagnosis of "Mongoloid" until it was replaced with "Downs Syndrome" in the 1970s. [5] (The round eyes of Downs Syndrome children, according to science, made them appear "Mongolian", and their "uncivilized" behavior made them "retarded"; or vice versa: their "retarded" behavior made them "uncivilized" and confirmed the "Mongolian" diagnosis. Since the 1970s the term "Mongrel" is now only applied to dogs of mixed breed, shortened to "mutts". But this "scientific" thinking was widespread in Western Civilization for decades well after Hitler tried to purge the human race of the "subhumans" of Eastern Europe.)

Sorry to have to walk down this sad chapter of human history again, but NATO propaganda bringing it all back has forced it. And its why the Russians of Western Ukraine (who became detached from the main body of Russian civilization under the German and Austrian Empires), along with their Central and Western "Aryan" allies are so prone to Nazi ideology. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:53, May 20, 2023 (EDT)

So now we come to the case of Zelensky. The "Ukrainians", or more appropriately the Galicians of Western Ukraine, consider themselves "pure bred Slavs", as the German Nazis considered themselves pure bred Aryans. Of course Zelensky is hardly a pure bred Slav. Zelensky's native language is Russian, the language of a people more racially tolerant. He speaks the Ukrainian dialect with difficulty and an accent. Zelensky not only wants to outlaw the Russian Orthodox Church, but his own native language, literature, music and culture, as well. Doesn't make sense? Don't expect it when dealing with Nazi ideology based on racist hate. RobSGive Peace a chance 13:36, May 20, 2023 (EDT)

Just passing through for now, will reply in more detail later. But since you've made this about racial hatred, you should know some (not all) racist Russians use a racial insult filled with hate toward Ukrainians called "khokol"; it's probably the equivalent of the filthy n word. Here is a source: "Systematical indoctrination of young kids in Russia. Hate is planted in their brain at an early age.

"A Kokhol is more stupid than a crow, but more cunning than a devil."

Khokhol is an ethnic slur used by Russians to make Ukrainians seem subhuman or stupid."

From: NishantXavierFor Christ the King 17:21, May 20, 2023 (EDT)

Yes, that's been around for centuries, like the "n" word (Ukies have their own pejoratives, too). It was the Soviet Union that invented hate crime laws, adopted in the US and Western Europe years later as the West has become more Sovietized. Soviet prosecution of Galician (or "Ukrainian") Nazi war criminals is why so many of their grandchildren harbor hatred of Russians today. OTOH, the Soviets also offered reconciliation and rehabilitation to the German people of East Germany, without "coddling" Nazis as the US & UK did. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:41, May 20, 2023 (EDT)
Why do the families and grandchildren of Ukrainian nazis harbor such hatred? Cause under the Soviet justice system, the families of traitors and war criminals could be punished, too, with limited job, educational, and housing opportunities, forcing them into extreme poverty.
Again, do not confuse "Soviet" with "Russian". Unlike the German people, no Russian ever had the opportunity to vote in a democratic election for or against Soviet Communism. Yet modern NATO Nazi propaganda promotes this hate, deliberately confusing "Russian" with "communist" or "Soviet". Vladimir Putin will be the first to tell you that, just as the Germans claimed to be Hitler's victims, so too are the Russian people Lenin, Stalin, and Soviet victims. Western propaganda is a deliberate and despicable distortion of history and revisionism - intended to promote hate.
One billion+ Chinese are today ruled by the 86 million member CCP (with even some silent dissenters within their ranks). If the CCP lost power tomorrow, it would be sick and hateful to brand all Chinese as communist or adherents to the ideology, or to make that same claim 30 years from now. The injustice is akin to holocaust denial, blaming the Russian and Chinese victims of communism - the people most affected by the crimes, as the perpetrators. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:09, May 20, 2023 (EDT)
Lol. See below.
What is so funny about blaming the victims of the crimes of communists? RobSGive Peace a chance 19:54, May 23, 2023 (EDT)

See the racist remarks of Ukraine's first prime minister appointed by Washington

Yulia Tymoshenko reacts after hearing of the Crimean Annexation as reported by WaPo. Kazapi-Russians = Ukrainian ethnic slur for Kazakhs, Turks, Taters and Russians.

"We have only one way to destroy Moscow. This is what we live for, we have come into this world to destroy Moscow. And not just the Muscovite in our country, but the whole black hole of European security, and delete them from the world map. Sh*t, we have to resort to arms, and the G*d d**n Kazapi-Russians together with their leader, kill. I will stir the whole world to action as soon as I can, in order that Russia, the s*n of a b**ch, no burnt field remains (scorched earth). You have to shoot them with nuclear weapons."[6][7]

Putin: Diversity is our strength

He's pulling the rug out from under Biden and all the leftwing nitwit warmongers. [8] RobSGive Peace a chance 02:41, May 23, 2023 (EDT)

See Patrick Lancaster interview with a "Mongoloid" fluent in English from Eurasia at the frontline. RobSGive Peace a chance 11:57, May 23, 2023 (EDT)

Collective guilt

Russia under Gorby & Yeltsin liberated itself from Communism. NATO and the West did not do it by force of arms. The notion today that 81% who approve of Putin want communism back is ludicrous. So these other terms get invented, 'authoritarian', 'autocracy' etc to slander the people of Russia who participate in democratic elections. We in America do not live in a democracy, where elections are rigged, stolen, ignored by the courts and media, and democratic activists are cancelled, slandered, harassed by law enforcement, and imprisoned. Our money is stolen from us by inflation and excessive public debt. This is a totalitarian. authoritarian, autocratic, socialist or communist system or whatever label you wish to use. Since the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Russians have taken steps to reform themselves, whereas all the communist crap of the former Soviet Union moved westward, into the European Union and the United States. The demonization of whole social groups now is commonplace in the West.

Russia is not a nation state, akin to the multitude of ethnic, tribal, and linguistic states of Europe that evolved after the sons of Charlemagne. The Russian Federation is a civilization state, where the multitude of over 200 ethnic, tribal, linguistic, and religious groups of Eurasia have learned to live together peaceably for centuries, and to rise up against foreign powers that seek to divide them. Truely Russia's strength is in its diversity - an idea stolen by American communists. Only all Russia's diverse ethnic cultures and religions agree on a few things, like marriage is between a man and a woman, the family unit is the basis of society, and homosexuality is shameful. These are not just Judeo-Christian concepts, they are common to the Islamic, Hindu, and Buddhist citizens of Russia, as well. And when Russia threw off its leftist and communist dominance in 1991, the re-emergence of spiritual values above the state reshaped modern Russia. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:25, May 23, 2023 (EDT)

Putin on "Christian Communism" - hint: there is no such thing

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has compared Vladimir Lenin to a saint and declared that Soviet communist ideas come from the Bible. Putin was speaking during a documentary about the recently-restored Valaam Monastery on state-funded channel Rossiya 1, which tells the story of the building—located near the border with Finland—over the years.

A major point of discussion is the October Revolution of 1917, which led to the execution of the staunchly Christian royal family, the formation of the Soviet Union and a new chapter of atheistic and anti-religious policies by the Kremlin.

Ever since—and particularly after the opening of the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev in the early 1990s—the role of the church in Russian society has been a dividing issue.

But Putin, who has often backed the church, tells the documentary makers that he does not believe the ideals of communism and Christianity are incompatible." NishantXavierFor Christ the King 18:12, May 23, 2023 (EDT)

Without reading it, your source is meaningless. You need Putin's own words - not what Western propaganda says.
Why is that concept so difficult to understand? RobSGive Peace a chance 19:29, May 23, 2023 (EDT)

Reminder of the Holodomor Genocide - the Soviet Mass-Killing of Ukrainians under Commie/Soviet Thug Joseph Stalin

Prez. Zelensky tweeted: "I am grateful to 🇸🇮 parliamentarians from @Drzavnizbor for adopting the Declaration honoring the memory of millions of 🇺🇦 victims of the Holodomor-Genocide in Ukraine in 1932-1933. The international coalition of states committed to restoring historical justice continues to grow stronger. Together for the truth, and therefore responsibility!"

The Holodomor was one of the worst genocides of the 20th century. Even more died during it than the Holocaust. Commie Thug Joseph Stalin, the Soviet premier, was responsible and Communist/leftist organizations in the West, for a long time, tried to downplay it.

Thankfully, the tide of history is finally turning! The next evil the world should pay attention to is Azerbaijan's unjust incursions into Christian Armenia. One of the first genocides of the 20th century was the Armenian Genocide. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. And no, Pope St. John Paul II, Prez. Ronald Reagan, Prez. Walesa of Poland etc were absolutely instrumental in the downfall of Communism in Soviet Russia. It's just that, because some wrongly believe Communism is compatible with Christianity (it is not), we now need a Cold War 2.0 where neo-Communism must be defeated again in its new form. Prez. Raegan would be ashamed of today's Comsymp. And in the case of Communist China, and their threatened incursion of Taiwan, it's absolutely clear they are wrong, and that's why Communism is so evil and dangerous. Never forget who gave the world Covid in the first place. The Commie CCP lied, the world bled and millions suffered and died. NishantXavierFor Christ the King 18:19, May 23, 2023 (EDT)

Your NATO Nazi buddies are in bed with Aazerbaijan. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:16, May 23, 2023 (EDT)
Again, you are using collective guilt, and blaming the victims of communism as perpetrators. That's sick and despicable (but I'm assuming you have allowed yourself to be brainwashed by Western LGBT propaganda pushers. Prove me wrong. You need to do better than keep citing contemporary Western propaganda sources with proven credibility problems, beginning with the Trump-Russia smears and demonization of Russia.) RobSGive Peace a chance 19:32, May 23, 2023 (EDT)
Read Solzhenitsyn. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:31, May 23, 2023 (EDT)
Zelensky has zero credibility:
On March 1, 2022 Zelensky claimed that Russians had bombed Babi Yar, a ravine in Kyiv that was also the site of massacres committed by Nazi forces and Ukrainian collaborators during World War II.[1] Some 33,771 Jewish civilians were murdered by the Nazis and their Ukrainian collaborators from Kyiv there. Zelensky’s chief of staff reportedly confirmed that the Russians bombed the site.[2] Zelensky's tweet has more than 300,000 likes and over 75,000 retweets.
On March 2, Israeli journalist Ron Ben Yisha reported after touring the site that the memorial had not been destroyed or damaged, as Zelensky and his officials claimed. Translated from the Israeli news website ynet:
"The memorial site in Babi Yar was neither destroyed nor damaged. After touring all over the large site I can report with certainty that no monument was damaged and no bomb, missile or shell hit the grounds. The closest impact to Babi Yar was in the Kiev media and television tower complex, about 300 meters from the new monument, and about a kilometer from the old monument</ref> to the victims of the WWII massacre."[3]
Zelensky and his officials lied to the world. Worse, their lie suggested that all those who chose inaction were essentially collaborators in the next holocaust.
Washington Post, October 6, 1991, UKRAINIAN ROLE ADMITTED IN '41 BABI YAR MASSACRE.
Many of the Ukraine Nazi units today take the names and insignia of Ukrainian Nazi units that participated in the massacres. Many are direct descendants of those WWII Ukrainian Nazis. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:46, May 23, 2023 (EDT)
Do you know what the Holodomor is? Yes or no? Pop Quiz for you: Did Millions of Ukrainians die during the Holodomor or not? NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:58, May 23, 2023 (EDT)
Since 2004, through Wikipedia and later Conservapedia, I personally have been involved in elevating and publicizing the Holodomor in the West, which was little known or talked about beforehand. I am the founder of Wikipedia's Project Cold War History. I find the fact that students today are using Holodomar to spread Nazi bigotry, hatred, and Russophobia alarming. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:24, May 23, 2023 (EDT)

From the Article: "The word Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор) is the name given to the genocide of the people of the Ukraine in 1932–1933 to bring about the implementation of Socialism. The name literally means "murder by hunger." It is sometimes known as Ukraine's "forced famine" or called "Ukraine's Unknown Holocaust." The Holodomor was a man-made famine carried out by leftists under Stalin to intentionally destroy the nationalistic Ukrainian people who posed a threat to socialism. The Soviets forcibly collectivized almost all of the Ukrainian farms in the "breadbasket of the world" and stole the peasants' food, thereby creating a devastating famine. [1] Even though the man-made famine affected other areas, such as the Volga Basin, Kazakhstan, and the Northern Caucasus, the term Holodomor refers specifically to the genocide of the Ukrainians."

Continued: "The total number of deaths surpassed those of World War I. In the years 1930-1937, collectivization and famine killed up to 11 million people across the Soviet Union, including 6.5 million Ukrainians and about 3 million children. The 1932-1933 famine killed 5 million people in Ukraine, 18.8% of the population.[4] At the height of the famine, over 25,000 people died every day, 1,000 an hour, or 17 a minute. Cannibalism was reported across the country.[5]

“ Our neighbour killed his wife, dismembered her body and was seen to make soup of her.[6] ” Famous Russian author Boris Pasternak, who visited the area, commented:

“ What I saw could not be expressed in words. There was such inhuman, unimaginable misery, such a terrible disaster, that it began to seem almost abstract, it would not fit within the bounds of consciousness. I fell ill. For an entire year I could not write.[7]" NishantXavierFor Christ the King 20:01, May 23, 2023 (EDT)

Your discussion of Holodomor is no different than advocates of slave reparations in the United States - totally irrelevant to the Ukraine war. And the slave reparations advocates have a stronger argument, cause the ideology that led to the injustice - democracy - still governs the United States. Whereas communism in the USSR is long gone. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:08, May 23, 2023 (EDT)
And what's more, plenty of Russians died in the Holodomor, as well. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:11, May 23, 2023 (EDT)
Putin is an ex-KGB officer and worked for the Soviet government for one of its worst government agencies. Checkmate Putin/Russia apologists!
But after all is said and done, Russia/Ukraine/Biden Administration are all corrupt. But hopefully, they hammer out a peace agreement that stops the bloodshed as soon as possible. Conservative (talk) 21:14, May 23, 2023 (EDT)
Ukraine is just the opening act for what's to come. RobSGive Peace a chance 13:00, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
NishantXavier brings up some good points, and Conservative summed it up perfectly. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Wednesday, 16:31, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
Putin is a Russian deep stater and Russia has its own "continuity of government" plan, just as the US does. All this CIA propaganda talk of a "1917 moment', "uprising in the street", color revolution, or US-funded armed insurgency (such as the Belgorod attack yesterday) is propaganda. Insurrectionists will end up like the J6 Patriots in the DC gulag. Any thinking person should be able to see that and understand that, and all the rest is Western/NATO/propaganda.
A nuclear armed state like Russia has continuity of government contingencies, like the US, Pakistan, North Korea or anybody else. And a traitor like Yeltsin, with CIA operatives in his cabinet who deliberately weakened Russia, will be dealt with. RobSGive Peace a chance 23:13, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
Hmm, it does make sense to brand Putin a "Russian deep stater"... since he has entrenched past connections with the Communist KGB. Checkmate Putin/Russia apologists! (hopefully Conservative didn't get a legal patent on that phrase) —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 23:50, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
It doesn't mean Putin is a communist or adherent to communist ideology. Most Russian non-communists (which is well over 80% of the population) are/were outraged at what the communists did their country and the Russian Orthodox Church (as we are outraged at what the commie left has done to oour country). But there is also the issue of reconciliation within Russia and the "former Soviet space" as they call it; the USSR and Stalin did do some tremendous accomplishments, like defeating Hitler and Nazism, and turning Russia into a technological nuclear Superpower. In 1923, Russia was defeated by Poland (which was only 4 years old and recreated in the Versailles Treaty). In thew space of 20 years, Stalin took the defeat and turned Russia into a nuclear Superpower - a tremendous accomplishment. Putin simply tells the Russian people that they do not need to be ashamed of those historical facts.
And if you seriously are paying attention, Putin is highly critical of the Soviets, saying it was the Bolsheviks who created Ukraine (this of course, gets translated by Polish and US intelligence into "Putin wants to recreate the Czarist Empire". It's a no-win argument for Putin by Western critics.) RobSGive Peace a chance 00:33, May 25, 2023 (EDT)

"The Judas to Trump, Ron DeSantis"—is this necessary?

