
World History Study Guide to 1648

144 bytes added, 20:05, January 4, 2013
|way of life in Europe (particularly Western and Central Europe ) in the early Middle Ages, consisting of a "lord" who owned land (given by the king) on which "peasants" or "serfs" farmed in exchange for food and protection.
|[[First Punic War]]
|[[Martin Luther]]
|an important Christian figure who launched the Protestant Reformation in AD 1517 and founded the Lutheran Church based on a theory of salvation by faith alone, causing a split in the Catholic Church in Central Europe, then in Western and Northern Europe.
|[[Mauryan Empire]]
|[[Roman empire]]
|(27 BC-476 AD) Began when August Caesar changed Roman Republic and became its emperor, and ended 500 years later when barbarians overran it; the Roman empire civilized western laid foundations to cities in Southern, Western and Central Europe, built roads, established laws, and eventually spread Christianity.
|[[Roman law]]