World History Homework Eight Answers - Student 7

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Jared F. Homework #8


2. The Scientific Revolution was a time period when great astronomical, mathematical and biological discoveries were proposed. It began when Nicolaus Copernicus claimed that the earth revolved around the sun, instead of vice versa. The significants of the Scientific Revolution varies from Galileo's improved telescope, to Copernicus's Sun Theory.

"vice versa" -> "vice verse"; also, "significants" -> significance". The substance of your answer is good but should include a time period. (-1)

3. 1643-1727 Abandoned by his mother at a young age, Isaac Newton tried immensely to achieve more. Isaac Newton new that God created "the world in which we live", and strived to understand it. Although when Isaac Newton released his concept of Gravity, it was considered a theory, and is still not exactly proven as a pure fact.

"Newton new" -> "Newton knew". Otherwise excellent.

4. Age of Exploration (1419-1650). Some leaders: John Cabot, Christopher Columbus, William Pitt.

Good except for William Pitt, who was not an explorer. He was a political leader of Britain in the mid-1700s. (-1)





9. Beginning in late 17th century Europe. The Enlightenment, perhaps referred to as a scientific advancement, which religious and social views were disclaimed, and casuistic thoughts were promoted. The term "Enlightenment" suggests that this movement was a generation of more knowledgable thinkers, knowing more then previous generations. An example: Voltaire's belief in freedom. His ideas eventually influenced the foundation of the French Revolution.

"knowledgable" -> "knowledgeable"; "more then" -> "more than". Otherwise superb.

10. 1371-1433 (Ming Dynasty) Admiral Zheng He, otherwise Cheng Ho made seven voyages along with his crew. His expedition made trade with East Africa possible.

The Ming Dynasty lasted from 1368 to 1644, so Admiral Zheng He's voyages were during that dynasty. Superb answer.
Total score: 48/50.