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This user has repented of his sin against God and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
Christflag.jpeg This user believes in the Lordship of Jesus Christ alone and that all other belief systems are forms of idolatry.
This user is proud to be an American citizen.
1st Navy Jack.JPG This user is a TEA Partier
This user believes in the right for every American citizen to keep and bear arms... as outlined by the Second Amendment.
Liberal fascist.jpg
This user knows that modern liberalism has its roots in Fascism
GoreFireBreathing.jpg This user believes Global Warming is caused only by Al Gore
This user studies the Bible, letting the Bible interpret the Bible.
YEC This user is a Young Earth Creationist.
Earthsat.jpeg This user believes in an old Earth

  — 6,000 years old.

Clinton head.jpg This user is disgusted by the tawdry lies brought upon the Presidency by this man
This user knows that this goofy president needs to go back to Toontown.
This user knows electing Obama was an Outrageously Big Awful Mistake, America!.
This user does not support Barack Obama.
Sarah Palin.jpg
This user will vote for Sarah Palin, rising Republican star, in 2012!
George w bush.jpeg
This user supports
President George W. Bush.
This user believes
Ronald Reagan
was the greatest president ever.