Marion Maréchal

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Marion Maréchal (born 1989) is a conservative French politician and activist. She is the niece of Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally, and a former member of the French parliament.[1] Maréchal is more conservative on social issues than her aunt.

Maréchal spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2018.[2] She is very critical of mass migration.[3] She has also attempted to unify the French right-wing.[4]


  1. Ganley, Elaine (July 7, 2019). Rising French far-right star resurfaces and flirts with fire. Associated Press. Retrieved July 15, 2019.
  2. Multiple references: See also:
  3. Tomlinson, Chris (October 1, 2019). Marion Marechal Calls for French to Resist ‘Great Replacement’. Breitbart News. Retrieved October 1, 2019.
  4. McConnell, Scott (October 3, 2019). Marion Maréchal’s Populism is the Future of the French Right. The American Conservative. Retrieved October 4, 2019.