Stephen Moore

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Stephen Moore is founder of the Club for Growth, an anti-tax organization. He is also a frequent writer for conservative magazine, National Review; as well as a fellow at the Cato Institute and Heritage Foundation; both conservative think tanks. After resigning from the Club for Growth in 2004, Moore helped start the Free Enterprise Fund, a lobbying group which promotes economic growth, lower taxes, and limited government. He also has worked as senior economist at the Joint Economic Committee and helped write the Armey flat tax proposal now before Congress.[1]

Moore founded the Club for Growth in 1999, to bring back Ronald Reagan's, “vision of limited government and lower taxes.[2]” After leading the organization for five years in its fight against moderate Republicans, Moore got into a controversy with the organization. He stated that he had, “lost control of a board fight and was forced to resign as president and C.E.O. - despite our fabulous electoral successes in 2004." [3] After leaving the organization, he, and some former members of the Club For Growth, launched the Free Enterprise Fund. He also co-authored of the book, It's Getting Better All the Time: 100 Greatest Trends of the Past 100 Years.


  3. New York Times, July 8, 2005, David D. Kirkpatrick, "Leadership Dispute Causes a Split in a Powerhouse of Fund-Raising for Conservative Causes"

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