World History Homework Seven Answers - Student Six

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1. Approximately when and where did the Renaissance occur? The Renaissance, meaning 'rebirth', began in the cultured Florence, Italy, but during 1300 to 1600 it spread out to encompass all of Europe.


2. Martin Luther: who was he, what did he do, and when did he do it? Martin Luther was originally a law student. He later became a monk, owing to a very fortunate event, which involved a thunderstorm and his promise to become a monk, if he survived the extremely close lightning strikes. Luckily, he did survive, and joined an Augustinian monastery. Martin Luther founded Protestantism in Europe, when, on Halloween of 1517, he nailed 95 issues, or 'Theses' to the door of the Wittenberg Church, which is located in present-day Germany. This infuriated the Pope Leo X, and Martin Luther was later excommunicated from the Catholic Church. Luther was then ordered to attend a trial by the German Emperor, but owing to fortunate (or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it) circumstances, he had already left before the verdict was rendered. After being named an outlaw, Luther took the guise of 'Junker Jorg', grew a beard and dressed as a knight. He translated the Bible from it's ancient Greek to German, making it possible for lower classes to read it for themselves and discover God's love. Luther was in poor health for several years before he died, in 1546.

Excellent and thorough. (Note: "it's" should be "its" in your usage above for the possessive.)

3. What was the Baroque style, and what was its motivation? The Baroque style was a sort of 'counter-reformation', by the Roman Catholic Church. Instead of depicting Saints and Christ, it showed normal people in biblical settings. It used emotion and shadows to create the masterfully inspiration pictures that we see today.


SUBSTITUE: H1. What are the particular strengths and advantages of the English language? The English Language is perhaps one of the most useful languages today, not only because it is spoken by many people, world-wide, but because it has the ability to conform to fit into words from other languages. It is, in fact, comparable as the 'mutt' of languages, as it is formed from many different cultures. It's twenty-six letters can be mixed and matched to create a variety of different words, with different meanings.


5. Chinese dynasties (any one or all), Vietnam, Korea and Cambodia: take your pick and write about one. The three kingdoms of Korea were united in 688 A.D. Korea was one of the first nation-states to emerge in the world, and it's culture has remained literally 'un-altered' by the changing world today. Today, South Korea is one of the most Christian nations in the world.


6. Why did the Renaissance occur in Europe, and not in other areas of the world, such as Asia? During the Renaissance, Europe was experiencing a kind of 'economic boom'. It was mostly Christian, it was a bit like the 50s, in American history, a time of peace, after a war.

Good, but note that the Renaissance was more profound than just an economic boom like in the 50s. Culture blossomed, and maybe the 20s in American history would be a better analogy. But the Renaissance was far greater and longer than that decade too.

7. Current events: Who would you describe as "Machiavellian" today, and why? Barack Obama, of course. He is staunchly oppositional to any ideas but his own, and tries to hide his doings by pointing fingers elsewhere. His many 'bills' and economic plans are directly opposed by the constitution, but he is a bit like a bulldozer, and instead of trying to create a better economy for his people, he runs over all in his path.

Excellent choice, but the description of "Machiavellian" could be a bit better, such as including "the end always justifies the means." Machiavellian is not as straightforward as a bulldozer.
Superb work! 70/70. Well done!