Last modified on March 27, 2017, at 21:27

Essay:Top Conservative Achievements 2007

Here are the top conservative achievements for 2007:

  1. Defeating requirements that schoolgirls receive the expensive and deceptive HPV vaccine as a condition of being admitted to public school.
  2. Upholding the federal law against partial-birth abortion and reversing lower-court rulings that it was unconstitutional.
  3. Upholding President George W. Bush's faith-based program against claims it is unconstitutional.
  4. Removing Rudy Giuliani from front-runner status for the Republican nomination for president.
  5. Defeating the $450 million "Stem Cell Bond Act" ballot initiative in New Jersey that would have cloned and killed human embryos.
  6. Upholding traditional marriage in Maryland against a lawsuit demanding same-sex marriage.
  7. Exposing the failed liberal agenda of the Democratic-controlled Congress such that it has record-high disapproval ratings.
  8. Pres. Bush wins all war votes in Congress, increased the troop deployment in Iraq, and the policy is working.
  9. Stem cell research validates Pres. Bush's policy.
  10. DC court of appeals rules that the Second Amendment protects an individual right.
  11. Conservapedia: 46 million page views, numerous new insights for the participants, overdue accountability for Wikipedia® and, perhaps most of all, educating over 50 teenagers without liberal bias.