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A tariff is a tax or custom duty on an imported good. It can take one of two forms: (1) a tax per unit, known as a specific tariff, or (2) a tax based on the value of the good, known as an ad valorem tariff.

President Trump supports tariffs as a way of resorting American jobs lost due to massive trade deficits. Tariffs were used for most of American history to build economic strength.

In telecommunications, a tariff consists of documents filed by a common carrier describing its services and the payments to be charged for such services.

Tariffs in history

Tariffs were instrumental in the economic growth of the United States[1] China has also used tariffs to its advantage.[2]

See also

External links

  • Multiple references:
  • Ferry, Jeff (August 17, 2018). Actually, tariffs work — look no further than China's booming economy for proof. USA Today. Retrieved August 17, 2018.