World History Homework Ten Answers - Student Thirteen

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Michelle F

1. When and where was the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution first began in England, in 1760, and continued until about 1840. The British tried to withhold information about the new machinery and techniques that were being used, but they were unable to contain the information. It continued in some Asian and Eastern European countries until the mid 1900s.


2. Pick your two favorite scientists or mathematicians from the 1800s and explain what you like about them.

Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, is my favorite scientist of that century. He became interested in the science of sound for the purpose of finding an easier way of communicating with his partially deaf mother. He made hearing aids and other such devices, but his most well known invention is the telephone. Random fact: he believed that the proper phone greeting was “ahoy-hoy”.

Also, Michael Faraday, who was not a good person morally, but was a brilliant scientist. He discovered many laws, principles, and chemicals, and invented an early form of the Bunsen burner. He was one of the most influential scientists of the 19th century.

Terrific, thorough answer. Thanks for the fascinating greeting preferred by Alexander Graham Bell!

3. Do you think the Industrial Revolution was good or bad, and why?

I think it was mixed. It bears some similarity to the “Gilded Age”; it had the appearance of growth, wealth, and prosperity, but just under the “gilded” surface lurked deceit, greed, and poverty. I think, all things considered, it was mostly good.


4. Give an example of nationalism from the lecture, with dates.

In 1848, King Wilhelm appointed Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck to office, with the intention of unifying Germany under Prussian control. Bismarck knew that if a foreign adversary attacked Germany, the states would be unified against a common enemy. It would be less difficult to form a more formal union after having fought together. Quite simply, your enemy’s enemy is your friend. In 1871, after having provoked France into a war which Prussia and her allies won, Germany was united under King Wilhelm I, formerly of Prussia, now “Kaiser” of the “Second Reich”.


5. What is imperialism? Describe the four patterns of imperialism.

Extending the influence of a country or business by conquering/settling an area, or by exerting economic, and or, political influence over an area. The four patterns imperialism usually took were:

1. Establishing colonies, in which the area is ruled by the mother country, and protected by it.

2. Establishing protectorates, in which the protectorate has its own government, but is protected by the more powerful country.

3. “Spheres of influence”, a less direct form of imperialism, in which the country had special trading privileges in the “sphere of influence”.

4. “Economic imperialism”, in which a business exerts influence over a region.

Right, but it's good to strive to simply in your own words to learn

6. Describe any aspect of Africa in the 1800s, such as an example of imperialism.

Africa is an excellent example of how many large nations have used imperialism as carte blanche to do as they pleased. They destroyed the land, oppressed and enslaved the people, arbitrarily divided land with no thought to existing cultural divides, and destroyed the cultures and languages by forcing European culture and languages upon them. Africa is still suffering the repercussions of this exploitation today.

Terrific answer. You present your argument very well. But do you think the imperialism by the European nations was all bad in Africa? Hospitals were built by the Europeans, for example.

7. Pick any aspect of Asian history in the 1800s and describe and discuss it.

Opium had become a serious problem in China. The British had gotten the Chinese addicted, so that they would keep buying, which translated into a nice profit for Britain, and an addicted populace for China. This issue led to the Opium War, and later another rebellion. Opium caused much grief; it destroyed lives, and caused bitterness against Europeans. Yet another example of imperialism gone bad.

Excellent, may use as a model answer!

H1. Utilitarianism - what is it, and what's your view of it?

Utilitarianism is the application of business principles to government. It also removes freedom, and puts choices in the hands of the government. At a first glance, it could seem beneficial: everything would ideally be done for the good of the people. But in truth, people are corrupt, and those running the government would have their own good at heart. Also, different people have different ideas of what is best. Some people may think that the benefit in, say, funding abortion is greater than the cost. Business principles cannot be the only principles used in government. Decisions like that need to be made with respect to morals, and conscience, not profit.

Fantastic answer, will definitely use as a model!

H2. What is your view of imperialism, and whether it is sometimes good?

I think there are some occasions that it could be good, but, as a whole, I’d have to say that it gives too much power that is abused too often to be a good thing. I think that the motives of the mother country are too often questionable. Do most countries really go into other nations with intentions to better that nation, or are they doing it for their own profit? I think that in most instances they are doing it for their own benefit, and, more often than not, leave the country no better than they found it, sometimes worse. I think that yes, it is sometimes good, but not often enough that it is worth advocating imperialism.

Good analysis, consistent with your other answers on this issue.

H4. Describe how Japan to became a military powerhouse by the 20th century.

Japan was busy in the 1800s; busy changing itself from a puny nation, which locked itself away, to the beginnings of being a world power. In the 1800s, Japan was setting the stage for this revolution. There was a literal revolution, which ended in the Tokugawa shogun abdicating, and a new emperor establishing a new government. Japan also underwent an Industrial Revolution of their own. With their new, centralized government, stronger military, and now industrialized nation, Japan felt ready to take on the world. Or, at least Russia.

Terrific work. 100/100. Congratulations!--Andy Schlafly 13:02, 19 April 2009 (EDT)