Essay:Communist China wants a nuclear arms race

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This essay is an original work by RobSmith. Please comment only on the talk page.

In 1972, Detente was based upon an understanding between the U.S. and USSR to never allow China to compete with the U.S. and USSR in the field of nuclear weapons. That come what may, the U.S. and USSR would maintain a virtual monopoly on nuclear weapons with 94% of the world's stockpiles. That if conventional war with China ever came and the USSR and U.S. teamed up, China would still outnumber a Soviet/NATO alliance in manpower 2-1. So an understanding was reached, that both would maintain superiority over the planet in nuclear weapons as a deterrent against Chinese conventional forces.

The dirty little secret of this understanding all these decades is, neither the U.S. nor Russia hold nuclear weapons as a defense against each other, but as a deterrent against Chinese manpower and conventional weapons. This is also a commitment to constant upgrades, as technology improves.

In the United States, this has always had to be sold as nuclear competition with Russia to get Congressional funding (and public support), cause China has never been a nuclear threat. But it really is a longstanding understanding between the U.S, and Russia.

Russia is committed to this cooperation - they asked for it. However, it has always been much more difficult and a drag on the Russian economy to maintain the constant technological upgrades. China, by contrast, which has known of this U.S./Russian cooperation and conspiracy against them for decades, now believes it has the economic might that Russia is lacking, and can break out of that low threshold in stockpiles they've been held to by the U.S. and Russia.[1] China wants to restart a nuclear arms race, which of course would finally bankrupt Russian military power, and place the entire burden on the U.S. - if the doctrine of using nukes as a deterrent against Chinese conventional forces were to remain in place. And the covid bio attack is another factor in the equation.

The simple evidence of this longstanding cooperation, and secondarily that Trump-Russia was a bunch of balderdash, is the International Space Station. When the Space Shuttle was retired, the U.S. got out of the rocket building business for about a decade. Instead, the U.S. Treasury and U.S. taxpayer subsidized the Russian ballistic missile program directly by paying them to launch rockets into space. These billions were appropriated and paid every year throughout the Trump-Russia hoax, meaning Congress itself was in on the scam, trying to convince Americans that Russia was an enemy while subsidizing the Russian military-industrial complex at the same time.

IOWs, since Nixon, Kissinger, and Brezhnev, 94% of all nuclear weapons in the world are held for one purpose and one purpose only - a deterrent against Chinese conventional military manpower. There, I said it outloud. RobSFree Kyle! 16:42, 30 January 2021 (EST)

Scientific advances, such as the ability to choose the sex of a child and abort a female fetus, have only compounded this problem, with China now having an excess population of 30 million males of military age with no prospect whatsoever of ever having a female Chinese wife.


  1. This perhaps needs some explanation. That low threshold has been imposed on China involuntarily. If China ever sought to ramp up production and challenge the 94% monopoly held by the U.S. and Russia, the U.S. and Russia have colluded and cooperated together to maintain their dominance. In 2021, China is now in a much better position to break out of that imposed low threshold with the latest technology, whereas Russia and to some extent, the United States have difficulty maintaining antiquated stockpiles with outdated technology.