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Haumea is a dwarf planet found in the Kuiper belt, a region of the Solar System lying beyond the orbit of Neptune. It was discovered in mid-2005 and revived attention for its odd shape, looking like a "plump cigar".[1] Huamea's diameter is approximately the same as that of the dwarf planet Pluto, but is much thinner. Haumea rotates approximately every four hours, giving it the fastest rotation period for a large object in the solar system.[2]

Haumea is named after the Hawaiian god of the same name. Haumea's two moons, Hiʻiaka and Namaka, were named after the Hawaiian god's daughters.[3]

Problems with Naturalistic Worldview

Haumea's surface has strong absorption lines for crystalline water ice, which should have broken down into amorphous ice long ago if the universe was really billions of years old.


  1. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/09/080918234427.htm
  2. http://365daysofastronomy.org/2009/03/31/march-31st/
  3. http://www.iau.org/public_press/news/detail/iau0807/