I get the point about DeSantis being a turncoat, though in branding him "the Judas to Trump," the headline essentially is comparing Trump to Jesus, which is nothing short of pointless blasphemy. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Wednesday, 16:27, May 24, 2023 (EDT)

--Yes, it's blasphemous to compare Trump to Jesus, even if you disagree with Ron De Santis.

Personally, I think De Santis is going to be great. It's De Santis, not Trump, who has criticized dictatorial Covidian lockdowns, while Trump called himself "Father of the Vaccine". It's De Santis, not Trump, who's passed a 6 week abortion ban, which Trump won't commit to. It's De Santis who has taken on the woke lgbt groomer mob - one of the worst forms of the left's debauchery and wickedness - and won. Not Trump. Trump has called himself "the most pro gay president in history" and unfortunately sometimes America under him even put pressure on other nations to adopt Pro-LGBT/Sodomy Policies. Those who claim Putin is attacking Ukraine to defend "conservative values" (he is not) should support Candidate, one day to be President hopefully, Ronald de Santis, who actually is defending and fighting for those conservative values. NishantXavierFor Christ the King 18:50, May 24, 2023 (EDT)

Yeah, Trump's Comsympiness is problematic, to say the least. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Wednesday, 19:01, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
Yup, LT. Agreed. And indifference to sodomy/genital mutilation, i.e. "LGBT" is almost worse. Here is how real anti-communist and conservative crusaders speak and think on that subject, from Poland, some time back: "Polish President Andrzej Duda has called the promotion of LGBT rights an "ideology" more destructive than communism ...

He said his parents' generation had struggled against communist ideology for 40 years and "they didn't fight for this so that a new ideology would appear that is even more destructive"." NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:11, May 24, 2023 (EDT)

Congrats. So you use a communist publication - the BBC - to allegedly criticize communism. Makes perfect sense. RobSGive Peace a chance 03:25, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
How is BBC Communist? I don't see anything in the Conservapedia article on the subject mentioning any of the sort. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 13:17, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
How is the BBC communist propaganda? C'mon now, really? You can't be that naive. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:45, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

I see De Santis speak and think in the same way, so I support him NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:12, May 24, 2023 (EDT)

How the mighty have fallen. It's fascinating to watch what passes as "informed debate" in America these days. RobSGive Peace a chance 23:23, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
Can you perhaps clarify? —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 23:32, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
As politics, issues, and the national debate goes, I think you guys are barking up the wrong tree. No matter how things turn out, DeSantis as of this moment is the leading candidate for 2028. Leave it at that. There is no sense in criticizing either Trump or DeSantis. RobSGive Peace a chance 23:43, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
2028? Ah yes, by then, the U.S. may already be on the verge of pushing an international Sunday law at the behest of Popery, which will constitute the mark of the beast. At that point, I should be busy preaching the Three Angels' Messages. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 23:48, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
Do you seriously believe this alleged Sunday law you fantasize so much about would ever (a) pass the House, (b) pass the Senate (c) be signed by the president (d) withstand Supreme Court scrutiny? RobSGive Peace a chance 03:28, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Yes. The world can easily unite behind a Sunday law soon—just as Satan is able to divide, he can unite. The right will clamor behind "restoring Christian morality," and the left will clamor behind "fighting climate change." The reason for all the wars right now is the strings Satan will pull next; all the misery upon the world will pave the way for, oh, I dunno, let's say the Vatican, to declare, "we need our weekly Sunday rest to restore peace in this world." At that point, after just how much assaults, drone strikes, rocket attacks, abortions, racism, and homosexual "marriages" have shaken the world, most of the world will rally behind the culmination of the NWO: New Agers, pagans, Catholics, apostate Protestants, liberals/leftists, "conservatives," atheists, alt-right racists, you name it. What then when disaster continues? "It's those Sabbath-keepers who don't comply with our glorious Sunday law!" "Restrict their buying and selling!" "Kill them!!"
You don't want to wait until that happens before you consider reality, because by then, there's no turning back if you already accepted the mark of the beast. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 13:13, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
"most of the world". I think most of the world, i.e. the Global South, opposes all this rot. You read too much Western propaganda. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:44, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
The current rot? Sure! And yet, when the final stages of the New World Order arrives, the whole world will unite behind it. For more information, see: Book of RevelationLT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 18:45, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
You apparently are behind it, with all the lies you hold and spread. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:49, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
Oh, I'm lying? Prove it! I look forward to your prestigious dissertation. :) —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:02, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

Ron De Santis's Veteran's Appeal - Nice Piece from National Review

"Ron DeSantis’s Veteran Appeal

Nazi era and later Gehlen Organization OUN leader Yaroslav Stetsko with former CIA chief and Vice President George H.W. Bush. [2][3][4]

If Ron DeSantis becomes president of the United States, he would be the first commander in chief since George H. W. Bush — three full decades ago — to have served his country in uniform in a combat zone.

Bill Clinton famously avoided the Vietnam draft. George W. Bush served in the Texas Air National Guard but remained stateside. Barack Obama was too young for Vietnam and never seemed to seriously consider military service. Donald Trump skipped out on Vietnam — receiving medical deferments for a purported bone-spur diagnosis — and later told Howard Stern that avoiding STDs in the randy ’60s and ’70s was his own “personal Vietnam.” Joe Biden received five student deferments and then, in 1968, was “disqualified from service because of asthma as a teenager.”

Ron DeSantis, after his undergraduate years at Yale and Harvard Law School, joined the Navy during the turmoil of the Iraq War.

During the surge, DeSantis served as a senior legal advisor to the SEAL who commanded Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah, Navy Capt. Dane Thorleifson.

DeSantis was responsible for helping ensure the missions of Navy SEALs and Army Green Berets in that wide swath of the Western Euphrates River Valley were planned according to the rule of law and that captured detainees were humanely treated, said his commander at the time.

“He did a phenomenal job,” Thorleifson, 55, said of DeSantis in a Times/Herald interview. “It was a pretty complex time, with Iraqi sovereignty starting to take hold.”

During this period, task force troops rounded up about 100 detainees, said Thorleifson. They were mostly military-aged males, some of which were found with suicide vests while others were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton in 1982 planning the CIA's narcotics smuggling from Honduras to the Mena airport to pay for weapons for the Nicaraguan Contras as part of the Iran-Contra Affair.

It was up to DeSantis, the lone lawyer with the Judge Advocate General Corps., or JAG, to not only assure these men were treated humanely and interrogated in accordance with the Geneva Conventions and U.S. military regulations, but to make sure that, when warranted, they were handed off to the proper legal authorities in Iraq for prosecution in that country’s nascent judicial system, Thorleifson said.

Ron DeSantis’s military service in Iraq is honorable. And, outside of political junkies, it’s little known. Think of your only vaguely political sister-in-law or your golfing buddy who occasionally listens to Joe Rogan: Do they know that Ron DeSantis was awarded the Bronze Star in Iraq while most of his former Yale and Harvard Law classmates were mid-career on Wall Street or at white-shoe law firms?

In the coming GOP primary political slugfest, street cred and a reputation for courage, self-sacrifice, and patriotism will be the coin of the realm. If he hopes to win this fight, DeSantis’s team had better make sure that every center-right voter in America knows at least one biographical fact about the Florida governor: When his country needed him, Ron DeSantis put on his nation’s cloth."

From: NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:22, May 24, 2023 (EDT)

What a pile of crap. Above you criticize Putin cause he's ex-KGB, here you glorify George H.W. Bush cause he's ex-CIA. Note: George H.W. Bush was in Dallas the day the CIA whacked John F. Kennedy, and was heavily involved in Operation Mongoose.
Like Putin, George H.W. Bush is a killer. Like Putin, George H.W. Bush is a paid killer for his homeland, the country he loves. Like Putin, George H.W. Bush has sworn to defend his homeland against all enemies, foreign and domestic, which I suppose is the point of the National Review article, to imply the intervening presidents have not upheld their sworn duty. RobSGive Peace a chance 23:34, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
Actually, the alleged evidence for Bush's presence at the Dallas crowd on November 22, 1963, may not be very solid. The CIA definitely had a hand in the JFK assassination, as explained by Roger Stone in "LBJ Did It" (long story short, a cabal of right-wing Dallas oilmen led by Jack Crichton ran a shadow government and coordinated, with the CIA and Mafia, the assassination plot in part because Kennedy wanted to get rid of the oil depletion allowance and, of course, his efforts to smash the CIA), though whether Poppy had any serious involvement isn't quite clear. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 23:40, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
Yah, we know all about it. Papa Bush was involved in the recruitment and training for Bay of Pigs (Operation Mongoose) which was the reason for JFK's assassination. RFK Jr will give us more details. Trump did not release the JFK assassination files as promised cause he was told he'd be "JFK'd" for setting the record straight once and for all, fingering the CIA. It was not "KGB misinformation", blaming the CIA, as the CIA alleged all these years.
But both the KGB & CIA are right - Americans are so stupid, they'll believe any line of CIA BS. RobSGive Peace a chance 23:49, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
That... seems to be a spot-on analysis. The real evidence indicates that the "Communists killed JFK" argument is pathetic bogus, given the startled and grievous reactions of Communist leaders Fidel Castro and Nikita Khrushchev on 11/22/1963. Following the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion, President Kennedy tried to end the "anti-Communist" foreign agitations of Allen Dulles and Charles P. Cabell (the brother of Dallas mayor Earle Cabell) which sought to bring the world to WWIII, and there was no reason for the commies to kill him. It was the CIA and Feds who respectively loathed JFK's plan to cut "intelligence" funding and bring back the gold standard; that, along with his opposition towards the oil depletion allowance, which triggered the Dallas oil elite, led to a collaboration, likely with LBJ, for the assassination. After all, when Johnson became president, all three of those major efforts were effectively stifled; so much for "Let Us Continue."
Now hold on, most Americans don't believe the CIA nonsense on the JFK assassination. It's just that the majority of them don't know the full truth about Earle Cabell, Jack Crichton, etc. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 00:01, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Footnote: Trump Special prosecutor Robert Mueller is related to the Cabell family of Dallas (or maybe his wife, I forget).
The takeaway from all this, as we enter in the Cold War II is, after the Cuban Missile Crisis both deep states in the Soviet Union and America were not pleased with their top leadership, and both Kennedy and Khrushchev were deposed internally.
With NATO/US placing missiles in Poland and Ukraine to threaten Russia, Russia the other day just leased land for a military base in Cuba. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:08, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Wait, seriously? We're repeating history that precisely? —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 00:10, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
I lived it, and have had 60 years to go over the details with a fine tooth comb. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:16, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Another footnote: the family connections between Robert Mueller and Cabell give a vague insight into the nature of the deep state (as if we didn't know already). It's these long running family connections of an aristocracy that seeks to keep its privilege. These aristocrats are not the sum total of the deep state, but an integral element. The family connections of the Bushes, the Kerrys, the Kennedys (toss in Henry Morgenthau and Cyrus Vance, and how their kids and grandkids have run the Manhattan prosecutor's office that arrested Trump to the present day) have been well documented. Pay attention now, cause JFK and RFK Jr are about the only two Kennedy's, past and present, who oppose the deep state. RobSGive Peace a chance 02:33, May 25, 2023 (EDT)

National Review is funded by dark money Never-Trumpers. Its endorsement of Ron DeSantis is predictable and shallow.--Andy Schlafly (talk) 02:01, May 25, 2023 (EDT)

Yep. National Review was hijacked after Bill Buckley's death. That's not to say it isn't a conservative voice anymore, it's just that the globalist view (and anti-anti-globalism) predominates. RobSGive Peace a chance 02:22, May 25, 2023 (EDT)


  4. The 1982 60 Minutes report goes into Jimmy's Carter's creation of the DOJ's Nazi Hunting Unit. One of the most famous cases was John Demjanjuk, an elderly nazi found living in Cleveland. He was deported to Germany and stood trial for war crimes. Demjanjuk was convicted in 2011 as an accessory to murder of 27,900 people at the Sobibor death camp. Oleg Tyahnybok, whom we have several documented contacts with John McCain, Victoria Nuland, and Joe Biden, rose to prominence in Ukraine when he flew to Germany to plead for lenience for Demjanjuk and became a chief contact for McCain and the Obama administration's illegal Maidan coup in 2014. Tyahnybok argued Demjanjuk was a Ukranian national hero, a victim of persecution ‘’who is fighting for truth."


Oh, by the way, speaking of the Western Euphrates River Valley, remember the news last year of the river drying up? Some people think it's a fulfillment of Rev. 16:12, even though this would be impossible as the other plagues have not occurred yet, nor has the mark of the beast even been enforced. However, the beast system will come soon. Prepare yourselves for the upcoming international Sunday law which will constitute the final culmination of the New World Order! —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 13:21, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

"the beast system" is anyone who denies Jesus is the Christ, and has been in operation since the time of Christ. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:24, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
It seems that you're confusing the "antichrist" of John's Epistles with the Antichrist of Revelation. The former was a polemic against Docetic Gnosticism while the latter refers to an official regime. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 18:46, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
A "beast" is a living human person, divorced from God, and without the spirit of God (i.e. Holy Spirit). You and I were born as "beasts" (or creatures) until we become born again. You and I were born into "the beast system", a non-scriptural term invented by false teachers. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:52, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
Sigh, you keep referring to specific biblical terminology in a genericized manner. In prophecy, a beast represents a kingdom—the beasts of Daniel and Revelation aren't individual people, they're organized regimes. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:01, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
(ec) Like pollical propaganda, biblical false teachers give off certain clues as to their main objective. One clue is to obscure the message from God in the Bible, for example that there is no need to act now on repentance, hell isn't that bad, and prophecy and the resurrection is all future and has no bearing on you present life. The preaching of law robs you of God's grace and salvation.
Specific persons or organized regimes make no difference if they are human's without God's spirit. And this is where your theories are completely wrong - cause those regimes are not future. They have existed at least since the time of Abraham, and before. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:06, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
The sea beast of Daniel existed before Abraham? Wow, I didn't know that before! —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:08, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
This preaching of a future "beast system" is deceptive - cause it implies everything is fine today, and it is not. We are governed by a "beast system" right now. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:09, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
Man without the Holy Spirit is a beast. Man with the Holy Spirit is a child of God. That's all you need to understand. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:13, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
People with their underwear in a knot over the beast lack faith - we have been given the victory. We do not have a spirit of fear. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:16, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

De Santis formally announces Presidential Run: For Real Conservatives, the choice is clear

"After seven years of party domination by Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is ready to present himself to Republicans as the natural successor to the former president’s movement and the best candidate to move the GOP beyond a “culture of losing.” NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:32, May 24, 2023 (EDT)

Fair point with the headline; I think DeSantis at least will obtain more of the "real conservative" vote while Trump, a Comsymping shill for Socialist Security, primarily appeals most to the old-school working-class white Democratic vote. After all, much of the same rural vote in places like Iowa and Ohio that voted for Barack Hussein Obama, II, in 2008 and '12 swung towards D. Jenius t'Rump in the subsequent two presidential cycles. I guess that might just constitute the real party switch, with the Republicans abandoning conservatism for socialistic populism. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Wednesday, 19:40, May 24, 2023 (EDT)

