Peter Pan

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Peter Pan is a character created by the Scottish author J.M. Barrie. He appears most famously in the book Peter Pan and Wendy and the play Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up, but also in other works by Barrie. In the last hundred years, Peter Pan has become well known in Britain and, aided by an appearance in a Disney film, the world at large; in Britain, he is honored with a statue in Kensington Gardens in London. The story of Peter Pan is a popular pantomime; famously, the rights to the play are owned by Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, and annual performances provide a vital source of revenue for that institution.


In the stories, Peter Pan was an orphan who was taken by fairies to Never Never Land. He has the ability to fly, and never grows up. He leads the Lost Boys, a group of other similar orphans, and together they have adventures including pitting themselves against the villainous pirate Captain Hook. The chief fairy assisting him is Tinker Bell, who later was featured in a movie series of her own.