World History Homework Four Answers - Student 15

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1. My favorite Roman emperor is Constantine because he issued the Edict of Milan (AD 313), which ended the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. That is the main reason why he is my favorite but he also built Constantinople, where the Cathedral of the Hagia Sophia is located.

Superb answer.

2. The Roman Republic began when Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome in 753. Having been conquered by the Etruscans in 700 BC, landowners revolted and began to establish a republic without city-states in 509 BC; by 250 BC, Romans had taken back the previously Etruscan-ruled territory. Most of the power was held by the Senate, and at the head of the republic were two consuls who ran the army and managed religious functions. In 60 BC, Julius Caesar joined with Marcus Crassus and Pompey the Great to rule Rome as the first triumvirate. The Roman Empire began in 27 BC when Octavian rose to power with the Roman Senate and gained complete control of the empire, establishing a constitutional monarchy as the Senate’s role became only advisory. With many emperors following in the next 200 years, the last emperor was deposed in AD 476, marking the fall of the Roman Empire.

Terrific, comprehensive answer.

4. Pax Romana is Latin for 'Roman Peace'. From 27 BC to 180 AD, the Roman Empire enjoyed peace and prosperity, as well as good rulers, for the most part. Starting with reign of the first emperor, Augustus in 27 BC, the doors to the temple of Janus were closed for only the 3rd time in Rome's history. (The doors would only be closed in times of peace.) Starting in 96 AD, the Roman empire was ruled by the Five Good Emperors, who were chosen for talent rather than family connections. This ended when the last good Emperor Marcus Aurelius had his son Commodus succeed him. In truth, for most of Marcus Aurelius' reign he was involved in warfare on the frontiers of the Empire, so some would say the Pax Romana ended when war with Parthia broke out in 162 AD. The Pax Romana was not a constant time of peace, only that no major external wars existed. For instance all 3 Jewish revolts and the eventual diaspora of the Jews took place during the 'peace' of the Pax Romana.

One of the best answers in the entire class. Well done!

5. As a young warrior, Attila the Hun had been sent as a hostage to Rome, then, after he was released by the Romans, he vowed to return to Rome victorious as king. Relying on “gods”, Attila nearly did conquer the Roman Empire. For five years from A.D. 445 to 450 he devastated the eastern Roman empire, destroying anything in his path between the Rhine and the Caspian Sea. In 451 he amassed perhaps the largest army in the history of the world until that time, a total of a half-million men. This army was not just comprised of Huns, but other subject peoples like the Ostrogoths were included. In fact Attila’s name appears to be not his real Hunnish name, but a Gothic nickname meaning ‘Little Father’, given to him by Ostrogothic mercenaries. His horde began riding towards Rome. He quickly conquered Gaul (present-day France) and devastated any European city in his path. He was not stopped until an alliance of the Visigoths and Romans surprised the Huns and forced them to retreat by about a hundred miles. One of the most bloody battles in all of history, the Battle of Chalons, ensued. The Visigoths and Romans defeated the Huns there. But Attila was clever, and redirected his Huns towards Rome by invading Italy. He was headed towards the heart of the Roman empire: Rome itself. He destroyed everything in his path in the Roman countryside. Unable to stop Attila the Hun by force, a peaceful mission led by Pope Leo I traveled out to meet Attila in 452 and try to persuade him to spare Rome. Moral persuasion worked where violence had not, and Attila did not invade Rome. A year later, at only age 47, Attila died apparently from a mere nosebleed. It was an ironic cause of death for one of the most feared warriors in the history of the world. Upon his death his empire fell apart with his sons fighting amongst themselves and the people he subjugated rising in rebellion. The Huns disappeared from European history.

Excellent description of Attila the Hun and his achievements.

7. In short, Ceaser did so much for the whole world but his marals were so off and twisted it's hard to get past them. But if you do, he could be considered a hero because of all the great things he had done for the Roman Empire!

Right. Note the two misspellings, however.

H4. What I think was the biggest cause of the fall of the Roman Empire was the death of Alexander The Great. Even though the empire was at a bad time in the first place, they still could have rebuilt it empire. But when Alexander the Great died it just fell apart completely.

This is not quite right. Alexander the Great died in 323 B.C., hundreds of years before the Roman Empire began. But good effort at trying to draw connections between the Roman and Greek civilizations. (Minus 1).

Dylan B.

Grade: 59/60. Very good work!--Andy Schlafly 23:39, 8 October 2011 (EDT)