If we want to fight the woke mob and win, the choice is clear. Unfortunately, Christian-majority countries have fallen prey to gender ideology. If we're honest, we'll admit we've been losing for the last few decades. We need a crusader for righteousness to champion our cause. Let's pray and work and hope for the best. God Bless, LT. NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:55, May 24, 2023 (EDT)

"We will not surrender to the woke mob and we will leave it in the dustbin of history - Ron DeSantis, presidential candidate" NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:55, May 24, 2023 (EDT)

The battle against the leftist mob begins at scrutiny of public institutions. Bring back the Reece Committee! —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 20:02, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
Choice? What? You think Americans have a democratic choice these days? RobSGive Peace a chance 23:25, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
To be fair, democracy is really just mob rule, thus a pathetic fourth-rate scam and unfunny joke. What the country needs is a return to the machine politics of the glorious Gilded Age before progressives installed direct democracy in lieu of republican values. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 23:34, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
I see. We're really governed by globalists and oligarchs who have our best interests at heart, cause We the people are too stupid to decide for ourselves. You should become a regular panelist on The View (oh, I forget, they have a 20 year record of discrimination against men in hiring). RobSGive Peace a chance 00:54, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
I literally just said that we should return to machine politics, which is clearly distinct from the concept of one-party globalist rule. Political machines come and go, and run on the conservative principles of leadership, hierarchy, and organization; instead of reducing individuals to replaceable components of mob rule, there is a different role for everyone, and dissenters are free to start their own organization from the bottom up and potentially triumph over other machines. That is how the country should be run, as it was in Reconstruction and the early days of the conservative Gilded Age before those pesky liberal reformers instituted a systemically racist civil service system. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 01:00, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
What you just described, machine politics, is the character of all governments at all levels, from a local tribal council in Nigeria to the CCP in China, from the city councils of Chicago and Moscow to the federal governments of Russia and the US. And given human nature, they are all imperfect and corrupt. Which is why thank God we are not under law but under grace. RobSGive Peace a chance 02:16, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
De Santis is hired by globalists with $150 million to defeat Trump. Trump is his own man and beholding to no one. That's all you need to know .Just leave it at that. What either candidate's position on this or that issue is meaningless (for example, calling Trump a commiesymp, or DeSantis is vet, etc.). RobSGive Peace a chance 23:59, May 24, 2023 (EDT)
Whatever the outcome, both Trump and DeSantis will be dependent on the GOP Machine (establishment) for staffing appointments - the people with hands on control of running government, which is where president power lies. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:01, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
[EC] We call Trump a Comsymp not because it's meaningful, but because it's fun. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 00:02, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Oh. You're spreading either CIA or KGB misinformation. Take your pick for whatever suits you. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:14, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Calling out Trump's Comsymping status constitutes "CIA or KGB misinformation"? Wow. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 00:18, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Well yah, if you expect anybody to read and believe what you say or write - unless you want them to dismiss you as a nitwit without a clue of what you are talking about. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:47, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Um, I think the average person reading Conservapedia would find my articles more informative than yours, just for the record; plenty of my friends regard this wiki in general as a quackery joke but hold my history entries in high regard. The moment they see your work in the Joe Biden, Russian-Ukraine War, etc. articles, they are utterly confounded in a moment's blast of stupefaction. And please don't take this the wrong way; I'm merely telling you how the typical CIA-brainwashed stooge of the Second Beast of Revelation United States of America sees Conservapedia so you can hopefully write articles in a better format. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 00:52, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Much of my work is incomplete. It's just getting the historical record, narrative, sources, and text in place for easy access. I can't help it your friends are idiots with no research or analytical skills.
My Russiagate series is now a qualified, valid, historical document and research tool. it uses none of the discredited sources behind the ruse. 150 years from now, my Russiagate series is one of only a handful of qualified, valid, contemporaneous narratives historians can rely on. RobSGive Peace a chance
The Russiagate series is basically a contemporaneous day-by-day diary of which general news stories only today, 6 or 7 years later, are verifying as factual. RobSGive Peace a chance 01:11, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
[EC] It's not that my friends are idiots, it's that your writing style often gives an non-serious impression that passes off as a left-wing counterpart to The Babylon Bee. Also, your posting of fake images/logos in quite a few popular articles leads plenty of people to think of Conservapedia as a silly joke.
Okay, sure, some of your serieses were top-notch, though it doesn't negate the damage you've done to Conservapedia's reputation via numerous other articles. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 01:13, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
(ec) Contrast that with the multitude of collaborative efforts in Wikipedia and Rationalwiki which aren't worth the match to burn it.
Wikis are suppose to be collaborative, but CP adopted a policy of chasing away collaborative editors early on (basically, by getting involved in nonsensical ideological arguments). I'm just one guy. I can't do everything. RobSGive Peace a chance 01:16, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Fair point; similarly for me, trying to run several serieses on a wide range of topics from the Stalwarts vs. Half-Breeds to anti-lynching legislation in the 20th century to labor unionist racism, etc. etc. is a lot. The worst part is the new extent of abysmal page view growth nowadays; I wonder if I'll regain a decent readership, as page creations by consistently active editors like you, Conservative, and BHathorn still garner about the same page views as before, yet mine receive the lowest web traffic currently. Perhaps my civil rights–related entries, namely my exhaustive research into anti-lynching legislation, might get somewhere. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 01:19, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
(ec) What do I mean by "nonsensical arguments"? Arguments over what fits into a "left" or "right" silo. Left & Right mean different things to different people at different times in different localities on different continents. Until you understand that basic fact, don't even engage in left-right arguments. RobSGive Peace a chance 01:22, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Let's take Vladimir Putin for example. Is he a godless leftist who wants to recreate the communist Soviet Union, or rightist who wants to recreate the Russian Orthodox Church and Czarist Empire? People seem to have strong feelings on the subject, but he doesn't fit neatly into one of their little boxes that guide their perceptions of life and the whole world. Yet this confusion and commie agitprop comes directly from NATO and the CIA, and people willfully chose ignorance. Is ignorance a left or right virtue? RobSGive Peace a chance 01:32, May 25, 2023 (EDT)

DeSantis has a sweeter wife than Trump and his personal life better reflects family values. But DeSantis is going to lose the Republican primary against Donald Trump who is more serious about reducing the trade deficit of the USA. The working class, blue-collar workers in the USA, who want more manufacturing to return to the USA, clearly favor Donald Trump.

Next, I try not to get overly excited about presidential elections because none of the current candidates are likely serious about tackling the national debt. And this debt is going to cause serious problems for the USA within 10-20 years. Conservative (talk) 09:48, May 25, 2023 (EDT)

If you've been paying attention, that economic crash is here now with de-dollarization. RobSGive Peace a chance 10:18, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
De-dollarization, as foreign countries dump the dollar as a reserve asset, will put an end to excessive Congressional spending and adding to the national debt, and the need to keep printing dollars to meet foreign demand for a reserve currency. IOWs, the gravy train is over. Americans and their Congressional representatives now must learn to live within their means.
In addition to welfare and Obamacare and all sorts of big government spending, the Patriot Missile system is an excellent example of Biden's wasteful stimulus spending. RobSGive Peace a chance 11:02, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
I predict that Biden will further screw up the USA economy which will cause the next president of the USA to be a Republican. But if my economic forecast is wrong, maybe Biden will win reelection. I also predict that in 2028 or 2032 Ron DeSantis will win a presidential election and that his wife will become the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis of the Republican Party. And after DeSantis loses the 2023 Republican primary, he may become a more populist candidate on the trade deficit because he is a political chameleon. Conservative (talk) 09:59, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
By the way, just because I think that DeSantis has a good shot at winning the presidency in 2028/2032 doesn't mean that I am a big DeSantis fan. A weather forecaster who predicts a hurricane arriving in a city is not necessarily a big fan of hurricanes. Conservative (talk)
FBI and CIA will rig the 2024 election. Take it to the bank. If you want real freedom, move to Russia. They've been through all this before and know how to get rid of it. The United States is 100 years behind the times in dealing with communists. RobSGive Peace a chance 10:13, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Why don't you move to Russia and then let me know how you like it. Conservative (talk) 10:15, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Land is cheap because of the supply of it. In fact, they'll even give you land in Siberia for free - out of the reach of both FBI & KGB. Nothing but fresh air and blue skies.
Also, Russia is booming right now, whereas the West in the doldrums as a result of its suicidal Russian sanctions. RobSGive Peace a chance 10:25, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Breaking, Hot off the Presses 3 hours ago: Mike Jones and Masha the Translator almost hit with rocket while joyriding in captured Ukrainian APC on front lines near Bakhmut. RobSGive Peace a chance 10:31, May 25, 2023 (EDT)

No thanks. Both the Ukrainians and Russians appear to be getting desperate (or may soon get to that point) when it comes to recruiting men to go to their meat grinder of a war. Conservative (talk) 10:38, May 25, 2023 (EDT)

The US will wash its hands of Ukraine after the last Ukrainian is dead - if the US lives that long. RobSGive Peace a chance 12:40, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
DeSantis suffers a technological debacle for his candidacy launch, A Total DISASTER for Ron DeSantis!!!. Conservative (talk) 16:17, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Mearsheimers Latest Talk On The War In Ukraine
Ukraine can not win this war because the kill ratio in this war is in its disfavor. Mearheimer estimates that two Ukrainians die for one Russian soldier but says that many of his friends think that the ratio is more like 3:1 or 4:1. The reason for this is the WWI-style static war in which artillery is the most deadly weapon. Russia has an immense artillery advantage. During an offensive the attacker will often have more casualties than the defender. But in this war the Ukraine side has been (counter-)attacked most of the time while the Russians defended.
Mearsheimer expects that Russia, which already has incorporated four Ukrainian oblast plus Crimea, will take another four oblast from Ukraine. (Moon of Alabama predicted this on February 24 2022, the day the war began. Those eight oblast plus Crimea are historically Russian land inhabited by Russian people. During the last thirty years they have consistently voted for pro-Russian candidates while the people in west Ukraine consistently opted for anti-Russian candidates.) Ukraine will end up as a dysfunctional (and poor) rump state.
Mearsheimer says that there will be no peace agreement in Ukraine. The war is seen by both sides as existential. Ukraine insists of regaining territory it sees as part of the country. Ukraine wants security guarantees from the 'west' which Russia opposes. The problem of hyper-nationalism (fascism) on the Ukrainian side also makes peace impossible. Then there is the problem that Russia, after having been lied to over the Minsk agreements, has zero trust in any 'western' word.
RobSGive Peace a chance 17:34, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Mearsheimer says nothing that i haven't said 6 or 8 or 9 months ago, except the lower kill ratio is more like 7 or 8 to 1 (but Mearsheimer probably doesn't say that cause people would not believe it (yet) after one year of NATO's global mass brainwashing psyop and information war.
As I've said hundreds of times, NATO thought they could win this war with pysops and propaganda, and not conventional arms before escalating to nuclear. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:42, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
People tend to root for underdogs, but most underdogs lose. Biden should have known this about the underdog Ukraine. But maybe the USA just wanted to bloody up Russia's/Putin's nose so they would not try to go beyond Ukraine in terms of conquest.
According to Politico, former president Obama said about Joe Biden: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f... things up."[9] Which is a nice corollary to: “Never underestimate how wrong you can be!” - Dan Peña, business coach.Conservative (talk) 17:51, May 25, 2023 (EDT
The Ukraine war is like repenting and coming to Jesus. You have admit that you have been lied to, that Satan, the father of lies, has deceived you, and to admit this you must humble yourself. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:03, May 25, 2023 (EDT)
Yep, and same when it comes to Sunday law denialism. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 18:52, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

"The left is ‘freaking out’ over DeSantis:" NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:23, May 25, 2023 (EDT)

Can Ukraine win? Yes.

[moving to a separate topic from De Santis]

And let's keep the Ukraine and De Santis thing separate if we can. Ukraine is going to win, I have no doubt. They repelled the Kremlin's forces in Kyiv, and retook Kharkiv and Kherson. Then Russia did the only thing it's good at: indiscriminate bombing, including of civilian areas and power grids, which is a war crime. Ukraine has been forced to fight with one arm tied behind its back without a strong air force. Once the F-16s are in, Ukraine and Russia will be evenly matched, and because of Ukrainian soldier's bravery and higher morale, and because they're fighting for their self-defense and own country's territory, Ukraine will prevail and win imo. NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:28, May 25, 2023 (EDT)

"“Denmark and the Netherlands will lead a European coalition in providing F-16 training for Ukrainian pilots. Norway, Belgium, Portugal and Poland will also contribute to training.

More countries are expected to join this initiative soon” - US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin." NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:58, May 25, 2023 (EDT)

F-16 is junk. It can't survive the S-400. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:01, May 25, 2023 (EDT)

We'll see.

Prez. Zelensky tweeted: "I welcome the historic decision of the House of Commons of the 🇬🇧 Parliament to recognize the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as a genocide of 🇺🇦 people. This is another powerful voice in restoring historical justice and perpetuating the memory of millions of Ukrainians who were starved to death. The world unites to establish the truth!" NishantXavierFor Christ the King 03:56, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

NishantXavier, you wrote: "Ukraine is going to win, I have no doubt."
I believe that you are sincere, but unfortunately you are sincerely wrong. John Mearsheimer is an expert/academic in foreign relations who predicted the Ukraine war many years ago. I suggest watching the video John Mearsheimer Ukraine Salon as it does a good job in explaining why Ukraine is likely not going to win this war.
If you want to have good-faith discussions with others about the war in Ukraine, I highly recommend watching that video. Otherwise, you are largely going to be a bot of Western/USA government propaganda. And keep in mind that Western/USA government propaganda was used to say how much the USA was winning the Vietnam War and the Afghanistan War and obviously these things were not true. Conservative (talk) 06:15, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

And I can quote other experts who say Ukraine will win: See Michael Mcfaul for instance, he is: "Professor of Political Science, Director of Freeman Spogli Institute & Hoover Senior Fellow all at Stanford University. U.S. Ambassador to Russia, 2012-2014." It's a matter of who you choose to believe based on your own analysis and research. Also keep in mind many of the "experts" got it wrong when they claimed Kyiv, Ukraine would fall in 3 days. We're nearly 500 days into the War and Kyiv is standing strong. Ukraine has greatly outperformed. NishantXavierFor Christ the King 07:29, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

"As first a NATO partner and later a NATO member, Ukraine will eventually emerge from this horrible war as one the best-trained, best-armed, and largest armies in democratic Europe – a vital fighting force for deterring Russian attacks of NATO allies with smaller armies. Eventually, maybe Ukraine could sign joint-production agreements with NATO arms manufacturers and become a key component of a unified military-industrial base for all of Europe. Ukraine after all played the same role for the Soviet Union. Along the way, Ukraine will evolve from a recipient of military aid to a provider of weapons and munitions to others. Once recovered from the war, Kyiv will buy American and NATO-made systems – a win-win for all, except Russia.

Last year, in his address on February 21, 2022, Putin explained that “demilitarization” was one of his key objectives for invading Ukraine. His illegal, unprovoked, barbaric war has produced the exact opposite." NishantXavierFor Christ the King 07:32, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

The quantity of experts on your side is irrelevant. For example, the multiple of false prophets of Baal were no match for Elijah. The multiple seers of Nebuchadnezzar could not compare favorably with the prophet Daniel. Quality overcomes quantity in many situations.
Question: How many of your experts predicted the war in Ukraine many years ahead of time? Professor John Mearsheimer did predict the war many years ahead of time and he has a great track record overall. In addition, he is a careful researcher with humility who does not go beyond what the evidence warrants. I strongly suspect that you did not watch the Mearsheimer video because you want to believe what you want to believe despite the poor evidence and faulty reasoning behind it. Conservative (talk) 08:06, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
It's not about "quantity of experts". It's about "quality of arguments".

