Talk:William M. Gray

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Al Gore's ideas

It's not Al Gore's theory. And he didn't win the Nobel Prize for coming up with it.

On the Al Gore page, we can explain why he won the Nobel Prize. Probably for for PowerPoint presentation and for "An Inconvenient Truth", both of which distort and obscure the evidence for a cause and effect link between global air temperature proxies and carbon dioxide levels found in ice cores.

Note: temperature drives carbon dioxide, but Gore has it backwards. Just like he got E pluribus unum backward (he said out of one, many - it's actually out of many, one). Remember, he flunked out of Vanderbilt - got average grades as an undergrad - and couldn't identify 2 Founding Fathers at Monticello.

Note also that he got a peace prize, not a physics prize. The peace prize in political. --Ed Poor Talk 11:06, 29 April 2008 (EDT)