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New Deal

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drop this socialism rehetoric this is a serious encyclopedia
The '''New Deal''' was the name coined by President [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]], a [[Democratic Party|Democrat]], for otherwise disjointed [[Socialism|socialist]] programs he conducted throughout the [[Great Depression]], especially from 1933-36. His program had three stated aspects: Relief, Recovery and Reform, although the extent to which it achieved these is at best debatable. It sought to provide immediate Relief for the millions of unemployed in the [[Great Depression]]. It was intended to promote Recovery of the economy to normal standards--a goal he did not fully achieve. It involved a series of Reforms, especially in the financial system and labor relations. The basic issue was how to deal with the severely damaged economy --and great social misery--caused by three years of the [[Great Depression]]. Conservatives endorsed parts of the '''First New Deal''' (the 1933 programs) and rejected the more radical '''Second New Deal''' (the 1934-35 programs).