Firstly, the moral argument: Russia (1) had no right to invade Ukraine (2) blatantly violated its contractual obligations under the Budapest Memorandum in doing so and (3) has committed numerous War crimes since. (4) the poor state of Ukraine's Military at the time shows that Ukraine was no military threat to Russia. Therefore, whoever wins aside, (5) the Kremlin's War in Ukraine is immoral and wrong.

Next, the "winning" argument: This Ukrainian government account, since the War began, every few days has been updating Russian military casualties. They are independently corroborated from other sources and number 200,000+ (about 205K). Show me a comparable Russian government account periodically and reliably updating Ukrainian casualties. Yes, Ukraine has lost many soldiers too, but generally invaders lose more than defenders. In Dec. 2022, Ukraine said it had lost about 15,000 soldiers by then: ""We have official figures from the general staff, we have official figures from the top command, and they amount to (between) 10,000 and 12,500 to 13,000 killed," Podolyak told the Kanal 24 channel." Let's say it has lost up to 50,000 now. It still has 10s of thousands of highly motivated (and now well trained by Western/NATO experts) troops and soon they will have air support and also the best tanks in the world.

Here's an article on Mearsheimer: "For years, Mearsheimer has argued that the U.S., in pushing to expand nato eastward and establishing friendly relations with Ukraine, has increased the likelihood of war between nuclear-armed powers and laid the groundwork for Vladimir Putin’s aggressive position toward Ukraine. Indeed, in 2014, after Russia annexed Crimea, Mearsheimer wrote that “the United States and its European allies share most of the responsibility for this crisis.” Mearsheimer's argument is absurd. It's like saying Britain or Poland "would share most of the responsibility" for the Nazi (or Commie) invasion of Poland (from West/East respectively)" if they were America's Allies. Everyone has absolute right to freely choose whatever allies they want, especially for defensive purposes. Hitler and Hitler alone was responsible for his evil invasion of Poland, as was Commie Thug Joseph Stalin who also originally invaded Poland from the East. And likewise, Putin and Putin alone is responsible for his evil invasion of Ukraine, and NATO does not bear responsibility for Putin's actions, otherwise Churchill also did for Hitler's. Mearsheimer is promoting a version of liberal appeasement that Reagan, Walesa et al always rejected. NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:09, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

The Satanic NATO LGBT system lost already. God says so. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:26, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

NATO has nothing to do with "LGBT" or Satan; it is purely a Defensive Military Alliance. If you want to beat the LGBT woke movement, why aren't you supporting De Santis? Putin attacking Ukraine, and destroying even churches there (Ukraine is a nearly 90% Christian country) is not doing anything productive or useful to stop the LGBTQ movement, and is just killing innocent lives/destroying property instead NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:14, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

Ukraine has lost its sovereignty, and now is owned by BlackRock. It is being partitioned in what will likely be a frozen conflict for decades. The only questions being resolved are (a) will Russia be successful in forcing regime change? and if not (b) will Poland and other EU members absorb some Western oblasts, and (c) how large with the landlocked Ukrainian rump state be? Russia is determined to keep the Ukrainian rump state neutral, but may allow further NATO expansion and encroachment into the Lvov and Volyn oblasts. The rump state will remain the buffer zone in a frozen conflict. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:36, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

Lol. Read this:

"When asked if they believe Ukraine will win the war, 98% said yes. With regard to President Zelensky, 91% of Ukrainians approve of his job performance.

“The information gathered from this poll is confirmation from our previous survey,” said Stephen Nix, Senior Director for IRI’s Eurasia Division. “Ukrainians are very firm in their conviction that they will be victorious in the conflict against Russia, and they overwhelmingly support the actions of their wartime president.”

Support for NATO membership has increased in recent months. Seventy-two percent of Ukrainians would back joining NATO if a referendum were held today. That is a jump of 13 percentage points from a poll released in May.

“The NATO numbers have increased because Ukrainians continue to believe in the benefits of Transatlantic institutions,” said Nix. “The people have expressed increased support for a strong relationship with Western countries that desire a peaceful and democratic future.”

From: NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:21, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

There may be some 'fatigue' about the Russia-Ukraine war in the United States, professor says. Conservative (talk) 20:16, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

Report: Zeluzhny is brain dead

as is the case of anyone who thinks they could defeat Russia.

In a similar vein, US/NATO propaganda reports Russia's 50,000 man Wagner group suffered 100,000 casualties in Bakhmut.

Propaganda update: Russia's false flag attack on the Kremlin was staged by Ukraine, according to the CIA. RobSGive Peace a chance 14:46, May 25, 2023 (EDT)

While it is very unlikely that Russia will lose this war, it is theoretically possible. For example, an internal revolution could happen in Russia and the country could descend into chaos. But I highly doubt that this is going to happen, but it might. The future is hard to predict.
I cite regarding the Russian Revolution of 1917: "The Russian Revolution lasted from March 8, 1917, to June 16, 1923. Primary causes of the Revolution included peasant, worker, and military dissatisfaction with corruption and inefficiency within the czarist regime, and government control of the Russian Orthodox Church."[10]
There is a lot of corruption in Russia today. The conservative thinktank, the Hudson Institute, has a good video on Putin's kleptocracy: Putin's Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia?. Russia has a long history of corruption. Putin's corruption is not some surprising fact of history. See: Corruption in Russia: A Historical Perspective For more information, please see: Essay: Vladimir Putin is a corrupt kleptocrat and an authoritarian. Conservative (talk) 12:44, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
According to the conservative Heritage Foundation [11]:
During his school years, Putin read the works of Marx, Engels, and Lenin in his spare time. He came of age in 1973, when the Soviet Union was a superpower and sponsoring Marxist regimes on every continent, advancing Lenin’s dream of a communist world. He joined the KGB in 1987 at age 35 and spent the next 16 years rising in the ranks to lieutenant colonel. In 1984, he was sent to Moscow for additional training at the Yuri Andropov Red Banner Institute. As KGB chairman, Andropov had pushed hard for the Warsaw Pact to crush the 1968 Prague Spring.

For a Marxist-Leninist, war within nations and between nations is inevitable.

Marx taught that “war is the midwife of revolutions.” Lenin agreed, declaring that “great historical questions can be solved only by violence.”


An educated Marxist-Leninist such as Putin accepted that there had been more than 100 million victims of communism, an acceptable price to pay to remodel the world. He accepted the purges that Lenin and Stalin used to cement their rule, the forced famines that eliminated enemies of the state, the forced labor camps in Siberia, the tight control of all media. Putin studied the techniques of agitation and propaganda, applying them in his KGB assignment in Dresden in East Germany during the Cold War.

He resigned from the KGB in 1991 to begin a political career in St. Petersburg, his hometown. He had an aptitude for Machiavellian politics and moved to Moscow to join the Yeltsin administration. He rose quickly. In August 1999, Putin was appointed one of three deputy prime ministers and then the same day was named acting prime minister. He has never relinquished power to this day.

Given his KGB training, it was inevitable that Putin would manipulate elections, rewrite the Russian constitution, imprison and even poison his opponents, close down Memorial and every other NGO that called attention to the crimes of Marxism-Leninism, order the brutal subjugation of Chechnya, seize Crimea, and invade Ukraine.
LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 13:23, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
Today's lesson in deciphering propaganda: Let's look at the use of the word "accepted" in that brilliant propaganda piece from the Heritage Foundation: "Putin accepted that there had been more than 100 million victims of communism". OK. Do you "accept" the fact the Nazis killed 6 million Jews or reject it? Do you "accept" the fact the Founding Fathers of the Constitution considered Blacks 3/5 of a person or reject it? RobSGive Peace a chance 14:37, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
Wow, you really don't understand the three-fifths compromise, eh? Time to provide an utmost basic U.S. history lesson: the Southerners simultaneously wanted to include black people among the population count in determining the apportionment of congressional districts so they could wield greater influence in the U.S. House, yet deny blacks the vote; the anti-slavery forces in the North believed this was unfair, and thus a compromise was made to count only three-fifths of the slave population towards the apportioning of districts. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 14:48, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
Wow, you really don't understand 100 million dead and Putin "accepting" that fact, do you? RobSGive Peace a chance 14:56, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
Wow, I wonder why you're quickly jumping from one topic to another after getting schooled on U.S. history... almost seems like a failed damage control effort. Pity! —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 14:59, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
Here's the topic: Instead of becoming a conduit for propaganda, which you are becoming, you should be using the massive psyops we are being subjected to daily to honing your skills to identify propaganda, and if necessary, refute it. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:01, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
Nowhere in the Heritage Foundation report is Putin cited. Everything is assigned to him. That should be a first clue in identifying propaganda. They don't even try to quote him out of context, but use the fact that he "accepted" historical truth to criticize him.
As a propaganda piece, I'd rate it as rather low. Amazing you fell for it. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:05, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
[EC] All the chaos in our current time is just the last few strings Satan's pulling for bringing the world to the brink of an international Sunday law. That's what you should be focused on. Sure, there's plenty of thesis vs. antithesis propped up around us, but what is it all leading to? What is the synthesis the NWO central planners are sending us towards?
Due to a few obstructions in life at the moment, I'll be focusing a period of time on contributing history content to Conservapedia. I'm not interested in dizzying my brain in the Hegelian dialectic agitprop whirlpool of the modern-day fracas you're obsessed with. I'll just read the same old headlines everyday to get an utmost basic sense of what's happening, and that's about it. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 15:08, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
These attacks on Putin are no different than saying "Trump is racist" without any evidence. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:10, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
Exhibit A on Socialist Trump's anti-Jewry.LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 15:14, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
There are two guys on YouTube who do daily propaganda analysis on Youtube, not just debunking fake news but helping teach viewers how to identify propaganda. You should get in the habit of following one or the other or both, at least daily for month and then decide if you wish to continue. Sam Gerrans and Emil Cosman. RobSGive Peace a chance
Update: Ukrainian deep fake says Zaluzhny is alive and healthy. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:27, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

So apparently Zaluzhny is fed up with NATO and the West's constant prodding to attack attack attack cause the West wants to see some results for all the effort thay poured into it. But the fact remains Ukraine is undermanned and underequipped. Following the designs of NATO and the Pentagon has been disastrous for Ukraine. Since the fall counteroffensive starting Sept. 4, 2022, Ukraine has lost 150,000 fighters. Western equipment gets destroyed as soon as its unloaded.
Zaluzhny has defied NATO. There was suppose to be a big pow wow with all the defense ministers and generals at the kick off of the spring offensive, but Zaluzhny is sick of carrying out NATO instructions which have been devastating to the Ukrainian military. These civilian leaders like Biden and Sullivan pressure Zelensky for quick results, telling him the American people's patience is limited. So Zelensky issues a Hitleresque type order not to retreat from Bakhmut, and keeps pouring in 500 fresh troops, untrained conscripts, daily for 8 months (do the math: 500 x 224) for 8 months where they are killed as quick as they arrive. Now military analysts the world over said this is insanity, but the political people (like the aforementioned three) do not give a rip for human life. Military experts have said there should have been a build-up, like the Normandy invasion which was more than 3 years in in the planning. This piecemeal escalation by the US has been insane. You can't bring back those dead soldiers, and all that destroyed equipment. The US-led strategy of Biden, Sullivan and Lloyd Austin has accomplished Russia and Putin's objective for them - demilitarization of Ukraine.
So when the big NATO meeting took place, Zaluzhny conveniently withdrew himself and hid, simply telling them he was too busy. he even refused to participate by video conference or appoint someone to sit in for him. Rumors flew: he was too busy with one of his girlfriends, he was too busy attending a friends wedding, he was wounded in Russian missile strike, he was killed in a Russian missile, he was in a vegetative state, etc.
He basically told NATO to flip off, and said 'I'm in charge'. Will it change any of the civilian leadership thinking? Probably not. But the message should be clear - he's not for any sort of quick fixes and has settled into a long war of attrition. He's got to convince the NATO idiots to stop sending crap to Ukraine and stockpile it for a few years in Poland. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:41, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
So now Zelensky is copying the Zuluzhny strategy, threatening to boycott a July NATO meeting if he doesn't get his way. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:22, June 3, 2023 (EDT)
Big Serge: The Battle of Bakhmut: Postmortem. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:31, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Update: We don't know if Ukraine Supreme commander Zaluzhny is alive or dead. We don't know if Zaluzhny, along with No.2 in command Gen. Syrsky, were killed in a missile strike in Dnipro weeks ago. Both have been incommunicado since the attack. Imagine, if Gen. Eisenhower died on the eve of the Normandy Invasion. Sure, the position would be filled immediately, but it would be difficult for the new commander to carry out tasks (beginning with the staffs of the deceased commander and his successor feuding over who's in charge).
Secondly, in January Zelensky purged his top Nazis in the Ministry of Interior and Military Intelligence Agency on the advice instructions of Biden CIA chief Bill Burns. A relatively young Nazi Russophobe, Kyrylo Budanov rose to power immediately as military intelligence chief. Budanov assumed some of the operations previously performed by the Nazi gestapo (Ministry of Interior) (operations really are outside military intelligence's primary role of collecting and analyzing intelligence). These operations, Budanov bragged to Western media, are murder, assassination, sabotage, bombings and other acts of terrorism against the civilian population of Russia and Russians living abroad. Budanov hasn't been seen or heard from since the military intelligence underground bunker in Kyiv blew up about a week ago.
This evidently is why there is no Ukraine counteroffensive - all the key leaders are likely dead, yes, there have been random attacks here and there usually, usually against civilians or civilian infrastructure, and none of these NATO inspired and directed make no rational sense other than for propaganda purposes in the West to be reported as Ukraine is using money they got from America wisely (this is the matter of "taking the war to the civilian population", or a "Shermanesque solution" led by General Sherman in Georgia, Bismark a few years later in Paris, and Mad Bomber Harris with the incendiary fire-bombing of Hamburg.
Believe whatever you want, but bombing civilians now is part of American military doctrine, used both by the American military, and taught by American military trainers to its proxy armed forces the world over. RobSGive Peace a chance 04:14, June 5, 2023 (EDT)
Another theory: Zaluzhny was relieved of his duties roughly at the time of the Fall of Bakhmut and is currently under house arrest so he can make "Hi! I'm ok." videos from time to time. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:59, June 6, 2023 (EDT)
On Friday [June 2, 2023], the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine turned to Zelensky with a request to stop the "offensive" and ask Western curators for an additional 21 days to restore the combat command and control system, accumulate supplies and weapons. With the same request, it went through operational channels to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General Milli, but in response received an order to continue the offensive. this is the demand of the US president himself, who needs a result from the Ukrainians - a military defeat of the Russians , and not an explanation of the reasons for the failures. RobSGive Peace a chance 01:16, June 6, 2023 (EDT)
Update: Zaluzhny resurfaces in photo with Zelensky and other military commanders after destruction of Nova Kakhovka dam, Budanov, head of military intelligence however is absent, refueling speculation Budanov has been killed. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:30, June 6, 2023 (EDT)

DeSantis is right

It seems like [Trump's] running to the left, and I have always been somebody that's just been moored in conservative principles.

