Louis Auchincloss

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Louis Stanton Auchincloss (1917-2010)[1] was an upper-class American novelist, and to minor extent, a poet. His works include Portrait in Brownstone (1962), The Winthrop Covenant (1976), Life, Law, and Letters (1979), and Diary of a Yuppie (1987).[2]

Life and works

Auchincloss was born September 27, 1917, to a family that was wealthy by most standards, but not by Wall Street's, though he still attended Yale from 1935 to 1939.[3] He sent his first novel to publisher while a senior at Yale, and upon its rejection, gave up hopes of becoming a writer and decided to focus on his legal career, studying at Virginia Law School.[4] However, his law career did not keep him from writing, and he published his first novel, The Indifferent Children, under a pseudonym in 1947.[5]

He became well known for his multi-generational stories A Portrait in Brownstone, (The House of) Five Talents, East Side Story, and his finest novel, The Rector of Justin (1964), the tale of a school headmaster dealing with the sixties.[6] Books like The Rector of Justin and Diary of a Yuppie focused on a single character in great detail, while others, such as Tales of Manhattan (1967) and Skinny Island (1987) contain events linked by a common setting - regardless, nearly all of his novels concern the moral dilemmas of the upper class.[7] After a long career in law, he retired in 1987, and died on January 26, 2010.[8]

See also


  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/28/nyregion/28auchincloss.html
  2. The New York Public Library Student's Desk Reference. Prentice Hall, New York, 1993.
  3. "Louis Auchincloss Papers." University Libraries: Digital Collection. Special Collections, University of Maryland Libraries. http://digital.lib.umd.edu/archivesum/actions.DisplayEADDoc.do;jsessionid=309BD855E15D015F9E597FFF5C7AAF29?source=MdU.ead.litms.0073.xml&style=ead
  4. Couch, Cullen. "Louis Auchincloss ’41: White-Shoe Lawyer, White-Glove Writer." University of Virginia School of Law. http://www.law.virginia.edu/html/alumni/uvalawyer/f05/auchincloss.htm
  5. "Auchincloss, Louis." Encyclopedia: Literature and Arts, American Literature. http://www.encyclopedia.com/people/literature-and-arts/american-literature-biographies/louis-auchincloss
  6. "Louis Auchincloss. Goodreads. http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/45314.Louis_Auchincloss
  7. "Auchincloss, Louis." Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
  8. "Louis Auchincloss - Biography." Poem Hunter. https://www.poemhunter.com/louis-auchincloss/biography/