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Sarah Irving-Stonebraker

28 bytes added, 01:53, June 18, 2019
/* Journey into Theology */
After her conversion Stonebraker begun looking more into theology. She read the Bible and explored the views of influential theologians such as Reinhold Niebuhr, Paul Ramsey, and F.D. Maurice. Christianity, she explains, “looked nothing like the caricature I once held.” It was not only compelling on both the intellectual and spiritual levels but also unique in the context of world religion. It was radical in how God, the all-powerful creator of the universe, became “fully human in Jesus, God behaved decidedly unlike a god.” God became a man in Christ in order to suffer “punishment in our place because of a radical love. This sacrificial love is utterly opposed to the individualism, consumerism, exploitation, and objectification, of our culture. To live as a Christian is a call to be part of this new, radical, creation. I am not passively awaiting a place in the clouds.” Stonebraker found that to live as a Christian is to be part of a new, radical creation saying that with God’s grace, she’s been elected to serve, in whatever way God sees fit, to build for His Kingdom, “We have a sure hope that God is transforming this broken, unjust world, into Christ’s Kingdom, the New Creation.”
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