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R–FL), May 26, 2023

Finally, the GOP contenders start pointing out the mediocre Comsymping socialist Trump has become. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 15:03, May 26, 2023 (EDT)

There you are misusing another word again that you do not understand its meaning. 15:08, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
I understand the term "Comsymp" all right. It's a fun buzzword popularized by the arch-conservative John Birch Society to insult political opponents, and I'm using it exactly as the old-school anti-Communists did except for of course that I have a better basis. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 15:17, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
Who defeated the Nazis? What is the biggest threat to world peace today, US and NATO support for Nazism or a defunct ideology? RobSGive Peace a chance 15:32, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
My point is, you got you priorities in the wrong place. Rather than mocking potential allies, you should focus on the main threat. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:35, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
...which are the creeping "Christian Nationalists" who will eventually institute the international Sunday law. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 15:39, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
You can't even define the term "nationalist", so all you're doing is peeing in the wind. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:28, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
"Nationalist" means one who adheres to a particular national identity. And note that I capitalize "Christian Nationalists" to indicate that its formality as a term as opposed to genericized usage employed by the left. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 18:49, May 26, 2023 (EDT)
Haha. You just gave a leftist identity politics definition to the term which bears little resemblance to the etymology of either word (you, the guy concerned about the etymology of Semitism who thinks Gypsies, Hungarians, Romanians and Russians are "Ukrainian".) RobSGive Peace a chance 07:01, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
The inherent employment of identity politics is not on my end, but theirs. I am simply providing a designation to help identify them more distinctly with clarity; otherwise, by the vague standards you impose, your usage of "Ukronazi" would also qualify as leftist identity politics. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 13:36, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Yup, De Santis is. NishantXavierFor Christ the King 09:25, May 27, 2023 (EDT)

De Santis raises an Amazing 8.2 Million Dollars in a Single 24-Hour Day

"Miami — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has raised a record $8.2 million in the first 24 hours after announcing his 2024 presidential campaign, as he barrels toward an expensive and combative primary led by former President Donald Trump.

The sum includes online donations and money raised by fundraisers at a gathering in Miami to dial for contributions, DeSantis' campaign confirmed. The breakdown of how much each method raised is unclear.

DeSantis' $8.2 million haul surpasses President Biden's first day fundraising of $6.3 million on day one of his 2020 campaign launch, and outpaces the $9.5 million Trump raised in the first six months of his 2024 campaign."

De Santis clearly CAN beat Biden and win the General, given this Campaign Finance strength. And De Santis clearly SHOULD BEAT Trump in the primaries, given that he's a Movement Conservative who really believes and adheres to Conservative Principles, and has fought the Woke Left before and Won. Trump who called himself "the most pro gay president in history" is not the leader America needs right now. But choose whomever you want to support. Just don't claim, if you do choose "the most pro gay president" that you care about defeating LGBT. You don't. NishantXavierFor Christ the King 09:27, May 27, 2023 (EDT)

Yes indeed. It's amazing how quick the rich and powerful can shove aside a grassroots' movement.
Once again we see the effective use of propaganda brainwashing on its target audience who gobble it up and spew it back verbatim. RobSGive Peace a chance 06:36, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
When you actively advocate the Biden pro-Nazi position, why in the world would you want to defeat Biden? RobSGive Peace a chance 06:41, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
America is currently a politically center-right country and not a conservative country.[12]
Gallup said on January 12, 2023, "Roughly equal proportions of U.S. adults identified as conservative (36%) and moderate (35%) in Gallup polling throughout 2022, while about a quarter identified as liberal (26%). This is consistent with Americans’ ideology on the basis of annual averages since 2015. During this period, no more than two percentage points has separated moderates and conservatives, while liberal identification has varied between 24% and 26%."[13]
According to all the data from the leading political prediction markets, DeSantis has a 25% chance of winning the GOP primary whereas Trump has a 63.4% of winning the GOP nomination.
Politics is downwind from culture. And it is easier and more effective to spread biblical Christianity than spread political conservatism. The conservative wing of the GOP can't promise eternal life and answers to godly prayers. I have noticed that people are much more open to biblical Christianity than political conservatism. And if I am not mistaken, there is a high correlation of people who are religious conservatives and political conservatives. Ergo, the most effective way to spread political conservatism is to spread biblical Christianity. "In all fighting, the direct method may be used for joining battle, but indirect methods will be needed in order to secure victory. In battle, there are not more than two methods of attack – the direct and the indirect; yet these two in combination give rise to an endless series of maneuvers. The direct and the indirect lead on to each other in turn. It is like moving in a circle – you never come to an end. Who can exhaust the possibilities of their combination?" - Sun Tzu. Conservative (talk) 11:36, May 27, 2023 (EDT)
I did some research and here is what I found:
"Studies consistently find that religious people tend to be more conservative politically and support existing social arrangements". - Conservative and Liberal Values in Relation to Religiosity, 2022
"We find that for most Christians and Jews, doctrinal conservatism continues to be tightly linked with conservative political attitudes, even after adjusting for demographic differences and religiosity." - Re-examining Restructuring: Racialization, Religious Conservatism, and Political Leanings in Contemporary American Life, 2020
Political conservatism and religious conservatism - correlation.jpg
I hope this information is helpful to you in terms of understanding the relation between politics and religion. Conservative (talk)
If America's "center-right," why has this country allowed abortion and homosexualism to continue for so long? After the repeal of Roe v. Wade last year, a bunch of states voted in referendums to expand abortion "rights," including in Republican-leaning Kansas. This is what happens in democracy: a majority concurrence can deny the rights of the feeble and helpless. Walter Veith put it well:
If ten wolves and one lamb have to vote on an issue of what is for lunch, the lamb will end up being lunch in a democracy. It's ten-to-one, you understand?

—Prof. Walter J. Veith, Oct. 6, 2011

Walter Veith is right—democracy is a fraudulent scam upon humanity! —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 13:32, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
A center-right country has some influence from the centrists. Centrists can go either way on the abortion issue. Hence their name of centrist. As an analogy, a coin flip is similar to centrism. When you flip a coin, it's hard to tell if it is going to come up heads or tails. Any given state is going to be somewhere on the left to conservative spectrum because each state has its own culture, but surrounding states may have the same regional culture. But just because there is a political spectrum of left to right among states, doesn't preclude the whole country from being center-right overall. Like if you have a bunch of currency that is made up of $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 bills and about 95% of the bills are $20 bills, that would mean that most bills are $20 or higher as far as their value. So that would be a pile of currency that leans toward $20 or higher bills. Conservative (talk) 15:15, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Conservative, what does it tell you when a red state votes by a margin of 18 percentage points to legalize sacrificing to Moloch the genocide of unborn children?LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 15:43, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
(ec) Putin was democratically elected and currently enjoys 80% of popular support; Biden was elected in a rigged election and has 37% support - yet most Americans support Nazism. Why? It is the defining issue of our time. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:44, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
LT, your link doesn't support your contention. And many states want some restrictions on abortion. Also, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, South Carolina and Texas have passed "heart beat" bills which restrict/limit abortions, but do not ban it. Conservative (talk) 15:54, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
[EC] Conservative, according to the AP tallied vote count as listed in the link, 59% in Kansas voted against the pro-life amendment and only 41% in favor. That's a margin of 18 percentage points. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 16:05, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
It's amazing to see people still have faith in published election results. Whether that's mob rule in action or not is debatable. RobSGive Peace a chance 16:36, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
RobSmith, it's lame to trutherize your way around every election as Stacey Abrams does. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 16:47, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Don't you do the same with democratic election of Vladimir Putin? Isn't Putin the representative of the will of the people of 150 million Russians? Oh yah, I forget Russians are subhuman so their expression of democracy doesn't matter. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:04, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
When did I ever say that? —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 17:21, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
You apparently are giving de facto support to modern Nazism and Nazi supporters like Biden with your criticisms of communism, Stalin and Putin. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:40, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Anti-Communism is equatable to Nazi support? Now that's Comsymp propaganda right there! —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 17:41, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
While the Nazi scourge flourishes (with your tax dollars support), now is not the time to criticize communism. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:43, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Even the communists show themselves more atuned than either you or Niswhant, calling out AOC for her support for Nazism. So is AOC a real communist, socialist, or progressive? warranting of criticism on those grounds when her own communist voters reject her views and actions? RobSGive Peace a chance 17:45, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
All the rifts between Communism and Nazism are just socialist civil wars. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 17:52, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
So long as your tax dollars are being used to murder people in your name and Nazism, you need to just shut up about 'the lesser of two evils', Uncle Joe and Putin. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:53, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
I'm not going to start openly Comsymping as you are. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 17:55, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
You're a Nazisymp and collaborator - and that's the way history will remember you. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:57, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
"How dare you criticize Communism! You're a Nazsymp!!" says the "now is not the time to criticize communism" Comsymp. Yawn. Is it that hard to understand that Nazism is but a variant of Marxist Communism? —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 17:59, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Yawn. Is that hard to realize Nazis are murdering people with your tax dollars in your name? RobSGive Peace a chance 18:01, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Anyone with a blue and yellow emoji is a Nazi collaborator. Notice how there are fewer of those as opposition grows. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:59, May 28, 2023 (EDT)

De Santis is going after Trump like never before

Good. This shows he is actually "in it to win it" and serious about competing/running for President and not just "angling for VP" etc.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, now officially a candidate for president, is no longer tiptoeing around former President Donald Trump – nor is he being shy about his plans to flex the powers of the presidency like never before if he wins the White House.

DeSantis – whose campaign raised $8.2 million in the first 24 hours, according to a campaign spokesperson – has filled the hours after his botched Twitter launch by taking his message to the familiar comforts of the conservative airwaves, where, in a dozen interviews, he has assailed Trump as fiscally irresponsible and a supporter of amnesty for undocumented immigrants. He said Trump’s Covid-19 mitigation policies “destroyed millions of people’s lives” and told Fox News his “day one” priority would be to fire the former president’s handpicked FBI director, Christopher Wray.

Trump “is a different guy today than when he was running in 2015 and 2016,” DeSantis told Tennessee conservative talk radio host Matt Murphy, adding, “I don’t know what happened to Donald Trump.”

The sharpening of attacks against Trump – whose endorsement DeSantis once sought and campaigned on in his 2018 race for governor – comes after months of subtle digs at the former president’s stint in the White House. Throughout Trump’s four years in office – of which DeSantis served almost two years in Congress and two years as a closely aligned governor – and in the years since, the Florida Republican has never before levied such direct and public criticism of the man he now hopes to supplant as the leader of the GOP.

Now, DeSantis is making the case that he is better suited to deliver on the promises that Trump himself failed to see through." NishantXavierFor Christ the King 11:24, May 27, 2023 (EDT)

DeSantis has to move from merely pitching administrative competence and attacking wokism to also selling "the dream" so he is more inspiring. "Make America great again" is selling the dream. If DeSantis is going to close the sale, he needs to sell the sizzle along with the steak. Reagan was also good at "selling the dream" and Trump borrowed the phrase "Make America great again" from Reagan. Obama sold "hope and change" so he also "sold the dream". Conservative (talk) 12:05, May 27, 2023 (EDT)
Also, people from New York such as Trump have a different sense of humor than many other cultures. They tend to lean more towards the sarcastic and the put down. One reason why some people love Trump is that he is a master of humorous sarcasm and put downs - especially towards leftists. Donald Trump is the Don Rickles of American politics. But I don't think that Ron DeSanctus or Ron DeSanctamonius is going to cut the mustard in terms of hammering down DeSantis. Conservative (talk) 12:31, May 27, 2023 (EDT)
It was a big mistake for DeSantis to run this time. Trump will beat him and he will never get Trump's endorsement in 2028. Conservative (talk) 18:35, May 27, 2023 (EDT)
Bull. Look at the nasty things Trump said about Sens. Cruz & Paul in the 2016 primaries, and look how they all become the best of buds the day after the voting ended. A primary challenge is how a consensus is built. In the heat of conflict people often say emotional things that don't stand up to scrutiny. RobSGive Peace a chance 06:51, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
You make a good point. Also, DeSantis is currently building a national donor base which could be used in 2028. Conservative (talk) 07:56, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Winning strategy. In order to have the best outcome, aka victory for the GOP - whoever will end on top.. IMHO, Since the radical left (the AOCs, and the CAIR lobby who helps them only when it serves their exclusive goals) campaign in branding all GOP, especially conservatives as supposed "racists." (Reminder, while Hillary failed in her "deplorable", Biden used effectively the 2017 Charlottesville to defame unjustifiable the entire Maga movement and from there it "extended" to all conservatives). Hence - my humble 2 cents... have the GOP appoint a Latina (emphasis on female for the same reason) conservative as VP on the ballot. God bless this greatest country on earth, remembering our heroes.Telling (talk) 10:37, May 28, 2023 (EDT)

Hillary Clinton lost in 2016. John McCain who had Sarah Palin as a running mate lost his presidential bid. Walter Mondale who had Geraldine Ferraro as a running mate lost his presidential bid. So far having a woman on the ticket as president and/or vice-president on the presidential ticket hasn't been successful. That's not a great track record as far as women on the U.S. presidential/VP ticket.

In Latin American culture, the country of Chile had a female president, but most presidents of countries in Latin America have been men. So maybe the GOP presidential candidate should pick a Latino man as a Vice-President running mate. Olé! Olé! Olé! Conservative (talk) 15:02, May 28, 2023 (EDT)

Well, whether a woman will be on any presidential tickets or not in the coming 2024 elections, what is for sure is that eventually, the president of the United States presumably will play a leading role in bringing the world under an international Sunday law. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 15:07, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
I think we could define "democracy" as whatever a controlled media brainwashes the population to think, say, and believe. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:51, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Ah, but that would be leftist tactics, trying to redefine terminology. Democracy means government of the people, which in essence translates to mob rule because a bare majority can vote in a fascist dictatorship. Fascist states are often the epitome of democracy, because democracy eventually will lead to fascism. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 16:08, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Oh, so aristocracies and oligarchies are the best natural form of government, so long as the controlled media can convince the mob that the deep staters have their best interests at heart. RobSGive Peace a chance 16:12, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
That's what you just said, not me. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 16:14, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
The mob doesn't have a brain - it needs a controlled media to give it a voice and talking points. (And these talking points usually revolve around pitting one group against another). RobSGive Peace a chance 16:20, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
The George Floyd riots provide a recent interesting case study in America. The mob had no voice, other than its actions. But the aristocrats and oligarchs provided the voice through its controlled media by pitting the police against the oppressed in the defund the police movement. RobSGive Peace a chance 16:25, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
That's how democracy's worked ever since the Progressive Movement: by dismantling political machines in the name of reformist anti-corruption (how clever!), one eliminates natural differences of hierarchy, placing everyone within a collective on the same plane to pave the way for mob rule. By utilizing "direct action" with no structure, it's just horde vs. horde, which easily can be manipulated by elitists who hand-pick their preferred candidates in a system revolving around Hegelian dialect of thesis vs. antithesis.
Prior to the establishment of the civil service system by "classical liberals" in the first half of the Gilded Age, machine rule meant that any change in politics had to face approval by the "bosses." Hence, wannabe bureaucrats couldn't manipulate the country's politics so easily as they do nowadays, and in order to competently compete, they had to adopt the political machine mentality revolving around loyalty, hierarchy, and self-responsibility. If the Republicans controlled most of Congress, average propaganda scheming in of itself won't get Democrats as much influence; only with the Long Depression and resulting backlash against the Grant Administration to such severe extents did the Democratic Party actually regain the U.S. House in 1874. And Senate races were then decided by legislatures until the pathetic progressives enacted the 17th Amendment. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 16:44, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Thanks Conservative. Interesting thought, reviewing past.Telling (talk) 20:08, May 28, 2023 (EDT)

"Bud Light is in Hell"

Which hell? Sheol, Hades, Tartarus, or Gehenna? —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 17:30, May 28, 2023 (EDT)

The hell the democratic mob of New Testament believers believe in. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:33, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
hell = eternal separation from God's love, grace, and mercy. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:34, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Ah, sounds like you're referring to Gehenna. But you see, the lake of fire isn't here yet; currently the dead are unconscious in Sheol/Hades, and only at Final Judgment will the wicked individuals be thrown into Gehenna. Now, the lake of fire evidently has two phases: the first is at the second coming of Jesus, when "the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up" (2 Pet. 3:10), aka when the beast and false prophet are destroyed. (Rev. 19:20) At Jesus's Second Advent, fire will destroy all of the Earth and render it desolate for the Millennium, the duration where the righteous reign in Heaven; afterwards, there's Final Judgment and essentially the "second phase" of the lake of fire which consumes the wicked into everlasting destruction.
Since you're referring to Gehenna, it's hence impossible for Bud Light to be in it currently in a literal sense, though more symbolically, if it's permanently dead, I suppose that analogy is valid, as the lake of fire is really just a means of everlasting destruction. Revelation 20:14 talks of death and Hades being thrown into the lake of fire, which means that the concept of death ceases permanently. Now, if the brand currently dies out but has no guarantee of eternal death and possibly might be resurrected eventually, perhaps you could say it's in "Sheol"/"Hades." And if it's still roaming around on Earth, then a "Tartarus" comparison might be sensible, as 2 Peter 2:4 talks of the fallen angels being thrown to Tartarus (hell), though all the demons are simply on the surface of the Earth, presumably.
Unfortunately, simply declaring that Bud Light is currently in "hell" is confusing due to its vagueness. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 17:45, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
I think a explained once already Gehenna. It was the city dump of Jerusalem. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:04, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Of course, for someone who doesn't believe in an afterlife, eternal separation from God's love also may be a bit too much to comprehend. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:07, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
We love him because he first loved us. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:09, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Oh, and you forgot one, qeber. I think you have qeber and sheol confused. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:53, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
A qeber is a grave or sepulcher. Sheol is the abode of the wicked dead. RobSGive Peace a chance 08:30, May 29, 2023 (EDT)

Book of Job

The Book of Job is perhaps the most unique book of the Bible. It exists in various versions in ancient languages and likely was not written in Hebrew. It predates Moses and Torah, and was not given directly through God's chosen people. It's the only book of the Bible that tells about what existed between Abel's blood crying to God from the ground and Moses delivering the Law.

