Previous Breaking News/Homeschooling

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This page contains the items that were once on the "In the News" section of the Main Page. The articles are mainly about Homeschooling.
Last date of Archived news is April 30, 2008. Contains archives from January 2007 to April 2008.

  • Families are "fleeing Germany and taking up residence in the United Kingdom 'to escape a law introduced by Hitler'": Germany's law against homeschooling. "In school in Germany they expect you to be like everybody else; you cannot be different. If you don't have the correct clothes, like Nike and Adidas, or if you wear the wrong color, other children will not accept you." [7]
  • Homeschooling: Now illegal in California. [8]
  • California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vows to protect homeschooling [9]
  • Home Schooling Poses a Threat to The State? [10]
  • A sheriff in Western Colorado actually called SWAT to enforce a court order to seize an 11-year-old boy whose father hadn't taken him to a hospital after he took a flop during some horseplay. The SWAT team rammed a hole in the front door, stuck guns in the faces of the boy's siblings, and put the cuffs on mom and dad. The dad is an experienced US Army medic and was confident that he could monitor his own son. The doctor who finally examined the boy released him at once with a clean bill of health. The dad, who also home-schools his son, is looking for legal representation. WorldNetDaily. [11]
  • Teachers are not required to be vaccinated, but New Jersey is about to add 4 more mandatory, often mercury-containing vaccines for schoolchildren, increasing the total above 30: "They're really being treated as guinea pigs, and not all children can handle all vaccines," said Assemblywoman Charlotte Vandervalk, R-Bergen. [12] Only homeschooling escapes the harm from this, which may include autism.
  • Woman flees her home in the dark of night, leaving most of her possessions behind, just to get out of a rogue judge's jurisdiction and retain her right of homeschooling. This while the outrage against the judge has reached even into the halls of Utah's legislature. WorldNetDaily. [13]
  • "Homeschoolers are the most dedicated, sincere, and committed people in the world." "Homeschoolers have a long and impressive record; yet in recent years, they have been persecuted and prosecuted instead of praised and promoted." [14]
  • A public school in Des Moines, Iowa, promotes cross-dressing under the guise of celebrating "diversity." Outraged parents from all over Des Moines file homeschooling papers and pull their kids out when they hear. WorldNetDaily. [15]
  • 13-year-old girl stabbed at school: [16]. Another reason to Homeschool.
  • Homeschooling is illegal in Germany, and this girl was abducted by police and placed in a foster home because her parents homeschooled her. Now 16, she escaped from her foster home and went back to her parents. Exclusive interview is here.
  • Conservapedia is number one on the top German newspaper's website! Read its story and all the feedback in German here. Now, if Germany can just legalize homeschooling ...
  • A German prosecutor demands that parents be jailed for homeschooling their children. The law is a holdover from Nazi Germany. See article here.
  • In homeschooling, see the list of Christian homeschoolers who made a difference in world history.