Talk:Matt Gaetz

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Matt Gaetz deserves recognition and credit for the momentous revelations of the past few days - the Fauci lab leak revelations, the J6 fraud and release of the video tapes. The weaponization of the FBI and Twitter hearings. It was Gaetz holding out in McCarthy's Speakership vote that forced McCarthy to compromise and pledge to release the tapes and allow the hearings. RobSGive Peace a chance 17:19, March 8, 2023 (EST)

Gaetz's stock has gone up 1000%. He pulled the plug on Ukraine aid without being called a Putin stooge. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 19:50, December 11, 2023 (EST)

Geatz endorses Kevin McCarthy to replace Ronna McDaniel as RNC chair. [1] Makes perfect sense. McCarthy and California GOP swung 5 seats in CA to give the GOP a Republican majority. Those seats must be held. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 01:05, February 7, 2024 (EST)

Hopefully that was him tweeting under the influence. Perhaps one of his RINO colleagues spiked his drink as some sort of sick prank?--Geopolitician (talk) 01:17, February 7, 2024 (EST)
I'm with Gaetz. McCarthy has the leadership ability to run the CA or national party; he just doesn't have the ability to stand up to the DC deep state and international globalist cartel. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 01:41, February 7, 2024 (EST)
McCarthy is a snake. He always has been a snake, and always will be a snake. And Gaetz is either a fool or was controlled opposition this whole time.--Geopolitician (talk) 17:47, February 7, 2024 (EST)
What will happen is, the globalist/Wall Street cartel will offer him a big salary on a board somewhere, like they tried with Kari Lake, a salary much bigger than the RNC can pay. That's what happened with Billy Tauzin, a former Democrat who joined the Gingrich Revolution but eventually was bought off as the head of Big Pharma; or Monica Crowley, a Republican national security specialist originally recruited for the Trump White House but got bought off before Trump took office. (As they say, money talks and bs walks). RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 01:49, February 7, 2024 (EST)
Another example is Nikki Haley who was bought off by Boeing for $2.4 million to become a ventriloquist dummy for the military industrial complex. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 14:25, February 7, 2024 (EST)
Kevin McCarthy is in Vegas with Trump. RobSZelensky didn't kill himself 11:23, February 9, 2024 (EST)