

29 bytes added, 00:01, July 28, 2009
establishing it is myth
In [[ancient Greek]] legend, '''Orestes''' was the son of [[Agamemnon]], commander of all the Greek forces at [[Troy]], and the grandson of [[Atreus]]<ref></ref>. After his father was murdered by his mother, Orestes, who was very young, went into exile. Orestes was determined to avenge his father and when he had grown up, he returned to kill his mother [[Clytemnestra]] and her new husband [[Aegisthus]], Orestes' uncle. Despite divine laws against killing family, Orestes killed them both and freed his sister [[Electra]] whom they had imprisoned. As punishment for the murders, Orestes was pursued by the [[Erinyes]] until [[Athena]] forgave him.
[[Category:Trojan War]]
[[Category:Greek Mythology]]
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