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Financial Crisis of 2008

222 bytes added, 16:52, December 23, 2008
BTW, we should keep reference to the definition of a recession as it has been accepted
{{move|Recession of 2008}}
The '''Financial Crisis of 2008''' is an ongoing worldwide financial crisis that many observers believe is the worst the world has seen since 1933 with the [[Great Depression]]. The National Bureau of Economic Research, a private organization that follows its own standards as set by eminent economists such as [[Milton Friedman]], has declared that the peak of the last expansion took place in December 2007, and the overall economy has been in decline ever since.<ref>See "Text of the NBER's statement on the recession and FAQ's" [ ''USA Today'' Dec 1, 2008]. "The U.S. economy entered a recession in December 2007, a committee of economists at the private National Bureau of Economic Research said," at [{7DCF90E4-D61A-4014-83CE-45E938CD632C} Rex Nutting] - MarketWatch</ref> The It is believed the economic difficulties will probably be officially classified as meet the definition of a [[recession]] when the next quarterly data is released as and a second quarter of negative growth will be seen. The first two quarters of the year showed positive growth, with the second quarter registering at 2.8% increase in GDP, but the third quarter saw a drop of -0.5% and it is widely believed that there will have been another the fourth quarter of will show a larger negative growthdrop.
Negative economic news has spread outward from financial institutions to depress housing, construction, automobiles, retail sales, state and local government, and other sectors. In recent months governments across the world have spent huge sums of money to reverse the crisis, but thus far the results have been inconclusive and the declines continue. The U.S. government provided cash bailouts of several hundred billion dollars and long-term loan guarantees of over $7 trillion dollars (compared to a GDP of $15 trillion a year in the U.S.). Conservatives have been as dismayed and baffled by the crisis as everyone else.
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