In this period of time, when God limited contact with the human race after the fall of Adam, apparently there was a big debate on whterh or not an afterlife existed. The Book of Job concludes with (1) coming down on the side of an afterlife beyond hell, death, and the grave, and (2) God making good on his promises. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:53, May 28, 2023 (EDT)

Thanks for bringing up Job; have you seen this verse?
So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.

—Job 14:12

Very clearly, Job substantiates soul sleep: when an individual dies, they "shall not awake" "till the heavens be no more"—hence, a person is unconscious in the grave until the heavens pass away. It baffles me that most Christians will just brush this aside or concoct a bizarre explanation twisted like a challah still trying to defend the pagan-inspired concept of immediate judgment as biblical. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 19:06, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Um, those aren't Job's words. Those are the arguments against an afterlife. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:44, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Huh? Can you please clarify? —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 19:49, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Pardo0n me. I misspoke a moment ago. Thise indeed were Job's words, and the question is asked two verses later in verse 14:
If a man die, shall he live again?
This apparently was the subject of much discussion between the times of Adam and Moses by all nations, before Moses giving the law. Verse 12 was deemed common knowlege (by man's wisdom, man knew not God). it was Abraham's faith in the resurrection - that God would make Isaac live again - that was reckoned unto righteousness.
In the conclusion of Job, God doubles all his cattle, but only restores the lives of his children in equal numbers - because you cannot destroy the souls of his earlier children who were killed, refuting annihilationism. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:15, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
That... does not refute annihilationism. What you clearly aren't understanding is the timing of the destruction of the wicked souls: they occur at the lake of fire right after Final Judgment, and not before then. Job 14:12 couldn't more clearly articulate the fact that souls sleep in the grave before the resurrection. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 20:18, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Regarding who wrote it and when, opinions differ. Usually in very complicated subjects (for me) I try to avoid writing about...
You are looking at the bible in its totality. At the time of Job, pre-Abraham, the question on mankind's mind was If a man die, shall he live again? Verse 12 does not express a biblical doctrinal concept. It is only the view of man cut off from God after Adam's sin. And the conclusion of Job implies the soul is immortal. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:27, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
That's not what Job emphasizes at all; the soul is not inherently immortal because only God hath immortality. Perhaps you should actually read the Bible. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 20:34, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Perhaps you should read Job in its proper pre-Abraham (Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto as righteous) context.
7 For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease.
8 Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground;
9 Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant.
In the pre-Toreh age concepts like above is where reincarnation and other errant doctrines come from. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:42, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
None of that indicates that the soul is inherently immortal regardless of whether it has salvation. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 20:43, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
This is an apples and oranges argument:
"the timing of the destruction of the wicked souls: they occur at the lake of fire"
Job knew nothing of a lake of fire or final judgement when he uttered Chapter 14; you have to read Job in the context it was written at the time of Job: the question is singularly on the question of an afterlife, and nothing else. The virtual human consensus after the murder of Abel was that there was no afterlife. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:52, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Your arguments still don't refute soul sleep. Also, I see you said above, and I quote, "Verse 12 does not express a biblical doctrinal concept." Well, so now not all of the Bible is biblical? I'm old enough to remember when you accused me of denying the word of God! —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 20:56, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
My argument is the concept of soul sleep was common before Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him as righteousness. RobSGive Peace a chance 21:02, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Abraham in faith, never wavering in faith, believed God when he said "take thy son, thine only son" (disowning the bastard child) and kill him. How then would in Abraham's seed, all nations be blessed? {hoping against hope). RobSGive Peace a chance 21:09, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
IOWs, the concept of soul sleep was widespread at the time of Job and Abraham (toss Noah into that mix), but was disproven in the narratives of Job and later by Moses in his retelling of Abraham. RobSGive Peace a chance 23:16, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Perhaps you should provide some solid evidence supporting that notion. All I objectively notice is that Job directly confirms the doctrine of soul sleep, the idea that the dead sleep unconscious in the grave awaiting resurrection. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 23:18, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
The evidence is looking at the timelines.
The doctrine of soul sleep was near universal after Abel's blood cried from the ground, and was discredited in Job more than 5,000 years ago - long before God made any promises to Abrham, to Israel, to David, by Christ, etc.
The efforts to find soul sleep in the Bible beginning with Job actually refute the doctrine. The reference to it does not support the doctrine. All it does is express man's limited understanding prior to revelations from God. SDA is a reversion to a 5,000 year old discredited doctrine (by God himself) and presenting it as "new information" or a "new revelation". RobSGive Peace a chance 23:33, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.
Job spells it out so plainly here that the dead don't rise "out of their sleep" "till the heavens be no more." And yet you're insisting that Job "actually refutes soul sleep." I'm getting confounded to new extents. And your references to Job passages don't actually prove either a) humans have an intrinsically immortal soul, nor b) judgment after death is immediate. Also, I don't see your argument, that Job 14:12 was merely a quotation by Job towards "false doctrines," holding up. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 23:39, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
I hope you at least understand what soul sleep is. Mortalism does not deny the resurrection, rather differently understand its timing compared to immediate judgment. The doctrine of immediate judgment, held by Catholics, the Orthodox, and unfortunately most Protestants, teaches that objectively speaking, a person faces judgment immediately after death. Soul sleep teaches according to the Bible that the dead sleep in the grave and only are conscious again when resurrected. If people since the time of Cain did not believe in the resurrection, then they did not believe in soul sleep. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 23:51, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Yes, I understand completely what was popular wisdom after the murder of Abel until the revelations from God on renewal, rebirth, and regeneration by faith through Job, Abraham, and Moses. RobSGive Peace a chance 23:56, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
Then why do you keep insisting that Job was "refuting soul sleep" and substantiating the doctrine of the immortal soul? I've read his book several months ago, and I don't recall any verses ever imply those two points you argue. You have a continuous history of taking Bible verses out of context and/or twisting their meaning entirely, and I suspect you're doing it once again in this discussion. (at least we can mostly stay on topic though) —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 23:59, May 28, 2023 (EDT)
I didn't say that, or maybe I was misunderstood. Job questions the popular wisdom and beliefs of his day, and says "I don't know the answer", yet had faith in God. In the end, God keeps his promises. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:03, May 29, 2023 (EDT)
Yes, that's definitely true. Now, you said above, as I quote verbatim, "the conclusion of Job implies the soul is immortal," and "the concept of soul sleep was widespread at the time of Job and Abraham (toss Noah into that mix), but was disproven in the narratives of Job." —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 00:05, May 29, 2023 (EDT)
Verse 12 was spoken by Job, not God. And this portion, till the heavens be no more must've been news to the hearers being that there was no "end times" prophecy at the time Job spoke it.
Job's wife said, Curse God, and die. (That's how common the non-belief in an afterlife was). In 14:14 we have Job asking If a man die shall he live again? while contemplating his wife's advice to kill himself. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:15, May 29, 2023 (EDT)
The fact that Job simultaneously affirms the resurrection while using the analogy of sleep, repeated later dozens of time throughout the Bible, demonstrates that he was substantiating soul sleep, not refuting it, because that's what soul sleep is: the teaching acknowledging the resurrection and as an eventual event which the dead await rather than face immediately after death on the objective timeline (the reason I say "objective timeline" here is because, in both cases, it will feel immediate to that person judged, whether actually immediate or if they slept unconscious for thousands of years in the grave). The very term sleep implies that one will wake up, and that's why "soul sleep" is a perfect term (even if, hilariously enough, it was coined as a pejorative by John Calvin, who opposed the very teaching supported by Luther): it summarizes the fact that, despite the first death, the soul will be resurrected, and hence the duration in between, where the individual is unconscious, is nothing but a perfect sleep. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Monday, 00:19, May 29, 2023 (EDT)
The question of judgement or a final judgement doesn't enter into the concept of soul sleep widely held at the time of Job. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:26, May 29, 2023 (EDT)
The common belief in Job's day was when you're dead you're dead. Period. Paragraph. End of statement. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:29, May 29, 2023 (EDT)
Tho he slay me, yet will I hope. This is a biblical first. Neverbefore in scripture were words like this spoken. RobSGive Peace a chance 00:33, May 29, 2023 (EDT)
Alright then, so you just confirmed that people in Job's day, in fact, did not believe in soul sleep, because soul sleep acknowledges the resurrection. I think you're misunderstanding how the concept of life and eternity are understood in these opposing doctrines: so clearly, you're articulating that in Job's day, people believed that the first death was the end with no resurrection. Soul sleep teaches that individuals sleep in the grave following the first death, awaiting resurrection; the righteous are resurrected at Christ's Second Advent to receive eternal life while the unrighteous are resurrected after the Millenium to face eternal destruction. Meanwhile, "eternal soulism" is the idea that the human soul inherently has immortality, that every individual upon death faces judgment immediately. You're confusing the first doctrine mentioned, the "eternal destruction upon first death" one Job's contemporaries believed, as soul sleep, and mistaking Job's confirmation of soul sleep as "eternal soulism." —LT (Matthew 26:52) Tuesday, 11:53, May 30, 2023 (EDT)
Your incorrect attributions of soul sleep here remind me how leftists misunderstand the topic of gun control and racism: the early Black Codes that racially targeted blacks from gun ownership are absurdly interpreted by leftists as an outgrowth of the Second Amendment, even though clearly they were an exemplification of gun control. And in this debate, Job confirms soul sleep while you bizarrely try to twist it as him substantiating the eternal soul. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Tuesday, 12:08, May 30, 2023 (EDT)
I think it comes from the confusion SDA makes between "qeber" and "sheol". 13:09, May 30, 2023 (EDT)

DHS concern trolling

Not only does the moronic pyramid diagram associate the Jewish-rooted PragerU to far-left neo-Nazis, but a caption reads, "UD has itself dealt with cases of anti-Black, anti-Hispanic, anti-AAPI..." If the Biden Administration cares about Asians, maybe they shouldn't have enabled anti-Asian discrimination in college applications. Bidenazi psychological projection 101... —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 18:55, May 28, 2023 (EDT)

That pyramid is one of the most twisted around graphic I've seen lately. Thanks LT.Telling (talk) 15:04, May 30, 2023 (EDT)

Political consultant Dick Morris: 'DeSantis waited too long'

It's all over with the fireworks kids. Donald Trump is going to win the GOP primary. Conservative (talk) 21:10, May 28, 2023 (EDT)

I like Dick Morris. He's been spot-on in matters regarding Trump. he's dead wrong on Putin and Ukraine; he's just another yank who doesn't want give up his white privilege with de-dollarization. RobSGive Peace a chance 22:13, May 28, 2023 (EDT)

How big is Ukraine's neo-Nazi problem?

The Azov Battalion in Ukraine has a neo-nazi problem.

"The Azov movement’s National Corps (which was called a “nationalist hate group” in a U.S. Department of State report published in March), Freedom (Svoboda), Right Sector and others had formed a “united nationalist bloc” the month before the election, running with a combined slate of candidates in an attempt to push past the 5 percent electoral threshold to get into parliament.

Yet even combined, with half of the vote counted Monday morning, the... bloc had won only 2.3 percent of the vote. And prominent members running in majoritarian single-member districts — Ukraine has a mixed electoral system — didn’t even come close."[14]

RobS' and Putin's claims that the Ukrainians are largely a bunch of Nazis is overblown and false rhetoric.

At the same time, does Ukraine have a neo-Nazi problem? Yes, it does, but it is not as big as RobS and Putin claim. See: Ukraine's Nazi problem is real. Conservative (talk) 06:19, May 30, 2023 (EDT)

Babi Yar as a Symbol of Holocaust Distortion in Post-Maidan Ukraine, excerpted:
John McCain with neo-Nazi Svoboda party founder Oleh Tyahnybok.
signs of public support were certainly present during the revolution, with Black and Red UPA flags flying across central Kyiv alongside those of the neo-Nazi Svoboda period. This does not necessarily indicate widespread positive sentiment, however. Despite the ubiquity of Svoboda flags in the Maidan, the party lost almost all its electoral support following the fall of the Yanukovych government, as it failed to pass the 5 percent threshold needed to gain representation in the Rada.
If the presence of signage is not a useful indicator of public opinion, then polling certainly is. As of mid-2014, 31 percent of Ukrainians surveyed expressed positive attitudes toward the legacy of Bandera, a rise of 22 percent over 2012. That number had increased to 35 percent by late 2016. However, it must be remembered that this is offset by the 46 percent of respondents who expressed a negative opinion toward the nationalist figure,
RobSGive Peace a chance
Analysis: Three separate polls from 2012 (pre-US interference in Ukraine internal affairs) to 2016 (post-Maidan) showed rises from 9, to 31, to 35 percent in nazi sentiment, whereas the 46% pro-Russian anti-Nazi sentiment held steady at 46%. The fickleness and rising pro-Nazi sentiment is reflective of a younger generation whose attitudes and opinions are not fully formed yet, while the steady 46% reflects older people more set in their ways. Tha danger this poll reveals is, the younger people will become more set in their pro-Nazi feelings as they get older and set in their ways. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:08, June 7, 2023 (EDT)
It should also be noted, at the time of this latest poll in 2016, Ukraine had a population of 42-45 million; today it is half that, with millions living abroad as refugees, having fled both before 2022 and after. We can easily conclude there are at least 6-7 million Ukrainians living abroad who openly expressed at some time support for Nazism (many of course, did not return to defend their homeland. People can change. Alternatively, many may have fled before the war precisely out of fear of the open expressions and support for Nazism that the US-backed coup engendered). RobSGive Peace a chance 18:23, June 7, 2023 (EDT)
Your argument is terribly weak and fallacious. It's like saying, "How can America have a neo-Marxist problem when the Communist Party barely gets any votes in the presidential elections???" The neo-Marxists vote Democrat, just as the Ukronazi masses presumably vote Zelensky. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Tuesday, 11:48, May 30, 2023 (EDT)
Oh oops, my mistake in assuming that they're "your argument." Personal remark removedLT (Matthew 26:52) Tuesday, 11:57, May 30, 2023 (EDT)
Ukrainie's Nazi problem has only gotten bigger with Western encouragement. Look at Lindsey Graham, for example. Or the whole current German and British governments. Or Western media, which has deluded people to think Azov may be the only organized Nazi group. Ukraine's language laws means the whole parliament is dominated by nazis. And to speak out against the regime risks death. RobSGive Peace a chance 13:00, May 30, 2023 (EDT)
Graham's hardline Ukronazsymp credentials will eventually serve him what he bargains for, in this world and/or at Final Judgment. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Tuesday, 13:07, May 30, 2023 (EDT)
He's outspoken about it. The problem is, 99 Senators agree with him but keep silent. The American government is or has become Nazified. RobSGive Peace a chance 13:11, May 30, 2023 (EDT)
The way Cons framed his premise, "The Azov Battalion in Ukraine has a neo-nazi problem" shows the problem. He thinks there may be some nazis in the group (per Western propaganda). No No No. Azov was only one of several groups that were organized AS nazi groups, and have received US taxpayer funding since 2014 and before. And it was done overtly - with the US Congress, State Department, CIA, NATO, and National Endowment for Democracy and other powerful groups knowledge.
Look no farther than Congressman Ro Khanna, who represents Silicon Valley and Big Tech, for proof. RobSGive Peace a chance 13:18, May 30, 2023 (EDT)
Thanks for reminding me: back during the days of the Trump Administration, the MSM and Democrats like Khanna actually acknowledged that the Azov Regiment are neo-Nazis.LT (Matthew 26:52) Tuesday, 13:25, May 30, 2023 (EDT)
To get closer to the nexus of the problem, look at Arsen Avakov, who was appointed Ministry of Interior chief the day before the democratically elected president Yanukovych was illegally overthrown. Avakov served throughout the Maidan puppet regime until a few weeks before the Russian incursion in Feb 2022, cause his presence would have exposed the level of Nazi infiltration in the government. So CIA got rid of him shortly before the present hostilities started. RobSGive Peace a chance 13:37, May 30, 2023 (EDT)
Avakov organized and hired Azov as a private army to protect his businesses, and put them on the government payroll after becoming Interior Minister {saved himself a lot of money that way, in addition to increasing their power). RobSGive Peace a chance 13:39, May 30, 2023 (EDT)

Addressing extraneous matters

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Senatorial Ukronazsymps

Per The Hill:

Republican senators including Collins and Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) took to the Senate floor Thursday to vent their concerns about the defense spending caps in the bill.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Wednesday called the defense caps the “worst part of the deal.”

