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Essay:Adulteress Story

56 bytes added, 16:08, December 25, 2013
The movie The Passion of Christ -- which initially even omitted the [[Resurrection]] -- includes flashbacks to a scene based on this passage
Increasingly many Christian churches, including the Catholic Church, are reciting, teaching and popularizing the Pericope de Adultera (Latin for "the passage of the adulterous woman"), set forth at from John 7:53-8:11. In the story a mob surrounds a woman to stone her for adultery, and ask Jesus what they should do. Jesus is describing as writing in the ground, and eventually beseeches those who have not sinned to cast the first stone. The crowd then disperses, beginning with the eldest first. This apocryphal passage is a favorite of [[liberal]]s who oppose those who stand up for [[Christian]] values, as when the left-leaning [[Bill O'Reilly]] cited this passage to criticize the star of [[Duck Dynasty]] for standing up against [[homosexual]] conduct.<ref>;utm_source=americanthinker&amp;utm_medium=nmwidget&amp;utm_campaign=widgetphase1</ref>
The movie ''The Passion of Christ'' -- which initially even omitted the [[Resurrection]] -- includes flashbacks to a scene based on this passage; Bartleby's quotations include its famous line, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone";<ref></ref> and sermons are increasingly based on it. Arguments against the death penalty often cite this passage.<ref></ref>
The account is as follows (NIV version):<ref></ref>
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