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1 byte removed, 21:11, June 16, 2007
MediaWiki is a [[free software]] [[wiki]] engine, licensed under the [[GNU General Public License]], or GPL.. The software was originally created to power [[Wikipedia]], and, as it is [[free software]], is now used to power many other sites of varying size, including [[CreationWiki]], Conservapedia, the various projects of the [[Wikimedia Foundation]], and [[Jimmy Wales]]'s [[for-profit company]], [[Wikia]], as well as being applied in small wikis for a single group. A notably different use of the MediaWiki software is by the company [[Novell]], which uses it to power several of its high-traffic websites, which are only editable by a select group, not the general public. As Wikipedia is an extremely high-traffic website, MediaWiki is highly optimized for performance.
Siteadmin, bureaucrat, check user, nsAm_Govt_101RO, nsAm_Govt_101RW, nsAm_Govt_101_ta, nsJudgesRO, nsJudgesRW, nsJudges_talkRO, nsJudges_talkRW, nsTeam2RO, nsTeam2RW, nsTeam2_talkRO, nsTeam2_talkRW, oversight, Administrator