Last modified on January 7, 2011, at 02:13

The National Conservative Campaign Fund

The National Conservative Campaign Fund (NCCF), was founded in 1999 as an independent, non-profit political action committee governed by an all-volunteer leadership. Their goal is to raise funds to elect the top 100 conservative candidates running for the U.S. House and Senate. NCCF isn't interested in helping candidates to advance any particular legislation or agenda. The NCCF's mission is to elect as many bonafide conservatives as possible to Congress - conservatives who won't abandon their principles once they get to Washington, and whose voting records will consistently favor limited government, lower taxes, a strong national defense, and the just interests of the United States. The PAC gives contributions to candidates battling in the closest, hardest-fought races, where the outcomes could go either way. This is their policy not only in general elections but in primaries against Republicans as well. Thomas L. Phillips is their current Chairman.

Choosing Candidates

  • Endangered conservative incumbents targeted for defeat by the left-wing special interests.
  • The best open-seat candidates, running where there is no incumbent and the seat is up for grabs.
  • The most promising conservative challengers to liberal incumbents.