Talk:Stormy Daniels

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This story originated with Cody Shearer and was funneled to the FBI by Christopher Steele which was given to Steele by a State Department employee named Winer who got it from Shearer's business associate Sidney Blumenthal. It was through the illegal FISA wiretaps that Trump attorney Michael Cohen was wiretapped. In all likelihood it was Shearer himself who threatened Daniels and her child to give the story added weight. Once the Russian collusion hoax collapsed, sexual innuendo is the only thing the FBI's illegal surveillance produced. RobSDeep Six the Deep State! 00:23, 28 March 2018 (EDT)

This is the "moral turpitude" John Brennan tweeted about, the year and a half long illegal surveillance having produced nothing else. The scandal remains the Clinton campaign funnelling opposition research to FBI, and the Obama FBI's illegal harassment and civil rights violations of Americans, and misuse of government offices. RobSDeep Six the Deep State! 00:52, 28 March 2018 (EDT)

About the unprotected sex

I really don't have any problem with believing Daniels' results of the lie detector test. What I do have a problem with is that

1. A polygraph basically only work if the person undergoing the test believes it does, and
2. Pretty much everyone acting in porn (at least on the straight side) undergoes birth control plus bi-weekly STD screens as their sort of quality control within the industry.

Polygraphs are one of those things that liberals don't like to admit to being less foolproof than they'd like to believe. Her questionable answer to the unprotected sex inquiry leaves the other two answers up to debate, naturally. --Pious (talk) 03:27, 28 March 2018 (EDT)