Graham fumed that there’s “not a penny in this bill to help Ukraine defeat Putin.”

He noted that Ukrainian forces are about to launch an offensive to push back Russian troops and declared “we need to send a clear message to Putin that when it comes to your invasion of Ukraine, we’re going to support the Ukrainians to ensure your loss.”

“If we don’t do that, then we’re going to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory,” Graham said.

LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 14:40, June 1, 2023 (EDT)

This basically is a Uniparty problem.
'Graham fumed that there’s “not a penny in this bill to help Ukraine defeat Putin.”'
Good. Let's pass it quickly.
This shows McCarthy true to his word. Initially, he postured as a Nazisymp, but has since flipped presumably on moral grounds. RobSGive Peace a chance 14:44, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Rob's note on the likely course: in the next 3 days you'll see an expedited way DC works; the House could pass a "clean bill" as is, then it goes to conference committee with the Senate, where the Senate will ask for some outrageous number like $200 billion for Ukraine (assuming they don't tack on other things that the negotiators with the White House "forgot"); then in a conference committee agreement, they'll settle on half, or $100 billion for Ukraine for the remainder of the budget period (until negotiations for FY 2024 begin.) RobSGive Peace a chance 14:49, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Updaate: it's worse than anticipated: The U.S. Senate on Thursday evening passed a compromise deal to suspend the debt ceiling until after the presidential election. So support for Nazis and slaughter of innocents continues until after the next presidential election (which we've already been told is rigged by the FBI & CIA to favor whoever the Democrat nominee is). RobSGive Peace a chance 23:07, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
[EC] I'm just glad that one day the U.S. government will finally be cast into a lake of fire. (Rev. 19:20) —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 14:54, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Well, we Christians have a duty to fight evil - that was "God's plan" and "God's purpose" in creating us - to retake the earth from evil after Lucifer was cast down to earth for rebellion. We were not created for self-serving ends - worshipping and serving the creature more than the Creator. RobSGive Peace a chance 14:59, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
That's definitely true in accordance with John 3:19–20 and Ephesians 5:11, though it's important to see the full picture and not the part the NWO wants you and I to focus on. Artificially manufactured conflicts are part of the a thesis vs. antithesis game to pave the way for a preset "synthesis."
According to Walter Veith of Amazing Discoveries, the Jesuits have manufactured countless revolutions for their own ascension to power, creating both Marxist Communism and Nazism as thesis and antithesis which, when clashing, will be exploited to eliminate any formidable opposition to the Papacy. With the power of the Orthodox Church destroyed in Russia as a result of Bolshevization into the hands of atheistic Communism, remaining Protestant and Orthodox populations were targeted next; is it any surprise that, despite Nazi persecutions of some dissident Catholic elements during the Holocaust, almost, if not all of Hitler's puppet states were governed under a Catholic variant of "Christian Nationalism"? Particularly odious among them was the Ustaše, mass-murdering Jews and Orthodox Serbians. In his lecture I linked (you need to watch the full thing), Veith quotes a purported plan by Mazzini and Albert Pike (some dispute the authenticity of the sources) who planned three world wars; apparently WWII was merely to establish Israel as part of the "synthesis," along with the fascist UN. And of course, currently Israel has become the new "thesis" pitted against the Palestinians as "antithesis." What's the final culmination of the NWO? Neither pseudo-Judaism nor Islamism, but ecumenical "Christianity," led by the Papacy, introducing Sunday rest as the international solution to conflicts. As conflicts exacerbate and people grow more and more desperate, the Romanists will declare the need for a "universal" day of rest to alleviate tensions, which will of course be Sunday. So all these ongoing wars in the world, such as Russia vs. Ukraine, is simply paving the way for the International Sunday Law. All these idiot "right-wing populists" ranting against globalist fascism will, if they don't wake up, end up submitting to the real New World Order that's around the corner. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 16:42, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Wow. There's a lot to unpack there. Without having seen the video, I'll comment on this: "apparently WWII was merely to establish Israel as part of the "synthesis," along with the fascist UN." There's no direct evidence for this. The evidence for this really is quite different. The UN wasn't conceived until 1943, and in its original conception, FDR envisioned it as a way to institutionalize the WWII Allied alliance of the US, Great Britain and the Bolsheviks - the alliance that defeated Nazi Germany. When the USSR didn't comply with certain provisions like holding free elections in so-called liberated or occupied territories, NATO was formed as an institutional treaty organization. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:03, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Interesting. Now, FDR was, of course, a Freemason, and Veith's general argument is that the Jesuits, having created Freemasonry among numerous fronts, simply manipulate world leaders as the puppets they are. A lot of it seems stretched, especially with most sources barely providing any information on world leaders a century ago regarding fraternal connections. While politics is full of entrenched corruption, the idea that all the important decisions made by U.S. presidents, for example, were fully directed by a secret higher order with no independent thoughts of their own seems rather unsubstantiated at best. Whether the lack of info by mainstream sources on the fraternal connection details of various world leaders is intentional or just providing an accurate representation of the individual backgrounds, I guess that's something for me to learn in Heaven during the Millennium.
Oh yes, Veith also says that all the leaders of Communist regimes were Catholics due to the ideology itself being an outgrowth of Jesuitism. That quite surprised me, as Communism has always been known for promulgating state atheism, so if he's right, it would demonstrate just how deceived this world is. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 17:35, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
The world has always been run by aristocrats and oligarchs (cause they have the economic power). Add the Klan to groups like Freemasons and the Knights of Columbus (the group created by the Jesuits to counter Freemasons). So you get the leaders who represent these aristocrats and oligarchs in recent times talking about "democracy", like Woodrow Wilson, to legitimize a group like the Klan. Wilson becomes the "the voice of the people" (i.e. the Klan) against Republican/Wall Street oligarchs and oppression.
As regards commie leaders being Jesuits, that's quite a jump. RobSGive Peace a chance
Well, the KKK in the 1910s was not yet at its membership culmination; by the time it reached its peak around the mid-1920s, it wasn't exclusively a Democratic organization, as various "progressive"-ish Republicans jumped on board in states like Indiana, Oregon, Colorado, and Maine. While I have yet to grasp the full connections, it's my impression that the Progressive Movement influenced elements of the Republican Party that ultimately resulted in pro-KKK factions during the Roaring Twenties; Prohibition, compulsory public education, state financing of roads, Wilsonian-inspired "anti-Communist" repressions, etc., clearly had an impact, combined with worsening race relations caused by labor unions. In Oregon, for example, you had Republican Kaspar K. Kubli (what nice initials he has there) as state House Speaker and Democrat Walter M. Pierce as governor, and both supported compulsory public education for all schoolchildren in the state.
As for Jesuit and/or Freemason connections to Nazis and Communists, Veith says that Marx was a Jesuit, that Stalin was part of the Grand Orient Lodge, and that Hitler's Nazi Party not only was inspired by Jesuitism but even used Masonic symbols. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 17:58, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
More specifically, I was referring to Wilson's 1917 claim about "making the world safe for democracy" to unite the country. As always, it was coded language that can be interpreted anyway you wish, like "making America safe by re-empowering the Klan", which I'm sure at its base conception is what he meant and how it was received in traditional "democratic" quarters.
We see the exact same rhetoric today to rally the same mob. [15] RobSGive Peace a chance 18:25, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Exactly, Bidenazi is just employing standard propaganda from the Progressive Era. The same Progressive activists who later joined the KKK loathed machine politics and likely supported the 17th Amendment. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 18:32, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
German Americans in 1917 largely were viewed as a dissenters against the German government who fled to America seeking freedom; and Southerners resented their immigration status and integrationist views as a threat to their traditional way of life. They would be viewed as what today we call their "progressive views as human rights activists", which much Germany today embraces.
It was the presence of large numbers of Germans, which then and now make up the single largest white ethnic group in America, that is why traditional Angelo-Saxon & French settlers opposed more immigration. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:39, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
It was the flood of German and Irish immigrants after 1847 and 1848 that provided the manpower to defeat the South after 1860, and why the traditional Scotch-Irish descendants of the South resented immigrants. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:53, June 1, 2023 (EDT)

Lies and Calumnies above - how the Catholic Church worked to save Jews during the Holocaust

"The vindication of Pius XII has been established principally by Jewish writers and from Israeli archives. It is now established that the Pope supervised a rescue network which saved 860,000 Jewish lives - more than all the international agencies put together."

"By 1943, the Vatican's many rescue efforts on behalf of Jews were being universally acknowledged. In the fall of 1943, the Jewish communities of Chile, Uruguay, and Bolivia sent letters to Pope Pius XII, and thanked him for assisting Jews (Actes, IX, pp. 498, 501-502, and 567).

The 1943-1944 American Jewish Yearbook said that Pius XII "took an unequivocal stand against the oppression of Jews throughout Europe." In his February 18, 1944 letter to Msgr. Amleto Cicognani, the apostolic delegate in Washington, D.C., Rabbi Maurice Perlzweig, the political director of the World Jewish Congress, wrote that "the repeated interventions of the Holy Father on behalf of Jewish Communities in Europe has evoked the profoundest sentiments of appreciation and gratitude from Jews throughout the world." (Actes, X, p. 140).

Two important Jewish leaders who worked with the Vatican to save Jews also expressed similar sentiments. "The people of Israel will never forget what His Holiness and his illustrious delegates, inspired by the eternal principles of religion which form the very foundations of true civilization, are doing for our unfortunate brothers and sisters in this most tragic hour of history, which is living proof of divine Providence in this world," Chief Rabbi Herzog declared on February 28. (Actes, X, p. 292). In his April 7 letter to the papal nuncio in Romania, Chief Rabbi Alexander Shafran of Bucharest wrote, "It is not easy for us to find the right words to express the warmth and consolation we experienced because of the concern of the Supreme Pontiff, who offered a large sum to relive the sufferings of deported Jews... The Jews of Romania will never forget these facts of historic importance..." (Actes, X, pp. 291-292).

In June 1944, two separate events helped establish the Pope's reputation as a rescuer of Jews, at least temporarily. When the Allies liberated Rome, thousands of Jews came out of their hiding places, and told the world of their salvation by the Vatican. On June 25, the Pope openly protested the deportations of Hungarian Jews.

The many tributes to Pius XII began in July. "It is gradually being revealed that Jews have been sheltered within the walls of the Vatican during the German occupation of Rome," reported the July 7 Jewish News in Detroit. A July 14 editorial in the Congress Weekly, the official journal of the American Jewish Congress, added that the Vatican also provided Jewish refugees with kosher food.

Also on July 14, American Hebrew in New York published an interview with Chief Rabbi Israel Zolli of Rome. "The Vatican has always helped the Jews and the Jews are very grateful for the charitable work of the Vatican, all done without distinction of race," Rabbi Zolli said. After the war, Rabbi Zolli converted to Catholicism, which brought him much severe criticism from some Jews. Dr. Zolli's conversion was widely attributed to his gratitude for what the Pope did for Jews. In his 1954 memoirs, Before the Dawn, however, Dr. Zolli strongly denied this assertion. Instead, he claimed to have witnessed a vision of Christ, who called him to the faith."

From: NishantXavierFor Christ the King 20:13, June 1, 2023 (EDT)

Well LT, looks like Nishant put Veith in his place. RobSGive Peace a chance 21:03, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Now that we have a balanced perspective from the Jewish Virtual Library, I'd be happy to listen to one of Veith 90 minute lectures. RobSGive Peace a chance 21:06, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
"The Vatican has always helped the Jews" I guess Zolli forgot about the Inquisition. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 21:34, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Also: [16][17]LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 21:47, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Yah, I noticed that; I think he was speaking about a time-specific event related to WWII and Pius, refuting his contemporary criticism. RobSGive Peace a chance 21:46, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Been watching parts of Veith presentation. Yes, there is a lot, I mean a lot, of very interesting information there. But it's also difficult to present it in a 90 minute lecture, form conclusions while glossing over many contradictions. RobSGive Peace a chance 21:50, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
For example, one thing I focused on early was that the Statue of Liberty was donated to the US by the "Lodge of Alsace-Lorraine in Paris". Interesting, considering Alsace-Lorraine (Elsass- Lothringen) was part of the German Empire at that time. Could it be French Freemasons were trying to stir anti-German sentiment in the Angelo-Saxon world pre-WWI in 1885 with the donation of the Statue of Liberty? Perhaps.
IOWs, French Freemasons may have figured in 1885 that help from Great Britain was useless, and the only way of getting Alsace-Lorraine back was by cultivating friendship with the United States. RobSGive Peace a chance 21:57, June 1, 2023 (EDT)

Joe Biden takes a hard fall at the Air Force graduating ceremony

And the crowd roared. [18] It may be hard to dislodge loose any remaining marbles. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:55, June 1, 2023 (EDT)

Hmm, it's a bit hard to tell whether the crowd was "roaring" or screaming gasps of shock. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 17:38, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
I think they applauded his departure from the stage and kept applauding when they saw what happened (sometimes mobs and crowds can be extremely perceptive, recognizing immediately and spontaneously when they are making headline news.) If it had been Trump at a Trump rally, the crowd would have immediately stopped applauding and let out a collective groan. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:50, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Fascinating analysis; I think you got a good point, especially as the "gasping" part in the crowd for this instance concerning Joe Biden's trip was also hard to hear clearly. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Thursday, 18:04, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Biden was just doing what's expected of him, and that's what they applauded. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:29, June 1, 2023 (EDT)

How to interpret war news

There are two ways to interpret this report:

  • The Javelin missile was sold to a Mexican cartel by corrupt Ukrainian arms dealers;
  • The Javelin missile was provided to the Mexican cartel by Russia out of its stock of captured weapons for propaganda purposes.

