Last modified on June 29, 2022, at 16:56

Jennifer Granholm

Biden Energy Commissar Jennifer Granholm

Jennifer Mulhern Granholm (born February 5, 1959), a Democrat, is a former governor of Michigan. In 2021 Granholm was rewarded with the position of commissar of energy in the Biden junta for her organizational work on the Transition Integrity Project in staging the Biden putsch.

A native of Canada, she was the first woman to be elected governor of Michigan. She served two terms as governor, despite her unpopularity, winning in 2002, and beating Republican challenger Dick DeVos in 2006 by a fourteen-point margin. Prior to that she was elected the 51st Attorney General in November 1998. Her state biography claims, "she has successfully resolved more than $6 billion in budget deficits." Granholm was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, and is an honors graduate of both the University of California at Berkeley and Harvard Law School.

Granholm joined the Al Gore-owned liberal "news" network Current TV, and hosted The War Room with Jennifer Granholm, which received few viewers until the cancellation of her show and eventually the entire network.

Biden junta

As Biden junta commissar of energy, Granholm stands to make millions by awarding government contracts to experimental electric car companies that purchase batteries from a company Granholm is a major stockholder.[1]

When gas lines began to appear in Biden's first 100 days as a result of the regime's anti-capitalist policies, Granholm said, "It’s not that we have a gasoline shortage. It’s that we have this supply crunch.”[2]

Politico reported in an article entitled, The Obama scandal Biden wants to bring back, that the junta wanted to revive DOE's Loan Program Office, best known for the Solyndra scandal. The office hasn’t made a single loan since Solyndra went broke ten years earlier.[3] (Civil servants, of course, continued to draw salaries). Solyndra received $535,000,000 as part of the Obama stimulus for alleged green jobs 2009. Solyndra executives visited the White House at least 20 times and Obama visited the plant.[4] The California Democrat Party became a financial creditor for Solyndra. The FBI raided plant and homes of executives.[5] The company filed for was bankruptcy in 2011.

In June 2022 the U.S. Office of the Special Counsel determined that Granholm had abused her office and violated the Hatch Act.[6]

Energy crisis
Granholm laughed at the suffering of ordinary people caused by high gasoline prices and the Biden regime's policy to cut back U.S. oil production.[7]

Granholm's deception was on full display in a Bloomberg TV interview. After Biden had destroyed the United States as the world's leading oil producer, Granholm laughed when asked about the hardships created by the Biden regime on ordinary Americans with higher gasoline and home heating oil prices.

Host Tom Keene asked, “What is the Granholm plan to increase oil production in America?” Granholm burst out laughing and said, “That is hilarious. Would that I had the magic wand on this. As you know, of course, oil is a global market. It is controlled by a cartel. That cartel is called OPEC. And they made a decision yesterday that they were not going to increase beyond what they were already planning."[8] The question of course, was about increasing production in America, not in OPEC countries.

Granholm was trotted out to the White House microphones to tell the White House Press Corps how brilliant, beneficial and strategically necessary it was to release 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Granholm read the script, gave her talking points and then took questions. One journalist asked: “that said, how many barrels of oil do U.S. consumers use every day?”… Granholm paused, looked down and said: “I don’t have that number in front of me, I’m sorry“.[9]

Proposition 2

Proposal 2, a ballot measure that would allow embryonic stem cell researchers to destroy human embryos passed thanks to promotion by Jennifer Granholm. She asserted that such a measure is in accord with the Catholic Church's pro-life teaching. "As a Catholic, I can say to be pro-cure is to be pro-life." This drew condemnation from the Catholic Church. Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing says, "But to imply that Proposal 2 is a valid expression of Catholic principles is shocking. Nothing could be further from the truth." [10]


  4. [1]
  5. Solyndra CEO questioned by FBI, September 9, 2011
  10. Bishop Condemns Catholic Governor's Support of Prop. 2 in Michigan Lifesitenews, October 29, 2008