
Narcissistic personality disorder

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As a result, they may react with a variety of emotions and actions. Rage is only one of them, but it’s often one of the most visible.<ref>[ ''What Is Narcissistic Rage, and What’s the Best Way to Deal with It?''],</ref>}}
== Narcissistic routines Obsessive narcissists ==
Professor Sam Vaknin's article/video ''Hailey Shafir, LCMHCS, LPCS, LCAS, CCS indicates: "Narcissistic Routines'' states:{{Cquote|The behaviour of the narcissist is regulated by a series of routines developed by rote learning personality disorder (NPD) and by repetitive patterns of experience. The narcissist finds change extremely distasteful and unsettling. He is a creature of [[habitobsessive-compulsive disorder]]. The function (OCD) share similar symptoms and risk factors, including high levels of these routines is to reduce his [[anxiety]] by transforming perfectionism, a hostile need for control, and arbitrary world into a hospitable rigid thought and manageable onebehavior patterns.While it’s not uncommon for the conditions to be co-occurring, having both NPD and OCD leads to severe symptoms that require more intensive treatments, such as psychotherapy and psychiatric medication."<ref>[ OCD & Narcissism: Links, Causes, & Treatment], Hailey Shafir, LCMHCS, LPCS, LCAS, CCS</ref>
Many PsychCentral indicates about obsessive narcissists are obsessive-compulsive as well:{{Cquote|This personality is a combination of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They conduct daily "rituals", they are overly punctilious, they do things in a certain Some of the traits include: ritualistic order, and adhere to numerous "laws"myopic or hyperfocus, "principles"unreasonable persistence, and "rules". They have rigid and oftsingle-repeated opinionsminded determination, uncompromising rules of conductwont listen to advice, unalterable views and judgments. These compulsions and obsessions are ossified routines. Narcissists often strike their interlocutors as "machine-like"cant see things from others perspective, "artificial"quietly boisterous, "fake"doesnt listen to no, "forced", "insincere"uses extremes or exaggerations in arguments, gives excessive details or "spurious". This is because even the narcissist's ostensibly spontaneous behaviours are either planned or automatic... Other routines involve paranoidexplanations, repetitivekeeps mementos of successes, thoughtsand tramples those in their way... It An accurate assessment of this personality is when these routines break down and are violated - when they become no longer defensible, or when the narcissist can no longer exercise them - that a narcissistic injury occurs. The narcissist expects the outside world essential to conform to his inner universe. When a conflict between these two realms erupts, thus unsettling the ill-poised mental balance so painstakingly achieved by the narcissist (mainly by exercising his routines) - the narcissist unravels. The narcissist's very defence mechanisms are routines, and so he is left defenceless in a hostile, cold world - the true reflection of his inner landscapeprocess.<ref>[ Narcissist's Routines], Professor Sam Vaknin<pro/ref><ref>[https:exhausted-woman/2017/www.healthyplace.com07/personalitythe-disorders/malignantobsessive-selfnarcissist-love/narcissisticstopping-routinesthe-suffocation#1 The Obsessive Narcissist:~:text=Many%20narcissists%20are%20obsessive%2Dcompulsive,conduct%2C%20unalterable%20views%20and%20judgments. Narcissistic RoutinesStopping the Suffocation]</ref>}}
== Vindictive narcissism ==