Either way, it shows the level of corruption both of the US government, and of the American people, for their unchecked, and unfettered support of Nazism.

Unfortunately, we have too many people who take discredited, Western MSM reporting as fact and the gospel truth based on first impressions. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:01, June 1, 2023 (EDT)

Update: A third possibility has emerged - the Javelin may have come from the Taliban. Either way, Biden and US citizens' support for Nazism and terrorists still warrants criticism.

And no. Putin is not that evil that it justifies US taxpayer, MSM, and government support for Nazis. RobSGive Peace a chance 22:13, June 1, 2023 (EDT)

Putin still seems terrible to great extents, evidently Arkanciding political opponents and bombing civilians. I hope you don't expect me to believe that every Russian bombing which killed innocent individuals were all genuine mishaps. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 18:14, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Oh, Biden, Nuland, Jake the Snake Sullivan, and Zelensky are saints. I forgot. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:17, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Unlike Putin, which of the above give a testimony of their personal commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ? RobSGive Peace a chance 18:19, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
And what evidence do you have, other than proven liars, the Putin ever Arkancided anyone? RobSGive Peace a chance 18:21, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Are you implying Tara Reade, Biden's rape accuser who recently fled to Putin for safety from Biden goons, is a liar? RobSGive Peace a chance 18:22, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
[EC] The very Conservapedia article on Vladimir Putin you developed states:
Putin has been criticized for running the Russian Federation in much the same manner as Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton have been criticized for running the state of Arkansas and the United States government - taking money from corrupt oligarchs and eliminating political opponents and journalists.
And obviously the Biden Administration, along with Nazilensky, are nowhere near saints. Opposing Ukronazism and Commuputinism aren't mutually exclusive, despite what some people may believe.
Um, what? When did I ever imply that Reade was a liar? —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 18:25, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
It's time to take a moral stand. And you spreading Nazis lies is not a moral stand. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:30, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Where in the quotebox does it say Putin ever Arkancided anyone? It doesn't. But you said "evidently" he did. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:33, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
The general point is implied; since there's numerous indications for the Clintons Arkanciding numerous witnesses and political opponents, comparing Putin to them and saying that he "eliminates political opponents" would suggest that Putin in effect is ordering the murder of dissidents, which is what Arkanciding is.
Also, "spreading Nazi lies" is not defined as "criticizing Putin." There's a big difference. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 18:38, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Yes it is. Attacking Putin is nazi propaganda.
Ok, maybe there was a bit of ambiguity. I fixed it. "Putin has been accused of running the Russian Federation in much the same manner as Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton have been criticized." RobSGive Peace a chance 18:42, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Attacking Putin serves the interests of, and generates sympathy for, NATO, Ukrainian, and globalist Nazis. And each day it continues more innocent people are killed. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:46, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
How pathetic; so according to you, any criticism of Putin constitutes "Nazi propaganda." If he flagrantly orders the mass murder of innocent civilians by telling troops to blow up buildings and bridges, or tells his deep state goons to stab a dissident and their family to death, we're supposed to either ignore or deny it, eh? Do you now see why people view your articles as a joke? Even if you could've convinced them of the Ukronazi infestation, you drive people away with unconditional Comsymping- er, I mean, Putinsymping. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 18:46, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
My point is, your spewing nazi propaganda causes the needless deaths of innocent people. And before it's all over, you will have nothing to stand on. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:58, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Ukronazism being worse doesn't objectively elevate Putin to a cultist god-status of being immune to criticism. Just like the Clintons, plenty of his critics have mysterious died. But I guess pointing that out makes me a "Nazi" according to you. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 18:48, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Me criticizing Putin is directly causing people to die? Wow, your brain really needs- oh oops, pardon me for assuming the purported existence of your brain. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:01, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
You support Nazism, and criticize those trying to rid the planet of it again.
Your only responses is, "I'm stupid and naive, and should not speak out on things I don't know about or understand." RobSGive Peace a chance 00:53, June 5, 2023 (EDT)
Your allegation that Putin has intentionally attacked civilians is simply a Satanic lie from the pit of hell, showing no wisdom, understanding or discernment. RobSGive Peace a chance 18:55, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Well, has Putin's bombs killed civilians? And only an idiot would believe that a world figure like Putin would inadvertently kill innocent people; he knows exactly where he's bombing, and knows that innocent people will die. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:01, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
I'll address all that later. Right now, do support the NATO Nazi attacks on civilians in Belgorod, Moscow, and St. Petersburg with your tax dollars? RobSGive Peace a chance 19:27, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Obviously not, just as I don't support taxpayer funding of the white supremacist Planned Parenthood. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:28, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Looks like you're involved and being held responsible, whether you like it or not: "Public statements by the White House that they allegedly do not support the attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the very heart of our Motherland are not worth a penny." RobSGive Peace a chance 20:18, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Honestly, there's just too many documented war crimes like this from Ukrainian military to keep up with. here's one from today: BEFORE AND AFTER: CONSEQUENCES OF AFU FIRING BRITISH L119 HOWITZER FROM RESIDENTIAL BACKYARD.
Here's the evidence of genocide: the Ukrainian military deliberately uses homes, apartment buildings, hospitals, etc. in Russian speaking towns and villages cause they want the Russians to destroy those residential complexes in order to depopulate and make the Russians of the Donbas homeless. And if the Russian speaking civilians in the Donbas don't leave their homes when ordered to, they are executed. Chasov Yar is next after Bakhmut: AFU SOLDIER ADMITS CIVILIANS IN CHASOV YAR WAITING FOR RUSSIANS LIBERATION. RobSGive Peace a chance 05:12, June 3, 2023 (EDT)
I in particular am held responsible? How your brain must really like to stretch matters... —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 21:41, June 3, 2023 (EDT)
This MSM brainwashing makes me sick. Do you think it's your God-given birthright to have been born on the "good guys" side even while the LGBT Sodomites take over your country, your government, the military industrial complex, the national security state, the educational system, and every other supposed "democratic" institution? And its likewise sickening to hear Satanic lies pitched at leaders who stand up to oppose this evil. RobSGive Peace a chance 05:24, June 3, 2023 (EDT)
If you're trying to convince me that Putin himself isn't evil, please provide the evidence. So far, all you spout are Nazi accusations, Stalinist- er, I mean, Putinist-affiliated rhetoric, naked Comsymping, Bitchute videos, Substacks, random tweets, and various other hegemonies of illogical absurdities. You're allowing one form of evil to justify another, and fail to see the larger picture: all the oppression we witness are tools to pave the way for the culmination of the NWO which you, blinded by the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), refuse to stand up against. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 21:41, June 3, 2023 (EDT)
Answer me. Do you think because you were born in America that automatically puts you on the good guys side? You think American society and culture, because it's 250 years old, is immune from going astray like Germany after 2,000 years with Nazism, or Russia after 1,000 years with communism, or China after 5,000 years with communism?
And spare me the "Bu bu bu Stalin. Bu bu bu Putin". It only shows your level of moral ignorance. Explain how the most static, secure, mature and advanced societies descend into barbarism, and it has more to do with weaknesses in human nature than national pride or sentiment.
All your ranting about Putin does is make you sound like a moral supremacist. Why don't you rant about the moral decadence of Joseph R. Biden and American society, something you should actually know about and understand. RobSGive Peace a chance 01:12, June 5, 2023 (EDT)

What is a Woman - must see video on the Trans Agenda, on Alfred Kinsey and John Money and their demonic agenda: must watch —The preceding unsigned comment was added by NishantXavier (talk)

Thanks! Will do! RobSGive Peace a chance 22:25, June 1, 2023 (EDT)
Speaking of Kinsey, did you know that he had connections to Nazi pedophiles who raped Jewish boys in concentration camps? In the 1950s, the Republican Reece Committee investigated the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations' funding of Kinsey as they unearthed the sinister activities of tax-exempt foundations; and yes, the same organizations who influenced public education curricula financed a WWII Nazi collaborator. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 18:58, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Who cares? The evidence shows your own Nazi collaboration right now. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:01, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Wow, the Comsymp accuses me of socialist collaboration. Your neighbors must be tired of local irony meters exploding day and night as you spout such utterly mind-boggling, confounding statements. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:04, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
You're a grown up now. Why do you continue to support Nazism with your tax dollars? RobSGive Peace a chance 19:05, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
I cannot control where my taxpayer dollars go. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:07, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
It's obvious. You support the Nazi regime in Kyiv and oppose efforts to remove it. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:20, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
I support neither Ukronazis nor Commuputinists. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:22, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Somehow you think you are above the fray by refusing to take a moral stand against the Nazi regime in Kyiv. That's called moral cowardice. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:24, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Psychological projection on your part there, eh? You're the one who vilifies any mention of Putin's crimes, cowering behind a "you're a Nazi!!" deflective shield. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:27, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
One thing you seem to have forgotten this entire time is that Nazism is a form of socialism. Occasionally, you've spouted leftist propaganda, i.e. calling Ukronazis "far-right" and at one point, on this very page I believe, saying something like "Bottomline: if you're not a right-wing fascist nazi." And of course, you said that "real" socialists oppose Nazism, which is essentially implying, as neo-Marxists have for decades, that Nazism isn't socialism.
I oppose all forms of socialism, while you're open to supporting certain variants. Since Communism is hardly different from Nazism, it thus follows that Comsymps aren't too different from Nazsymps. So since you're a Comsymp, you're actually closer to a Nazsymp than I am.
Oh, by the way, it might interest you to know that many American Nazis like David Duke and Nick Fuentes are Putinsymps. How do you explain that? —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:26, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
I don't care. And my patience for moral cowardice runs thin. Sorry. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:29, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Exactly, you don't care about factual reality. I guess whenever I link to Conservapedia anymore, I'll have to give the following disclaimer: "Unless you wish to lose every last brain cell, disregard the articles that propagate cultist Putinsymping." —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:32, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
You're spinning your wheels and stuck in the mud with NATO Nazi propaganda. I tried to warn you. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:35, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
[EC] If that's what you'd like to believe, that's your decision. Oh yes, your sources are a collection of YouTube personalities, Bitchute videos, Substack echo chambers, tweets, Putinist media outlets, anti-Zionists, and various commie agitators. Now sure, perhaps some investigative journalists are the real deal, though your Comsymping is ridiculous. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:40, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
(ec) As a student of WWII, you should understand the moral choice people all over the world had to make, regardless of whatever their ideology was. This evidently has completely escaped you. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:42, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
The level of Comsymping during World War II was unnecessary; the U.S. and Britain literally built much of the economy of the murderous Soviet Union which killed millions more than Hitler did. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:44, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
When the Nazis are totally defeated again, no one will accept your blathering about left-right, communist-socialist as an excuse for failing to take a stand. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:46, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
I've taken a stand against both Ukronazis and Putinists. The most practical thing to defeat the Ukronazis is simply to withdraw all outside military support for the Zelensky Regime and let it quickly get crushed. Comsymping in defense of Putin's crimes is unnecessary. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:48, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
So you refuse to speak out against Nazi attacks on Belgorod civilians with your tax dollars happening right now, but continue repeating Nazi lies about Putin. Ok. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:52, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
I cannot control where Caesar sends my money to. And how is pointing out Putin's crimes "Nazi lies"? You keep cultlishly glorifying Putin as the wonderful Christian savior of the world. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:55, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
(ec) If you don't know, or don't understand, or do not know how to qualify sources properly, then you need to just shut up about things you can't decipher. Anything is better than repeating Nazi propaganda from discredited sources. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:57, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Give one, and just only one, source that supports anything you allege Putin is guilty of. The best qualified source you can muster. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:01, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
[EC] Oh don't worry, I'm fine at qualifying sources and know how to use them. I can't even begin to list the innumerable books I cite in history-related entries by presumably left-wing authors, and I know how to differentiate the truth from the exaggerated narratives.
The reporting on Putin's critics has been so widespread that I'm not going to bother at this point scouring the internet for one just to play into your silly traps. In the end, all you have left is "how dare you criticize Putin, you Nazi!!" —LT (Matthew 26:52) Saturday, 20:05, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
Oh, so you can't. Ok. We saw just last night how you failed to balance your opinions on Veith with the Jewish Virtual Library and fall for any line of crap and first impressions that align with your confirmation bias. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:21, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
But when a person makes their own body and voice an echo chamber for MSM nonsense and Nazi propaganda, nobody can help that. You belong in Wikipedia. RobSGive Peace a chance 20:24, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
You seem to be forgetting or plainly ignoring that I myself aligned with Catholic viewpoints before; remember the Great Conservapedian Theological Battle of 2020? I once believed blindly in Catholicism, immediate judgment, eternally burning hellfire, etc. before I realized the biblical truth both Catholic apologists and apostate Protestants desperately conspire to cover up.
Oh, I belong in Wikipedia? Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha- now that's richer than a container of clarified butter. I remember numerous times within the past year when you use Wikipedia rules to antagonize me, even comparing my adherence to SDA-aligned theology to Nazism/Holocaust denial (or something along those lines) because believing in the Sabbath "can be considered a fringe theory." I got banned from Wikipedia for standing up for the truth, while you've remained on the site for nearly two decades. So who really belongs over there? Well, you don't believe in honesty, so I guess it's pointless asking you that question. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Sunday, 21:49, June 3, 2023 (EDT)
You got banned from Wikipedia? I didn't know that. I guess anyone could see that coming, especially since you ignored my advice how to survive. And it looks like you didn't learn much about their civility and citation rules, either. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:39, June 6, 2023 (EDT)
As a member of WP's Copyeditors Guild, I'd be slightly more active than I am, but they have a lot of VPN IPs blocked, so I often can't make spelling and grammatical changes when I look up a subject. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:45, June 6, 2023 (EDT)
If you or anybody are going to register a WP account in the future, you have to sign up with the attitude of getting elected as an Administrator (which means coalition building), not "How can I get banned quickly." RobSGive Peace a chance 15:51, June 6, 2023 (EDT)
You say "standing up for truth"; they just call you and ignorant idiot and troll. It's hard to say who's right. RobSGive Peace a chance 15:54, June 6, 2023 (EDT)
Well, you've demonstrated right here that you clearly are more entrenched in Wikipedia than I am. In my case, I stand up for the unpopular truth against the liberal mob, even if I must be banned. Just because their community consensus prefers to defend fascists doesn't mean that I'm going to join along. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Tuesday, 16:33, June 6, 2023 (EDT)

An Amazing 24 Hours. So at first, some leftists at Twitter apparently tried to ban or restrict the video. But ultimately, Musk overruled them, retweeted the What is a Woman Documentary himself, and now it's been viewed 10s of Millions of times! Amazing how God works and good that the Word is spreading. The trans agenda of genital mutilation is gravely harmful to both body and soul and it's good to see Christians and Conservatives fighting it with Truth and Charity. De Santis 2024 will put an end to the Woke Agenda once and for all. NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:36, June 2, 2023 (EDT)

"An insane 24 hours.

Thanks to everyone who helped us stand up for free speech, and to Elon and Twitter for making it right.

To celebrate, we’re keeping What is a Woman on Twitter and free for the rest of the weekend so everyone can enjoy the Streisand Effect."

From: NishantXavierFor Christ the King 19:36, June 2, 2023 (EDT)

Actually, I'm pretty sure the video in its entirety is probably available on Rumble somewhere in a pirate version. But we also have the Good Lawgic's clip. RobSGive Peace a chance 19:39, June 2, 2023 (EDT)
[EC] A woman is someone whose sports misogynist leftists have ruined. —LT (Matthew 26:52) Friday, 19:40, June 2, 2023 (EDT)