Last modified on May 30, 2019, at 12:36


Masoretes or 'Masorites', were scribes whose major concern was the accurate transmission of each word and letter of the Bible text. As a means of ensuring accuracy, the Masoretes utilized side margins on pages to record information that would indicate any possible intentional or unintentional change of text by past copyists. They operated between the 6th and 10th centuries AD.

The original Hebrew text of the Old Testament is consonantal, without vowels, allowing changes of inflection in public readings which can vary the meanings of Hebrew words affecting interpretation of the text by the public reader. Through diacritical marks added to the text and alterations made by the Masoretes, the Hebrew text of the Tanakh transmitted by the Masoretes incorporated Jewish authorized official restrictions of latitude in tonal inflection in the reading of the text which removed or excluded all intoned readings favoring Christian interpretations[1] and replaced particular individual words that supported Christian doctrine about Jesus as the true Messiah and salvation in him, words which they regarded as corruptions of the ancient text, for example in Isaiah 7:14 by changing the Hebrew word for "virgin" בְּתוּלָה bethulah to the Hebrew word for "young woman" עַלְמָה almah [2]. However, the earlier pre-Masoretic Hebrew text is attested by the extant ancient translations in manuscripts made before the establishment of the Masoretic Text, for example the Septuagint and the Vulgate.


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