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This article is about the zoological classification. For the ecclesiastical rank, please see Primates in the Church
Pileated gibbon (Hylobates pileatus)
Scientific classification
Kingdom Information
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Information
Phylum Chordata
Class Information
Class Mammalia
Infra-class Eutheria
Order Information
Superorder Euarchontoglires
Order Primates
Population statistics

Primates is an order of mammals which share ape-like characteristics. Several hundred species belong to the order.

They are often put into two large groups: the suborder Strepsirrhini, which include lemurs, tarsiers, and lorises; and the suborder Haplorrhini, which include the small tarsiers; the New World monkeys (spider and howler monkeys); Old World monkeys (languars and baboons); and the Apes, which, as formulated by most biologists and anthropologists, include the lesser apes (gibbons) and greater apes (gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans).

Scientists who believe in evolution also claim that it includes humans, placing us with the family that includes the great apes, a theory rejected by creationists.


  • Primates
Suborder Strepsirrhini: prosimians
Infraorder Lemuriformes
Family Cheirogaleidae: dwarf and mouse lemurs
Family Daubentoniidae: Aye-aye
Family Lemuridae: lemurs
Family Lepilemuridae: sportive lemurs
Family Indriidae: woolly lemurs
Infraorder Lorisiformes
Family Lorisidae: lorises and pottos
Family Galagidae: galagos
Suborder Haplorrhini
Infraorder Tarsiiformes
Family Tarsiidae: tarsiers
Infraorder Simiiformes
Parvorder Platyrrhini: New World monkeys
Family Callitrichidae: marmosets and tamarins
Family Cebidae: capuchin and squirrel monkeys
Family Aotidae: owl monkeys
Family Pitheciidae: titis, sakis and uakaris
Family Atelidae: prehensile-tailed monkeys (howler, spider and woolly monkeys)
Parvorder Catarrhini
Superfamily Cercopithecoidea
Family Cercopithecidae: Old World monkeys (baboons, macaques, etc.)
Superfamily Hominoidea
Family Hylobatidae: gibbons
Family Hominidae: great apes (gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans)