Forbes Burnham

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Forbes Burnham was the Leftist dictator of Guyana from 1964 to 1985 and head of his People’s Progressive Party. He ruled as prime minister from 1964 to 1980 and as president until his death in August 1985. Since the 1970s, Burnham improved relationships with Cuba, the USSR and other Communist dictatorships. He nationalized mines and companies, whereby the private sector's share in the economy was reduced to 10 percent. The economy immediately fell to 10 percent afterward. Most inhabitants of Guyana disagreed with these policies. He left the PPP in 1970 to found another socialist party, the "People's National Congress". In 1980, he was elected as president in an fraudulent election.[1] Burnham allowed sect leader and mass murder Jim Jones to hide in Guyana. [2]

