Last modified on November 23, 2010, at 00:49

Essay: Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder

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Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder (COCD) is a psychological malady which can affect liberals and it involves having intense and obsessive thoughts about Conservapedia.

Symptoms of Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder

Symptoms of Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder include, but are not limited to:

Atheists with Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder often fly into a fury when atheism is associated with clowns. Please see: Atheism is a clown and it did not know it

(Graphic obtained from Flickr, see: license agreement)

1. Feelings of intense anger, shame and humiliation associated with having one's worldview or aspects of one's worldview publicly shown to be in error. Among COCD suffers these three feelings often spiral out of control and often reinforce each other. Western atheists who have doubts about atheism and evolution are the most frequent suffers of COCD (see: Atheists doubting the validity of atheism). In addition, gullible liberals who had fervently believed that Barack Obama and the "stimulus package" would bring about "hope and change" to the United States and to the world are more likely to be afflicted with COCD.

2, Flying into a fury when atheism is associated with clowns or when it is pointed out that the Richard Dawkins and the atheist community most certainly lacks machismo.

3. Being upset that you have various trigger words and phrases that remind you of Conservapedia such as machismo, North Dakota and Olé! Olé! Olé!.

4. Spending long periods watching or meticulously pouring over the Conservapedia recent edit summary. Individuals afflicted with COCD often review Conservapedia's recent edit summary more than many Conservapedia administrators.

5. Excessive preoccupation with discussing Conservapedia which often involves discussing the most trifling of details.

6. Begrudging conservative homeschoolers and conservative children at large to have a fun page provided for them that spoofs evolutionism.

7. Obsessing over the total web page views of Conservapedia

8. Engaging in endless speculation concerning various administrators and editors of Conservapedia.

9. Repeated and frequent proclamations that Conservapedia's death is imminent

10. Feelings of anger and resentment when the many medical maladies associated with homosexuality are pointed out through the medical literature.

(photo obtained from Flickr, see: license agreement)

Feelings of anger, frustration, anxiety, fear and dread

Individuals suffering from Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder often have strong feelings of anger, frustration, anxiety, fear and dread provoked by the thought that someone, somewhere, is reading a Conservapedia web page citing facts against atheism, evolution, homosexuality, and liberalism. These feelings can also occur when the Conservapedia server is down and individuals afflicted with COCD cannot sit in front of their computer and rail at Conservapedia web pages that are particularly disheartening to them.

Treatment of Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder

At the present time, there are two effective and well known cures for Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder which can be found HERE and HERE.


If you think taking a bone away from a dog is hard, try getting a liberal with Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder to stop thinking about Conservapedia!

(photo obtained from Flickr, see: license agreement)
Liberal atheists obsessed with Conservapedia are like a dog with a bone. Their dogged persistence in thinking about Conservapedia, discussing Conservapedia and making forecasts about Conservapedia is quite prodigious and intense.

(photo obtained from Flickr, see: license agreement)
Charles Darwin suffered from psychoneurosis and it appears as if the events surrounding his advocacy of his evolutionary notions worsened his condition (Please see: Charles Darwin's illness).

In addition, late in Charles Darwin's life, Darwin told the Duke of Argyll that he frequently had overwhelming thoughts that the natural world was the result of design.[1] In a letter to Asa Gray, Darwin confided: "...I am quite conscious that my speculations run quite beyond the bounds of true science."[2]
File:Quarrelsome, socially maladjusted atheist.jpg
Wired Magazine and Vox Day declared that atheists tend to be quarrelsome, socially challenged men?[3] No! Say it isn't so!

Atheists with Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder often manifest aggressive anti-social behavior.

Please also see: Atheism appears to be significantly less appealing to women

(photobucket picture, see: license agreement)
The word machismo and the phrase Olé! Olé! Olé! are often trigger words that can greatly exacerbate the symptoms of Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder. Evolutionists and atheists generally do not like to be reminded that leading spokesman of evolution and atheism have dodged debates and lack machismo.

In addition, the fact that creation scientists generally won the creation vs. evolution debates when evolutionists did more widely debate is quite disconcerting to many evolutionists. For more information please see the essay: Does Richard Dawkins have machismo? and Conservapedia's article Atheism and Debate.

(photo obtained from Flickr, see: license agreement)
Liberals with Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder often experience a marked increase in the number symptoms they exhibit and the intensity of the symptoms they display when the evolutionary racism of Charles Darwin and Adolf Hitler is pointed out.[4][5]

(photo obtained from Flickr, see: license agreement)
The evolutionary racist Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: "If nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such cases all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile."[6]

Is your blood pressure greatly elevated? Are you experiencing heart palpitations? If so, you may have Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder.
Individuals suffering from Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder often have strong feelings of anger, frustration, anxiety, fear and dread provoked by the thought that someone, somewhere, is reading a Conservapedia web page citing facts against atheism, evolution, homosexuality, and liberalism.

These feelings can also occur when the Conservapedia server is down and individuals afflicted with COCD cannot sit in front of their computer and rail at Conservapedia web pages that are particularly disheartening to them.

(photo obtained from Flickr, see: license agreement)

See also

A severe case of Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder

Other resources

Growth of Christianity:
