Gay Days at Disney World

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Gay Days at Walt Disney World is an annual pro-homosexual event which takes place at Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida (outside Orlando) during the first weekend of June. It initially began in 1991 as a one-day event on the first Friday of June, but was then expanded to cover the whole first weekend of the month.

Gay Days is organized by outside LGBT groups with Disney's assistance, although the company pretends that they have nothing to do with Gay Day and have no control over who enters their park.[1][2][3]

Gay groups openly boast of Disney support:

  • smiling cast members welcoming Gay Days visitors with unscheduled entertainment at the Castle Forecourt
  • expanded park operating hours
  • a fireworks display usually reserved for the peak summer season and holidays[4]

The radically liberal event permits openly gay and lesbian couples to visit the parks wearing red "gay pride" T-shirts and to dress in drag and engage in obscene activities during the regular park operating hours in full view of visiting families. "Gay Days" patrons have at one point been spotted in the nude and engaging in sexual acts with one another while in the parks.

The event was one of many liberal activities instituted at the Disney company during the tenure of Michael Eisner, which greatly tarnished the family-friendly atmosphere of the company established by Walt Disney.[5] It was continued when Robert Iger took over as CEO, with him even including stuff relating to the event on the Disney Family-Friendly Computer, as revealed by the Neil Cavuto Show. Iger tried to deny this even when the evidence showed that there were discounts specifically for gay people in Walt Disney World for Gay Days.[6][7][8]

Largely because of fly-banner warnings orchestrated by the Florida Family Association about Gay Days at Disney World on June 7, Walt Disney World Resorts saw overall decrease in attendance, a 70% drop in children attending, and a less-emphasized focus on Gay Days on June 2014, to the extent that the staff had to close down the monorail and force everyone onboard ferries in an attempt to make it seem as though artificially that there was a high attendance rate until people got into the park.[9]


    This is a partial transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," August 5, 2004, that was edited for clarity.

    STUART VARNEY, GUEST HOST: Disney (search) is going high tech. The Mouse House unveiling the Disney Dream Desk PC today. The new kids computer will cost about $800 and comes loaded with games and software for children to draw and edit their own pictures and movies.

    All right. Earlier, Disney’s president, Robert Iger (search), told me about this new machine, and he told me about a whole lot more. Just take a look at this.


    ROBERT IGER, PRESIDENT, DISNEY (DIS): We believe there is a great opportunity in the consumer marketplace and the PC marketplace to create a PC for kids. And that is what this is.

    This is a real computer. It’s not a toy. It offers children the opportunity to entertain themselves, fully, and almost in an infinite way, which is what is great about computers. There’s almost no end to what they can do.

    It also offers them an opportunity to be educated, which is great. So it is enlightening in many respects, as much as it is entertaining.

    It’s also great for parents. I think that’s very important, since the parent is really the buyer here. It is easy to set up, easy to use, compact, doesn’t take up much room. But most importantly, it has what’s called content watch built in.

    VARNEY: Well, exactly. I mean, in June you have gay days at your theme parks. Do you have any gay days on the Mickey computer?

    IGER: Well, this is built into it, all kinds of protective devices that protects the kid or the child from going to Internet sites that a parent wouldn’t deem appropriate.

    VARNEY: You don’t protect the kids from gay days at the theme parks either. Why do you have to protect them in your computer?

    IGER: We don’t sponsor gay days. You know, we are a company that, you know, lets anyone who is willing to pay through our gates. Obviously, there are always some exceptions. And we don’t really comment on the sexual orientation of the people who visit our parks -- our guests, as we call them. And although, you know, we at times offer certain conveniences to make it easier for large groups of any kind to gather at our parks. It’s not something that we sponsor.

    VARNEY: Parents would be able to exclude this kind of material?

    IGER: Yes, they would, absolutely.

    VARNEY: You know, you are sitting in one of the hottest seats in corporate America right now. Do you spend much time looking over your shoulder?

    IGER: Not really, no. You have to spend a lot of time when you are in jobs like this concentrating on performance. And Disney is held to a higher standard, in many respects, and so it is incredibly important that, you know, we drive for quality and put product into the marketplace that people have come to expect.

    VARNEY: Well, look, in terms of performance, on March the 1st of this year, you specifically said that Disney was going to grow earnings 30 percent in 2004. Are you on track for that kind of profitability?

    IGER: We’re actually on track now to grow earnings greater than 50 percent in fiscal 2004.

    VARNEY: Let me repeat that. That is better than 50 percent 2004?

    IGER: Right.

    VARNEY: Earnings growth?

    IGER: Earnings per share.

    VARNEY: Earnings per share.

    IGER: There are always caveats in this day and age. That excludes any charges that may be associated with the sale of the Disney stores.

    We have been public about the fact that we are pursuing a potential sale of the stores. And so that doesn’t include that. And obviously, the year hasn’t ended, and so anything unforeseen, you know, we can’t either predict or control.

    VARNEY: But, look, the stock has come down from, what, $27 in March, when you made the announcement of 30 percent earnings growth down to, what, $22 now. How do you account for that if you are going to grow earnings per share 50 percent?

    IGER: The marketplace has been somewhat soft in general, particularly for entertainment stocks. I think that has an impact. Our studio hasn’t performed as well as, you know, we would have expected. But it hasn’t in any way prevented us from continuing this prediction that we are going to grow earnings by greater than 50 percent.

    VARNEY: So you stick by that?

    IGER: I’m confident in it.

    VARNEY: If you’re sticking by that, do you feel secure in your position as president?

    IGER: Yes, I do. Do I personally feel secure?

    VARNEY: Yes.

    IGER: You know, it’s not something that I concentrate on. I concentrate on delivering for the shareholders.

    VARNEY: All right. What is the atmosphere around the office? You’ve got all this pressure from the board of directors, from the investors. What is the atmosphere around the office with Mr. Eisner? I mean, you are under pressure.

    IGER: Well, you show up at Disney in the morning, and the Seven Dwarfs are, you know, built into the side of our building. So, you know, the atmosphere is Disney.

    VARNEY: Has Roy Disney and Stanley Gold -- they are dormant right now, are they?

    IGER: I don’t know.

    VARNEY: Their challenge is dormant?

    IGER: I don’t know. I have no idea.

    VARNEY: Are they coming back?

    IGER: I don’t know.

    VARNEY: Will Comcast come back?

    IGER: I don’t know that, either. Brian Roberts is just a phone call away. I don’t know.

    But the atmosphere around Disney is good. You know, when you are delivering this kind of performance, there is an upbeat attitude, obviously, an upbeat atmosphere. We’re very excited about a lot of the things that are going on in our businesses. We have a strong senior management.

    VARNEY: All this pressure goes right over your head. You don’t even think about it?

    IGER: In a way it does.

    VARNEY: You don’t look worried, I’ve got to tell you.

    IGER: I feel pretty good.


    VARNEY: He does. Doesn’t he?

    Content and Programming Copyright 2004 Fox News Network, L.L.C. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Transcription Copyright 2004 eMediaMillWorks, Inc. (f/k/a Federal Document Clearing House, Inc.), which takes sole responsibility for the accuracy of the transcription. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No license is granted to the user of this material except for the user's personal or internal use and, in such case, only one copy may be printed, nor shall user use any material for commercial purposes or in any fashion that may infringe upon Fox News Network, L.L.C.'s and eMediaMillWorks, Inc.'s copyrights or other proprietary rights or interests in the material. This is not a legal transcript for purposes of litigation.
