Cambrian explosion

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The Cambrian explosion is how every current complex phylum appeared suddenly in the fossil record, contrary to what was expected by the slowly evolving lifeforms predicted by the Theory of Evolution. Lacking a coherent explanation, Darwinists and Old-Earth creationists describe this period, which they claim was 540 million years ago, as the "Big-Bang of life." In fact, the Cambrian explosion casts serious doubt on the idea that significant new forms of life came into being via slow, gradual Darwinian processes. It is the time during which all life (except sponge embryos) appeared in the fossil record. Below the Cambrian layer, there is no fossilized evidence of life, except for a small number of sponge embryos just bellow the Cambrian layer, presumably due to contamination. Above the Cambrian layer, no new species ever appears. The only evolution which has taken place since is that of separate breeds within certain species branching out over time.

The Cambrian explosion was "discovered" in the Burgess Shale of British Columbia, Canada in 1909 by Charles D. Walcott, the then secretary of the Smithsonian Institute.[1] In a moment some would say is telling of how damaging the Cambrian explosion was to Walcott's Darwinian world-view, the lone publication of his remarkable discovery was in the sparsely-read Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. The findings were then conveniently ignored for several decades.[2]

  • During this explosion of fauna, representatives of about twenty of the roughly twenty-six total phyla present in the known fossil record made their first appearance on earth. Darwin's Doubt, page 31 - Stephen C. Meyer

In the documentary "The Case for a Creator," Intelligent Design proponent and respected biologist Jonathan Wells had this to say about the Cambrian explosion:

How did it happen? We don’t have the foggiest idea how it happened. Assuming a jellyfish was the common ancestor — I don’t believe that — but how do you turn a jellyfish into a trilobite? How do you turn a jellyfish into a fish with a backbone? How do you do it? I don’t just mean taking a scalpel and rearranging the parts like you’re doing a collage in third-grade art class. We’re talking about a living animal here, that reproduces itself and makes more things like itself. How do you do it? We don’t have the foggiest idea.

To try to explain this away by saying Darwin’s theory accounts for it is a science-stopper. It’s the biggest science-stopper of modern history. It stops your inquiry right there. You have no more questions. Oh, all these animals just appeared. That’s not science.[3]
