Klement Gottwald

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Klement Gottwald (November 23, 1896 – March 14, 1953) was from 1948 to 1953 the stalinist dictator of Czechoslovakia and one of the founders of the Czechoslovak Communist Party.[1] In his tenure 178 political oppostionals and religious people were killed. More people died in labor camps. Gottwald was an alcoholic and suffered on Syphilis.[2] In an opinion poll by Česká televise from 2005 he was elected as the most unpopular Czech.


  1. http://frontpagemag.com/2010/jamie-glazov/prisoners-of-yuri-andropov/
  2. http://www.hrad.cz/en/president-of-the-cr/former-presidents/klement-gottwald.shtml