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172 bytes added, 21:31, February 28, 2007
The word '''dinosaur''' was coined in 1841 by creationist Richard Owen<ref></ref>, from the [[Latin]] for "terrible lizard". Dinosaurs were a group of large [[lizards]] that previously lived in abundance on Earth.
Darwinists believe that dinosaurs lived from 230 million until 65 million years ago and that they are all currently extinct (except for [[birds]], which they many scientists consider to be descended from early [[therapod]] dinosaurs). They claim the [[fossil]] evidence supports their beliefs.
Some [[Christians ]] reject the [[Theory of Evolution]] and the mainstream scientific consensus of the age of the earth. (Other Christians have no problem with Evolution; for example, [[Pope John Paul II ]] has proclaimed that the theory is 'more than just a hypothesis' and that evolution is compatible with Christian faith<ref>John Paul II, [ Address Oct. 1996, "Truth Cannot Contradict Truth"</ref>.) Of those Christians who reject evolution, the [[Creationism | Young Earth Creationists]] believe, based primarily on Biblical [[evidences]], but also drawing on [[archeological]] and fossil evidence, that dinosaurs were created on the 6th day of the [[Creation Week]]<ref>''Genesis'', 1:25</ref>, between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago; that they lived in the [[Garden of Eden]] in harmony with other animals, eating only plants<ref>''Genesis'' 1:29-30</ref>; that pairs of various dinosaur [[baramins ]] were taken onto [[Noah's Ark]] during the [[Great Flood]] and were preserved from drowning<ref>[ "Were dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark?"], ''Answers in Genesis''</ref>; that fossilized dinosaur bones originated during the mass killing of the Flood<ref>[ "Dinosaur bones—just how old are they really?"], ''Creation'' 21(1):54–55, December 1998</ref>; and that some descendants of those dinosaurs taken aboard the Ark still roam the earth today<ref>[ "Are dinosaurs alive today?"], ''Creation'' 15(4):12–15, September 1993</ref>.
Because the term only came into use in the 19th century, the [[Bible]] obviously does not use the word "dinosaur." However, they are mentioned in numerous places throughout the Good Book. For example, the '''behemoth''' in [[Job]]<ref>[ "Could Behemoth have been a dinosaur?"], ''TJ'' 15(2):42–45, August 2001</ref> and the '''leviathan''' in [[Isaiah]] are almost certainly references to dinosaurs.